Department of Community Medicine
Year of establishment: 1963Introduction:

department awarded 101 MD and 43 Ph.D. degrees so far. Publications in
last 5 years from the department include 5 papers in International and
77 papers in National Journals and 5 Chapters in Books. The Research
areas include Clinical epidemiology, Human Nutrition, Biostatistics.
Health Management. Maternal and Child Health, Primary Health Care,
Environmental sanitation and Occupational Health. The department has
completed 38 National and 4 International Projects. The department
organized five International and15 National
Conferences/Symposia/Workshops. The faculty members have served as
president, vice-president of IPHA and IAPSM and chief editor and
associate editor of IJPH and IJPSM. Guests from UK, USA, WHO, UNFPA,
UNICEF, Netherlands have visited the department. The department runs
rural, urban and community health centers and serves nearly 8000 OPD
patients in a year. The laboratory services of the department include
public health laboratory for water analysis, Entomological studies.
Iodine testing and routine investigations for the beneficiaries of UHC
Sunderpur and RHTC Chiraigaon.