Dr.R.K. Pandey
Distinguished Professor,
(Director In-Charge, 16-31 Dec. 2015,
Dean & Head - Jan.2013 to Dec. 2015)
Ph.D., MBM, M.Sc. (Maths)

Mb.: +91 9415446567
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Prof. R.K. Pandey is conferred with the status of Distinguished Professor in the Institute of Management Studies by the Univesity vide ECR No. 427 dated 30/3/2017 under Ordinance 12 of the BHU acts, Statutes and Ordinances.

Prof. R. K. Pandey is M.Sc. (Maths), MBA and Ph.D., with consistent meritorious academic records from Banaras Hindu University. His areas of specializations are Organizational Behavior, Human Values in Management and Vedic Management concepts. He has authored two books "Case Method of Imparting Instructions" and "Manpower Planning in Nationalized Banks". A good number of papers on different management concepts are published to his credit both in national and international journals. Before joining the faculty he had served Punjab National Bank in different managerial positions for a decade. His current interests are Modern Management Thinking and Vedic Wisdom. He had been the Chairperson of the 1st International Conference of Agri-prenuership and Rural Development (ICARD). He is also an expert trainer of "Values in Organizational Systems" in NTPC and Power Grid since last 15 years.

Prof. Pandey was Dean & Head of the Faculty from January 2013 to December 2015. The Faculty earned many awards and recognitions during this period. He is also the founder Director of the Institute of Management Studies.

Prof. Pandey also served as the Coordinator, Malviya Moolya anusheelan Kendra - A Center dedicated for nurturing of the young minds and initiating them in to the field of human values ethics, and character-building.