[ See section 17 (2) ]
(a) "Act" means the Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915
(b) all words and expressions used herein and defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.
2. Emoluments, terms and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor
(1) There shall be paid to the Vice-Chancellor a salary and other allowances as approved by the Govt. of India/U.G.C. and he shall be entitled, without payment of rent, to the use of furnished residence throughout his terms of office and no charge shall fall on the Vice-Chancellor personally in respect of the maintenance of such residence.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall not be entitled to the benefits of the University Provident Fund or to any other allowance :
Provided that where an employee of the University is appointed as Vice-Chancellor, he shall be allowed to continue to contribute to the Provident Fund and the contribution of the University shall be limited to what he had been contributing immediately before his appointment as Vice-Chancellor.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to travelling allowances at such rates as may be fixed by the Executive Council.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to leave on full pay for one-eleventh of the period spent by him on active service.
Provided that where, and to the extent that, the leave applied for by the Vice-Chancellor in sufficient time before the date of expiry of his term and is refused in the interest of the University with prior approval of the Visitor, he shall be entitled to the amount of leave so refused after he relinquishes the charge of his office subject to a maximum of 120 days.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall also be entitled, on medical grounds or otherwise than on medical grounds, to leave without pay for a period not exceeding three months during the term of his office:
Provided that such leave may be converted into leave on full pay to the extent to which he will be entitled to leave under clause (4).
(6) The Vice-Chancellor shall retire on attaining the age of 65 years.
(1) The Rector shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor :
Provided that where the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor is not accepted by the Executive Council, he may recommend any other person to the Executive Council and if it does not accept that recommendation also, the Vice-Chancellor shall forward the names of both the persons aforesaid to the Visitor and the Visitor may appoint either of them or direct the Vice-Chancellor to recommend any other person to the Executive Council..
(2) The Rector shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the University.
(3) The Rector shall hold office for only so long as the Vice-Chancellor on whose recommendation he was appointed, holds office and he shall be eligible for reappointment :
Provided that notwithstanding the expiry of the term of his office, the Rector shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office.
(4) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Rector shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(5) The Rector shall assist the Vice-Chancellor in all matters and shall also exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Vice-Chancellor.
(6) Where the Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman of any board or committee appointed under Statute 26 and he is absent for any reason whatsoever from any meeting of such board or committee, the Rector shall preside over such meeting.
(7) The Rector shall be entitled to be present at and to address any meeting of any authority or board or committee of the University but shall not be entitled to vote there at unless he is a member of such authority or board or committee.
3.A. Director
(1) There shall be a Director each for the Institute of Technology, the Institute of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences who shall be officers of the University.
(2) A Director shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Professors in the Institute.
(3) The powers, duties and conditions of service of a Director shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(1) The Registrar shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and shall be a whole-time salaried officer.
(2) When the office of the Registrar is vacant or when the Registrar is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of the office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(3) The Registrar shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Selection Committees and the Faculties, but shall not be deemed to be a member of any of these authorities.
(4) The Registrar shall :-
(a) be the custodian of the records, the common seal and such other properties of the University as the Executive Council shall commit to his charge;
(b) issue under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor all notices convening meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Selection Committees, the Faculties, the Boards of Studies, and of the committees appointed by the authorities of the University ;
(c) maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Selection Committees, the Faculties, and of the committees appointed by the authorities of the University ;
(d) conduct the official correspondence of the Court, the Executive Council and the Academic Council;
(e) [X X X]
(f) supply to the Visitor, copies of the agenda of meetings of the authorities of the University as soon as they are issued and the minutes of the meetings of the authorities ordinarily within a month of the holding of the meetings ;
(g) in and emergency, when neither the Vice-Chancellor nor the Rector is able to act, call a meeting of the Executive Council forthwith and take its directions for carrying on the work of the University ;
(h) represent the University in suits or proceedings by or against the University, assign powers of attorney and verify pleadings or depute his representative for the purpose ;
(i) perform such other duties as may be prescribed by these Statutes, the Ordinances and Regulations or as may be required, from time to time, by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor,
(5) (a) The Registrar shall have power to take disciplinary action against the employees belonging to the ministerial, subordinate-executive and class IV services and to suspend them pending enquiry, administer warnings to them or impose on them the penalty of censure or the withholding of increment ;
Provided that no such penalty shall be imposed until the employee has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.
