Jamuna Sharan Singh

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Phone: +91 542-2368399 (O), +91 542-2570120 (R),
E-Mail: [email protected]
Employee No:

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Allahabad University1957
2.M.Sc.Allahabad University 1959
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1967
Area of specialization:

Ecology, Ecosystems Analysis and Ecophysiology; structure and functioning of Himalayan and dry tropical forest ecosystems.


Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 1980 (CSIR)
Pitamber Pant National Environment Fellowship 1984 (MOEn)
Pranavanand Saraswati Award 1985 (UGC)
Dr.Birbal Sahni Gold Medal 1999 (IBS)
Prof. S.B. Saksena Memorial Medal, 1999 (INSA)
Honour of Distinction 2003 (Soc. Protect. Env.&Sust Dev.)
Vidwatbhushan 2005 (Akhil Bhartiya Vidwat Parishad)
Life time Achievement Award 2005 (AWA)
Biodiversity Lecture Award, 2009 (NASI)
Bishambher Nath Chopra Lecture, 2010, INSA

Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:

  • Pattern of species diversity along forest-grassland continuum in relation to disturbance
Formerly Chief Editor, Tropical Ecology
Member, Governing Body, G B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora (2007-2015)
Member, Research Council, I. H. B. T., Palampur (2010-2015)
Chairman, Research Council, Kerala Forest Research Institute (2010-2015)
Member, Research Council, NBRI (2013-)
President, Environmental Science Section, Indian Science Congress Association (2004)
Member, National Forest Commission (2003-2007)

List of 10 major Publications:

  • Singh, J.S., Y.S. Rawat and O.P. Chaturvedi. 1984. Replacement of Oak forest with pine in the Himalaya affects the nitrogen cycle. Nature (London) 311: 54-56.
  • Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1987. Forest vegetation of the Himalaya. Botanical Review 53(1): 80-192.
  • Singh, J.S., A.S. Raghubanshi, R.S. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 1989. Microbial biomass acts as a source of plant nutrient in dry tropical forest and savanna. Nature(London) 338: 499-500.
  • Singh, Lalji and J.S. Singh. 1991. Species structure, dry matter dynamics and carbon flux of a dry tropical forest in India. Annals of Botany 68: 263-273.
  • Srivastava, S.C. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Microbial C, N and P in dry tropical forest soils: Effect of alternate land-uses and nutrient flux. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 117-124.
  • Pandey, C.B. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Rainfall and grazing effects on net primary productivity in a tropical savanna, India. Ecology 73(6): 2007-2021.
  • Roy, Sovanand J.S. Singh. 1994. Consequences of habitat heterogeneity for availability of nutrients in a dry tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 82: 503-509.
  • Pinokiyo, A., K. P.Singh and J. S. Singh. 2008. Diversity and distribution of lichens in relation to altitude within a protected biodiversity hot spot, north-east India. Lichenologist 40: 47-62
  • Chaturvedi, R. K. ,A. S. Raghubanshi& J. S. Singh. 2011. Leaf attributes and tree growth in a tropical dry forest. Journal of Vegetation Science22 : 917-931
  • Chaturvedi, R. K.,A S Raghubanshi and J S Singh. 2012. Effect of grazing and harvesting on diversity, recruitment and carbon accumulation of juvenile trees in tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 284: 152-162

A. Full list of publications:

393. Singh, J. S. Environment: A Futuristic View. In Press. Current Science (in press)

392. Singh, J. S. and R. K. Chaturvedi In press. Diversity of ecosystem types in India: a review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (in press)

391. Chaturvedi, R K, A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh 2017 Sapling harvest: a predominant factor affecting future composition of tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 384: 221-235

390. Roy, P S, and others including J S Singh 2015. New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities. International. Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 39: 142-159.

389. Parth S. Roy, and others including Jamuna S. Singh 2015. Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cover Database for India. Remote Sensing, 7, 2401-2430

388. Singh JS.2014. Plant Ecology. Pp 244-260. In A K Sharma (ed) History of Science in India, Vol IV, Part I. NASI-RMIC, Kolkata.

387. Chaturvedi, R. K., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2013. Growth of tree seedlings in a dry tropical forest in relation to soil moisture and leaf traits. Journal of Plant Ecology 6:158-170.

