44. Contribution by the University

(1) The University shall contribute to the Fund a sum equal to such percentage of the salary of each employee as may be approved by the Central Government.

(2) Such contribution shall be credited to the account of the employee concerned and charged to the University accounts under the head "Provident Fund".

Provided that in the case of a person appointed on probation such contribution shall be added to the Fund only on his confirmation credit being given from the date on which the subscription was deducted each time from his salary.

45. The amount of the deduction made from the salary of an employee under Statute 43 and the amount of the contribution made by the University under statute 44 shall be deposited in the Post Office Savings Bank or in the State Bank as the Executive Council may direct, in the name of the Fund as early as practicable or at any rate within three days of the date on which the payment of the salary is made.

46. Investment in securities

(1) The amount accruing to the Provident Fund shall be invested in the form of Term Deposit Receipts of a nationalised bank or banks as may be approved from time to time by the Executive Council or invested in the form of securities covered by section 20 of the Indian Trust Act of 1982.

(2) The University may, from time to time, take such loans as may be considered expedient and as the Executive Council may determine from the Provident Fund for construction of Staff quarters and refund the loans along with interest in such suitable instalments as may be fixed to the Provident Fund from the grants to be paid by the University Grants Commission for the purpose.

(3) All interest or profit realized from the securities or from any deposit or account arising out of the Fund, shall, after deducting, the incidental expenses of investment or realization, be credited to the Provident Fund account to be distributed rateably in the account of each subscriber.

47. Payment of insurance premia

(1) On a written application from a subscriber to the Provident Fund and with the approval of the Executive Council, the University may allow premia on the Life Insurance policy of the subscriber to be paid out of the subscriber's share in his Provident Fund.

(2) In all such cases, the Life Insurance policy for which the premia are so paid shall be assigned in favour of the University and the policy shall, on the retirement of the subscriber from the service of the University, be re-assigned to him by the University. In case of maturity of the policy during the service of the subscriber in the University, the full amount of the policy shall be credited to the Provident Fund of the subscriber and in the case of the death of the subscriber during the service, the full amount of the policy shall be paid to the legal representative of the deceased, entitled to the Provident Fund.

48. Amount when payable

The amount at the credit of any subscriber shall be payable :-

(a) on the death of the subscriber, to the person or persons nominated by him or, when no such nomination is made, to his legal heir or heirs;

(b) on his ceasing to be in the service of the University, to such subscriber, provided -

(i) that no subscriber who has been dismissed for what is considered by the Executive Council as gross misconduct, shall, if the Executive Council so directs, be entitled to the benefit or to receive any part of any sum at any time contributed by the University to the Fund or the interest or profit thereon ;

(ii) that if any subscriber resigns his appointment before putting in five years' service, the University may withhold the contribution allotted to him, together with the interest thereon, and pay to the subscriber only the balance at his credit without such contribution or the interest on or profit from such contribution.

49. Recovery of loss or damage

The University shall not be entitled to recover from the amount to the credit of any subscriber on account of subscriptions made by him thereto (including interest on or profit from such subscriptions), any sum on account of any loss or damage sustained by the University through the misconduct or negligence of the subscriber or any other sum due to the University from him; any such loss or damage sustained by the University or other liability incurred by the subscriber to the University, shall, however, be recoverable from the contribution made by the University to his account including interest or profit thereon.

50. Lapse of witheld contribution

Any contribution and interest or profit, withheld under these Statutes, shall lapse to the University.

51. Advances

(1) In case of urgent necessity, which in the opinion of the Executive Council justifies the course the University may allow a subscriber an advance of a sum, not exceeding his salary for three months out of the amount subscribed by him with interest thereon (excluding the contribution of the University, and the interest or profit thereon).

(2) The advance shall be recovered in such number of monthly instalments, not exceeding twenty-four as the Executive Council may fix, and shall be recovered by deduction from the salary payable by the University to such subscriber ; the amount of such instalments shall be fixed in whole rupees, and the deductions shall commence from the first payment of a full month's salary, after such advance has been made, and the last instalment shall cover the entire balance then due.

(3) Notwithstanding anything in clause (1), if an advance is required for the purpose of building or purchasing a house, the maximum limit of the advance may be equal to twelve months' salary of the subscriber out of his subscription to the Fund, to be repaid in such number of instalments, not exceeding forty-eight, as the Executive Council may determine.

(4) A subscriber may at his option pay at any time any additional sum above the amount fixed.

(5) No subsequent advance shall ordinarily be made until the lapse of three months from the date when the previous advances has been fully repaid.

