International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of
Diffusive Processes and Applications (October 29-31, 2014)
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International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of
Diffusive Processes and Applications (October 29-31, 2014)
Mathematics Department of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is
organizing an International Conference on Modeling and Simulation
of Diffusive Processes and Applications (ICMSDPA14) during
October 29-31, 2014. This is the second edition of ICMSDPA, the first
conference was organized in BHU by the Computer Science Department
during October 9-12, 2012.
The objective of the conference is to bring together experts and
researchers from various disciplines like computing science, applied
mathematical sciences, natural resource management, environmental
and atmospheric sciences, applied geo-sciences, traditional engineering
disciplines, agricultural sciences, theoretical medical sciences, etc. for
sharing of ideas and reporting of their research results.
Many natural phenomena like air, soil, water, and groundwater
pollution, sea water intrusion, controlled release of nutrients from
coated fertilizer granules, release from encapsulated medicinal pellets,
transport across the cellular membranes, etc. all involve diffusive
processes. The medium of the diffusive processes, in general, is
heterogeneous and the sources may be stationary or moving. Diffusion
of information is also used in many areas of computing and
computational processes. Handling these problems requires modeling
based on diffusion equation, computer simulation, and analysis. The
conference aims to provide a platform for exchanging ideas on these
and closely related areas.