
Dr. Ashok Kumar

BSR Fellow
Contact Information:
Tel. No. : 0542-2368331/6701593 (O), 0542-3295954 (R), Cell No.09454 076909
Fax No.: 0542-2368693/236817
Email Id:[email protected]

Acaedemic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.M.Sc.Post Graduate Dept. of Botany, Bihar University; Muzaffarpur 1976
2.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1980
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:


  1. Diversity of plant growth promoting bacteria: Our goal is to construct a road map of plant growth promoting bacteria inhabiting rice and wheat fields of eastern UP and western Bihar. Employing selective enrichment technique, several efficient bacteria have been isolated and identified on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analysis. For diversity certain important genes such as 16S rDNA, nifH, ipdc and mps have been selected and analysis is being made by DGGE profile and sequencing. It is expected that approaches employed would be useful in the selection of dominant and beneficial bacteria of any field.
  2. Genotyping of pathogenicity genes of Helicobacter pylori: H. pylori causes various types of gastrointestinal diseases, the most important ones are gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer. Our aim is to reveal the role of pathogenicity genes namely vacA and cagA in the development of various gastrointestinal diseases. It is expected that selection of patients from different regions (North and South) would help in understanding the status of vacA and cagA genes and their involvement in disease development. It is intended to employ MLST approach for tracing the phylogenetic history of the rapidly changing populations of H. pylori.
  3. Protein turn over during UV-B stress: We are interested to identify protein(s) specifically appearing after UV-B stress in cyanobacteria. Such proteins would be useful in understanding the mechanism of UV-B resistance in photosynthetic microbes. With a view to generate meaningful data, we plan to locate and target only those proteins which appear during the synthesis of UV-B protecting compounds such as MAA's.
  • 1981-1983 National Fellowship for Post Doctoral Study Abroad, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt. of India.
  • 1983 Appointment offer (in absentia) with 3 increments as Scientist B at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta.
  • 1988 Biotechnology Overseas Associateship (USA)
  • 1995 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Programme) Fellowship.
  • 1998 Resource scientist, BNF group, IRRI, Manila
Current Research Projects:
Sl. No Funding Agency Topic of Research Status and Duration (year) Budget (Rs. Lacs) Investigator/ Co-investigator
1. ICAR, New Delhi Exploitation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture July 2006 - June 2011 45.00 Prof. Ashok Kumar (PI)
Dr. R.P.Sinha (Co-PI)
2. IRS-ONGC, Ahmedabad Isolation, Identification and development of methanogens for in situ generation of methane from coal seams 2007-2010 39.80 Prof. Ashok Kumar (PI)
Prof. A.K.Tripathi (PI)
3. DST, New Delhi Mycosporine-like Amino acids (MAAs) synthesis and protein turnover during UV-B stress in cyanobacteria 2010-2013 29.48 Prof. Ashok Kumar (PI)
Prof. M.B.Tyagi (Co-PI)
Dr. R.P.Sinha (Co-PI)
Any additional information:

Member: Hydrogen Energy Interdisciplinary Group, BHU
Member: Task Force on Transgenic Biofertilizers (2003-2007), Dept. of Biotechnology, New Delhi
Member: Teachers and Training programme, Dept. of Biotechnology, New Delhi Convener: Training/Workshop (5); Centre of Bioinformatics, BHU

List of 10 major important publications:

  1. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1980. Tungsten-induced inactivation of molybdoenzymes in Anabaena. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 613: 244-248. (IF-4.0)
  2. Kumar, A., Tabita, F.R. and Van Baalen, C. 1983. High endogenous nitrogenase activity in isolated heterocysts of Anabaena sp. strain CA after nitrogen starvation. J. Bacteriol. 155: 493-497. (IF-3.636)
  3. Tyagi, R., Srinivas, G., Vyas, D., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1992. Differential effect of ultraviolet-B radiation on certain metabolic processes in a chromatically adapting Nostoc. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 55: 401-407. (IF-2.287)
  4. Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Hader, D.P. 1995. Disintegration of phycobilisomes in a rice field cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. following UV irradiation. Biochem. Molecular Biol. International. 37: 697-706. (IF-1.20)
  5. Sinha, R.P., Singh, N., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. Hader, M. and Hader, D.P. 1996. Effects of UV irradiation on certain physiological and biochemical processes in cyanobacteria. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 32: 107-113.
