Articles Published in Peer Reviewed Journals /Chapters in Books:
1. Dubey R.S. and Sanyal, S.C. 1978. Enterotoxicity of Aeromonas hydrophila: Skin responses and in vivo neutralization. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg.I., Abt. Orig. A. 242, 487-499.
2. Dubey R.S. and Sanyal, S.C. 1979. Studies on the characterization and neutralization of Aeromonas hydrophila enterotoxin in the rabbit ileal loop model. Journal of Medical Microbiology 12, 345-352.
3. Dubey, R.S., Sanyal S.C and Malhotra, O.P 1980, Purification of Aeromonas hydrophila enterortoxin and its mode of action in experimental model. In Natural Toxins (Eds. T. Wadstrom and D. Eaker), Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 259-268.
4. Sanyal S.C., Dubey, R.S. and Annapurna, E. 1980. Enteropathogenicity and pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila in experimental model. Proceedings of National Conference on Communicable Diseases. Calcutta, pp. 39-51.
5. Dubey, R.S. Bhattacharya, A.K. and Sanyal S.C. 1981. Elevation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate level by Aeromonas hydrophlila enterotoxin. Indian Journal of Medical Research 74, 668-674.
6. Dubey, R.S. 1982. Biochemical changes in germinating rice seeds under saline stress. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 177, 523-535.
7. Dubey, R.S. 1983. Preparation and partial characterization of Xanthomonas oryzae phytotoxin. Z. Allg. Microbiol 23, 225-233.
8. Dubey, R.S. 1983, Hydrolytic enzymes of rice seeds differing in salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 10(S), 168-175.
9. Dubey, R.S. 1984. Effect of sodium chloride salinity on enzyme activity and biochemical constituents in germinating salt tolerant rice seed. Oryza 21, 213-217.
10. Dubey, R.S. 1985. Effect of salinity on nucleic acid metabolism of germinating rice seeds differing in salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 12, 9-16.
11. Dubey, R.S., Sharma, K.N. and Manju Rani 1986. Role of amylolytic and phosphorolytic enzymes in governing salt tolerance in rice. In Structure and Function of Enzymes (O.P. Malhotra, Ed.) CSIR Publications, New Delhi, pp.110-112.
12. Dubey, R.S. Sharma, K.N. and Singh, B. 1987. Influence of phosphorus fertilization on accumulation of phytic acid, nucleic acid and total phosphorus in developing rice grains. Oryza 24, 250-256.
13. Dubey, R.S., Sharma, K.N. and Singh B. 1987. Salinity induced Adenosine triphosphatase activity in germinating rice seeds. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 30, 256-260.
14. Dubey, R.S. and Manju Rani 1987. Proteases and proteins in germinating rice seeds in relation to salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 14, 174-182.
15. Dubey, R.S. and Manju Rani 1989. Influence of NaCl salinity on growth and metabolic status of proteins and amino acids in rice seedlings. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 162, 97-106.
16. Dubey, R.S. and Manju Rani 1989. Salinity induced accumulation of free amino acids in germinating rice seeds differing in salt tolerance. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 163, 236-247.
17. Dubey, R.S. and Sharma K.N. 1989 Acid and alkaline phosphatases in rice seedlings growing under salinity stress. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 32, 217-223.
18. Dubey, R.S., Sharma, K.N. and Singh, B. 1990. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on nucleic acids of rice seedlings. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 60, 192-194.
19. Mittal, R. and Dubey, R.S. 1990. Effect of NaCl salinity on RNA level as well as activity and molecular forms of ribonuclease in germinating rice seeds differing in salt tolerance. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 33, 32-39.
20. Dubey, R.S. and Sharma K.N. 1990. Behaviours of phosphatases in germinating rice in relation to salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris) 28, 17-26.
21. Dubey, R.S. and Manju Rani 1990. Influence of sodium chloride salinity on peptidase activities and the status of total amino acids in germinating rice seeds of differing salt tolerance. Tropical Science (England) 30, 133-145.
22. Dubey, R.S. and Manju Rani 1990. Influence of NaCl salinity on behaviours of protease, aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase in rice seedling in relation to salt tolerance. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 17, 215-221.
