UGC-HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE / यू.जी.सी.-ह्यूमन रिसोर्स डेवलपमेंट सेन्टर VARANASI-221005 (UP)/ वाराणसी– 221005 (उ.प्र.)
Instructions to fill application from online
Step 1: To initiate filling application online, click the "Apply Online" button bellow. Fill the details and submit the form. After submission, kindly take a print out of the application form by clicking "Print Application Form" button. Please note that a unique Application Number is generated for your Form. This application number along with your Date of Joining will be required for restarting the session again; from where you can upload scaned copy of duly signed form (or have a print of your application form). Please note down & keep the application number safe. Step 2: The form printed in 'Step 1' should be duly signed by you and forwarded by head of your institution. Step 3: Visit this page again at through main website and upload the scanned copy of duly signed application form by clicking "Upload Signed PDF file" button. Step 4: After few weeks, an automated email will be send to you if your form is "Provisionally Accepted". However, one can visit this page again at through main website to ensure whether your application is accepted or not by clicking "Check Your Form Status" button. Here also you will have to provide the same details required for uploading the signed PDF file. Please Note: Acceptance of your online application is provisional and is subject to various facts.