Department of Pediatric Surgery
Year of establishment: 1998

division of Pediatric Surgery was established in 1965 by late Prof.
G.D. Singhal. The M.Ch (Pediatric Surgery) course was started in 1976,
the Division became Department in 1998. This is the only Pediatric
Surgery centre imparting M.Ch. degree course and super specialized
services between New Delhi and Kolkata. At present the faculty consists
of Professor-3, Senior Lecturer-I. The Department has offered 23 M.Ch.
and 2 Ph.D degrees. Research activities in the field of nutritional
aspects of congenital malformations: Hirschsprung's disease, ARM and
pediatric malignancies are underway but major thrust is on Neonatal
surgery, Pediatric Urology, endoscopy and laparoscopy. Bed occupancy is
approximately 95%. In the last five years 4 papers in International, 15
papers in National journals and 7 chapters in various books have been
published. The department organized one International and one National
Workshop as well as Annual Conference IAPS-1996, International workshop
on Minimally Invasive Surgery 1999 and Workshop on Anorectal
Malformations. Prof. Felix Schier (Germany), Prof. Hock Um
Tan(USA),Prof.Hayashi(Japan) and Dr Doraiswamy (Scotland) were the
distinguished guests. The Department plans to build separate Pediatric
Laparoscopic surgery, Endoscopic surgery and Pediatric Urology Units in
the future.