Bansh Raj Chaudhary

Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:
(O) 6701125/ 2307146; (M) 9415812721; (R) 2575184
Employee No.  12030

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.H.Sc.Sri H.L.J. Inter College, Ambedkar Nagar1963
2.I.Sc. (Biol.)H.T. Inter College, Ambedkar Nagar1965
3.B.Sc. (Biol.)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1968
4.M.Sc. (Botany)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1970
5.Ph.D. (Botany)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1975
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Banaras School of Algal Cytology and Cytogenetics established by late Professor Y.S.R.K. Sarma, F.N.A. is a premier centre of research in the country, and his disciple Prof. B.R. Chaudhary has a long working experience of chromosome research in algae as well as of higher plants. His work on nucleated algae mainly centre around nuclear cytology in eukaryotic algae, inhabiting mostly freshwater habitats. Organization and separation of genome in a variety of algal groups viz., Ulotrichales, Oedogoniales, Charales, Euglenineae, Dinophyceaeetc. Were investigated and the information emanated were successfully employed in taxonomic and phylogenetic delineations in these groups. Unusual chromosome types � acentric, polycentric and diffuse centric and their segregation ranging from prokaryotic to eukaryotic nature were brought to light. Certain controversial issues and baffling questions related to taxonomy and phylogeny were also addressed and resolved on the basis of nuclear data. Role of euploidy and /or aneuploidy in speciation and evolution of varied groups of nucleated algae was clearly demonstrated. Some phytoflagellates, such as members of Dinophyceae and Euglenineae proved to be highly fascinating in possessing mixed characters in addition to certain characters of their own, indicating their transitional state on the evolutionary continuum between the two extremes of genetic organization met with in prokaryotes on one hand and the eukaryotes on the other.

Organization and manipulation of genome and the evaluation of genetic architecture of Triticum vulgare, Carthamus tinctorius and genome organization and its manipulation in Solanum melongena and Vicia faba were made and successful results obtained during the last two decades. Delineation of heterochromatin segments, localization of centromere, demonstration of zygotic meiosis in charophytes, monitoring and control of noxious aquatic algal weeds causing nuisance in the water bodies together with generation of novel strains of important medicinal plants through hybridization, mutagenicity and colchiploidy form the current focus of the research activity of the lab.

Contact Informations:
(O) 6701125/ 2307146; (Cell) 9415812721; � 2575184
Current Research Projects:
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source Amount (in Rs)
3... .. ....
Awards & Recognition:Professor YSRK Sarma Gold Medal, Gift Membership to Intl Phycological Society, England.

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. On a new cytological race of Schizomeris leibleinii Kuetz. Hydrobiologia. 47: 181-191, 1975.

  2. Chaudhary, B.R. Some observations on the morphology, reproduction and cytology of the genus Uronema Lagh. (Ulotrichales, Cholorophyceae). Phycologia. 18: 299-301, 1979.

  3. Chaudhary, B.R. & Singh, H.V. Effects of mercuric chloride on akinete germination and sporulation in Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock (Cladophorales, Chlorophyceae). J. Basic Microbiol. 26: 3-7, 1986.

  4. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of certain environmental factor on the formation of oogonium in Oedogonium hatei Kam. Proc. Indian natl. Sci. Acad. B 54 No. 6: 425-428 1988.

  5. Sastry, P.S.& Chaudhary, B.R. Fixation of CO2 and incarporation of thymidine under heavy metal stress in Closterium monliferum. Folia Microbiol. 34:106-111,1989.

  6. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Nutrient effects on the formation of oogonia in Oedogonum hatei ( Chlorophyta). Phycologia. 29: 332-337,1990.

  7. Prasad, S., Chaudhary, B.R. & Agrawal, R.K. Correlation and analysis of yield and yield components in safflower hybrids (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame and Safflower Newslett. 8 : 74 -77, 1993.

  8. Gavrila, I.L & Chaudhary,B.R. Structure and behaviour of dinoflagellate nuclei.In: Cytology, Genetics and Molecular biology of Algae (Eds.) B.R. Chaudhary & S.B. Agrawal, SPB Academic publishing bv., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 215 -247, 1996.

