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  • To provide support system to the University Administration for continuous growth and development of its Human resources by way of identifying the strengths and weakness of existing system and providing an objective mechanism for its monitoring.
  • To revisit the existing system and explore its fine tuning (without structural changes).
  • To identify the training needs of various categories of employees and organize short term and medium term training and development programmes.
  • To assist in human resource planning and its optimal utilization under the emerging automation scenario.
  • To explore innovations in Human Resource Development in the University system.
  • To study best human resource practices and develop cases.
  • To evolve measures to address the need of encouragement, motivation, appreciation etc.

  • Conducting study on various issues related to HR policies and practices in the University
  • Organizing training programmes for different categories of the employees of the University.

The Cell is presently conducting two-day Communication and Soft Skill Training Programme for B & C Category employees of the University. The Cell is also planning to conduct training / orientation / refresher programmes for different category employees of the University within the fund allocated by the University to this effect.

The programmes are being conducted at Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University. Dr. Ashutosh Mohan, Asst. Professor is coordinating the ongoing training programms of the Cell at Faculty of Management Studies.

Two-day Personal Skill Enhancement Programme for Category D employees of the Univesity was organized on 20-21, January 2012.

View Pictures of II Communication and Soft Skill Training programe conducted during 10-11, December 2011 at Faculty of Management Studies, BHU.   |    A Report & Media reflections of the II CSS Training Programme

View pictures of the first programme.   |   A report of the First Programme

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Short Term Course (one-week) on
Excellence in Higher Education
is being organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, BHU in association with HRD Cell and Faculty of Management Studies from 23-29 February 2012.

The programme is for Professors and Associate Professors from different departments of the University and will be held at FMS, BHU.

Duly forwarded nomination should reach the Director, UGC Academic Staff College on or before
30th January 2012

Prof. H.P. Mathur, FMS, BHU
Dr. Ashutosh Mohan, FMS, BHU

Two-day Communication and Soft Skill Training Programme for Assistant Registrars of the Univesity will be held on 2nd and 3rd March 2012.

Duly forwarded nominations should reach the Office of the chairman, HRD Cell (FMS, BHU) on or before 25th February 2012.

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