Division of Nephrology was created in 1976 in the Department of
Medicine, and was upgraded to full department in 1998. DM (Nephrology)
course was started in 1980. Post Graduate Diploma in Dialysis Therapy
(PGDDT) was started in 1999. The department have three sanctioned
teaching post (Lecturer, Reader and Professor one each). The department
hold a prominent place in the country with respect to its teaching and
research activity. The thrust research area of department is; acute
renal failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal diseases in elderly and
renal disorder of pregnancy. The department provide regular renal
replacement therapy (RRT), renal biopsy and CAPD in addition to care of
patients with all kind of renal diseases. The publication of department
in last five years (2002-2007) included; 38 papers including 10 in
international journal, and five chapter in books. The department have
organized national conferences, and several CME programmes. Many
distinguished scientist from abroad and India have visited the
department. The department is also involved in international project "
Screening and early evaluation of kidney disease (SEEK)" a multi-
centre study in India. The "SEEK Project" is sponsored by International
Society of Nephrology and Harvard School of Medicine (USA). Future plan
include development of cadaveric renal transplant, and to create the
regional centre for renal sciences.