  9. Agrawal, S.B., Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytomorphological effects of gamma rays on Capsicum annuum. Cytobios. 89 : 189 -197, 1997

  10. Singh A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Desynapsis and meiotic anomalies due to high temperature in Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum fruitescens L. The Nucleus 47 : 154-158, 2004.


Additional Information/ Achievements:

  1. Foreign Visits : Durham (U.S.A.); Vancouver (Canada); Singapore; Bucharest (Romania); Seoul (South Korea); Malaysia; Galway (Ireland).

  2. INSA Visiting Fellow, C.A.S. in Cell & Chr. Res., University of Calcutta,1991-92.

  3. Co-operation Visit to Bucharest University, Romania, Oct-Nov., 1995.

  4. INSA-KOSEF Exchange Visit to Seoul National University, South Korea, March- June 1997.

  5. Vice-President, Society for Plant Research, 1998-2000.

  6. Fellowships to Scientific Societies : 05; Life member, Indian Science Congress Association .

  7. Member- Advisory Board, Board of Studies; Resource Personnel; Expert Refree.


Full List of Publications:

  1. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. On a new cytological race of Schizomeris leibleinii Kuetz. Hydrobiologia. 47: 181-191, 1975a.

  2. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. An investigation on the cytology of Ulva fasciata Delile. Bot. Mar. 18: 179-181, 1975b.

  3. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Some observations on the effects of colchicine on the zoospores of Uronema gigas and Schizomeris leibleinii. J.Cytol. Genet. 18: 32- 38, 1976.

  4. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of chloral hydrate, maleic hydrazide and theobromine on Sphaeroplea annulina. Ind. J Expt. Biol. 5: 936-939,1977..

  5. Chaudhary, B. R. & Sarma, Y.S.R.K. Observations on certain aspects of reproduction and karyology of the genus Hormidium Klebs and klebsormidium Silva et al. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 57: 185-191, 1978a.

  6. Chaudhary, B. R. Meiotic chromosome numbers in Cladophora callicoma Kuetzing. Israel J. Bot. 27: 212-216, 1978b.

  7. Chaudhary, B. R. & Sarma, Y.S.R.K. On freshwater Gymnodonium sp. with unusual nuclear organisation. Cytologia. 44: 915-919, 1979a.

  8. Chaudhary B.R. Nuclear cytology of Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Grev. from Indian water. Bot. Mar. 22: 229-231, 1979b.

  9. Chaudhary, B.R. On Sphaeroplea (Roth) Ag., an interesting green alga. Curr. Sci. 48: 499-500. 1979c.

  10. Chaudhary, B.R. Some observations on the morphology, reproduction and cytology of the genus Uronema Lagh. (Ulotrichales, Cholorophyceae). Phycologia. 18: 299-301, 1979d.

  11. Chaudhary, B.R. Studies on a new cytotype of Eudorina elegans Ehrenb. Cell & Chr. Newslet. 2: 2-3, 1979e.

  12. Y.S.R.K. Sarma & Chaudhary, B.R. Recent trends in algal cytology and cytogenetics. In: Current Trends in Botanical Research (Eds.) M. Nagaraj & C.P. Malik, Kalyani Publishers, pp. 139-148, 1980a.

  13. Chaudhary, B.R. & Agrawal, S.B. Some observations on a new cytotype of Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg (Volvocales). Microbios Lett. 13: 75-78, 1980b.

  14. Chaudhary, B.R. Karyology of an Indian strain of Sphaeroplea annulina (Roth) Ag. Bibliotheca Phycologica. 66: 101-109, 1983a.

  15. Sarma, Y.S.R.K., Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. UV-light and photoreactivation studies on the germination of akinetes of Pithophora kewensis Wittr. Bibliotheca Phycologica. 66: 321-331, 1983b.

  16. Chaudhary, B.R. & Prasad, R.N. Contributions to the karyology of euglenoid flagellates-I. Phacus Duj. Cell & Chr. Res. 6: 76-78, 1983c.

