Department of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery

Year of establishment: 1998


The superspeciality of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery came into existence in 1973 as a Division and became a Department in 1998. The department has awarded M.Ch. degrees to 4 candidates and after a gap M.Ch. programme has been re started. In addition, Postgraduate students of the Department of General Surgery are provided superspeciality training in Cardiothoracic Surgery for a period of 2-8 months during their rotatory postings.
So Far more than 100 M.S. students have been trained in the Department. More than 100 papers have been published from the Department.
Department is now fast developing in the field of Open Heart Surgery, which is now being performed routinely. Department is currently doing all sort of valve replacements, CABG and surgery for Congenital Heart diseases. This is apart from a very well developed Thoracic Surgery programme.
Recently Department of CTVS renovated its 6 bedded ICU, which is now equipped with state of art facilities including 6 Cardiac monitors, 4 ventilators, ABG analysis machine, 3-D Echo Machine with TEE probes, IABP machine, portable X Ray, defibrillator and other necessary equipments..

Teaching Staff:

1. Prof T K Lahiri Distinguished Professor
2. Dr Siddharth Lakhotia Associate Professor & HOD
3. Dr Sanjay Kumar Assistant Professor

Non Teaching Staff:

1. Vinay Kumar Upadhyay Senior Assistant

2. Dinesh Maiti, STA Perfusionist
3. Soumyajit Roy, STA Perfusionist
4. Rajesh Kumar Bind, Lab Attendant

Senior Resident (M.Ch. Course):

1. Dr. Narendra Nath Das - 2016
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