Prof. Devendra Kumar Singh (M.A. PhD.)
Department of French Studies
Faculty of Arts
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi � 221005
Land line: 0542-2369092
E-mail id-
1. Area of Interest: French Language ,Literature, Civilization & Translation.
2 . Invited Lectures/Resource Person/Chairmanship at National or International Conference/Seminar/Workshop or Symposia : 05
3. National or International Conference/Seminar/Workshop/ Symposia Organized: 08
4. Participation & Paper Presentation in National Conference/Seminar : 12
5. Participation & Paper Presentation in International Conference/Seminar/Webinar: 10
6. Training courses /Workshop of one week duration or more : 06
7 . Research Experience : Experience of guiding Research: No. of Ph.D. produced:
as supervisor: 20
as co � supervisor: 02
8. Experience in Educational Administration:
Member, Executive Council, Gujrat Central University, Gandhinagar.
Appointed Head, Department of French Studies from 01-08-2018 to 31-07-2021.
Appointed Head, Department of French Studies from 01-05-2012 to 30-04-2015.
Appointed as The Visitor�s Nominee on the Selection Committee for Teaching Posts in the School of Knowledge Management Information and Media Studies of the Central University of Jammu.
Member, Standing Committee, National Mission for Education through ICT. Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
Member, Executive Council; Member, Court and Member, Finance Committee, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
Member, standing committee on production of E-Content courseware for the Postgraduate subjects by University Grant Commission, New Delhi.
Appointed Visitor�s Nominee for a period of Three Years w.e.f. 23 rd Apr�2010 on the selection committee for the post of Librarian in Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra.
Acted as Advisor Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
Appointed as The Governor�s Nominee on the selection committee for Teaching Posts in the Faculty of Arts of Burdwan University,West Bengal .
Acted as Member Selection committee for Madras University, Chennai ; Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry; The English and Foreign Languages University , Hyderabad ; Calcutta University, Kolkata; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; Allahabad Central University, Allahabad; Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra; Assam Central University, Silchar; University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
Appointed Professor in-Charge, Central Library, BHU, Varanasi from 20-12-2008 to 25-02-2011.
Appointed Warden, Faculty Guest House, BHU.
Appointed Head, Department of French Studies from 01-08-2004 to 03-08-2007.
9. Details of Professional Recognitions: Awards/Fellowships/Honours/Received : 02
10. Visit's abroad: Visited France for one academic year on French Government Fellowship in 1985 � 1986.
11. Number of Major publications in UGC sponsored International Refereed Journals: 25
12. Number of books published : 03
13. Research Papers Published in Conference Proceedings: 01
14. Membership of Professional Bodies: 02
15. Distinctions/Prizes/Awards/Medals/Honours/etc. :
Recipient of BHU Gold Medal for standing first in order of merit in M.A. (French), 1981.