Dr.Madan Lal
Assistant Professor (Joined as Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Facutly of Commerce & Business, DSE, University of Delhi)
D.Litt., Ph.D., M.A.(Econ.), MIB
International Business / Marketing
Ph.: (Dir). +91 542 670 1235
Mb.: +91 9415204753
Email: [email protected], [email protected] |
Dr. Madan Lal has been serving in the FMS BHU since 2002. He has done his M.A. Economics and Masters in International Business (MIB) from
Punjab University, Chandigarh. After qualifying UGC junior research fellowship (JRF) in both economics and management subjects he worked as
senior research fellow (SRF) and earned his Ph.D. in Marketing Management from Institute of Management Studies HP University Shimla. He has also got D.Lit in Management Studies from Banaras Hindu University. He has
published a number of papers in national and international journals/ magazines and conferences. Dr. Madan Lal has coordinated conferences
and Quality Improvement Programs (AICTE) on different themes of contemporary relevance organized in Faculty. He is also Coordinator of
'Industry Institute Partnership Cell' (IIPC) sponsored by AICTE in the FMS BHU. He has completed a major research project of UGC on the theory
of planned behavior for food products. Dr. Lal is invited as resource person in FDP's, QIP, and other academic and corporate training programs.
He is also member of different committees at Faculty and the University level. He handles papers in areas of Managerial Economics, International
Business/ Economics, and Global Environment Management. His research interest includes food retailing, CRM, and consumer behavior.