The founder of the University Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Ji established a Goshala as an auxiliary unit in 1940. The Goshala aims at nursing cows on the principle of Sanatan Dharm and make dairy produce available at "No profit, No loss" basis. Besides the unit provides facilities for teaching and research activities to the students and staff of the Institute in general and of the department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying in particular.Currently the 'Goshala' has 395 animals of which 65 are milch, 38 dry and pregnant, 62 male young stock, 1 bullock and 1 bull. On an average 72 milch animals produce 82000 liter milk on yearly basis fetching a receipt of Rs.12 lakh in a year. Besides supplying milk to the university community (including students) the unit supplies farm yard manure / compost at reasonable rate to the users belonging to deferent sectors including campus farmers. Stanchion method of Dairy farm is currently in practices, this is a pro sanitation method that provides good health care, comfort and quality production. A livestock manager, a dairy assistant, milkmen and other supporting staff under overall control of the Dairy Incharge look the dairy unit.