
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is located at Barkachha, Mirzapur, on Mirzapur - Robertsganj state highway at a distance of 10 Km from district Mirzapur. Kendra was established with a view to explore the possibilities of using the diverse agro-climatic situations of Mirzapur for bringing about significant change in the socio-economic condition of the rural people. The Kendra is the only outstation extension center of BHU which is mainly involved in transferring improved agricultural technology to the rural area through need based training programme to the farmers/farm women / rural youths, training to Government extension personnel's involved in agriculture, demonstrations at the farmers field at the KVK farm, farm advisory services through regular visit to the farmer's field and other extension activities like field days, Kishan gosthi's, farmer's fair etc. KVK has been instrumental in transferring technology developed at BHU and other research organization to the farmers after release of the same. In this connection the newly released varieties of wheat viz., HUW-468, 510, 533 (rainfed), Gram - PUSA 257, 257, Pea-Malaviya - 2, 15, Arhar - MA-3, 6 and and Mal 13 and Rajmash - Malaviya - 15, 137 were extensively propagated in Mirzapur. In horticulture recently released varieties of vegetables an fruit crops from IIVR and other institutions were popularized in the area. Through the efforts of KVK the area under newly released varieties has almost doubled since the inception of KVK till date. In livestock production improved technology related to stall feeding, fodder production and livestock management was popularized to the farmers. The efforts of KVK has helped increasing number of tractors and other improved implements in the operational and adjacent area which has almost increased by 2.5 times. The average net return per ha per year, which was Rs. 7000 - 12000 during 1993 has almost increased to about Rs. 20,000. Farmers of the operational area are now widely adopting improved technology.
KVK (ICAR) Established in 1984.
Engaged in transfer of technology through need based training to practing farmers / farm women/rural youth and extension personnel, advisory services, on farm trials, other extension activities.
4 Lecturers and 9 non-teaching members.
Established a small demonstration units of nursery plants and vermi-compost
Small library unit consisting of books related to different KVK activities and related subjects.
Delivered 10 lecturer in various workshops of KVK