23. Dubey, R.S., Lindblad, M . and Holmgren , J. 1990. Purification of ELT or cholera enterotoxins and comparisons with classical toxin. Journal of General Microbiology (England) 136, 1839-1847.
24. Katiyar, S. and Dubey, R.S. 1990. Changes in polyamine titer in rice seedlings following NaCl salinity stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 165, 19-27.
25. Katiyar, S. and Dubey, R.S. 1990.Salinity induced accumulation of polyamines in germinating rice seeds differing in salt tolerance. Tropical Science (England) 30, 29-240.
26. Dubey, R.S. 1991. Peroxidases behaviour influences salt tolerance. Rice Biotechnology Quarterly (U.S.A) 8, 8-9.
27. Mittal, R, and Dubey, R.S. 1991. Behaviour of peroxidases in rice: Changes in enzyme activity and isoforms in relation to salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris) 29, 31-40.
28. Mittal R. and Dubey, R.S. 1991. Influence of salinity on ribonuclease activity and status of nucleic acids in rice seedlings differing in salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (New Delhi) 18, 57-64.
29. Dubey, R.S., Katiyar, S, and Mittal, R, 1991, Nitrogen assimilation and transamination in developing rice seedlings following NaCl salinity stress. In Physiological Strategies for Crop Improvement (Tyagi, D.N., Bose, B., Hemantranjan, A. and Devi, T.M., Eds.), B.H.U., Varanasi. pp. 189-194.
30. Mittal, R. and Dubey, R.S. 1992, Behaviour of polyphenol oxidase, IAA oxidase and catalase in germinating rice in relation to salt tolerance. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 169, 270-280.
31. Katiyar, S. and Dubey, R.S. 1992. Influence of NaCl salinity on behaviour of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in rice seedlings differing in salt tolerance. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 169, 289-297.
32. Mittal R. and Dubey, R.S. 1992. Mitochondrial acid phosphatatse and adenosine triphosphatase in germinating rice seeds following NaCl salinity stress. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 35, 174-181.
33. Singh, U.P., Prithviraj, B. and Dubey, R.S. 1993. Peronospora pisi spore load on different leaves and its effect on chlorophyll, nucleic acids, protein and phenol contents of pea leaves. Indian Phytopathology 46, 374 - 378.
34. Dubey, R.S. 1993. Behaviour of peroxidases in relation to salt tolerance in rice. In Plant peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology (K.G. Welinder, S.K. Rasmussen, C. Penel, H. Greppin eds.) Unvi. of Geveva, pp. 413-415.
35. Singh, D.V., Dubey, R.S. and Sanyal S.C. 1993 Adherence of haemagglutinating and non-haemagglutinating clinical and environmental isolates of Aeromonas. Journal of International Diarrhoeal Diseases Research 11, 157-160.
36. Katiyar S. and Dubey, R.S. 1994, Behaviour of malate, isocitrate and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenases in germinating rice in relation to salt tolerance. Tropical Science (England) 34, 231-240.
37. Gajjar, L., Dubey, R.S. and Srivastava, R.C. 1994. Activation and stabilization of enzymes entrapped into reversed micelles-Studies on hydrolysing enzymes protease and alpha amylase. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (USA) 49, 101-112.
38. Dubey, R.S. 1994. Protein synthesis by plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress (M. Pessarakli , ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 277-299.
39. Singh, A.K. and Dubey, R.S. 1994. Salinity induced stimulation of glutamine synthetase activity in rice seedlings differing in salt tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (New Delhi) 21, 84-90.
40. Singh, A.K. and Dubey, R.S. 1994. Alteration in activities of chloroplastic phosphatases in rice seedlings following NaCl salinity stress. Journal of Scientific Research 44, 27-36.
41. Kumar, R.G. and Dubey, R.S. 1995. Influence NaCl salinity on the behaviours of malate, isocitrate and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenases in growing rice seedlings in relation to salt tolerance. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 38, 48-53.
42. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1995.Phytochelatins. The Botanica (New Delhi), 95, 26-27.
43. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1995. Cadmium induced changes on germination, RNA level and ribonuclease activity in rice seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (New Delhi) 22, 101-107.
44. Mittal, R. and Dubey, R.S. 1995. Influence of sodium chloride salinity on polyphenol oxidase, indole 3-acetic acid oxidase and catalase activities in rice seedlings differing in salt tolerance. Tropical Science 35, 141-149.
