department of medical gastroenterology was established in 1969 headed
by Prof. J.P. Gupta, after the approval of UGC committee under the
chairmanship of Prof. P.N. Chuttani. It is a fast growing speciality
resulting magnificent strides made in last two decades, which has
completely changed the gastroenterology practice, teaching and
investigative approach. Presently the department of Gastroenterology
has three full time faculty members running DM course which is
recognized by Medical Council of India. Approximately 45 DM trainees
have passed out and holding various important positions all over the
country. It has got fairly good endoscopy unit carrying out about
8000-9000 diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies per year. Its annual
OPD attendance has already crossed 35000 per year. In addition we have
a laboratory, carrying out specific investigations related to
gastroenterology and Hepatology. It is also being utilized for research
Important Milestones- 1969 : Speciality of Gastroenterology was started as a division in the Department of Medicine. 1975 : Allocation and shifting of OPD to New OPD Block 1976 : Starting of Post Doctoral DM Course in Gastroenterology 1978 : First D.M. Candidate qualified, first time in the university set-up in the country. 1979 : Indoor ward with 21 beds facility started on 6th floor, wing of New Hospital Block. 1981 : Therapeutic Upper GI Endoscopy started. 1987 : Diagnostic Therapeutic ERCP started. 1987 : DM Admissions raised to two per year (Regular - One, sponsored -one) 1988 : Faculty position raised to three (Professor - one, Reader- one and Lecturer - one) as per MCI norms 1992 : Revolving Fund started for self financing of maintenance of equipments. 1994 : National Conference organized by the Department 1995 : JICA Aid received with Video Imaging facility endoscopes 1997 : Ultrasound facility established in the department 1998 : Division of Gastroenterology was up-graded to the department 2000 : National Conference on Liver Diseases was organized 2000 : Shot term training in Endoscopy started. 2004 : DM Course recognition from MCI 2005 : Radioimaging facility installed in the department 2005 : UPISGCON- organized by the department 2006 : Capsule Endoscopy started 2006 : Argon Plasma Coagulation set started