  17. B.R. Chaudhary & Prasad, R.N. Euglenoid flora of Varanasi and its adjoining regions. The Jour. Sci. Res., B.H.U. 34: 135-140, 1984a.

  18. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. First report of chromosome number in Astasia longa Priengsheim., a colourless euglenoid flagellate. Cell & Chr. Res. 7: 74-75, 1984b.

  19. Chaudhary, B.R. & Prasad, R.N. Karyology of Strombomonas Deflandre. Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett. 8: 105-107, 1985.

  20. Chaudhary, B.R. & Prasad, R.N. Contributions to the karyology of euglenoid flagellates- IV. Trachelomonas Ehrenberg emend. Deflandre. Cytologia. 51: 723-729, 1986a.

  21. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. Trachelomonas godwardii and Lepocinclis sarmaii, two new euglenoid taxa from India. Phykos. 25: 75-78, 1986b.

  22. Chaudhary, B.R. & Singh, H.V. Effects of mercuric chloride on akinete germination and sporulation in Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock (Cladophorales, Chlorophyceae). J. Basic Microbiol. 26: 3-7, 1986c.

  23. Chaudhary, B.R. & Prasad, R.N. Contributions to the karyology of euglenoid flagellates- III. Euglena Ehrenberg. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 65: 369-372, 1986d.

  24. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. Contributions to the karyology of euglenoid flagellates- II. Lepocinclis Perty. Cytologia. 52: 357-360, 1987a.

  25. Chaudhary, B.R. & Singh, H.V. Influence of certain environmental factors on the spore germination and spore differentiation in Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock. Folia Microbiologica. 32: 339-344, 1987b.

  26. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of ultraviolet light on the survival and morphogenesis of a green alga Pediastrum clathratum (Schrot) Lemm. (Chlorophyceae). Phykos. 26: 165-170, 1987c.

  27. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. In situ germination of akinetes of Pithophora kewensis Wittr. under culture conditions. Curr. Sci. 57: 1074-1075, 1988a.

  28. Chaudhary, B.R. & Singh, H.V. Nutritional control on sex differentiation in the filamentous green alga Oedogonium hatei Kam. Archiv. fur Protistenk. 136: 389-392, 1988b.

  29. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. Nuclear cytology of a colourless euglenoid flagellate. Menoideum pellucidum Perty. Cell. & Chr. Res. 11: 91-92, 1988c.

  30. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of indole-acetic acid and gibberellic acid on oogonium formation in Oedogonium hatei Kam. Phykos. 27: 135-139, 1988d.

  31. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of certain environmental factor on the formation of oogonium in Oedogonium hatei Kam. Proc. Indian natl. Sci. Acad. B 54 No. 6: 425-428 1988e.

  32. Chaudhary, B.R. & Sastry, P.S. Uptake of heavy metals by unicellalar green alga Closterium moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenb. Phykos. 27: 140-145, 1988f.

  33. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. Nuclear cytology of Phacus Dujardin. Cytologia.54 : 255-262,1989a.

  34. Sarma, Y.S.R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Influence of LD-cycle on mitosis in algae.In : Recent Advances in Genetics and Cytogenetics (Eds.) S.A.Farook & I.A. Khan,

  35. Premier Publishing House, pp. 389-392, 1989b.

  36. Chaudhary, B.R. & Dash, A.Chromosomal variability in Chara corallina Wildenow under culture conditions. Curr. Sci. 58 : 2O9 - 21O,1989c.

  37. Chaudhary, B.R. & Singh, H.V. Effect of antibiotics on spore (akinete) germination in Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock (Cladophorales, Cholophyceae). Acta Bot. Indica. 17: 24-38. 1989d.

  38. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of ZnSO4 on the growth and oogonium formation in Oedogonium hatei Kam. Vegetos. 2 : 1 - 6, 1989e.

  39. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. The use of chromosomal aberrations in chilli as a monitoring system of sulphur dioxide pollution. Proc. VIII World Clean Air Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands. In : Man and his Ecosystem Vol.2 (Eds.) L.J. Brasser & W.C. Mulder, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 143 -147, 1989f.