(b) An appeal shall lie to the Vice-Chancellor against any order of the Registrar imposing the penalty of the withholding of increment.
(c) In a case where the enquiry discloses that a punishment beyond the powers of the Registrar is called for, the Registrar shall, upon conclusion of the enquiry, make a report to the Vice-Chancellor along with his recommendations, and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor thereon shall be final ;
Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Executive Council against the order of the Vice-Chancellor imposing the penalty of dismissal.
(1) The Finance Officer shall be appointed on deputation from the Indian Audit and Accounts Service by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and shall be a whole-time salaried Officer. the Finance Officer shall work under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor and shall be accountable to the Executive Council through the Vice-Chancellor.
(2) When the office of the Finance Officer is vacant or when the Finance Officer is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(3) The Finance Officer shall :-
(a) exercise general supervision over the funds of the University and shall advise it as regards its financial policy ; and
(b) perform such other financial functions as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or as may be prescribed by these Statutes or the Ordinances :
Provided that the Finance Officer shall not incur any expenditure or make any investment exceeding Rs.10,000/- without the previous approval of the Executive Council.
(4) Subject to the control of the Executive Council, the Finance Officer shall :-
(a) hold and manage the property and investments including trust and endowed property for furthering any of the objects of the University ;
(b) see that the limits fixed by the Finance Committee for recurring and non-recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on the purposes for which they are granted or allotted ;
(c) be responsible for the preparation of annual accounts and the budget of the University for the next financial year and for their presentation to the Executive Council ;
(d) keep a constant watch on the state of the cash and bank balances and on the state of investments ;
(e) watch the progress of collection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed ;
(f) have the accounts of the University regularly audited by an internal audit party ;
(g) see that the registers of buildings, land and equipment are maintained up-to-date and that the stock-checking is conducted of equipment and other consumable materials in all offices and colleges, and in the Public Works Department and Workshop stores ;
(h) call for explanation for unauthorised expenditure and for other financial irregularities and suggest disciplinary action against the persons at fault ;
(i) call for from any office or institution under the University and information or returns that he may consider necessary to discharge his financial responsibilities.
(5) The receipt of the Finance Officer or of the person or persons duly authorised in this behalf by the Executive Council for any money payable to the University shall be sufficient discharge for the same.
5A. Controller of Examinations
(1) The Controller of Examinations who is hereby declared under Section 6(j) of the Act to be an Officer of the University, shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and shall be a whole-time salaried Officer.
(2) When the Office of the Controller of Examinations is vacant or when the Controller of Examinations is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(3) The Controller of Examinations shall -
(a) issue under the direction of Vice-Chancellor all notices convening meetings of the Board of Examiners, the Board of Moderators and of the Committees appointed in connection with Examinations by the authorities of the University and maintain the minutes of all such meetings.
(b) control the conduct of Examinations and all other arrangements necessary therefor and the execution of all processes connected therewith.
(c) notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, perform such other duties, administrative or academic, as may be required, from time to time, by the Vice-Chancellor.
(d) be the custodian of the records pertaining to his duties and responsibilities under this Statute.
(e) call from any office or institution under the University any information or returns that he may consider necessary for the performance of his duties and to discharge his responsibilities.
(f) call for explanation from any subordinate employee who may be at fault, in respect of any matter pertaining to his responsibilities and suggest disciplinary action against the persons at fault.
(1) The Librarian shall be a whole-time salaried officer appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and shall possess such qualifications as may be prescribed by the Executive Council.
