Dr. Abhijeet Singh has an academic background of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Industrial System Engineering. He is also an MBA with specialization in Marketing. He obtained Ph.D in the area of Supply Chain Management. In an academic career spanning over ten years he has contributed to the areas of operations & production management and marketing through over 20 publications in research journals and books of national and international repute. He is also a reviewer to Elsevier group of journals. Dr Singh has organized or chaired sessions in various National and International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and AICTE sponsored Quality Improvement Programmes. He is also visiting and guest faculty to various institutions and has organized training and development programmes for organizations like NTPC, UPPCL, Hindustan Zinc, Coal India for their middle and senior managerial cadre. Presently he is involved in research in the area of Production Management, Organisational Transformation and Supply Chain Management. He is also actively engaged in research projects funded by agencies like UGC and MHRD.