  40. Singh, I.P., Chaudhary, B.R. & Roy, S.K. Use of snail stomach cytase in clarification of somatic chromosome. Sci. & Cul. 55: 315-316,1989g.

  41. Sastry, P.S.& Chaudhary, B.R. Fixation of CO2 and incarporation of thymidine under heavy metal stress in Closterium monliferum. Folia Microbiol.34:106-111,1989h.

  42. Prasad, R.N. & Chaudhary, B.R. Studies on North Indian euglenoid flagellates-I. Euglena Ehrenberg. Vegetos. 2: 216-222, 1989i.

  43. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of Ekalux EC-25 on akinete germination and sporulation of Pithophora kewensis Folia Microbiol. 34 : 127 - 131, 1989j.

  44. Chaudhary, B.R. & Sastry, P.S. Growth studies of different nitrogen sources on Closterium moniliferum : accessibility and assimilability relationships. Ad.Plant Sci. 3: 117-124,1990a.

  45. Agrawal, S.B., Chaudhary, B.R. & Agrawal, M. Chrpmosomal aberrations as indicators of sulphur dioxide pollution in Capsicum annuum L. Poll. Res. 8: 137 - 140, 1990b

  46. Sastry, P.S. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of heavy metals on Closterium moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenb. In : Perspectives in Phycology (Ed.) V. Rajarao.Today & Tomorrow�s Printers & Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 257 -265, 1990c.

  47. Singh,H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Karyological ivestigations on the genus Oedogonium Link ( Oedogoniales, Clorophyceae). Caryologia. 43: 169-181, 1990d.

  48. Singh H.V.& Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of different nutrient media and qualities of light on the induction of oogonium in Oedogonium hatei J.Indian Bot.Soc. 69:39- 41,1990e.

  49. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Nutrient effects on the formation of oogonia in Oedogonum hatei ( Chlorophyta). Phycologia. 29: 332-337,1990f.

  50. Chaudhary, B.R. & Dash, A. Some observations on Chlorogonium tetraganum Bohlin (Volvocales, Chlorophycae). Vegetos. 3: 154-157, 1990g.

  51. Sarma, Y.S.R.K., Chaudhary, B.R. & Chowdary, Y.B.K. Algal cytology and genetics from Banaras School. In : Glimpses of Phycology in India (Eds.) O.N. Srivastava & M. Srivastava. Today & Tomorrow�s Printers & Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 1-42, 1990h.

  52. Chaudhary, B.R. & Dash, A. Genome flexibility in a local clone of Chara corallina grown in laboratory cultures. Caryologia. 44 : 153 - 160, 1991.

  53. Chaudhary, B.R. Indian Euglenophyceae : systematic, cytotaxonomic and evolutionary considerations. In: Indian Phycological Review (Ed.) M.Khan,Bisen Singh Mahendra Pal singh, pp. 199-242,1992a.

  54. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytogenetic effects of ozone in Capsicum annuum. Chromatin, 1 : 99 -104, 1992b .

  55. Singh, H.V.& Chaudhary, B.R. Formation and germination of akinetes in Pithophora oedogonia as affected by storage, photoperiod and temperature variation. Phykos. 31: 103-108, 1992c.

  56. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effects of Ekatin, an organophosphorus insecticide on mitotic index and chromosomes of Oedogonium gunnii Wittr. (Chlorophyceae). Chromatin. 1 : 223 - 230, 1992d.

  57. Agrawal, S.B., & Chaudhary, B.R. Karyological studies in Micrasterias. J.Cytol. Genet. 28: 43-47, 1993a.

  58. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Toxicity of CuSO4 for growth and oogonium formation in Oedogonium hatei Kam. Folia Microbiol. 38 : 399 -402, 1993b.

  59. grawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B. R. Mercury-induced changes in glutathione content of green alga, Cosmarium conspersum. Microbios. 76 : 223 - 229, 1993c.

  60. Prasad, S., Chaudhary, B.R. & Agrawal, R.K. Correlation and analysis of yield and yield components in safflower hybrids (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame and Safflower Newslett. 8 : 74 -77, 1993d.