386. Pandey, S. K., Singh, H. and Singh, J. S. 2014. Contrasting leaf phenology of woody species of dry tropical forest. Plant Biosystems 148: 655-665

385. Pandey, S. K., Singh, H. and Singh, J. S. 2014. Effect of Environmental Conditions on Decomposition in Eight Woody Species of a Dry Tropical Forest. Plant Biosystems 148 : 410-418

384. Singh, J. S. 2012. Biodiversity: an overview. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India B 82 (2):239-250.

383. Sharma, G P, Hema Singh and J S Singh. 2012. Ecology of plant invasion with particular reference to India. Pp 77-107. In: A K Sharma, D Ray and S N Ghosh (eds) Biological diversity; origin, evolution and conservation. West Bengal Biodiversity Board, Kolkata, Viva books.

382. Chaturvedi, R K, A S Raghubanshi and J S Singh. 2012. Effect of grazing and harvesting on diversity, recruitment and carbon accumulation of juvenile trees in tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 284: 152-162

381. Sagar, R, A Pandey and J S Singh.2012. Composition, species diversity, and biomass of the herbaceous community in dry tropical forest of northern India in relation .to soil moisture and light intensity. Environmentalist DOI 10.1007/s10669-012-9414-5

380. Singh, J S 2011 Ecology in India: Retrospect and Prospects- Third Prof. R. Misra Birth Centenary Lecture. Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology 22: 1-13

379. Dubey, P., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2011 Temporal variability of herbaceous vegetation diversity in rainy season in a tropical dry deciduous forest. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India. Sect. B 81 (4): 396-403

378. Chaturvedi, R K, A. S. Raghubanshi, and J. S. Singh 2012 Biomass Estimation of Dry TropicalWoody Species at Juvenile Stage. The ScientificWorld Journal, Volume 2012, Article ID 790219, 5 pages, doi:10.1100/2012/790219

377. Kohli, R. K., D. R.Batish, J. S.Singh, H. P.Singh and J. R. Bhatt. 2011. Plant invasions in India: an overview. Pp. 1-9. In Bhatt, J. R., J. S.Singh, S. P. Singh, R. S. Tripathi and R. K. Kohli (eds) Invasive alien plants: an ecological appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. CABI, Oxford.

376. Chaturvedi, R. K., A. S. Raghubanshi, and J. S. Singh. 2011. Effect of Small-Scale Variations in Environmental Factors on the Distribution ofWoody Species in Tropical Deciduous Forests of Vindhyan Highlands, India. Journal of Botany Volume 2011, Article ID 297097, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/297097

375. Chaturvedi, RK , AS Raghubanshi and JS Singh 2011. Plant functional traits with particular reference to tropical deciduous forests: A review. J. Biosci. 36(5), 963-981.

374. Chaturvedi, R.K., A.S. Raghubanshi, J.S. Singh.2011. Carbon density and accumulation in woody species of tropical dry forest in India. Forest Ecology and Management 262 (2011) 1576-1588

373. Singh, J. S. and K. D. Singh. 2011. Silviculture of dry deciduous forests, India. Pp 273-284. In: S. G�nter, M. Weber, B. Stimm and R. Mosandi (Eds.). Silviculture in the Tropics. Springer

372. Singh, K. P., Achuta Nand Shukla and J.S. Singh. 2011. Floristic diversity and taxonomic profile of the vegetation of Achanakmar-Amarkantak biosphere reserve, central India . Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 107(2): 135-145

371. R. K. Chaturvedi, A. S. Raghubanshi & J. S. Singh. 2011. Leaf attributes and tree growth in a tropical dry forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 22 : 917-931

370. Prajjwal Dubey, Gyan P. Sharma, A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh .2011. Leaf traits and herbivory as indicators of ecosystem function. Current Science 100 (3): 313-320

369. Prajjwal Dubey, A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh 2011 Intra-seasonal variation and relationship among leaf traits of different forest herbs in a dry tropical environment. Current Science 100 (1) 69-76.

