Dr.H. C. Chaudhary
(Dean & Head - Jan. 2004 to Dec. 2006)
Ph.D. MBM, MSc. (Psy.)
Marketing, HRD, KM, Social Entrepreneurship

Ph.: (Dir). +91 542 670 1408
Mb.: +91 9415618946
Email: [email protected]

Prof. H.C. Chaudhary, a passionate academician has a long innings at Banaras Hindu University, with rich experience of more than 34 years in research, coaching, teaching and consulting. Prof. H.C. Chaudhary has authored two books viz. Management Education in India and Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage. Published/presented more than 50 research papers in reputed journals/conferences. His current areas of research are Knowledge Management and Social Entrepreneurship. In the past, Prof. Chaudhary has conducted several management development programs in areas such as: Employee communication, Performance Management, Team building, organization culture, Creativity and Innovation, Transactional Analysis, Motivation, Personality Development, etc. Prof. Chaudhary led the Faculty during 2004-2006 as Head and Dean. During this period, the Faculty initiated several innovative developmental activities. FMS BHU also ranked No. 4 in the university departments in the B-schools survey conducted by C Fore Outlook in the year 2006.

Currently Professor Chaudhary is coordinating activities under DRS Phase II - Special Assistance Program of University Grants Commission.

Awards and Honours:

  • Won SILVER AWARD in the Indian Management Conclave 2014 held in New Delhi on 8-9 August 2014 for presentation on SoIL (Social Innovation Leadership)
  • Best Professor in Human Resource Management Management of Dainik Bhaskar National Education Leadership Awards 2013 (23 October 2013)
  • Rashtriya Gaurav Award and a Certificate of Excellence by India International Friendship Society (29 August 2012) in the Conference on Economic Growth and National Integration at New Delhi.
  • Best Teacher in Marketing Management in AMAR UJALA B-School Excellence Awards 2012 (23 November 2012)
  • Indian Achievers’ Award 2012 (Indian Achievers Forum)
  • Best Citizens of India Award by Best Citizens of India International Publishing House.