NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL OF INDIADepartment of Geography, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, IndiaAbout the Journal The National Geographical Journal of India (ISSN: 0027-9374), an International peer reviewed and refereed journal, is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December since 1955. It publishes articles of geographical interests which deal with originality and critical appraisal with problems, review of the relevant and current literature, enhancement of geo-environmental knowledge and development of thought and related contemporary issues. All submitted papers are assessed by editors and expert referees.
Guidelines to the authors General instructions 1. Article should be submitted as Word document in the Harvard Style of format within 5000 words (10 to 12 pages) including tables and references. Article should be typed on white bond (A4) paper in 12 font Times New Roman in 1.5 space with good margin on one side of the paper. 2. If article has coloured figures and photographs, authors are required to pay the cost of its reproduction, if accepted. 3. Footnotes completely to be avoided. 4. The paper may not be submitted elsewhere for which a certificate to be given at the time of submission (see ‘Title Page’ available at 5. Separately, full addresses of four experts on the topic should be given for referring purpose. 6. Books published during the last two-years preceding to the Volume year of the NGJI should only be considered for review. Review should be comparative-critical – no way only glorifying notes. Review of several books together on specific theme will be preferred. The Books to be referred with full information (like, beginning pages, total pages, figures, glossary, bibliography, etc., ISBN and price). 7. Equations in the paper should be editable. 8. Metric system of measurements should be used in entire manuscript. How to frame a research paper The paper should be framed in the following order as far as possible: Title page: Submit a separate title page in Word to facilitate refereeing process. This should include the title of the paper; the authors’ names; main professional/ academic affiliations; full postal and email addresses and email ID of corresponding author. Please don’t include in the main article (see ‘Title Page’ available at Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 300 words including objectives, methodology, data sources and findings is required. Keywords: Not more than six to seven key words including one for theme, one for topic, one for method and three others should be given. Introduction: Conceptual background, statement of the problem, explanation of themes and objectives should be described in introduction. The study area: Location and selection criteria of the study area should be given. Data sources and methodology: A brief description of sample design, selection of sample, method of primary data collection and tools, types and methods of statistical analysis, software used, secondary data sources etc. must be included in this section. Results and discussion: This is main body of the paper in which author describes findings with the help of analyzed data, figures and tables; interprets the significance of findings, explains new understanding of problem and explains how results explain the problems. The subject-matter of the article is to be divided into several focused sub-topics with short headings. To a maximum of two levels of headings may be used. First-level headings should be bold on a separate line. Second-level headings should be bold italic on a separate line. Conclusion: Author should explain how the findings support/differ from other similar studies and why. Synthesis of arguments that address the research problem highlighting opportunities of future research must also be included in conclusion. Acknowledgments: It should be on separate sheet. Please don’t include in the main article (see ‘Title Page’ available at References: All the references should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the article as bellow: A chapter / an essay in an edited book: Kayastha, S.L., 1986, Environmental policies in India, in C.C. Park (ed.), Environmental Policies: An International Review, Croom Helm, London, pp. 223-58. A Book: Ehrlich, Paul R., 1968, Population Bomb, Sierra Club, New York. An article from a Journal: Kayastha, S.L., 1956, Tourist industry of Kangra, Kullu and Mandi in the Himalayan Beas basin, The National Geographical Journal of India, vol. II, pt. 3, pp. 128-48. The Website: Mwaura, F., 2004, Some aspects of the Limnogeography of small high altitude tropical man-made reservoirs in the Eastern Rift Valley, Kenya, Thesis, University of Kenya, viewed on 10 April 2019 from 20432 . References should be cited in the text in brackets with surname and year; for example, (Sharma, 2004). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Tables : Tables must be numbered along with captions, for example, “Table 1: Changing area of Ramgarh Lake (1922-2018)” and placed above the table. Source should be written below the table. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Figures: Figure, line drawings, maps should be preferably in grayscale (maximum size: full page 14×18 cm), clear and readable in 300 dpi preferably in Enhanced Windows Metafile (EWM), or JPEG, TIF, DOC or PPT file formats. All scale lines should be labeled in km, and a North arrow should be drawn in all maps if latitudes and longitudes are not given; otherwise no North arrow is required. Figures should be numbered along with captions, for example, “Figure 1: Location and extent of the study area”. Figure number and source both should be below the figure.
How to submit 1. Please ensure that you are subscribing member of the NGSI, 2. CD of soft copy and two hard (print) copies of the manuscript including figures and tables and other required documents should be submitted by post to the Editor of NGJI. 3. The soft copy of all documents should be emailed at: [email protected] Check List while submitting the paper 1. ‘Title page’ including title of the paper, full information about authors, list of four experts, acknowledgements and declaration by the authors on prescribed format, 2. Manuscript including figures and tables, 3. CD containing all documents, 4. Membership Form and fee if not a member,
Other information · After referees’ recommendations, followed up revision and changes as required, article will be finally accepted only if the contributors are subscribing member of the NGSI (annual/five years/life). Rejected papers will not be returned. · Editors have the right to make necessary corrections in manuscript as per requirement of the journal. · No part of the material contained in the Journal can be reproduced, except for the purpose of review or short citation, without the written permission of the Hon. Secretary. Neither the NGSI nor the Editors are responsible for the opinions or statements of contributors to the NGJI. In case of plagiarism, the sole responsibility lies to the authors. Submit Your Article: [email protected] | |
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