52. Subscription during leave

An employee, who is on leave on full pay, shall continue to subscribe to the Provident Fund and may do so at his option, if he is on leave on less than full pay.

53. Annual statement account

A separate account in Form A (Appendix-1) shall be kept in the office of the University on account of every employee subscribing to the Provident Fund, and a copy of the account shall be furnished to every such employee at the end of each financial year and on his ceasing to be an employee.

54.(1) Accounts credited or debited to the Provident Fund shall on the same day be posted to the Provident Fund Ledger in Form B given at Appendix-2. The figures for column 6 in the ledger will be calculated yearly as also the net balance of each account entered in column 7 and 10.

(2) No valuntary deposits from employees shall be credited to the Provident Fund.

55. Closing of account

If a subscriber dies or his services otherwise terminate, his account shall be closed, and the sum due to him shall cease to bear interest or carry any profit after the expiry of the month in which his death or the termination of his services occurs.

56. Transfer to deposit account

When an account is closed, any sum remaining unclaimed shall be removed from the Provident Fund Ledger and transferred to a deposit account at the end of the year and be dealt with like any ordinary deposit.

57. Nomination

(1) Every subscriber shall be required to sign a written declaration that he has read these Statutes and he agrees to abide by them and hand over for registration in the University Office the name of the person to whom he wishes the balance at his credit to be paid in the event of his death.

(2) When nominating more than one person, he may state the proportion in which the said balance may be paid to each of them respectively. In case the nominee or any of the nominees is a minor, he should state the state of birth of the minor nominee ; and the payment shall be made to the next friend of the nominee or the guardian who may be authorised by law to receive payment on his behalf while he is a minor.

(3) The subscriber may, from time to time, add to or change his nominee or nominees and the proportion in which the balance at credit is to be distributed, by written application to the University.

(4) A register of nominees shall be kept in the University Office in Form C given at appendix-3.

58. Employees who are not eligible

Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, no employee of the University shall be entitled to the benefit of the Provident Fund if he is otherwise entitled to a pension or the University contributes towards his pension and leave allowance or he has been appointed by the University on a consolidated salary on special terms.

59. Gratuity

Where any employee of the University has been in continuous service, whether before or after the commencement of the Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1966, for not less than ten years, and :-

(i) he retires from service on account of incapacity ; or

(ii) he dies while in service ;

the employee or, in the case of his death, the dependent members of his family, shall be paid, on such retirement or death, by the University such gratuity as the Executive Council may determine in the circumstances of each case, the amount of gratuity being calculated at a rate not exceeding one-half month's salary last drawn by the employee for every completed year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months :

Provided that in no case the total amount of gratuity so determined shall exceed fifteen month's salary last drawn by the employee.

60. Maintenance of discipline among students of the University

(1) All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action in relation to students shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor.

(2) The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such of his powers as he deems proper to the Chief Proctor and to such other persons as he may specify in this behalf.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of his powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him appropriate, the Vice-Chancellor, may in the exercise of his powers aforesaid, order or direct that any student or students be expelled, or be, for a stated period, rusticated, or be not, for a stated period admitted to a course or courses of study in a College, Department or Institution of the University, or be fined in a sum of rupees that may be specified, or be debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or more years, or that the results of student or students concerned in the Examination or Examinations in which he or they have appeared be cancelled.

(4) The Director of the Institute of Technology, the Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences, the Director of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, the Principals of Colleges, Heads of Special Centres, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in the University shall have the authority to exercise all such disciplinary powers over the students in their respective Colleges, special Centres, Institutions, Faculties and Teaching Departments in the University as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Institutions Special Centres and teaching in the concerned Departments.

(5) Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of discipline and proper conduct shall be framed. The Principals of Colleges, Heads of Special Centres, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in the University may frame such supplementary rules, as they deem necessary for the aforesaid purposes. Every student shall provide himself with a copy of these rules.