45. Singh, A.K. and Dubey, R.S. 1995. Changes in chlorophyll a and b contents and activity of photosystem 1 and 2 in rice seedlings induced by NaCl. Photosynthetica 31, 489-499.
46. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1995. Effect of cadmium on RNA level as well as activity and molecular forms of ribonuclease in growing rice seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris) 33, 577-584.
47. Dubey, R.S. and Pessarakli, M. 1995. Physiological mechanisms of nitrogen absorption and assimilation in plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (M. Pessarakli, ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 605-625.
48. Dubey, R.S. 1996. Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants Under Salt Stress. In Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Plants. (P.K. Jaiwal, R.P. Singh and A. Gulati eds.), Oxford & IBH Publishers, New Delhi, pp.129-158.
49. Gajjar, L., Dubey, R.S. and Srivastava, R.C.1996. Fungitoxic action of dithanes in presence of surfactant micelles. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 34,370-390.
50. Said, M.K., Mishra, L., Richharia, A. and Dubey, R.S. 1996. Synthesis, characterization and activity of some linear 2Fe-2S clusters containing heterocyclic ligands. Indian Journal of Chemistry 35A, 214-217.
51. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1997. Effect of cadmium on proteins, amino acids and protease, aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase in rice seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (New Delhi), 24, 89-95.
52. Gajjar, L., Singh, A., Dubey, R.S. and Srivastava, R.C.1997.Enzymic activity of the whole cells entrapped into reversed micelles - studies on alpha amylase and invertase in the entrapped yeast cells. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (USA) 66,159-172.
53. Richharia, A., Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1997. Nitrate reductase from rice seedlings: Partial purification, characterization and the effects of in situ and in vitro NaCl salinity. Journal of Plant Physiology (Germany) 151, 316-322.
54. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1997. Cadmium alters phosphate level and suppresses activity of phosphorolytic enzymes in germinating rice seeds. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 179, 35-45.
55. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D. and Dubey, R.S. 1997. The uptake behaviour of rice (Jaya) husk in the removal of Zn(II) ions- A radiotracer study. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 48, 877-882.
56. Dubey, R.S. 1997. Photosynthesis in plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Photosynthesis (M. Pessarakli, ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp.859-875.
57. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1998. A 18 kDa Cd inducible protein complex: its isolation and characterization from rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology (Germany) 152, 448-454.
58. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1998. Cadmium suppresses phosphate level and inhibits the activity of phosphatases in growing rice seedlings. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 180, 223-231.
59. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1998. Cadmium elevates level of protein, amino acids and alters the activity of proteolytic enzymes in germinating rice seeds. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 20, 189-196.
60. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. 1998. Biosorptive behaviour of casein for Zn2+, Hg2+, and Cr3+: Effects of physico-chemical treatments. Bioresource Technology 63, 1-5.
61. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 1998. Effect of cadmium on proline accumulation and ribonuclease activity in rice seedlings: Role of proline as a possible enzyme protectant. Biologia Plantarum 40, 121-130.
62. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. 1998. Removal behaviour of rice (Oryza sativa L.) hulls for submicro concentrations of Hg and Cr from aqueous solutions: A radiotracer study. Radiochimica Acta 80, 47-52.
63. Dubey, R.S. 1998. Reversed micelles: a novel system for production of highly active enzymes by entrapped microbial cells. In Trends in Microbial Exploitation (Rai, B., Upadhyay, R.S. and Dubey, N.K., eds.) International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources, Varanasi, pp.224-233.
64. Dubey, R.S. and Singh, A.K. 1999. Salinity induces accumulation of soluble sugars and alters activity of sugar metabolising enzymes in rice plants. Biologia Plantarum 42, 233-239.
65. Kumar, R.G. and Dubey, R.S. 1999. Glutamine synthetase isoforms from rice seedlings: Effect of stress on enzyme activity and the protective roles of osmolytes. Journal of Plant Physiology (Germany) 155, 118-121.
66. Tiwari, D., Mishra, S.P., Mishra, M. and Dubey, R.S. 1999. Biosorptive behaviour of mango (Magnifera indica) and neem (Azadirachta indica) bark for Hg2+, Cr3+ and Cd2+ toxic ions from aqueous solutions: a radiotracer study. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 50, 631-642.
