history of medical education in Varanasi, the oldest living city in the
world and the cultural capital of India, is at least 2500 years old. It
was here that the great Indian Surgeon Sushruta lived and practiced
medicine and surgery around the 5th century B.C. and also compiled his
treatise, the Sushruta Samhita. In view of this perspective it was but
natural that medical education would become one of the priorities of
the then developing Banaras Hindu University way back in 1920s. Pandit
Madan Mohan Malviya, the illustrious founder of Banaras Hindu
University, had the vision of integrating the best of Ayurvedic and
modern systems of medicine. This basic idea initiated the training of
Ayurveda in Banaras Hindu University in 1922 as a department in the
Faculty of Oriental Learning and Theology. Soon thereafter, in 1927, a
separate Ayurvedic College was started for imparting training in both
in Ayurveda and Modern Medical Sciences under the Faculty of Medicine
and Surgery (Ayurveda) and a six years course Ayurvedacharya with
Medicine and Surgery (AMS) was started. In 1959, the undergraduate
course in Ayurveda was suspended to provide more emphasis on
post-graduate education and research. The Ayurvedic college' was
converted into the College of Medical Sciences in 1960 under the
leadership of Prof. K. N. Udupa at its helm as founder principal. In
1963 the Post-Graduate Institute of Indian Medicine was established. In
1963 a Postgraduate Institute of Indian Medicine was established as an
integral part of the College of Medical Sciences and postgraduate
courses in various Ayurvedic specialties were started. Simultaneously,
postgraduate medical education was also started in a phased manner in
Modern Medicine. In 1971, the College of Medical Sciences was upgraded
to the Institute of Medical Sciences. In 1978, the existing Faculty was
bifurcated into the Faculty of Ayurveda and Faculty of Medicine. In
1999, the four and half years' duration graduation course in Ayurveda
followed by compulsory internship of one year was started, as per the
recommendations of Central Council of Indian Medicine, leading to the
award of BAMS degree. Six new departments were created in year 2006
making a total of 14 departments and 15 degree giving specialties in
the Faculty.The
Faculty of Ayurveda is known for integration of ancient Indian Medical
knowledge and modern medical sciences. The integration of Ayurveda and
Modern Medicine is a continuous process effected by the interaction,
interdisciplinary research, education and patient care between the
departments and centers of the institute. The Faculty is situated in
proximity to other Faculties such as Humanities, Social Sciences, and
institutes of Technology and Agricultural Sciences. This has also
greatly helped in the development of collaborative research.Ayurvedic Pharmacy and DispensaryTo
cater the needs of O.P.D. and I.P.D. patients with quality medicines a
hospital site pharmacy and dispensary is working at S. S. Hospital.Medicinal Plant GardenAn
independent classical medicinal plants garden having 200 medicinal
plant species grown in it is attached with the Department of
Dravyaguna. Most of the plants are procured from various parts of our
the department of Rasa-Shastra a raw drug museum for minerals and
metals is separately established. The department of Dravyaguna is
having a herbarium and crude drug museum which consists of more than
450 herbarium specimens.LibraryAn
independent library for undergraduate students and a section of library
for post-graduate students and Ph.D. scholars is presently running
under the institute. Both the libraries are having all the prescribed
course books, various journals, theses and valuable manuscripts.HostelSeparate
residential accommodations for boys and girls are available in Nagarjun
Doctors' Hostel, Sukanya Hostel, Atreya Punarvasu Hostel and K. G.
Hostel.Aims and Objectives1.
To develop a pattern in Ayurvedic education, research and health
services with assimilation and synthesis of latest developments in
scientific field, for the purpose of education, research and health
To attain self-sufficiency in post-graduate education (developed on the
lines of synthesis of Ayurveda and Modern Medicine) to meet the
country's need for highly qualified teachers and researchers in all
disciplines.3. To provide high quality patient care