division of Plastic Surgery was started in 1964 with the objective of
developing superspeciality of Plastic Surgery in this part of the
country, training of post graduates and rendering speciality services
to the patients. The M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) course was started in 1976.
The division was upgraded to Department in 1998. The sanctioned
teaching posts are 4. Thrust areas for research include
micro-circulation in fascia, evaluation of surgical outcome in cleft
lip and palate. The department has done pioneering work in Fascio
cutaneous, Adipofascial and Perforator based flaps and their
vascularity, bacteriological study in Lymphedema, study of tendon
healing, Distraction osteogenesis in short bones of hands and feet. The
department has organized a number of national and international
conferences and workshops and has been an active participant in
INSA-PAS (Polish) Exchange Programme. Several international eminent
personalities have visited the department. Future development plans
include LASER surgery and various endoscopic procedures and Aesthetic