368. Rashid I., A. A. Khuroo, G. P. Sharma, Z. A. Reshi and J. S. Singh 2010. Is it enough to have �green� Common Wealth Games 2010? Current Science 99 (9): 1181-82

367. Singh, J. S., P. S. Roy, M. S. R. Murthy and C. S. Jha. 2010. Application of Landscape Ecology and Remote Sensing for assessment, monitoring and conservation of biodiversity. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 38 (3): 365-385

366. Chaturvedi, R. K., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2010. Non-destructive estimation of tree biomass by using wood specific gravity in the estimator. National Academy Science Letters 33 (5&6): 133-138

365. Singh, K. P., Achuta Nand Shukla and J. S. Singh. 2010. State-level inventory of invasive alien plants, their source regions and use potential. Current Science 99 (1): 107-114

364. Lauenroth, W.K., R.L. Dougherty and J. S. Singh. 2009. Precipitation event size controls on long-term abundance of opuntia polyacantha (plains prickly-pear) in great plains grasslands. Great Plains Research 19 (1): 55-64.

363. Singh, D. P., A. Bahadur, P. Singh, J. S. Singh and U. P. Singh. 2009. Phenolic constituents of Centella asiatica L. and Andrographis paniculata (Burn. F-f.) Wall. ex Nees. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, India 79B: 399-401.

362. Shukla, A. N., K. P. Singh and J. S. Singh. 2009. Invasive alien species of Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biospere Reserve, central India. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, India 79B: 384-392.

361. Tripathi, N., R.S. Singh and J.S. Singh. 2009. Impact of post-mining subsidence on nitrogen transformation in Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest, India. Environmental Research 109: 258-266.

360. Pandey S. K., H. Singh and J. S. Singh 2009. Species and site effects on leaf traits of woody vegetation in a dry tropical environment. Current Science 96: 1109-1114.

359. Raizada P., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh 2008. Impact of invasive alien plant species on soil processes: A review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India 78B: 288-298.

358. Sagar R., A. Singh and J. S. Singh 2008. Differential effect of woody plant canopies on species composition and diversity of ground vegetation: a case study. Tropical Ecology 49(2): 189-197.

357. Sahu, P. K., R. Sagar and J. S. Singh. 2008. Tropical forest structure and diversity in relation to altitude and disturbance in a Biosphere Reserve in central India. Applied Vegetation Science 11: 461-470.

356. Sagar, R., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2008. Comparison of community composition and species diversity of understorey and overstorey tree species in a dry tropical forest of northern India. Journal of Environmental Management 88: 1037-1046.

355. Singh, J.S. and S. P. S. Kushwaha. 2008. Forest biodiversity and its conservation in India. International Forestry Review 10(2): 293-305.

354. Sahu, P. K. and J. S.Singh. 2008. Structural attributes of lantana-invaded forest plots in Achanakmar� Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, Central India. Current Science 94: 494-500.

353. Pinokiyo, A., K. P.Singh and J. S. Singh. 2008. Diversity and distribution of lichens in relation to altitude within a protected biodiversity hot spot, north-east India. Lichenologist 40: 47-62

352. Khurana, E. and Singh, J. S. 2007. Threatened species and ecosystems: restoration and conservation strategies. In: J. S. Singh, A. K. Bhatnagar, V. P. Singh and B. K. Roy (eds), pp. 49-58. Plant diversity and Conservation.Satish Serial Publication House, New Delhi.

351. Sagar, R. and J. S. Singh 2006. Tree density, basal area and species diversity in a disturbed dry tropical forest of northern India: implications for conservation. Environmental Conservation, 33 (3): 256-262.

350. Khurana, E. and J. S. Singh 2006. Impact of life-history traits on response of seedlings of five species of tropical dry forest to shade. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22: 653-66

349. Sharma, G. P., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2006. A comparative account of theories related to plant invasion. Range Management & Agroforestry 26(1): 37-42

348. Pinokiyo, A., K.P. Singh & J.S. Singh. 2006. Leaf colonizing Lichens: their diversity, ecology and future prospects. Current Science 90: 509-518.

347. Singh, J.S. 2006. Sustainable development of the Indian Himalayan region: linking ecological and economic concerns. Current Science 90: 784-788.

346. Khurana, E., R.Sagar and J.S. Singh. 2006. Seed size: a key trait determining species distribution and diversity of dry tropical forest in northern India. Acta Oecologica 29: 196-204.

345. Singh, A. N. and J. S. Singh 2006. Experiments on ecological restoration of coal mine spoil using native trees in a dry tropical environment, India: a synthesis. New Forests 31(1): 25-39.

