Dr. Gitanjali Singh (M.A. PhD.)
Assistant Professor
Department of French Studies
Faculty of Arts
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi � 221005
Land line: 0542-2369092
Mobile:+91- 9473875729
E-mail id: gitanjalis2@gmail.com
; gitanjalifr@bhu.ac.in; gitu02@rediffmail.com
1. Area of Interest: French Literature, Linguistics, Translation (emphasis on cultural reception of folktales and fairy tales) , Francophone Literature, Women writers in French & Francophone Literature & Travel writings in French Literature (19 th and 20 th century).
2. Invited Lectures/Resource Person/Chairmanship at National or International Conference/Seminar/Workshop or Symposia : 15.
3. National or International Conference/Seminar/Workshop/ Symposia Organized : 05
4. Participation & Paper Presentation in National Conference/Seminar : 26
5. Participation & Paper Presentation in International Conference/Seminar/Webinar: 46
6. Training courses /Workshop of one week duration or more : 17
7. Research Experience: Experience of guiding Research: No. of Ph.D. produced:
as supervisor: Three (03)
as co - supervisor: Seven (07)
8. Experience in Educational Administration:
Appointed Warden Godawari Girls Hostel, Triveni Complex, Banaras Hindu University from August 2020 to August 2023.
Appointed Adjunct Faculty, (Three Terms) Bhojpuri Adhyan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Nominated Member Academic Advisory Council, National Resource Centre for French Language and Literature, U.G.C � Human Resource Development Centre, Pondicherry University in May 2018.
Appointed as CBT Observer by National Testing Agency, New Delhi.
Appointed Guest Faculty to teach in the P.G. Diploma in Translation skills for Competencies at Faculty of Arts, B.H.U.
9. Details of Professional Recognitions: Awards/Fellowships/Honours/Received:
U.G.C. Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holder (2010-12).
Awarded Junior Research Fellowship -2012 (JRF), UGC, New Delhi.
10. Visit's abroad:
Visited France for (02) two weeks to attend an International workshop from 19/10/2015 to 30/10/2015 at International Centre for Pedagogical Studies, S�vr�s, Paris-
Visited La R�union (France) for (02) two weeks to attend an International Seminar and presented a paper from 12/11/2017 to 21/11/2017.
Visited La R�union (France) for (01) One week to attend an International Seminar and presented a paper from 25/11/2018 to 01/12/2018.
Visited La R�union (France) for (01) One week to attend an International Seminar and presented a paper also chaired a session from 23/11/2019 to 01/12/2019.
11 . Number of Major publications in UGC sponsored International Refereed Journals: 32
12. Number of books published : 04
13. Chapters in book : 03
14. Research Papers Published in Conference Proceedings: 04
15. Membership of Professional Bodies: 05
16. Distinctions/Prizes/Awards/Medals/Honours/etc. :
Awarded B.H.U. medal for standing First in B.A. (Hons) Examinaation in year 2010.
Awarded Diamond Jublee Gold Medal of M.M.V. for securing Highest Marks in B.A. (Hons.) Examination in year 2010.
Awarded the R.N.Ayenger Medal for standing first among the B.A./B. Com (Hons.)
Examination in year 2010.
Awarded the Manorama Medal for standing First amongst the female candidates of
the B.A./BSc. (Hons.) Examination 2010.
17. Other extra curricular activities:
Nominated as Joint Secretary in Student's Council, BHU, Varanasi during the
Session - 2009 - 2010.
Member, Editorial Board, International Research Reviews, An International
Research Refereed Journal, ISSN: 2319-3204
Member, Editorial Board, The Public: Problems Solutions, An International
Research Refereed Journal, ISSN: 2320-4540.
Editor- in- Chief, Caraiv�ti, An International Research Peer Reviewed, Refereed
Journal, ISSN: 2456-9690.