Department of Ophthalmology

Year of establishment: 1964


In 1964, the Department was established. It was inaguarated by the former Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. The name was kept as Bhuvalka Eye Hospital as, funding for separate building was done by Bhuvalka Trust.

MCI inspection was done in 1960 and 1981. Following which approval for MBBS & MS Ophthalmology degree was obtained.

The outpatient department functions on all days of week. The speciality clinics also functions in the  in same timing. A dedicated team of residents and consultants is available round the clock to cater to the emergencies in hospital and trauma centre. The department is providing free eye-relief camps in Varanasi and surrounding 150 km area for combating  blindness.

The research activities of the Department are reflected by National & International Publications,  Nooks/Chapters  (22) and  articles (65).

The faculties have been invited as MCI Assessor, NAAC coordinator, DNB Examiners, chairpersons, Moderators and Guest speakers in National and State level conferences.

The department is running  MBBS and MS courses and has been a centre for DNB examination.

Our  triple goal is to provide comprehensive, high-quality, and  structured  training of Under graduates and Postgraduates  and to carry out  basic and clinical research, besides ensuring ophthalmic care to the last person in the society.
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