Dr.S.K. Singh
Professor (Dean & Dean - Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2012)
Ph.D. MBM, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Mb.: +91 9415336708
Email: [email protected], [email protected] |
Presently on deputation as Vice Chancellor, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar (23/3/2017 to 22/3/2020)
Leadersspeak - Interview (January 2017)
Prof. S.K. Singh, MBA and Ph.D. (Management Studies) degree from B.H.U. He started his academic career in 1973 and since then he has made seminal contribution to the areas of human resource management, organization behaviour and general management by way of publishing more than 50 research papers in the national and international journals of repute and six research based books. Prof. Singh attended and chaired a number of technical sessions in national and international conferences and seminars besides presenting research papers. He had supervised five Ph.D Dissertations. Prof. Singh also supervised over 100 Master Dissertations and completed 5 research projects funded by various external agencies. He is a member in different professional bodies such as AIMA and Advancement of Modeling and Simulation in Enterprises (AMSE), France. Leaded course revision of MBA, MBA IB and MBA AB programs in the Faculty as Head and Dean of the Faculty.
Prof. Singh held key administrative positions in the University and served as Chief Proctor during 2004-2008. The period was marked with the visits of President, Vice President and Prime Minister of India. He had also been the Administrative Warden of the Management Hostel for several years. Prof. Singh is the Chairman of the Placement Cell since last 18 years. He is also serving as Expert Member in various Panels of AICTE and UGC and also as member of Board of Studies and Governing Councils of many Universities and Management Institutes. Prof. Singh is playing key role in policy formulation in the University at various capacity viz., Coordinator (Core Group, RGSC), Chairman (HRD Cell), Chairman (Reengagement Committee) and different other bodies.
As Head & Dean of Faculty of Management Studies, BHU (January 2010 to December 2012)
After taking over as Head and Dean of the Faculty on 1st January 2010, Prof. Singh took initiative in various developmental initiatives and organized successfully National and International Conferences, several short term programmes under Quality Improvement Programme sponsored by AICTE, National Workshop on Financial Administration of Institutions of Higher Education - a joint initiative of Banaras Hindu University and Association of Indian Universities, Faculty Development Programmes under NIMAT Project of DST, Government of India, Directors' Conclave on Higher Education in India - the Quality Paradigm, International Workshop on Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges and Strategies, to name a few. Signed MoU with Rural Electrification Corporation, GoI for empanelling FMS, BHU as Training Institute for National Training Programmes of Rural Electrification Corporation.
Achievements and awards:
Took serious effort in properly showcasing the achievements of the Faculty, which reflected well in the reputed b-school surveys conducted by prestigious media recently. Faculty won the prestigious Innovation Leadership Award (Feb 2011) by DNA and Starts of Industry Group and 19th Dewang Mehta B-School Award 2011 for Best Academic Input (Syllabus) in International Business. Professor Singh also honored with Asia Pacific International Award of the Global Achievers Foundation for remarkable achievements towards the progress and development of management education in the year 2012 (Tashkant on 18th May 2012); Bharat Vidya Shiromani Award and a Certificate of Education Excellence by Indian Solidarity Council (March 2012); International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi honored Professor Singh with Rashtriya Vidya Gaurav Gold Medal Award (March 2012).
Professor Singh also got deputation as ICCR Chair Professor (Management) of Ministry of External Affairs (in the year 2012). This is the only Professorial Chair of ICCR (Indian council for cultural Relations) for Management discipline.