  61. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytology of Chrysophyta : light and eletron microscopic studies. The Nucleus. 36: 126-141, 1993e.

  62. Prasad, S., Agrawal, R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Inheritance of yield and yield components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Sesame and Safflower Newslett. 8 : 82-88, 1993f.

  63. Singh, H.V. & Chaudhary, B.R. Germination and diffentiation of akinete in response to heavy metal stress in Pithophora oedogonia (Cladophorales, Chlorophycae). In: Recent Advances in Phycology (Eds.) A.K. Kashyap and H.D. Kumar. Rastogi Publisers, 319-325, 1994a.

  64. Prasad, S., Agrawal, R.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Correlation and path co-efficient studies in safflower hybrids. Sesame and Safflower Newslett. 969-975, 1994b.

  65. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of certain environmental factors on zygospore germination in Spirogyra hyalina. Folia Microbiol. 39 : 291-295, 1994c.

  66. Chaudhary, B.R. & Srivastava, N. Unicellular desmid : new chromosome counts. The Nucleus. 37: 34-38, 1994d.

  67. Chaudhary, B.R. Indian Ulvales : cytotaxonomic considerations. J. Phytol. Res. 7:45-49,1994e.

  68. Chaudhary, B.R. & Agrawal, S.B. Karyotype and their role in evolution with reference to conjugales. In: Biology of Conjugales (Eds.) Vidyavati & M.N. Noor, Rupa Books Pvt. Ltd. pp. 59-90, 1995a.

  69. Chaudhary, B.R. & Srivastava, N. Rhizoid differentiation in the filamentous green alga Spirogyra irregularis Nageli (Chlorophyceae). Cytobios. 81: 181-187, 1995b.

  70. Chaudhary,B.R.& Dash, A. Multiplication and nuclear features as supplementary aids to taxonomy of the genus Clorogonium. Phykos. 34: 1-7, 1995c.

  71. Agrawal, S.B. ,Khan, J.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Karyology of some Indian freshwater Dinophyceae. The nucleus. 38: 34-37,1995d.

  72. Khan, J.A., Agrawal, S.B.& Chaudhary, B.R. Vegetative reproduction in a dinoflagellate alga, Katodinium polyplasticum Popovsky. Phykos.34: 74,1995e.

  73. Chaudhary,B.R.Agrawal, S.B. Conjugalean cytology: reassessment. Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Algae (Eds.) B.R.Chaudhary & S.B.Agrawal,SPB Academic Publishing bv., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 129-147,1996a.

  74. Agrawal,S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Chrysophyte cytology: compilation and evaluation. Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Algae (Eds.) B.R. Chaudhary & S.B. Agrawal, SPB Academic publishing bv., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.215-247,1996b.

  75. Gavrila, I.L & Chaudhary,B.R. Structure and behaviour of dinoflagellate nuclei.In: Cytology, Genetics and Molecular biology of Algae (Eds.) B.R. Chaudhary & S.B. Agrawal, SPB Academic publishing bv., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 215 -247, 1996c.

  76. Chaudhary, B.R. Chromosome organisation in algae. In : Frontiers in Plant Science (Ed.) I.A. Khan. The book Syndicate, Hyderabad, pp. 459-469, 1997a.

  77. Agrawal, S.B., Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytomorphological effects of gamma rays on Capsicum annuum. Cytobios. 89 : 189 -197, 1997b.

  78. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytological observations and evolutionary trends in the genus Oedogonium Link (Chlorophyceae). In: Advances in Phycology : An Appraisal (Eds.) B.N. Verma, A.N. Kargupta & S.K. Goyal. APC Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, pp. 177-186, 1998a.

  79. Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Solanum melongena L. and wild allies : the useful potential resource. J. Phytol. Res. 11 : 153-156, 1998b.

  80. Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Nuclear cytology of algae : promising adjunct taxonomy. In: Recent Trends in Algal Taxonomy (Eds.) Vidyavati & A.K. Mahato. APC Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 21-50, 1999.