(2) When the office of Librarian is vacant or when the Librarian is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Executive Council may appoint for the purpose.
(3) The duties and powers of the Librarian shall be regulated by the Ordinances.
(1) The Medical Superintendent be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose by the Executive Council and shall be a whole time salaried officer.
Provided further that the incumbent shall be appointed on tenure basis, the tenure being determined by the Selection Committee.
(2) When the office of the Medical Superintendent is vacant or when the Medical Superintendent is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such persons as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Statutes, the Medical Superintendent, in relation to the hospital, shall exercise the financial and administrative pattern as are exercised by the other Statutory Officers and such other powers which an Ordinance may define taking into account the special needs of the hospital subject to the overall supervision of the Director, Institute of Medical Sciences.
(4) Notwithstanding any thing to the contrary contained in Statute 4(5)(a), the Medical Superintendent shall have the power to take disciplinary action against the employees belonging to the ministerial, subordinate-executive, technical workshop staff, paramedical staff and class IV services as also staff borne on the establishment of the Institute and physically working in the Hospital and to suspend them pending enquiry, administer warnings to them or impose on them the penalty of censure or withholding of increment.
Provided that no such penalty shall be imposed until the employee has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.
(a) An appeal shall lie initially to the Director, I.M.S., against any order of the Medical Superintendent imposing the penalty of the withholding of increment.
(b) In a case where the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Director, I.M.S., an appeal shall lie with the Vice-Chancellor whose decision will be final.
(c) In case the Inquiry discloses that punishment beyond the power of the Medical Superintendent is called for, the Medical Superintendent shall, upon conclusion of the enquiry, make a report to the Director, I.M.S., alongwith his recommendations. The Director, I.M.S., if satisfied with the recommendation, shall forward the same to the Vice-Chancellor for a final decision.
Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Executive Council against the order of the Vice-Chancellor imposing the penalty of dismissal.
(5) The Medical Superintendent shall not incur any expenditure from the Budget under his control exceeding Rs.10,000/- on any single item without the previous approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
(6) Subject to the control of the Executive Council, the Medical Superintendent shall :-
(a) hold and manage all immovable properties (other than movable property).
(b) see that the ceilings in the Budget for recurring and non-recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on the purposes for which they are granted or allotted.
(c) be responsible for the preparation of annual accounts and the Budget of the Hospital including the pro-rata electrical, water and maintenance of building, etc. for the next financial year and send the same to the Finance Officer.
(d) provide the details of duties of Doctors entrusted with patient care, as per Hospital manual published by the D.G.H.S., Govt. of India.
(e) have supervision and administrative control of interns and Residents including their training as also posting, disbursement of salary, leave etc.
(1) The Dean of Students shall be appointed from amongst employees of the University who are teachers of the University, preferably of the rank of Professor but not below the rank of Reader by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor. The Dean shall be a part-time employee of the University and the tenure shall be co-terminus with the Vice-Chancellor and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Vice-Chancellor. He shall be eligible for reappointment.
(2) The person who is appointed as the Dean of Students shall continue to hold his lien on his substantive post and shall continue to subscribe to the University Provident Fund.
(3) When the office of the Dean of Students is vacant or when the Dean of Students is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(4) The duties and powers of the Dean of Students shall be regulated by the Ordinances.
(1) The Chief Proctor shall be appointed from amongst the employees of the University preferably of the rank of Professor, but not below the rank of Reader by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor. The Chief Proctor exercises such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor.
(2) The Chief Proctor shall be a part-time employee of the University and the tenure shall be co-terminus with the Vice-Chancellor and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Vice-Chancellor and shall be eligible for reappointment for a second term.
(3) When the office of Chief Proctor is vacant or when the Chief Proctor is, by reason of illness or absence for any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(1) There shall be a Dean for each Faculty; a Professor within the Faculty shall, by rotation according to seniority, act as the Dean of the Faculty for a period of three years,
Provided that :
(i) if there is no Professor, a Reader, by rotation according to seniority, shall act as Dean.