344. Sharma, G.P., A.S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2005. Lantana invasion: an overview. Weed Biology and management 5: 157-165.

343. Singh, P. and J.S. Singh 2005. Effect of Population density on growth performance of Andrographis paniculata and Centella asiatica. J. Trop. Med. Plants 6: 203-208.

342. Sharma, G. P., J. S. Singh and A. S. Raghubanshi 2005. Plant invasions: emerging trends and future implications. Current Science 85: 726-734.

341. Jha, C. S., L. Goparaju, A. Tripathi, B. Gharai, A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh. 2005. Forest fragmentation and its impact on species diversity: an analysis using remote sensing and GIS. . Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1681-1698.

340. Sagar, R. and J. S. Singh 2005. Structure, diversity, and regeneration of tropical dry deciduous forest of northern India. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:935-959.

339. Raghubanshi, A. S., L. C. Rai, J. P. Gaur 2005. Invasive alien species and biodiversity in India. Current Science 88: 539-540.

338. Singh, A., A. S. Raghubanshi and J. S. Singh 2004. Comparative performance and restoration potential of two species of Albizia planted on mine spoil in a dry tropical region, India. Ecological Engineering 22:123-140.

337. Sagar, R. And J. S. Singh 2004. Local plant species depletion in a tropical dry deciduous forest of northern India. Environmental Conservation 31: 55-62.

336. Khurana, Ekta and J. S. Singh. 2004. Germination and seedling growth of five tree species from tropical dry forest in relation to water stress: impact of seed size. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20:385-396.

335. Khurana, Ekta and J. S. Singh. 2004. Impact of elevated N inputs on seedling growth of five dry tropical tree species as affected by life-history traits. Canadian Journal of Botany 82:158-167

334. Annapurna, C. and J. S. Singh. 2003. Phenotypic plasticity: Ecological and evolutionary implications. In P. C. Srivastava (ed) Vistas in palaeobotany and plant morphology: Evolutionary and Environmental perspectives. U.P.Offset, Lucknow, India

333. Khurana, Ekta and J.S. Singh. 2004. Response of five dry tropical tree seedlings to elevated CO2: Impact of seed size and successional status. New Forests 27(2) : 139-157

332. Singh, A.N., A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2004. Impact of native tree plantations on mine spoil in a dry tropical environment. Forest Ecology & Management 187:49-60.

331. Sagar, R., A.S. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 2003. Tree species composition, dispersion and diversity along a disturbance gradient in a dry tropical forest region of India. Forest Ecology & Management 186:61-71.

330. Annapurna, C. and J.S. Singh. Phenotypic plasticity and plant invasiveness: Case study of congress grass. Current Science 85(2): 197-201.

329. Sagar, R., A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2003. Asymptotic models of species-area curve for measuring diversity of dry tropical forest tree species. Current Science 84(12): 1555-1560.

328. Annapurna, C. and J.S. Singh. 2003. Variation of Parthenium hysterophorus L. in response to soil quality: Implications for invasiveness. Weed Research 23: 190-198.

327. Sagar, R. and J.S. Singh. 2003. Predominant phenotypic traits of disturbed tropical dry deciduous forest vegetation in northern India. Community Ecology 4(1): 63-71.

326. Upadhyay, V.P., Rajiv Ranjan and J.S. Singh. 2002. Human-mangrove conflicts: The way out. Current Science 83(11): 1328-1336.

325. Dubey, S.K., A.S.K. Sinha and J.S. Singh .2002. Differential inhibition of CH4 oxidation in bare, bulk and rhizosphere soils of dryland rice field by nitrogen fertilizers. Basic and Applied Ecology 3(4): 347-355.

324. Khurana, E., D. Sharma and J.S. Singh. 2002. Vegetation response to CO2 Enrichment: Mechanisms and manifestation. In: G. Tripathi and Y.C. Tripathi (eds.), Bioresource and Environment, pp. 45-63. Campus Books International, New Delhi.

323. Mantri, A., C. Annapurna and J.S. Singh. 2002. Terrestrial plant invasions. In: G. Tripathi and Y.C. Tripathi (eds.), Bioresource and Environment, pp. 25-44. Campus Books International, New Delhi.

