Working Group
Prof. B.D. Tripathi

UGC Emeritus Professor, Pioneered Ganga Water Pollution Researches in 1972,  Former Expert Member of the NGRBA & UPSGRCA, Produced 33 Ph.D. (18 Ph.D. on River Ganga), Developed 8 technologies, Published 225 Research Papers & 10 Books. Autobiography published by the National Book Trust, Govt. of India.
Prof. (Mrs.) Kavita Shah

Director and Professor Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development (IESD), Specialization in environmental biochemistry and stress physiology, metal toxicity studies, biosensors, bioinformatics; current research interest includes enzyme based biosensors, phytoremediation studies, environmental education and ecological modelling for food security and sustainable development. Life Member of Indian Science Congress.
Prof. A.K. Joshi

Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences, worked as resource person on Ganges pollution at Varanasi & Slums and Ganges pollution and the problems of Dhobi Ghats organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Produced a number of Ph.D. & Published papers in reputed journals.
Prof. Ramesh Chand

Professor in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, developed wheat, barley and rice varieties for rainfed, drought and heat tolerance. Handled 25 Research Project funded by CSIR, DST, DBT, UGC, ICR & DFID. Obtained 1 patent 3PPVFR. Produced 6 Ph.D. & Published 136 papers in reputed journals.
Prof. B.B. Prasad

Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Science, analysed the quality of Ganga water and industrial effluents to help the establishment of Dinapur sewage treatment plant under the Ministry of Energy. Assessed trace metal speciation in the river sediments, Produced 28 Ph.D., Published 200 papers.
Prof. Surendra Singh

Professor of Botany, Guided 45 Ph.D. (including 24 under co-supervision), Published  170 Research Papers in the journals of National & International repute and authored several chapters in edited books. Former member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Prof. R.K. Mall

Professor in the Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, specialized in climate change & risk management. Associated with UNESCO-International Centre of Theoretical Physics-Italy. Former Scientist of Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources.
Prof. P.K. Srivastava

School of Bio-chem. Eng., IIT(BHU), Expert, Indian Patent Office, Coordinator, Entrepreneurship Programs TEPP, (DSIR) MSME �(TIFAC) TBI,( DST)), �Govt of India, Produced 10 Ph.D., Published 100 Research papers, Director, Technical to Biotechnology Company on Products of River Cleaning.
Prof. Devendra Mohan

Professor of Civil Engineering, IIT BHU, specialized in Environmental Engineering, Air Pollution Control, Abatement of Automobile Exhaust Pollution, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Microbiological Removal of Trace Toxins. Produced 3 Ph.D. and published a number of research papers in reputed journals.
Prof. Gopal Nath

Worked on microbiology of Ganga water, focused on non putrefying character of river Ganga  i.e. bacteriophages and their utilization in therapy to deal with MDR bacteria. Published 208 papers with 4065 citations, H index 31. Recently published bacteriophage therapy of chronic osteomyelitis in rabbit model.
Prof. SSK Dwivedi

Professor in the Department of Sanskrit, Faculty of Arts, working as coordinator of the Bharat Adhyayan Kendra, associate with religious & cultural activities of the Ganga, participated in a number of conferences and workshops. Produced 7 Ph.D. & published more than 50 research papers in reputed journals.
Prof. NVC Rao

Department of Geology, specialized in mineralogy and geochemistry. Guided 6 Ph.Ds, published 90 research papers. Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc),  Recipient of Humboldt Fellowship, Nehru Scholarship, Awarded National Mineral, Physical Research Laboratory, GoldMedal of Krishnan Coggin Brown, Naganna.
Sri Sanjay Kumar

Joint Registrar (Development) in the Banaras Hindu University, long administrative & financial experiences for managing the developmental & financial activities and research projects funded by National and International funding organizations.