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(2) The Dean shall be the Chairman of the Faculty and shall be responsible for the observance of the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations relating to the Faculty.
(3) The Dean shall be responsible for overall supervision and control of the organisation and the conduct of teaching and research work in the Departments comprised in the Faculty.
(4) The Dean shall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor.
(5) Professor or Reader shall have the option to resign the Deanship at any time during his tenure and also decline the offer of appointment in his turn as Dean of the Faculty.
(6) Provided further that in the event of Professor/Reader not being available at the time of commencement of his tenure, the Professor/Reader as the case may be next in order of seniority shall be appointed as Dean and the tenure of such a person shall commence after the expiry of the term of the Professor/Reader appointed in his absence.
9A. Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya
The Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU will be an Officer of the University. Her appointment shall be made by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and the powers, duties and conditions of the service shall be as prescribed by the Ordinance.
(1) The Court shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Chancellor, ex-officio,
(b) the members of the Executive Council, ex-officio,
(c) three persons, being Heads of Departments of Studies or Principals of Colleges of the University, nominated by the Visitor,
(d) two persons, being professors from Departments of Studies or Colleges of the University, nominated by the Visitor
(e) two persons from among teachers of the University, other than Professors, nominated by the Visitor,
(f) three representatives of Parliament, two to be nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha from among the members thereof and one to be nominated by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha from among the members thereof, and
(g) thirty persons nominated by the Visitor from among persons who are men of standing in public life or have special knowledge or practical experience in education or have rendered eminent services in the cause of education.
(2) Seventeen members of the Court shall form the quorum
(3) All members of the Court, other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years.
Notice of meetings of the Court shall be issued by the Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the meeting with an agenda paper, and no business which does not arise out of matters noted or mentioned in the agenda paper shall be considered unless the consent of at least two-thirds of the members of the Court present at the meeting be obtained thereto.
12. Notice of proposals or amendments
Every member who intends to bring forward any special business at a meeting of the Court or to propose any person for election as Chancellor shall give notice of such business or of the name of the person to be proposed, to the Secretary at least twenty days before the date appointed for such meeting ; and every member who intends to propose an amendment shall give notice thereof to the Secretary, ten days before the date fixed for the meeting.
A notice of twenty-one days of any special meeting of the Court stating generally the nature of the business to be transacted shall be sent to each member of the Court, and no such meeting shall be competent to transact any business other than that mentioned in the notice or directly arising out of it; any member desiring to send a proposal relating to the nature of the business specified in the notice shall send such proposal to the Secretary so as to reach him at least ten days before the date of the meeting.
(1) The Executive Council shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(a) The Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio,
(b) Eight persons nominated by the Visitor,
(2) Five members of the Executive Council shall form the quorum,
(3) The members of the Executive Council shall hold office for a term of three years.
15. Powers of the Executive Council
Subject to the provisions of the Act, these Statutes and the Ordinances, the Executive Council shall, in addition to any other powers vested in it, have the following powers, namely :-
(i) to appoint, from time to time, such Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other members of the teaching staff as may be necessary, on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted for the purpose, and to provide for filling temporary vacancies therein.
Provided further that it shall not be necessary to constitute any Selection committee for filling in special chairs of Professors in case of a person of high academic distinction, eminence and Professional attainments invited by the Executive Council to accept the chair based on the recommendations of a special Committee constituted by the Executive Council for such purpose and on such terms and conditions as it deems fit, and on the person agreeing to do so, appoint him on the post.
