For providing beautiful, aesthetic and tranquilizing environment in the campus, the unit was established in 1968-69. Ever since its inception the unit has responsibilities of maintaining greenery inside the campus. Plantation of lawns, flowering annuals round the year and roadside plantation, ornamental plants, wooden tree plantation, maintenance of lawns etc., are the responsibilities of this unit. the unit, initially, remained under overall charge of the University Engineer. It subsequently came under overall control of the Director, Institute of Agricultural Sciences. The University campus is divided in to 17 sectors for the maintenance of a green and clean campus the unit has 250 employees. Besides conserving and maintaining greenery in the campus, the unit has taken up nursery development for raising sapling of plantation crop. A central nursery of 3 acres has been established for supplying .01 lakh saplings of various plants/tree to different units of the university. A separate "Tree crop nursery is also established for selling saplings of fruit crop, timber crop, fuel wood. An income of Rs.60000/- per annum is being generated from this nursery. A special unit for raising of medicinal plants was established in 2003 currently 58 types of medicinal plant saplings are available for sale. The unit also prepares loaf comfort. About 40 tonnes of organic manure was prepared for sale in 2003-04.