  6. Singh,D.P.,Tyagi,M.B., Kumar Arvind , Thakur, J.K. and Kumar Ashok. 2001. Antialgal activity of a hepatotoxin-producing cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa. W.J.Microbiol. Biotechnol.17: 15-22. (IF-0.945)
  7. Kumar Ashok, Tyagi, M.B., Jha, P.N., Srinivas, G. and Singh, A. 2003. Inactivation of cyanobacterial nitrogenase after exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation. Current Microbiol. 46:380-384. (IF-1.330)
  8. Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B. and Jha,P.N. 2004. Evidences showing ultraviolet-B radiation-induced damage of DNA in cyanobacteria and its detection by PCR assay. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318:1025-1030. (IF-2.823)
  9. Jha, P.N. and Kumar Ashok. 2007. Endophytic colonization of Typha australis by a plant growth-promoting bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca strain GR-3. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103:1311-1320. (IF -2.028)
  10. Kumar S., Kumar A. and Dixit ,V.K. (2009) Evidences showing association of interleukin polymorphisms with increased risk of gastric cancer in an Indian population. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387:456-460. (IF-2.823)

List of Publications:
A. Papers published in International/National Journals

  1. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1980. Tungsten-induced inactivation of molybdoenzymes in Anabaena. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 613: 244-248.
  2. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1980. Differential effects of amino acid analogs on growth and heterocyst differentiation in two nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae. Current Microbiology 3: 213-218.
  3. Rai, L.C. and Kumar, A. 1980. Effects of certain environmental factors on the toxicity of zinc to Chlorella vulgaris. Microbios Letters 13: 79-84.
  4. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1981. Canavanine-induced inhibition of growth and heterocyst differentiation in Anabaena doliolum and isolation of a canavanine resistant mutant. J.Biosci. 3: 41-49.
  5. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1981. Response of a wild type and a non-nitrogen fixing mutant of Anabaena doliolum towards different amino acids. Zeist, Allg. Microbiol. 21: 353-359.
  6. Kumar, A., Tabita, F.R. and Van Baalen, C. 1982. Isolation and characterization of heterocysts from Anabaena strain CA. Arch. Microbiol. 133: 103-109.
  7. Kumar, A., Tabita, F.R. and Van Baalen, C. 1983. High endogenous nitrogenase activity in isolated heterocysts of Anabaena sp. strain CA after nitrogen starvation. J. Bacteriol. 155: 493-497.
  8. Kumar, H.D., Jha, M. and Kumar, A. 1986. Stimulation of nitrate reductase activity by blue-light in a thermophilic cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria princeps. Br. Phycol. J. 21: 165-169.
  9. Jha, M., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1986. Stimulation of in vivo nitrate reductase activity in the thermal cyanobacterium Oscillatoria princeps under microaerobic conditions. Current Microbiology 14: 145-147.
  10. Rao, R., Banerjee, M., Kumar, A., and Kumar, H.D. 1987. Hydrogen- supported nitrogenase activity in two cyanobacteria. Current Microbiology 16:75-78.
  11. Banerjee, M., Kumar, A. and Kumar H.D. 1989. Factors regulating nitrogenase activity and hydrogen evolution in Azolla - Anabaena symbiosis. Intl. J. Hydrogen Energy 14: 871-879.
  12. Rathore, D.S., Srivastava, M., Sharma, A., and Kumar, A. 1989. Effect of bicarbonate on growth, chlorophyll a, protein and lipid content in a Chlorella species. Indian J. Agri. Biochem. 2: 117-121.