67. Singh, A., Pandey, K.D. and Dubey, R.S. 1999. Reverse micelles: a novel tool for hydrogen production. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 15, 243-247.
68. Singh, A. Pandey, K.D. and Dubey, R.S. 1999. Enhanced hydrogen production by coupled system of Halobacterium halobium and chloroplast after entrapment within reverse micelles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 24, 693-698.
69. Dubey, R.S. 1999. Protein synthesis by plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress (M. Pessarakli, ed.), 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 365-397.
70. Singh, A., Dubey, R.S. and Srivastava, R.C. 1999. Synergistic effects in enzymic reactions. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 36, 227-232.
71. Singh, A. and Dubey, R.S. 2000. Reverse micelles as water property control system to investigate the hydration, superactivity and kinetics of invertase. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 37, 171-177.
72. Kumar, R.G., Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 2000. Salinity induced behavioural changes in malate dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities in rice seedlings of differing salt tolerance. Plant Science 156, 23-34.
73. Verma, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2001. Effect of cadmium on soluble sugars and enzymes of their metabolism in rice. Biologia Plantarum 44(1), 117-123.
74. Shah, K., Kumar, R.G., Verma, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2001. Effect of cadmium on lipid peroxidation, superoxide anion generation and activities of antioxidant enzymes in growing rice seedlings. Plant Science 161, 1135-1144.
75. Dubey, R.S. and Pessarakli, M. 2002. Physiological mechanisms of nitrogen absorption and assimilation in plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 637-655.
76. Verma, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2002. Influence of lead toxicity on photosynthetic pigments, lipid peroxidation and activities of antioxidant enzymes in rice plants. Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry 15, 17-22.
77. Honjoh K., Mimura, A., Kuroiwa, E, Hagisako, T, Suga, K, Shimizu, Dubey, R.S., Miyamota, T., Hatano, S. and Masayoshi, Iio. 2003. Purification and characterization of two isoforms of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) from Chlorella vulgaris C-27. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry (Japan) 67, 1888-1896.
78. Verma, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2003. Lead toxicity induces lipid peroxidation and alters the activities of antioxidant enzymes in growing rice plants. Plant Science, 164, 645-655.
79. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 2003. Environmental Stresses and their impact on Nitrogen Assimilation in Higher Plants. In Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 5 (Ed. A. Hemantranjan), Scientific publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp.397-431.
80. Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2004. Carbohydrate metabolism in growing rice seedlings under arsenic toxicity. J. Plant Physiology, 161, 867-872.
81. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2004. Ascorbate peroxidase from rice seedlings: properties of enzyme isoforms, effects of stresses and protective roles of osmolytes. Plant Science, 167, 541-550.
82. Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2004. Arsenic exposure alters the activities of key nitrogen assimilatory enzymes in growing rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation. 43, 259-268.
83. Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2004. Effect of arsenic on nitrogen assimilatory enzymes in germinating rice seeds. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 9, 438-441.
84. Singh,U.P., Singh, D.P., Maurya, S., Maheshwari, R., Singh, M., Dubey, R.S. and Singh, R.B. 2004. Investigations on the phenolics of some spices having pharmacotherapeutic properties. Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy (USA), 4, 27-42.
85. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Lead toxicity in plants. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17, 35-52.
86. Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Effect of arsenic on behaviour of enzymes of sugar metabolism in germinating rice seeds. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 27, 341�347.
87. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Modulation of nitrate reductase activity in rice seedlings under aluminium toxicity and water stress: role of osmolytes as enzyme protectant. Journal of Plant Physiology, 162, 854-864.
88. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Drought induces oxidative stress and enhances the activities of antioxidant enzymes in growing rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation, 46, 209-221.
89. Mishra, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Heavy metal toxicity induced alterations in photosynthetic metabolism in plants. In Handbook of Photosynthesis (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, pp. 845-863.
90. Dubey, R.S. 2005. Photosynthesis in plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Photosynthesis (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, pp. 717-737
91. Shah, K. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Plant Metabolism Under Temperature Stress. In Physiology of Abiotic Stress in Plants (P. Dwivedi and R.S. Dwivedi, Eds.), Agrobios Publications (India), pp.243-274.