(ii) to fix the emoluments and define the duties and conditions of service of Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other members of the teaching staff :
Provided that no action shall be taken by the Executive Council in respect of the number, the qualifications and the emoluments of teachers otherwise than after consideration of the recommendation of the Academic Council ;
(iii) to appoint the Registrar, the Dean of Students, the Chief Proctor, the Librarian and other salaried officers and staff of the University and to fix their emoluments and define their duties and conditions of service ;
(iv) to manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all other administrative affairs of the University and, for that purpose, to appoint such agents as it may think fit ;
(v) to invest any money belonging to the University, including any unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, shares or securities, as it shall, from time to time, think fit, or in the purchase of immovable property in India, with the like powers of varying such investments from time to time ;
(vi) (a) to accept on behalf of the University any trust, bequest, donation or transfer of any movable or immovable property to the University ; and
(b) to transfer any movable or immovable property on behalf of the University ;
(vii) to provide the buildings, premises, furniture, apparatus, and other means needed for carrying on the work of the University ;
(viii) to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University ;
(ix) to entertain, adjudicate upon, and if it thinks fit, to redress, any grievances of the salaried officers of the University the teaching staff and other employees of the University who may for any reason feel aggrieved :
Provided that, in matters of discipline and punishment, where the final power has ben vested in the Vice-Chancellor or any other officer of the University, no appeal shall lie to the Executive Council ;
(x) to appoint examiners and moderators and if necessary, to remove them, and to fix their fees, emoluments and travelling and other allowances after considering the recommendations of the Academic Council ;
(xi) to maintain registers of registered graduates and of registered donors to the University ;
(xii) to select a common seal for the University, and provide for the custody and use of the seal ;
(xiii) to manage Departments, Institutions of Research or Specialised Studies, Special Centres, Laboratories, Museums and Hostels managed by the University ;
(xiv) to arrange for and direct the inspection of Colleges, Departments, Institutions, Special Centres and Hostels and to issue instructions for maintaining their efficiency and ensuring proper conditions of employment for members of their staff ;
(xv) to make arrangements, from time to time, for periodical assessment of the work of the teachers of the University ;
(xvi) to institute fellowships including travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes ;
(xvii) to direct the conduct of examinations in conformity with the Ordinances and the publication of the results thereof ;
(xviii) to delegate any of these powers to the Vice-Chancellor, Rector, Registrar, Heads of Departments and Institution and Officers of the University or to a Committee appointed by it as it may deem fit.
The Executive Council shall, from time to time, appoint such person or persons as it may think proper, either by virtue of office or by name, to enter into, execute and sign contracts for and on behalf of the University, and to present them for registration according to the law in force for the time being.
(1) The Academic Council shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(i) The Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) The Deans of Faculties,
(iii) Director of the Institute of Technology,
(iv) Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences,
(v) Director of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
(vi) The Heads of the Teaching Departments,
(vii) All Professors who are not Heads of Teaching Departments,
(vii) The Librarian,
(ix) The Dean of Students,
(x) The Chief Proctor,
(xi) Two Readers and four Lectures by rotation according to seniority,
(xii) The Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, and if there are two or more Mahila Mahavidyalaya, the Principals,
(xiii) All Principals of colleges admitted to the privileges of the University,
(xiv) Not more than five persons, not being employees of the University, co-opted by the Academic Council for their specialised knowledge.
(2) All members of the Academic Council, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for a term of three years :
Provided that a member co-opted in his capacity as a member of a particular board or committee or as the holder of a particular post shall hold office so long only as he continues to be a member of that board or committee or the holder of that post.
(3) Eighty members of the Academic Council shall form the quorum.