  13. Rathore, D.S. and Kumar, A. 1990. Monochromatic light-induced changes in metabolic processes of a green alga Chlorella species. Biojournal 2: 193-197.
  14. Tyagi, R., Srinivas, G., Vyas, D., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1992. Differential effect of ultraviolet-B radiation on certain metabolic processes in a chromatically adapting Nostoc. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 55: 401-407.
  15. Shrma, A., Mishra, D.P. and Kumar, A. 1992. Characterization of a symbiotic, heterocystous, N2-fixing cyanobacterium from Cycas coralloid roots. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 8: 529-531.
  16. Sharma, A., Sinha, R.P., Srivastava, M. and Kumar, A. 1993. Facile technique of protein precipitation by application of electric current. Biotechnol. Techniques, 7: 9-14.
  17. Rathore, D.S. and Kumar, A. 1993. Protein, lipid and carbohydrate content of three microalgae. Phykos 32: 9-12.
  18. Rathore, D.S. and Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1993. Lipid content and fatty acid composition in N2- fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum as affected by molybdenum deficiency. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9: 508-510.
  19. Rathore, D.S., Kumar, A. and Kumar H.D. 1993. Lipid profiles of three microalgae. Phykos, 32: 1-8.
  20. Tyagi, M., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1993. Effects of ultra-violet-B radiation on photosynthetic 14CO2 uptake and oxygen evolution in cyanobacteria. Phykos, 32: 175-180.
  21. Sinha, R.P, Kumar, H.D. Kumar, A. and Hader, D.P. 1995. Effects of UV-B irradiation on growth, survival, pigmentation and nitrogen metabolism enzymes in cyanobacteria. Acta Protozool 34: 187-192.
  22. Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Hader, D.P. 1995. Spectroscopic and biochemical analyses of UV-B effects on phycobiliproteins of Anabaena sp. and Nostoc carmium. Botanica Acta 108: 87-92.
  23. Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Hader, D.P. 1995. Disintegration of phycobilisomes in a rice field cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. following UV irradiation. Biochem. Molecular Biol. International. 37: 697-706.
  24. Tyagi, M.B. and Kumar, A. 1995. Ecology of N2-fixing blue-green algae. In : Algal Ecology - An Overview (Eds. Kargupta, A.N. and Siddiqui, E.N.), International Book Distributors, Dehradun, pp. 55-80.
  25. Kumar, A., Sinha, R.P. and Hader, D.P. 1996. Effect of UV-B on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in the cyanobacterium Nostoc calcicola. J. Plant Physiol. 148: 86-91.
  26. Sinha, R.P., Singh, N., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. Hader, M. and Hader, D.P. 1996. Effects of UV irradiation on certain physiological and biochemical processes in cyanobacteria. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 32: 107-113.
  27. Kumar, A., Tyagi, M.B., Srinivas, G., Singh, N., Kumar, H.D. Sinha, R.P. and Hader, D.P. 1996. UV-B sheilding role of FeCl3 and certain cyanobacterial pigments. Photochem. Photobiol. 64: 321-325.
  28. Sinha,R.P., Singh,N., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Hader,D.P. 1997. Impacts of ultra-violet-B irradiation on nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria of rice paddy fields. J.Plant Physiol. 150:188-193.
  29. Prasad, V., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D.1998. Effects of UV-B on certain metabolic processes of the green alga Chlorella vulgaris. Intl J. Environ. Studies 55: 129-140.
  30. Singh, K.L. Kumar, A. and Kumar, A. 1998. Bacillus cereus capable of degrading SDS shows growth with a variety of detergents. World J. Microbiol. Biotech. 14: 777-779.
  31. Kumar, A. and Kumar, Ashok, 1998. Isolation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain capable of degrading acrylamide. J. Microbiol. Biotech. 8:347-352.
  32. Tyagi, M.B., Thakur, J.K., Singh, D.P., Kumar, A. Prasuna, E.G. and Kumar, Ashok. 1999. Cyanobacterial Toxins: The Current Status. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9: 9-21.
