Sushma Bohra Rathaur | |||||||||||||||||
Retired Professor Ph. D. (BHU) Contact Information: Mob: 09454731007 Email Id: [email protected] |
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Acaedemic Qualifications: | |||||||||||||||||
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Area of Specialization: | |||||||||||||||||
DIAGNOSTICS: Potential antigens have been identified that can be harnessed as a cogent diagnostic marker for the detection of LF infection. For e.g. CHEMOTHERAPY: DEC, a microfilaricidal is the only available drug for the treatment of LF and has side effects. New compounds and drug targets have been evaluated for the treatment of LF. For e.g. VACCINATION: Reported side effects and predictions of possible drug resistance against available antifilarial drugs instigate the identification and designing of vaccine candidates for LF such as: BIOINFORMATICS: EPIDEMIOLOGY |
Contact Informations: | |||||||||||||||||
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Banaras Hindu University Varanasi - 221 005, India. Email: [email protected] Mob: 09454731007 | |||||||||||||||||
Current Research Projects:
1. Source: Commission of European Committee, Brussels, Belgium. Title of project: Anti-oxidant enzymes in filarial nematodes: Their role in defense and persistence. Total Amount of Grant: Rs. 35, 00000/- Total period of support with date: July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1996 2. Source: Council of Science and Technology, U.P. Title of project: Serodiagnosis of lymphatic filariasis Total Amount of Grant: Rs 2, 10,000/- Period of support: May 2000 - 2002 3. Source: Council of Science and Industrial Research, Delhi Title of the Project: filarial Proteases: Their biochemical characterization and immunoprophylactic potential Total amount sanctioned: Rs 8, 96,0000 /- Period 2004- 2007 4. Source: University Grant Commission Title of the Project: Potential of Filarial glutathione s-transferase---------- target. Total amount sanctioned: Rs 7, 00000/- Period 1stJan, 2005- 31st Dec, 2007 5. Source: AvH (Germany) Title of the Project: Analysis of Protective antigens of filarial parasites Total amount sanctioned 50,000 Euro Period: July 2010- June 2013 6. Source: Council of Science and Technology, U.P. Title of project: Chemo therapeutic potential of filarial protein tyrosine phosphatases Total Amount of Grant: Rs 4, 96000/- Period of support: May 2010 - 2012 7.Source: National Innovation foundation (DST) Title: in vitro screening of herbal extract Total amount of grant: Rs. 2.00000/- Period: Six months | |||||||||||||||||
Honours/Awards (National/ International):
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List of 10 major Publications:
Additional Information/ Achievements:
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Full List of Publications: 1. S. Rathaur, N. Anwar and S. Ghatak (1980). Biochemical composition of microfilarial and adult stage of Setaria cervi. Z. parasitenkd., 62, 85-93. 2. S. Rathaur, N. Anwar, R.K. Chatterjee, A.B. Sen and S. Ghatak (1980). Metabolic pattern of S. cervi and L. carinii microfilariae. Indian J. Parasitol., 4, 67-69. 3. S. Rathaur, N. Anwar and S. Ghatak (1980). Electrophoretic pattern of isoenzyme of lactate dehydrogenase in microfilaraial and adult S. cervi. Indian J. Biochemistry and Biophysics 17 (Supp.), 40.(abs.) 4. S. Rathaur, N. Anwar and S. Ghatak (1980). Setaria cervi localization and characterization of monamine oxidase. Indian J. Biochemistry and Biophysics 17 (Supp.), 40. (abs.) 5. Abha Agrawal, S.K. Mishra, S. Rathaur, R.K. Chatterjee, A.B. Sen and S. Ghatak (1982). Dopamine (3-hydroxylase in few parasitic nematodes. Indian J. Parasitology 6, 223-225. 