18. Powers, duties and action of the Academic Council
Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Academic Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers, duties and functions, namely :-
(i) to report on any matter referred to it by the Executive Council;
(ii) to make recommendations to the Executive Council with regard to the creation and abolition of teaching posts in the University and the colleges, and the classification of the said posts and the emoluments and duties attaching thereto;
(iii) to formulate, modify or revise schemes for the organisation of, and assignment of subjects to, Faculties and to report to the Executive Council as to the expediency of the abolition, reconstitution or division of any Faculty or the amalgamation of one or more Faculties ;
(iv) to promote research within the University and to require, from time to time, reports on such research;
(v) to consider proposals submitted by the Faculties;
(vi) to recognise diplomas and degrees of other Universities and institutions and to determine their equivalent diplomas and degrees of the Banaras Hindu University;
(vii) to make special arrangements, if any, for the teaching of women students and for prescribing for them special courses of study, after consulting the Advisory Board of Women's Education ;
(viii) to make such arrangements for the instruction and examination of persons, not being members of the University, as may be necessary ;
(ix) to recommend to the Executive Council the rates of fees and charges ;
(x) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the establishment of Colleges, Departments, Institutions of Research and Specialised Studies, Special Centres, Libraries, Laboratories and Museums ;
(xi) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the institution of fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes ;
(xii) to recommend to the Executive Council draft Ordinances regarding examinations of the University on the conditions on which students should be admitted to such examinations and the working, maintenance and use of the University Library ;
(xiii) to maintain proper standards of examination ;
(xiv) to constitute a Council of Students' Affairs consisting of such number of teachers and students as may be prescribed by the Ordinances to advise the Academic Council on matters relating to the welfare of the students of the University ;
(xv) to fix, subject to any conditions accepted by the Executive Council, the time, mode and conditions of competition for fellowships, scholarships and other prizes and to award the same ;
(xvi) to conduct examinations in conformity with the Ordinances and to fix dates for holding them ;
(xvii) to declare the results of the various University examinations, or to appoint committees or officers to do so, and to make recommendations regarding the conferment or grant of degrees, honours, diplomas, certificates titles and marks of honours;
(xviii) to award stipends, scholarships, medals, prizes and to make awards in accordance with the Ordinances and such other conditions as may be attached to the awards ;
(xix) to make recommendations to the Executive Council in regard to the appointment of examiners, and if necessary, their removal and the fixation of their fees, emoluments and the travelling and other allowances and the appointment of Boards of Examiners and Moderators ;
(xx) to appoint, whenever necessary, Inspectors or Boards of Inspectors for inspecting colleges and institutions applying for admission to the privileges of the University ;
(xxi) to publish lists of prescribed or recommended text-books and to publish syllabuses of the prescribed courses of study ;
(xxii) to prepare such forms and registers as are, from time to time, prescribed by the Ordinances ;
(xxiii) to appoint committees for admission to the University ;
(xxiv) to appoint, subject to the provisions of Statute 26, committees for such specific purpose as it may deem necessary ; and
(xxv) to person, in relation to academic matters, all such duties and to do all such acts as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of the provisions of the Act, these Statutes and the Ordinances.
19. [Omitted]
20. [Omitted]
(1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(i) The Vice-Chancellor ;
(ii) Two persons nominated by the Visitor ;
(iii) Two persons, who are not employees of the University, appointed by the Executive Council.
(iv) Two Deans of Faculties by rotation according to seniority for a term of two years.
(2) The Finance Officer shall be the Secretary of the Finance Committee.
(3) Four members of the Finance Committee shall form the quorum.
(4) All members of the Finance Committee, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for a term of three years.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall preside at meetings of the Finance Committee.
(6) A member of the Finance Committee shall have the right to record a minute of dissent if he dissents from the other members.
(7) The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice every year to examine accounts and to scrutinise proposals for expenditure.
(8) The annual accounts and the budget of the University for the next financial year prepared by the Finance Officer shall be laid before the Finance Committee for consideration and comments and thereafter submitted to the Executive Council for approval with or without amendments.
(9) The Finance Committee shall fix limits for the total recurring expenditure and the total non-recurring expenditure for the year, based on the income and resources of the University which, in the case of productive works, may include the proceeds of loans; no expenditure shall be incurred by the University in excess of the limits so fixed.