  33. Sinha, R.P, Kumar, H.D. Kumar, A. and Hader, D.P. 1995. Effects of UV-B irradiation on growth, survival, pigmentation and nitrogen metabolism enzymes in cyanobacteria. Acta Protozool 34: 187-192.
  34. Kumar Ashok, Singh,D.P.,Tyagi,M.B., Kumar,A.,Prasuna, E.G. and Thakur,J.K. 2000.Production of hepatotoxin by the cyanobacterium Scytonema sp. strain BT 23. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10: 375-380.
  35. Singh,D.P.,Tyagi,M.B., Kumar Arvind , Thakur, J.K. and Kumar Ashok. 2001. Antialgal activity of a hepatotoxin-producing cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa. W.J.Microbiol. Biotechnol.17: 15-22.
  36. Singh,D.P.,Kumar Ashok and Tyagi,M.B. 2001. Cyanobacterial Toxins: Toxicity and Environmental hazards-A study. NSIRJ. 9:11-16.
  37. Kumar Ashok, Tyagi, M.B., Jha, P.N., Srinivas, G. and Singh, A. 2003. Inactivation of cyanobacterial nitrogenase after exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation. Current Microbiol. 46:380-384.
  38. Singh, D.P., Kumar Ashok and Tyagi, M.B. 2003. Biotoxic cyanobacterial metabolites exhibiting pesticidal and mosquito larvicidal activities. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 13:50-56.
  39. Tyagi, R., Kumar Ashok, Tyagi, M.B, Jha, P.N., Kumar, H.D., Sinha, R.P. and Hader D.P.2003. Protective role of certain chemicals against UV-B-induced damage in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, Nostoc muscorum . J. Basic Microbiol.43: 137-147.
  40. Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B., Singh,N., Tyagi,R., Jha,P.N., Sinha,R.P. and Hader D.P. (2003) Role of white light in reversing UV-B mediated effects in the N2- fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena BT2. J. Photochem.Photobiol. B:Biology 71:35- 42.
  41. Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B. and Jha,P.N. 2004. Evidences showing ultraviolet-B radiation-induced damage of DNA in cyanobacteria and its detection by PCR assay. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318:1025-1030.
  42. Sharma A, Mishra P.K. and Kumar Ashok. 2004. Localization of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase in the Cycas-Anabaena-cycadeae association. Acta Biologica Cracoviensla Series Botanica 46:213-216.
  43. Sinha R.P., Kumar A., Tyagi M.B. and Hader D.P. 2005. Ultraviolet-B-induced destruction of phycobiliproteins in cyanobacteria. Physiol. Molecular Biol. Plants. 11: 313-319
  44. Tyagi M.B., Singh D.P., Kumar Anila, Jha P.N., Sinha R.P. and Kumar Ashok. 2006. Hepatotoxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa strains growing as blooms in certain eutrophic ponds. EXCLI J. 5: 66-78.
  45. Jha, P.N. and Kumar Ashok. 2007. Endophytic colonization of Typha australis by a plant growth-promoting bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca strain GR-3. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103:1311-1320.
  46. Kumar S, Kumar A and Dixit V.K. (2008) Direct detection and analysis of vacA genotypes and cagA gene of Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies by a novel multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay. Diagnostic Microbiol. Infectious Dis. 62: 366?373
  47. Jha P. N. and Kumar Ashok. 2009. Characterization of novel plant growth promoting endophytic bacterium Achromobacter xylosoxidans from wheat plant. Microbial Ecol. 58: 179-188.
  48. Kumar S., Kumar A. and Dixit ,V.K. (2009) Evidences showing association of interleukin polymorphisms with increased risk of gastric cancer in an Indian population. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387:456-460.
  49. Mishra VK and Kumar A. (2009) Curcumin induced cell death and inhibition of telomerase activity in mouse lymphoma P388D1 cells EXCLI Journal; 8:20-29.