(6) At the time of the admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he submits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and the several authorities of the University who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Rules that have been framed thereunder by the University. >

i.As per provision contained in the BHU Calender under the heading PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURT,proceeding of the meetings of the court can be reported in newspapers
ii.For taking Agenda and proceedings of the meeting of the Executive Council provision of ECR No.170 dated 12/13th May,1982 reads as follows:
"The agenda and proceedings of the meeting of the Excutive Council shall be treated as confidential and no member shall communicate to the Press any part of such Agenda or Proceedings and whenever it may be deemed necessary to publish any part of the Agenda or proceedings such publication shall be made only after a resolution in that behalf has been passed by the Executive Council.
The Council further resolved that individual requests for making available Executive Council Resolutions to any Association,person, body,be placed before the Council for its decision on merit of each case"


[See Statutes 25(1)


Faculty of Arts

  1.  Department of English
  2.  Department of Hindi
  3.  Department of Sanskrit
  4. Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies
  5.  Department of Philosophy and Religion
  6.  Department of Arabic
  7.  Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology
  8.  Department of Art & Architecture
  9.  Department of Foreign Languages
  10.  Department of Indian Languages
  11.  Department of Indo-Sumerian Studies
  12.  Department of Library and Information Science
  13.  Department of Urdu
  14.  Department of Persian
  15. Department of Bengali
  16. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
  17. Department of Physical Education
  18. Department of German Studies,
  19. Department of French Studies
  20. Department of Telugu
  21. Department of Marathi
  22. Department of Linguistic.

Faculty of Science

  1. Department of Mathematics
  2. Department of Botany
  3. Department of Chemistry
  4. Department of Geology
  5. Department of Physics
  6. Department of Geography
  7. Department of Zoology
  8. Department of Geophysics
  9. Department of Home Science
  10. Department of Statistics
  11. Department of Biochemistry
  12. Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
  1. Department of Economics
  2.   Department of History
  3. Department of Political Science
  4.   Department of Psychology
  5. Department of Sociology

Faculty of Law

Department of Law


Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of -
  1. Mechanical Engineering
  2. Electrical Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Mining Engineering
  5. Metallurgical Engineering
  6. Chemical Engineering and Technology
  7. Ceramic Engineering
  8. Pharmaceutics
  9. Electronics Engineering
  10. Computer Engineering
  11. Applied Physics
  12. Applied Chemistry
  13.  Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Medicine
Departments of :-
  1. Anatomy
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Forensic Medicine
  4. Medicine
  5. Microbiology.
  6. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  7. Ophthalmology
  8. Physiology
  9. Pharmacology
  10. Pathology
  11. Preventive and Social Medicine
  12. Paediatrics
  13. Radiology
  14. Surgery
  15. Anaesthesiology
  16. Biophysics
  17. Dentistry
  18. Orthopaedics
  19. (xix) Otorhinolaryngology
  20. (xx) Psychiatry
  21. (xxi) Radiotherapy and Radiation Medicine
  22. (xxii) Dermetology and Venereology
  23. (xxiii) Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases
  24. (xxiv)Neuro-surgery
  25. (xxv) Plastic Surgery
  26. (xxvi) Urology
  27. (xxvii) Paediatrics Surgery
  28. (xxviii) Neurology
  29. (xxix) Nephrology
  30. (xxx) Gastroenterology
  31. (xxxi) Endocrinology
  32. (xxxii) Cardiothoracic Surgery
  33. (xxxiii) Cardiology


Faculty of Ayurveda
Department of :

  1.  Ayurveda Samhita.
  2. Basic Principles ;
  3. Dravyaguna ;
  4. Kaya Chikitsa ;
  5. Prasuti Tantra ;
  6. Shalya Shalakya ;
  7. Medicinal Chemistry (Bhaisajya Rasayan Vibhag)
  8. Rasa Shastra

Faculty of Performing Arts

  1. Department of Vocal Music
  2. Department of Instrumental Music
  3. Department of Musicology


Faculty of Visual Arts

  1. Department of Painting
  2. Department of Plastic Arts
  3. Department of Applied Arts


Faculty of Agriculture

  1. Department of Plant Physiology
  2. Department of Mycology & Plant Pathology
  3. Department of Agricultural Economics
  4. Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding
  5. Department of Agronomy
  6. Department of Soil Science and agricultural Chemistry
  7. Department of Horticulture
  8. Department of Entomology & Agricultural Zoology
  9. Department of Extension Education
  10. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
  11. Department of Farm Engineering.

Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan Sankaya

  1. Department of Sahitya
  2. Department of Vaidic Darshan
  3. Department of Buddha and Jain Darshan
  4. Department of Vyakaran
  5. Department of Dharmagam
  6. Department of Jyotish
  7. Department of Veda
  8. Department of Dharmashastra and Mimansa


Faculty of Education

Department of Education

Faculty of of Management Studies.

Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies

Department of Commerce

School of Computer Science & Engineering

  1. Computer Centre
  2. Department of Computer Science
  3. Department of Computer Engineering


Constitution of Faculties

*Vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development letter No. F. 1-91/87-Desk (U) dated 1st August, 1989.