About Us


The department of Agricultural Engineering serves as an auxiliary unit of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences. The department offers different Courses at Undergraduate level in Agricultural Engineering and Computer Science. It also offers. Agricultural Statistics courses at UG, PG and Ph.D. levels. A number of research projects, Coordinated, Collaborative and ad-hoc nature funded by ICAR and World bank (NATP) are running in the Department. Key areas of research activities are related to Natural resource management, mechanization of drylands, precision technologies for better utilization of production input, refinement in ITKs relating to in-situ moisture conservation and runoff management, energy management, resource conservation technologies particularly zero tillage and raised bed planting etc. The technologies developed have been validated through on farm adoptive research for its promotion and diffusion in the region. A computer lab for students and teachers of the institute is maintained by the department. Major thrust activities during the period have been in the field of conjunctive use of nutrient source, irrigation water, land use, mechanization and watershed management. The department handled 10 research projects during last 5 years - 1 coordinated project (inter disciplinary), 6 NATP (interdisciplinary) and 3 ad-hoc (disciplines oriented), 3 NATP projects have completed its term and final report submitted to the funding agency. .

Established in 1981.

Course related to Agril. Engg., Statistics, Math's and computer applications taught.

10 research projects completed during the last 5 years.

Research on Drip irrigation, Alternate Marginal Degraded Lands, Bullock Drawn Generator, Land Use Systems, Mechanization, Resource Conservation Technology, Statistical Model for Crop Acreage and Production Estimates of major Corps of Eastern U.P., Pedagogical physics conducted.

The computer & post harvest lab

Latest farm machineries available for teaching, research and extension.

Published 6 international and 8 national papers.

Delivered 15 lecturers in various workshops, refresher courses, summer school, conferences etc.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad award.

ICAR-CIDA International recognition.

Vice President ISDAR & D.

Member GB & SFC ICAR.

Member QRT & PRT.