IA Summit-2012 Home

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Date & Venue of the Summit:

October 12 & 13, 2012
at KN Udupa Auditorarium,
Banaras Hindu University

Prof. H.P. Mathur
General Secretary, IA Summit 2012, (October 12-13, 2012),
Coordinator, BHU Placement Coordinating Cell,
Faculty of Management Studies,
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221005 (UP) India

Mb. +91 9415203146;
Ph.: +91 542 670 1413
Fax: +91 542-2369332

Email: [email protected]


The Summit will focus on the following objectives:

  • To delve upon the critical issues in the integration of industry and academia.
  • To identify potential areas of mutual participation of industry and academia giving rise to synergies.
  • To assess the Increasing interdependence between academia and industry through innovations.
  • To discuss innovative models and options for facilitating the exchange of perspectives between industry and academia.
  • To find plausible solutions and benefits to strengthen the industry-academia integration and engender the symbiotic partnership.


The two-day Summit intends to cover the following topics:

  • Industry Academia interface-a global perspective.
  • Responsiveness of Academia towards Industrial requirements.
  • Critical role of Industry in enriching academic inputs.
  • Integration of Industry and academia-enhancing student employability.
  • Alliances and Collaborations between academia and Industry.
  • Synthesis of Potential Feasible models & options of Industry & Institute Collaboration.

Copyright 2011: Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University [BHU], Varanasi. PIN-221 005 (UP), India.