  50. Singh S.K., Gupta K., Tiwari S., Shahi S.K., Kumar S., Kumar A. and Gupta S.K. (2009). Detecting aerobic bacterial diversity in patients with diabetic foot wounds using ERIC-PCR: A preliminary communication. The Intl. J. Lower Extremity Wounds. 8: 203-208.
  51. Mishra V.K. and Kumar A. (2009) Impact of metal nanoparticles on the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Digest J Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 4:587- 592.
  52. Kumar S., Kumar A. And Dixit, V.K. (2010). Diversity in cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) of Helicobacter pylori isolates from North and South Indian populations. J Medical Microbiol. 59: 32-40.

B. List of Papers published in Books/Proceedings
  1. Kumar, H.D., Kumar, A., Rai, L.C., Gaur, J.P. and Ahluwalia, A.S. 1980. Unique position of cyanobacterium in the continnum of life.In : Proc. Origin and Evolution of Life and Intelligence in the universe. Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay (Bombay), pp 99-103.
  2. Kumar, A., Ahluwalia, A.S. and Kumar, H.D. 1980 Applicability of nitrogen-fixing blue- green algae as biofertilizer. In: Proc. National Workshop on Algal Systems (eds. Seshadri, C.V., Thomas, S.& Jeeji Bai, N)., Indian Soc. Biotechnology, I.I.T., Madras, pp 43-46.
  3. Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1988. Nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae. In: Proc. Plant Physiological Research in India. The International Congress of Plant Physiology (Ed. Sen, S.P.), pp 85-103.
  4. Srivastava, M., Sharma, A. and Kumar, A. 1989. Isolation and characterization of N2- fixing cynobacterium Anabaena azollae. In: Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-legumes (Eds. Skinner, F.A., Boddey, R.M. and Fendrik, I.), Kluwer Academic publishers, Netherlands, pp. 77-82.
  5. Jha, M., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1990. Grouping of blue-green algae on the basis of phycobiliprotein synthesis. In: Proc. Symposium on Phytochemistry in Relation to Botanical Classification (Eds, Bilgrami, K.S. and Dogra, J.V.V.), CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, pp, 31-38.
  6. Banerjee, M.,Rao, R., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1990. Significance of pigment ratio and nitrogen assimilating enzymes in the taxonomic analysis of cyanobacteria. Ibid. pp 39-46.
  7. Sharma, A., Srivastava, M., Rathore, D.S., Srinivas, G. and Kumar, A. 1990. Sources of reductant supply for N2 fixation in Cycas - Anabaena cycadeae association. In: Proc. National symposium on Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Fixation (Ed. Kaushik, B.D.), I.A.R.I., New Delhi, pp 63-70.
  8. Tyagi, R., Kumar, H.D., Vyas, D. and Kumar, A. 1991. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on growth, pigmentation, NaH14CO3 uptake and nitrogen metabolism in Nostoc muscorum. In: Proc. Indo-US workshop on Impact of Global Climatic Change on Photosynthesis and Plant Productivity. (Eds. Abrol, Y.P. et al). Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 109-124.
  9. Kumar, H.D., Kumar, A. and Sharma, L.K. 1991. A phycological approach to alleviating the green house problem. Ibid. pp. 213-224.
  10. Sinha, R.P. and Kumar, A. 1992. Screening of blue-green algae for biofertilizer. In: Proc. National Seminar on Organic Farming, Pune, pp. 95-97.
  11. Srivastava, M., Sharma, A., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1994. Hydrogen production by nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. In : Recent Advances in Phycology (Eds. Kashyap, A.K. and Kumar, H.D.), Rastogi Publications, Meerut, pp. 117-123.
  12. Rathore, D.S., Kumar, A. and Kunar, H.D. 1994. Studies on the lipids of nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. Ibid. pp 163-167.
  13. Kumar, A. 1994. Does vegetative cell of cyanobacterium Anabaena CA fix dinitrogen at reduced O2 level. In: Frontiers in Microbial Technology (Ed. Bisen, P.S.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, pp 163-167.