6. S. Rathaur, N. Anwar, J.K. Saxena and S. Ghatak (1982). S. cervi enzymes in microfilariae and in vitro action of anti-filarials. Z. parasitenkd., 68, 331-338. 7. S. Rathaur, S.K. Mishra and O.P. Malhotra (1982). Acetylcholinesterase in microfilarial and adult of S. cervi. Indian J. Biochem. Biophys. 19 (Supp.) 8. S. Rathaur, R.K. Chatterjee, S. Sharma, A.B. Sen and S. Ghatak (1983). Action of three filaricides on adult worms of Litomisides carinii. Indian J. Medical Research 77, 808-812. 9. S. Rathaur, N. Nuzhat, A. Kaushal and S. Ghatak (1985). Biogenic amines and their metabolities in microfilarie and adult of S. cervi. Indian J.Parasitology 9 (2), 203-205. 10. D.P. Singh, S. Rathaur, S. Mishra, R.K. Chatterjee, S. Ghatak and A.B. Sen (1985). Studies on the causation of adverse reaction in microfilaremic host follwoing diethyl carbamazine therapy (of D. viteae in Mastomys natalensis). Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 36, 21-24. 11. J.K. Saxena, Nandita Bharadwaj, S. Rathaur and S. Ghatak (1986). Purification and characterization of lactate dehydrogenases in bovine parasite S. cervi. Indian J. Medical Research 84, 264-269. 12. R. D. Walter, A.E. Arias, S. Rathaur and E.F. Diekmann (1987). Secretory enzymes from Onchocerca vioulus during in vitro maintenance. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 38, 339 (abs.) 13. S. Rathaur and R.D. Walter (1987). Plasmodium falciparum : Properties of S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase. Experimental Parasitology 26, 227-232. 14. S. Rathaur, B.D. Robertson, M.E. Selkirk and R.M. Maizels (1987). Secretory acetylcholinesterase from Burgia malayi. Molecular Biochemical Parasitology 26, 257-265. 15. B.D. Robertson, S. Rathaur and R.M. Maizels (1987). Antigenic and biochemical analysis of the excretory-secretory molecules of Toxocara canis infective larvae. In "Helminth Zoonoses" (eds. Geerts, S., Kumar, V. and Brant, J.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, p. 167-174. 16. S. Rathaur, R.M. Wittich and R.D. Walter (1988). Properties of S-adenosyI methionine decarboxylase from Ascaris suum and Onchocorca volvulus. Experimental Parasitology 55, 277-281. 17. S. Mishra, T.M. Mahapatra and S. Rathaur (1992). Isozymic pattern of lactate dehydrogenase in lymphatic filariasis. J. Helminthology 66, 142-146. 18. S. Mishra, V. Taneja and S. Rathaur (1992). In vitro and in vivo effect of Diethylcarbamazine on activity of acetylcholinesterase from W. bancrofti infected serum. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 43, 95-97. 19. S. Rathaur, S. Muller, R.M. Maizels and R.D. Walter (1992). Identification of circulating parasite acetylcholinesterase in human and rodent filariasis. Parasitology Research 78, 671-676. 20. S. Rathaur, S. Mishra, T.M. Mahapatra and V. Taneja (1992). A comparative study of secretory acetylcholinesterase in lymphatic and bovine filariasis. Lymphology 25, 159- 165. 21. S. Mishra, S. Rathaur and T.M. Mahapatra (1993). Wucheraria bancrofti : Identification of parasitic acetylcholinesterase in microfilariae infected human serum. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 44, 75-78. 22. S. Mishra and S. Rathaur (1993). Epidemological studies on bancroftian filariasis (Sunderpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh). Indian J. Parasitology 17, 29-31. 23. S. Mishra, Sonia Gupta and S. Rathaur (1993). Detection of IgG antibody against parasitic acetylcholinesterase in W. bancrofti infected human serum. J. Scientific Research 43, 73-78. 24. S. Mishra, T.M. Mahapatra and S. Rathaur (1994). In vitro effect of levamisole on acetylcholinesterase from W. bancrofti infected microfilariasis serum. In "Tropical Diseases, Molecular Biology and Control Strategies" (eds. Sushil Kumar et.a/.), published by CSIR, India, p.40-45. 