The University shall include the faculties of -
(i) Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan Sankaya,
(ii) Arts,
(iii) Science,
(iv) Law
(v) Engineering and Technology,
(vi) Medicine,
(vii) Ayurveda,
(viii) Agriculture,
(ix) Education,
(x) Visual Arts,
(xi) Performing Arts,
(xii) Commerce,
(xiii) Management Studies,
(xiv) Social Sciences
(1) Each Faculty shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(i) the Dean of the Faculty who shall be the Chairman ;
(ii) the Director of the Institute of Technology in the Faculty concerned ;
(iii) the Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences in the Faculty concerned ;
(iv) the Director of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Faculty concerned ;
(v) the Heads of Departments of Studies in the Faculty ;
(vi) all Professors in the Faculty ;
(vii) the Training and Placement officer of the Institute of Technology in the Faculty concerned ;
(viii) one Reader and one Lecturer, by rotation according to seniority, from each Department in the Faculty ;
(ix) one teacher by rotation according to seniority from the Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
Provided that the College provides instruction in any of the subjects assigned to the Faculty.
Provided further that the rotation according to seniority shall be amongst teachers of subjects assigned to the Faculty.
Provided further that where no Mahila Mahavidyalaya imparts instruction in Commerce one teacher by rotation, according to seniority, from amongst Commerce teachers from each affiliated College (in Faculty of Commerce only).
(x) Persons not connected with the University having special knowledge of the subject or subjects concerned nominated by the Academic Council, one for each department of the Faculty provided that the number of members to be nominated to each of the Faculties of Law, Education, Commerce and Management Studies under this sub-clause shall be two.
(2) The term of office of a member under sub-clause (vii), (viii) and (ix) of clause (1) shall be three years.
(1) The Faculty shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by these Statutes and the Ordinances and shall, from time to time, appoint such and so many Boards of Studies in different branches of knowledge as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(2) The Faculties shall also consider and make such recommendations to the Academic Council on any question pertaining to their respective spheres of work as may appear to them necessary or on any matter referred to them by the Academic Council.
(1) The Departments of Studies in the University and the Faculties relating thereto are set out in the annexure to this schedule.
(2) No Department shall be established, reconstituted, amalgamated with another, or divided or abolished except in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes.
(3) Each Department shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(i) Teachers of the Department ;
(ii) Persons conducting research in the Department ;
(iii) Dean of the Faculty or Deans of the Faculties concerned;
(iv) Honorary Professors, if any, attached to the Departments ;
(v) Such other persons as may be members of Departments in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances.
(4) (1) Each Department shall have a Head whose duties, functions and conditions of appointments shall be laid down by the Ordinances.
(2) In the case of Departments having the sanctioned strength of more than one Professor, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint one of the Professors by rotation according to seniority as the Head of Department for a specified period as laid down in the Ordinances.
Provided that, if at any particular time, such Department in effect has only one Professor, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint the Head of Department in accordance with the provisions given in Clause (3).
Provided further that a Professor/Reader who has been the Head of Department earlier or who declined the option under Clause (5) shall not be reappointed until all the Professor/Reader as the case may be in the Department have been duly considered.
Provided further that in the event of Professor/Reader not being available at the time of commencement of his tenure, the Professor/Reader, as the case may be, next in order of seniority shall be appointed as Head of Department and the tenure of such as were not available shall commence after the expiry of the term of the Professor/Reader appointed in his absence.
(3) In the case of the Departments which have the sanctioned strength of only one Professor, the Vice-Chancellor shall first appoint the Professor as the Head of Department and thereafter one of the Readers from amongst the two seniormost Readers by rotation according to seniority for a specified period as laid down in the Ordinances. After the term of the Readers is over the Professor would again be appointed as the Head and the rotation would continue.
(4) In the case of Departments where there is no Professor, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint one of the Readers from amongst the two seniormost Readers by rotation according to seniority, as the Head of the Department for a specified period as laid down in the Ordinances.