  81. Chaudhary, B.R. Dinoflagellates- an interesting group of algae. ln: Algal Biotechnology (Ed.) P.C. Trivedi, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, pp. 217-224, 2001a.

  82. Agrawal, S.B., Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Hybridization studies between different cultivars of Solanum (egg plant). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., India.71: 103-114, 2001b.

  83. Kumar, G. & Chaudhary, B.R.. Cytomorphological studies on the F1 hybrid of Solanum incanum ( S. macrocarpon . Cell & Chro. Res. 22 : 41-44, 2001c.

  84. Kumar, B., Agrawal, S.B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of different showing dates on seed germination and yield performance of four cultivars of Solanum melongena L. The Allahabad Farmer. 56 : 87-96, 2002a.

  85. Chaudhary, B.R. Algal karyology : a status report. In : Algological Research in India (Ed.) N. Anand, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, pp.455- 471, 2002b.

  86. Singh, A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Cytogenetics and breeding behaviour of cultivated chilli peppers. J. Cytol. Genet. 4 : 45-48, 2003a.

  87. Chaudhary, B.R. & Kumar, B. Potential and conservation of Solanum species. In: Plant Diversity and Conservation (Eds.) J.S. Singh, A.K. Bhatnagar, V.P. Singh & B.K. Roy. Pilgrim Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 139-143, 2003b.

  88. Singh A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Desynapsis and meiotic anomalies due to high temperature in Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum fruitescens L. The Nucleus 47 (3), 2004.

  89. Singh, A.K. and Chaudhary, B.R. Genetic archetecture : heterosis and inbreeding depression in chillies. Res. on Crops ( ARIC). 6 : 318-321, 2005a.

  90. Singh,A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R Indian chillies : novel genotypes. Res. on Crops (ARIC). 6 : 365-366, 2005b.

  91. Singh, A.K. and Chaudhary, B.R. Combining ability and generation mean analysis in Capsicum. Indian J. Genet. & Pl. Breed. 65 :151-152. 2005c.

  92. Chaudhary, B.R. and Agrawal, S.B. Yeleswarapu Siva Ram Krisshna Sarma. Biol. Mem. Fell. INSA, N. Delhi. 27 : 37 -52, 2005d.

  93. Chaudhary, B.R. Charophyte cytology and its implications in systematics, phylogeny and phytogeography of extant Charophyta. In: Glimpses of Indian Phycology. (Eds.) J.P. Keshri & A.N. Kargupta. Bishen singh Mahendra Pal singh, Dehra Dun, pp. 1-41, 2005e.

  94. Singh A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Y-ray induced chromosome anomalies in the two morphologically distinct varieties of Capsicum annuum L. The Nucleus 48(3) : 80-84, 2005f.

  95. Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Solanum melongena and wild allies : Potential birth control resource. Vegetos 19 : 81 -83, 2006a.

  96. Kumar, B. & Chaudhary, B.R. Growth and yield attributes of the cultivars of eggplant sown on different dates. Phytol. Res. 20 (2), 2007a.

  97. Singh, A.K. & Chaudhary, B.R. Correlation and path coefficient analysis in Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum fruitescens L. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 86 (3 & 4):129-133, 2007b.

  98. Singh, A.P. & Chaudhary, B.R. Effect of 2, 4-D on the formation and germination of akinetes in Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock. Vegetos 22 : 67-70, 2009.

  99. Singh, A.P. & Chaudhary, B.R. Preliminary phycochemical analysis and in vitro antibacterial screening of Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittrock- a freshwater green alga forming mats in the water bodies. J. Algal Biomass Utilization 1 : 33- 41, 2010.

  100. Chaudhary, B.R. Euglenineae : systematics and phylogeny revisited.Proceedings, Nat. Symp. on Recent Advances in Phycology from Molecule to Ecosystem. Panjab Univ., Chandigarh, 14-16, 2007 (Accepted ).

  101. Chaudhary, B.R. Commentary on nuclear cytology of algae. Phycotalk (Prof. R.J. Patel Comm. Volume) (Accepted).

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