92. Sharma, P., Jha, A.B., Verma, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2005. Induction of ascorbate and guaiacol specific peroxidases in metal and water deficit induced oxidative stress in rice seedlings. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 12, 81-90.
93. Mishra, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2006. Heavy metal uptake and detoxification mechanisms in plants. International Journal of Agricultural Research (USA), 1(1), 122-141.
94. Mishra, S.P. Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. 2006. Inorganic ion exchangers in radioactive waste management. Part XVI: Uptake of some metal phosphates (stannic and zirconium) for 134Cs. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 268, 191-199.
95. Mishra, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2006. Inhibition of ribonuclease and protease activities in arsenic-exposed rice seedlings : role of proline as enzyme protectant. Journal of Plant Physiology, 163, 927-936.
96. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2006. Cadmium Uptake and its Toxicity in Higher Plants. In Cadmium Toxicity and Tolerance in Plants (Eds. Khan N.A. and Samiullah), Narosa Publishing House (India), pp.63-86.
97. Maheshwari, R. and Dubey, R.S. 2007. Nickel toxicity inhibits ribonuclease and protease activities in rice seedlings : Protective effects of proline. Plant Growth Regulation, 51, 231-243.
98. Mishra, S.P., Prasad. S.K., Dubey, R.S., Mishra, M., Tiwari, D., Lee, S.M. 2007. Biosorptive behaviour of rice hulls for Cs-134 from aqueous solutions: A radiotracer study. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65, 280-286.
99. Mishra, S.P., Tiwari, D., Prasad, S.K., Dubey, R.S., Mishra, M. 2007. Biosorptive behaviour of mango (Mangifera indica) and neem (Azadirachta indica) barks for 134Cs from aqueous solutions: A radiotracer study. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 272, 371-379.
100. Mishra, M., Dubey, G. P. and Dubey R. S. 2007. Lead toxicity effects in growing rice plants: germination, seedling vigour and biochemical changes in rice plants. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, 291, 94-98.
101. Sharma, P., Dubey, R.S. 2007. Involvement of oxidative stress and role of antioxidative defense system in growing rice seedlings exposed to toxic concentrations of aluminum. Plant Cell Reports. 26, 2027-2038.
102. Mishra SP, Tiwari D, Prasad SK, Dubey, R.S. and Mishra, M. 2007. Inorganic particulates in removal of toxic heavy metal ions - Part X: Removal behavior of aluminum hydroxide for Hg(II): A radiotracer study. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 274 (2), 257-263.
103. Mishra S and Dubey R. S. 2007. Changes in phosphate content and phosphatases activities in rice seedlings exposed to arsenite. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology. 20, 19-28.
104. Dubey, R.S. 2007. Heavy metal toxicity in plants: the phytotoxic role of cadmium. In Plant Diversity and Conservation (J.S. Singh, A.K. Bhatnagar, V.P. Singh and B.K. Roy, Eds.). Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd. Delhi. ISBN 81-89304-28-3., pp. 185-201
105. Mishra , P. and Dubey, R.S. 2008. Effect of aluminum on metabolism of starch and sugars in growing rice seedlings. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 30, 265-275.
106. Maheshwari, R. and Dubey, R.S. 2008. Inhibition of ribonuclease and protease activities in germinating rice seeds exposed to nickel. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 30, 863-872.
107. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2008. Mechanism of aluminum toxicity and tolerance in higher plants. In Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 10 (Ed. A. Hemantranjan), Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp.145-179.
108. Pandey, A. and Dubey, R.S. 2008. Photoproduction of Hydrogen Through Biological Route Using Reverse Micelles. In: Treatise on Photophysiology (Haldar, C. and Basu, P., eds.), Imagination Editors and Printers, Varanasi, India, pp. 193-206. ISBN 978-81-921414-11
109. Sharma, P., Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2009. Effect of Abiotic Stresses on Growth, Metabolic Alterations and Tolerance Mechanisms in Rice Crop". In: Danforth, A.T., editor, Corn Crop Production: Growth, Fertilization and Yield. pp.111-186. Nova Science Publishers, NewYork, Agriculture Issues and Policies ISBN: 978-1-60741-955-6.
110. Maheshwari, R. and Dubey, R.S. 2009. Nickel-induced oxidative stress and the role of antioxidative defense in rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation. 59, 37-49.
111. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2010. Metal Toxicity in Plants : Uptake of Metals, Metabolic Alterations and Tolerance Mechanisms. In: Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 11 (Ed. A. Hemantaranjan), Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp.53-106.
112. Dubey, R.S. 2010. Metal toxicity, oxidative stress and antioxidative defense system in plants. In: Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants in Higher Plants. (S. Dutta Gupta, ed.), Science Publishers, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA pp. 177-203.
113. Sharma, P., Jha, A. B. and Dubey, R.S. 2010. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidative Defense System in Plants Growing under Abiotic Stresses. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, (M. Pessarakli, ed.), 3rd edition, Taylor & Francis, Florida, USA. pp. 89-138.
114. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2010. Protein synthesis by plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, (M. Pessarakli, ed.), 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis, Florida, USA. pp. 465-518.
115. Jaiswal, N., Saritha, R.K., Datta, D., Singh, M., Dubey, R..S, Rai, A.B. and Rai, M. 2010. Molecular characterization of tomato leaf curl Palampur virus and pepper leaf curl betasatellite naturally infecting pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) in India. Indian Journal of Virology. 21:128-132.
116. Srivastava S. and Dubey, R.S. 2011. Manganese-excess induces oxidative stress, lowers the pool of antioxidants and elevates activities of key antioxidative enzymes in rice seedlings. Plant Growth regulation. 64:1-16.
117. Maheshwari, R. and Dubey, R.S. 2011. Nickel toxicity alters phosphate pool and suppresses activity of phosphorolytic enzymes in germinating seeds and growing seedlings of rice. International Journal of Plant Physiol Biochem 3, 50-59.
118. Mishra, Pallavi and Dubey, R.S. 2011. Nickel and Al-excess inhibit nitrate reductase but upregulate activities of aminating glutamate dehydrogenase and aminotransferases in growing rice seedlings. Plant Growth regulation 64, 251-261.
119. Sharma, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2011. Abiotic Stress-Induced Metabolic Alterations in Crop Plants: Strategies for Improving Stress Tolerance. In: Advances in Life Sciences, Sinha, R.P., Sharma, N.K. and Rai, A.K., eds. I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. pp. 1-54.
120. Mishra, Shruti, Jha, A.B. and Dubey, R.S. 2011. Arsenite treatment induces oxidative stress, upregulates antioxidant aystem and causes phytochelatin synthesis in rice seedlings. Protoplasma 248, 565-577.
121. Srivastava, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2012. Nitric oxide alleviates manganese toxicity by preventing oxidative stress in excised rice leaves. Acta Physiol. Plant. 34, 819-825.
122. Jaiswal, N., Saritha, R.K., Datta, D., Singh, M., Dubey, R.S., Rai, M. and Rai, A.B. 2012. Mixed infections of begomoviruses in pumpkins with yellow vein mosaic disease in north India. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 45, 938 - 941.
123. Sharma, P., Jha, A.B., Dubey, R.S. and Pessarakli, M. 2012. Reactive Oxygen Species, Oxidative Damage and Antioxidative Defense Mechanism in Plants under Stressful Conditions. Journal of Botany, 2012, Article ID 217037, 26 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/217037.
124. Srivastava R.K and Dubey, R.S. 2012. Metal Toxicity, Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Their Consequences in Plants. In: Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 13 (Ed. A. Hemantaranjan), Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp.415-456.
125. Dubey R.S. 2012. Food Security and Sustainability of Agriculture in Indian Context. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Food Security and Sustainability of Agriculture, UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad, Feb. 9-10, 2012, pp. 20-23.
126. Jaiswal, N., Singh, M., Dubey, R.S., Venkataramanappa, V. and Datta, D. 2012.Phytochemicals and antioxidative enzymes defence mechanism on occurrence of yellow vein mosaic disease of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). 3 Biotech, DOI 10.1007/s13205-012-0100-6.
127. Kumar, S., Asif, M.H., Chakrabarty, D., Tripathi, R.D., Dubey, R.S. and Trivedi, P.K. 2013.Differential expression of rice lambda class GST gene family members during plant growth, development, and in response to stress conditions. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 31:569-580.
128. Mishra, P., Bhoomika, K. and Dubey, R.S. 2013. Differential responses of antioxidative defense system to prolonged salinity stress in salt-tolerant and salt sensitive Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Protoplasma 250, 3-19.