25. M. Sharma and S. Rathaur (1996). Cross reactivity of human filarial superoxide dismutase with Setaria cervi. J. Parasitic Diseases 20, 72. (abs.) 26. S. Misra and S. Rathaur (1996). Acetylcholinesterase in W. bancrofti infection. J. Parasitic Diseases 20, 74. (abs) 27. R.N. Singh and S. Rathaur (1996). In vitro released proteases of Setaria cervi microfilariae. J. Parasitic Diseases 20, 151-154. 28. S. Sharma, S. Misra and S. Rathaur (1996). Acetylcholinesterase from Setaria cervi : its use in immunodiagnosis of human filariasis. J. Parasitic Diseases 20, 74 (abs.) 29. C. Bhattacharya, R.N. Singh, S. Misra and S. Rathaur (1997). Diethylcarba-mazine: effect on lysosomal enzymes and acetylcholine in Wuchereria bancrofti infection. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2, 686-690. 30. S. Sharma, S. Misra and S. Rathaur (1998). Secretory acetylcholinesterase of Setaria cervi microfilariae and its antigenic cross reactivity with Wuchereria bancrofti. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3, 46-51. 31. S. Sharma, T.M. Mohapatra and S. Rathaur (1998). Detection of microfilariae carriers in bancroftian endemic areas using the secretory acetylcholinesterase of Setaria cervi microfilariae : a pilot study. Indian J. Medical Microbiology 16, 108-111. 32. C.Ray, S. Misra and S. Rathaur (1998). Identification of circulating parasite antigen in bancroftian filariasis. J. Parasitic Diseases 22, 34-39. 33. M.Sharma and S. Rathaur (1998). In vitro released filarial superoxide dismutase: Its use in the diagnosis of of filariasis. J. Parasitic diseases 22, 82-88. 34. S. Sharma, M. Sharma and S. Rathaur (1999). Bancroftian filariasis in the Varanasi region of north India: an epidemiological study. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 93, 379-387. 35. S. Sharma and S. Rathaur (1999). Characterization of secretary acetylcholin-estrase from Setaria cervi microfilariae: A potential antigen for diagnosis of human filariasis. Tropical Medicine & International Health 4, 341-348 36. S. Rathaur, S. Sharma , R. N. Singh , Kimberley Henkle and Murray E. Selkirk (2001). Antibody responses of Wuchereria bancrofti patients to recombinant Brugia pahangi Superoxide Dismutase. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 39, 35-40. 37. Y. Srivastava and S. Rathaur (2001). Purification and characterisation of collagenase from Setaria cervi in "Different Disorder - Systems" (editors, S. K. Srivastava et. al) Publishe by INDIAS publication. 38. R. N. Singh and Sushma Rathaur (2003). Setaria cervi: in vitro released collagenases and their inhibition by Wuchereria bancroftii infected sera. J. of Helminthology 77, 77-81 39. S. Rathaur, P. Fisher, M. Domagalski, R. D. Walter and E. Liebau. (2003) Brugia Malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti: gene comparison recombinant expression of pi class glutathione s- transferase. Experimental Parasitology 103, 177-181. 40. Y. Srivastava and S. Rathaur. Y. P. Bhandari, M.V.R. Reddy and B.C. Harinath (2004). An adult 175 Kda Collagenase antigen of Setaria cervi in immunoprophylaxis against Brugia malayi in jirds. accepted in Journal of Helminthology 78, 347-352 41. Y. Srivastava, S.Gupta, D.R.Pokharel and S. Rathaur (2004). S. Cervi Collagenase: IgG cleavage and antibody inhibition by W. bancrofti infected sera. Accepted in Acta Parasitology, 49 (3), 253-259. 