(5) Any Professor or Reader shall have the option to resign the Headship at any time during his tenure or also to decline the offer of appointment on his turn as Head of the Department.
(6) If no Professor or Reader is appointed Head of the Department or when the place of the Head of the Department is vacant for any reason the Dean of the Faculty concerned shall act as the Head of the Department.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contrary contained anywhere in these statutes, whenever the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied that appointment of a person, whose appointment is due on the basis of seniority as the Head of the Department, will not be in the overall interest of the Department he may, with the prior approval of the Executive Council, appoint another Professor or Reader next in seniority, as the case may be, as the Head of the Department.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in these statutes. Faculties consisting of a single Department the office of the Head and the office of the Dean shall continue to be held conjointly.
Provided that in the event of Professor exercising his option to resign from the Headship or declining the offer of the appointment as Head of Department under Clause (5), his term as Dean shall also come to an end notwithstanding the provisions of para 30 of the Statutes.
(9) If any dispute or doubt arises about the interpretation of these Statutes, the same shall be referred to the Executive Council and the decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
(10) These amended Statutes shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 4th April, 1984.
25(A). (1) There shall be established an Institute of Technology integrating the following departments of the University namely:-
Department of :
(i) Mechanical Engineering ;
(ii) Electrical Engineering ;
(iii) Civil Engineering ;
(iv) Mining Engineering ;
(v) Metallurgical Engineering ;
(vi) Chemical Engineering and Technology;
(vii) Ceramic Engineering ;
(viii) Pharmaceutics;
(ix) Electronics Engineering ;
(x) Computer Engineering ;
(xi) Applied Physics ;
(xii) Applied Chemistry ;
(xiii) Applied Mathematics
(2) The existing Faculty of Medical Sciences be bifurcated into two Faculties under the Institute of Medical Sciences consisting of the Departments as noted below :-
1. Faculty of Medicine
(i) Anatomy ;
(ii) Biochemistry ;
(iii) Forensic Medicine ;
(iv) Medicine ;
(v) Microbiology ;
(vi) Obstetrics and Gynaecology ;
(vii) Ophthalmology ;
(viii) Physiology ;
(ix) Pharmacology ;
(x) Pathology ;
(xi) Preventive and Social Medicine ;
(xii) Paediatrics ;
(xiii) Radiology ;
(xiv) Surgery ;
(xv) Anaesthesiology ;
(xvi) Biophysics ;
(xvii) Dentistry ;
(xviii) Orthopaedics ;
(xix) Otorhinolaryngology ;
(xx) Psychiatry.
(xxi) Radiotherapy & Radiation Medicine
(xxii) Dermetology and Venereology
(xxiii) Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases
(xxiv) Neurosurgery
(xxv) Plastic Surgery
(xxvi) Urology
(xxvii) Paediatrics Surgery
(xxviii) Neurology
(xxix) Nephrology
(xxx) Gastroenterology
(xxxi) Endocrinology
(xxxii) Cardiothoracic Surgery
2. Faculty of Ayurveda
(i) Ayurveda Samhita;
(ii) Basic Principles ;
(iii) Dravyaguna ;
(iv) Kaya Chikitsa ;
(v) Prasuti Tantra ;
(vi) Shalya Shalakya ;
(vii) Medicinal Chemistry (Bhaisajya Rasayan Vibhag)
(viii) Rasa Shastra
3. There shall be established an Institute of Agricultural Sciences integrating the following departments of the University, namely :-
Departments of -
(i) Agronomy ;
(ii) Genetics and Plant Breeding ;
(iii) Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry ;
(iv) Horticulture :
(v) Plant Physiology :
(vi) Mycology and Plant Pathology ;
(vii) Entomology and Agricultural Zoology ;
(viii) Agricultural Economics.
(ix) Extension Education ;
(x) Animal Husbandry & Dairying and
(xi) Farm Engineering ;
4. The Institute of Technology, the Institute of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences established under the Statute shall each have a Director as its head.