  14. Jha, M., Kumar, A. and Kumar, H.D. 1994. Regulation of nitrate reductase activity in a thermal cyanobacterium Oscillatoria princeps. Ibid. pp. 153-157.
  15. Kumar, H.D., Kumar, A., Vyas, D., Srinivas, G. and Tyagi, R. 1994. Ultraviolet-B radiation stress affects nitrogenase activity in the cyanobacterium Nostoc spongiaeforme. In: Proc. DAE Symposium on Stress and Adaptive Responses in Biological Systems. (Eds. Apte, S.K. and Parekh, L.J.), B.A.R.C., Bombay, pp. 138-143.
  16. Prasuna, E.G. and Kumar, A. 1998. Do biochemical alterations occur in Anabaena cycadeae upon growth in free-living conditions? In: Proc. Intl. Symp. on Cyanobacterial Biotechnology. Oxford and I.B.H. publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi pp 83-90.
  17. Srinivas, G., Singh, K.L., Thakur, J.K. Sinha, R.P. and Kumar, A. 1998. Immobilisation of N2-fixing symbiotic cyanobacteria causes multifold stimulation of nitrogenase activity. In: Cyanobacterial Biofertilizer for Rice Crop (Ed. Kannaiyan, S.) Agri. College and Res. Inst., TNAU, Coimbatore, pp, 140-147.
  18. Singh, D.P., Tyagi, M.B. and Kumar, A. 1999. Cyanobacterial toxins. In: Cyanobacteria and Algal Metabolism and Enviromental Biotechnology, (Ed. Fatima, T), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 61-72.
  19. Kumar, H.D. and Kumar, A. 2000. Some current excitements in the phylogeny and evolution of lower organisms. In: The Changing Scenario in Plant Sciences (Eds. Jaiswal, V.S., Rai, A.K., Jaiswal, U. and Singh, J.S.), Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 385-401.
  20. Singh,D.P.,Tyagi,M.B., Kumar A., Prasuna E.G. and Kumar Ashok . 2002. Bioactive secondary metabolites from cyanobacteria. In: The Algological Research in India (Indian Phycological Review Volume III, Ed. Anand, N.), Bishen Sing Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, pp. 275-292.
  21. Jha P.N., Mishra V.K., Chaudhary M.K., Sikarwar, A.P., Tyagi,M.B. and Kumar A. 2004. Diversity in Nitrogen fixation by endophytic bacteria. In: Microbial Diversity: Opportunities and Challenges. Eds. Gautam S.P., Sharma, A., Sandhu,S.S. and Pandey,A.K., Shree Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi., pp 287-307.
  22. Prasad V., Kumar A. and Kumar H.D. 2006. Impact of UV-B (312 nm) radiation on nitrate, ammonium and phosphate uptake in Spirulina fusiformis. In: Glimpses of Cyanobacteria. Ed. R.K.Gupta, M.Kumar and G.S.Paliwal. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp 201-212.
  23. Kumar Ashok, Sinha R.P., Tyagi M.B., Jha P.N., Pattanaik B., Mishra V.K. and Kumar Anil. 2006. Cyanotoxins: Biotechnological potentials. In: Biotechnological Applications of cyanobacteria. Ed. Singh K. Academic World, New Delhi, pp 81-104.
  24. Sinha R. P. Tyagi M. B. and Kumar, Ashok (2008) Impacts of ultraviolet-B radiation on microbes and human health: The biotechnological perspectives. In Microbial Biotechnology. Eds. Saikia, S, Bezbaruah, R.L. and Bora, T.C. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, pp 319-347.
  25. Sinha R. P., Tyagi M. B., Kumar S. and Kumar, A.(2010) UV-B radiation- induced stress and protection strategies in cyanobacteria. In: Algal Biotechnology- New Vistas (Ed. Das MK), Daya Publishing House, Delhi, pp- 93-110.
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