42. Sarika Gupta, Y P. Bhandari, M.V.R. Reddy, B.C. Harinath and Sushma Rathaur (2005). S. cervi Glutathione-S-transferase: Its immunoprophylactic potential against filarial parasite B. malayi. Experimental Parasitology 109, 252-255 43. Sarika Gupta and S. Rathaur (2005). Filarial glutathione -S- transferase: Its induction by DEC BHA and Phenobarbitone. Acta Biochemica Polonica 52, 493- 500. 44. Anchal Singh and S. Rathaur (2005). Setaria cervi: purification and characterization of Selenium dependent glutathione peroxidase. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication, 331,1069-1074 45. D. R. Pokharel, R. Rai, K.N. Kodumudi, M.V.R. Reddy and Sushma Rathaur (2006) vaccination with S. cervi 175 Kda collagenase induces high level of protection against B. malayi infection in Jirds. Vaccine 24, 6208- 6215 46. D. R. Pokharel, R. Rai, pankaj Kumar C. M. Charuvedi and Sushma Rathaur (2006) Tissue localization of collagenase and leucine amino peptidase in the bovine filarial parasite Setaria cervi. Filaria journal 5: 7 47. Sarika Gupta, Anchal Singh, Marshleen Yadav, Kalyan singh and Sushma Rathaur (2007) MALDI mass sequencing and characterization of filarial glutathione -S- transferase Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication, 356, 381- 385 48. D. R. Pokharel and S. Rathaur (2008) Purification and Characterization of Leucine aminopeptidase from bovine filarial parasite Setaria cervi accepted in Acta tropica 49. Julia Knockel, B. Bergmann, I.B. Muller, S. Rathaur, Rolf D. Walter and Carsten Wrenger (2008) Filling the gap of intracellular dephosphorylation in the plasmodium falciparum vitamin B 1 biosynthesis. Molecular Biochemical Parasitology 157, 241-243 50. Sushma Rathaur, Sarika Gupta, Marshleen Yadav, V. Anandharaman and M.V.R. Reddy (2008) Glutathione transferase: a potential vaccine candidate against lymphatic filariasis. Vaccine, 26, 4094- 4100 51. D. R. Pokharel. E. Srikant and S. Rathaur(2009) Screening of different classes of proteases in microfilarial and adult stages of Setaria cervi. Parasitology Research 104:1399-1405 52. S. Rathaur, Alka Singh, Marshleen Yadav and Reeta Rai (2009) Evidence for the presence of Prostaglandin H Synthase in the filarial parasite and its inhibition by diethylcarbamazine In Acta Tropica 111, 71-77 53. S. Rathaur, R. Rai, E. Srikant and S. Srivatava (2009) S. cervi dual specific Phosphatase: Characterization and its effect on eosinophill degranulation Parasitology, 136, 895- 904 54. Satish K. Awasthi , * Nidhi Mishra , Sandeep Kumar Dixit , Alka Singh , Marshleen Yadav , Sudhanshu S. Yadav , and Sushma Rathaur (2009) Antifilarial Activity of 1,3- Diarylpropen-1-one: Effect on Glutathione- S -Transferase, a Phase II Detoxification Enzyme. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 80, 764-768 55. Saurabh Srivastava, E. Srikanth, Eva Liebau and S. Rathaur (2010) Identification of Setaria cervi heat shock protein70 by mass spectrometry and its evaluation as diagnostic marker for lymphatic filariasis. Vaccine, 28, 1429- 1436 56. Marshleen Yadav, Alka Singh, Sushma Rathaur and Eva Liebau (2010) Structural modeling and simulation studies of Brugia malayi Glutathione-S-transferase with compounds exhibiting antifilarial activity: Implications in drug targeting and designing. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling 28, 435-445 57. Alka Singh and Sushma Rathaur (2010) Combination of DEC plus aspirin induced mitochondrial mediated apoptosis in filarial parasite. Biochimie 92, 894-900 (3.8) 58. Anchal Singh, Shaukat Kamala and S. Rathaur (2010) Filarial Selenium Glutathione Peroxidase: A Probable Immunodiagnostic Marker. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and hygiene 104, 524-528 59. Yadav M, Liebau E, Haldar C and Rathaur S (2011) Identification of major antigenic peptide of filarial glutathione-S-transferase. Vaccine 29;1297-1303 (3.9) 60. S. Rathaur, Yadav M, Singh N. and Singh A (2011) Effect of Diethylcarbamazine, Butylated Hydroxy Anisole and Methyl Substituted Chalcone on filarial parasite Setaria cervi: proteomic and biochemical approaches. J. of Proteomics 74, 1596- 1606 61. Vandana Singh, Deep C. Kaushal, Sushma Rathaur, (2012) Niraj Kumar, Nuzhat A. Kaushal. Cloning, overexpression, purification and characterization of Plasmodium knowlesi lactate dehydrogenase. Protein Expression and Purification 84 (2):195-203,. [1.587] 62. Govind Kumar Rai, Neha Prakash Rai, Sanjeev Kumar, Akhilesh Yadav, Sushma Rathaur, Major Singh. (2012) Effects of explant age, germination medium, pre-culture parameters, inoculation medium, pH, washing medium, and selection regime on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomato. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 48 (5): 565-578,. [1.497] 63. Sudhanshu Shekhar Yadav, Vinay Kumar Singh, Eva Liebau, Sushma Rathaur. (2012) Molecular modelling and docking of Brugia malayi glutathione reductase. Online Journal of Bioinformatics 13 (1):59-79, 2012. [hi-index: 1.67 by Hartzings] 64. Reeta Rai, Neetu Singh, Srikanth Elesela, Savitri Tiwari, Sushma Rathaur. (2013) MALDI mass sequencing and biochemical characterization of Setaria cervi protein tyrosine phosphatase. Parasitology Research 112(1):147-54. [IF: 2.149] 65. Sudhanshu S. Yadav, Elesela Srikanth, Neetu Sigh, Sushma Rathaur. (2013) Identification of GR and TrxR systems in Setaria cervi: Purification and characterization of glutathione reductase. Parasitology International. 62,193 - 198. 66. Govind Kumar Rai, Neha Prakash Rai, Sushma Rathaur, Sanjeev Kumar, Major Singh Expression of rd29A::AtDREB1A/CBF3 in tomato alleviates droughtinduced oxidative stress by regulating key enzymatic and nonenzymatic Antioxidants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2013), 69, 90 - 100 67. Doharey PK, Suthar MK, Verma A, Kumar V, Yadav S, Balaramnavar VM, Rathaur S, Saxena AK, Siddiqi MI, Saxena JK, Molecular cloning and characterization of Brugia malayi thymidylate kinase. Acta Trop. 2014 May; 133:83-92 [IF 2.56]. 68. W. Hartmann, N. Singh, S. Rathaur, Y. Brenz E. Liebau B. Fleischer & M. Breloer. Immunization with Brugia malayi Hsp70 protects mice against Litomosoides sigmodontis challenge infection Parasite Immunology, 2014, 36, 141-149. [IF: 2.21] 69. Wadhawan M, Singh N, Rathaur S, Inhibition of cathepsin B by e-64 induces oxidative stress and apoptosis in filarial parasite. (2014) Plos One, 9, (3), e93161. [IF3.73] 70. Presence of ecto-protein tyrosine phosphatase activity is vital for survival of Setaria cervi, a bovine filarial parasite. Neetu Singh, PetrHeneberg, Sushma Rathaur (2014) Parasitology research DOI 10.1007/s00436-014-4023-5, published 16th July,2014. [IF 2.85] 71. Effect of CDNB on filarial thioredoxin reductase: A proteomic and biochemical approach. Savitri Tiwari, Mohit Wadhawan, Neetu Singh, Sushma Rathaur (2015) Journal of Proteomics. 113, 435-446. [IF 3.9] 72. Synthesis, molecular docking and Brugia malayi thymidylate kinase (BmTMK) enzyme inhibition study of novel derivatives of [6]-shogaol. Vinay Kr. Singh, Pawan K. Doharey, Vikash Kumar, J.K. Saxena,M.I. Siddiqi, Sushma Rathaur, Narender Tadigoppula (2015) European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.01.035 [IF: 4.071] 73. Identification of a novel stress regulated FERM domain containing cytosolic protein having PTP activity in Setaria cervi, a bovine filarial parasite. Neetu Singh, Petr Heneberg, Nidhi Singh, Shio Kumar Singh, Sushma Rathaur (2015) Biochemical and Biophysical Communications. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.100 [IF: 2.281] |