129. Pyngrope, S., Bhoomika, K. and Dubey, R. S. 2013. Oxidative stress, protein carbonylation, proteolysis and antioxidative defense system as a model for depicting water deficit tolerance in Indica rice seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation 69, 149-165.
130. Mishra, P. and Dubey, R.S. 2013. Excess nickel modulates activities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes and induces accumulation of sugars by upregulating acid invertase and sucrose synthase in rice seedlings. Biometals 26, 97-111.
131. Pyngrope, S., Bhoomika, K. and Dubey, R. S. 2013. Reactive oxygen species, ascorbate-glutathione pool, and enzymes of their metabolism in drought-sensitive and tolerant indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings subjected to progressing levels of water deficit. Protoplasma 250, 585-600.
132. Verma, A.K., Agarwal, A.K., Dubey, R. S., Solomon, S. and Singh, S.B. 2013. Sugar partitioning in sprouting lateral bud and shoot development of sugarcane. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 62 , 111-115.
133. Kumar S, Asif MH, Chakrabarty D, Tripathi RD, Dubey RS, Trivedi PK. 2013. Expression of a rice Lambda class of glutathione S-transferase, OsGSTL2, in Arabidopsis provides tolerance to heavy metal and other abiotic stresses. Journal of Hazarduous Materials 248, 228-237.
134. Pandey P., Srivastava R.K. and Dubey, R.S. 2013. Salicylic acid alleviates aluminum toxicity in rice seedlings better than magnesium and calcium by reducing aluminum uptake, suppressing oxidative damage and increasing antioxidative defense. Ecotoxicology 22 (4), 656-670.
135. Bhoomika. K., Pyngrope, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2013. Differential responses of antioxidant enzymes to aluminum toxicity in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars with marked presence and elevated activity of Fe SOD and enhanced activities of Mn SOD and catalase in aluminum tolerant cultivar. Plant Growth Regulation. 71 (3), 235-252
136. Gupta, A.K., Dubey, R.S. and Malik, J.K. 2013. Application of modern electroanalytical techniques: recent trend in pharmaceutical and drug analysis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4, 2450-2458.
137. Pandey, P., Srivastava, R.K. and Dubey, R.S. 2014. Water deficit and aluminum tolerance are associated with a high antioxidative enzyme capacity in Indica rice seedlings. Protoplasma 251:147-60.
138. Bhoomika. K., Pyngrope, S. and Dubey, R.S. 2014. Effect of aluminum on protein oxidation, non-protein thiols and protease activity in seedlings of rice cultivars differing in aluminum tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology, 171 (7), 497-508.
139. Srivastava RK, Pandey P, Rajpoot R, Rani A and Dubey RS. 2014. Cadmium and lead interactive effects on oxidative stress and antioxidative responses in rice seedlings. Protoplasma 251:1047-1065.
140. Dubey RS, Srivastava, R.K. and Pessarakli M. 2014. Nitrogen absorption and assimilation in plants under stressful conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, pp. 453-485.
141. Sharma P, Jha AB, Dubey RS and Pessarakli M. 2014. Reactive oxygen species generation, hazards and defense mechanisms in plants under environmental (abiotic and biotic) stress conditions. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, pp. 509-547.
142. Sharma P, Jha AB and Dubey RS. 2014. Arsenic toxicity and tolerance mechanisms in crop plants. In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology (M. Pessarakli, ed.) 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, pp. 733-783.
143. Srivastava RK, Pandey P, Rajpoot R, Rani A, Gautam A and Dubey RS. 2014. Exogenous Application of Calcium and Silica Alleviates Cadmium Toxicity by Suppressing Oxidative Damage in Rice Seedlings. Protoplasma. DOI: 10.1007/s00709-014-0731-z.
144. Kumar S, Dubey RS, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D and Trivedi PK 2015. Omics and biotechnology of arsenic stress and detoxification in plants: Current updates and prospective. Environment International 74:221-230.
145. Kumar M, Chand R, Dubey RS and Shah K. 2015. Effect of Tricyclazole on morphology, virulence and enzymatic alterations in pathogenic fungi Bipolaris sorokiniana for management of spot blotch disease in barley. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 31:23-35. DOI 10.1007/s11274-014-1756-3.