322. Singh, J.S. and E. Khurana. 2002. Paradigms of biodiversity: An overview. Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy B68(3): 273-296.

321. Singh, A.K., A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2002. Medical ethnobotany of the tribals of Sonaghati of Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 81: 31-41.

320. Singh, A.N., A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2002. Plantations as a tool for mine spoil restoration. Current Science 82(12): 1436-1441.

319. Singh, Pratibha and J.S. Singh. 2002. Recruitment and competitive interaction between ramets and seedlings in a perennial medicinal herb, Centella asiatica. Basic and Applied Ecology 3: 65-76.

318. Singh, J.S. 2002. The biodiversity crisis: A multifaceted review. Current Science 82(6): 638-647.

317. Dubey, S.K. and J.S. Singh. 2001. Plant-induced spatial variations in the size of methanotrophic population in dryland and flooded rice agroecosystems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 59(2): 161-167.

316. Lal, C.B., C. Annapurna, A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2001. Effect of leaf habit and soil type on nutrient resorption and conservation in woody species of a dry tropical environment. Canadian Journal of Botany 79 (9): 1066-1075.

315. Jha, A.K., Arvind Singh, A.N. Singh and J.S. Singh. 2001. Influence of mulching on plant growth performance in young plantation plots on coal mine spoil. Indian Forester 127(7): 785-787.

314. Khurana, E. and J.S. Singh. 2001. Ecology of seed and seedling growth for conservation and restoration of tropical dry forest: a review. Environmental Conservation 28(1): 39-52.

313. Singh, A. and J.S. Singh. 2001. Comparative growth behaviour and leaf nutrient status of native trees planted on mine spoil with and without nutrient amendment. Annals of Botany 87(6): 777-787.

312. Khurana, E. and J.S. Singh. 2001. Ecology of tree seed and seedlings: Implications for tropical forest conservation and restoration. Current Science 80(6): 748-756.

311. Lal, C.B., C. Annapurna, A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 2001. Foliar demand and resource economy of nutrients in dry tropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 12(1): 5-14.

310. Singh, Pratibha, U.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 2000. Antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of Centella asiatica and Andrographis paniculata. Mycobiology 28: 185-189.

309. Jha, A.K., Arvind Singh, A.N. Singh and J.S. Singh. 2000. Evaluation of direct seeding of tree species as a means of revegetation of coal mine spoils. Indian Forester 126(11): 1217-1221.

308. Khurana, E. and J.S. Singh. 2000. Influence of seed size on seedling growth of Albizia procera under different soil water levels. Annals of Botany 86(6): 1185-1192.

307. Singh, J.S. 2000. Tropical dry forest: Properties emerging from case study of Vindhyan hills. In: Recent Trends in Botanical Researches (D.K. Chauhan, Ed.), pp. 243-254. Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.

306. Singh, Smita and J.S. Singh. 2000. Biology of methane production and emission in wetlands with particular reference to rice paddies. In: The Changing Scenario in Plant Sciences (V.S. Jaiswal, A.K. Rai, U. Jaiswal and J.S. Singh, Eds.), pp. 523-542. Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi.

305. Singh, Arvind, A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh . 2000. Effect of nutrient enrichment on native tropical trees planted on Singrauli coalfields, India. Restoration Ecology 8(1): 80-86.

304. Dubey, S.K., A.S.K. Sinha and J.S. Singh. 2000. Spatial variation in the capacity of soil for CH4 uptake and population size of methane oxidizing bacteria in dryland rice agriculture. Current Science 78(5): 617-620.

303. Dubey, S.K. and J.S. Singh. 2000. Spatio-temporal variation and effect of urea fertilization on methanotrophs in a tropical dryland rice field. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 32(4): 521-526.

302. Singh, Pratibha, U.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1999. The effect of leaf extracts of Centella asiatica and Andrographis paniculata on spore germination of some fungi. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 12(2): 106-112.

301. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 1999. Ecology in India. Current Science 77(4): 488-491.

300. Jha, K.K. and J.S. Singh. 1999. Temporal patterns of bole volume and biomass of young teak plantations raised in moist deciduous forest region, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 25: 177-184.

299. Annapurna, C. and J.S. Singh 1999. Biodiversity of savanna and grassland ecosystems: A conceptual overview. In: Biodiversity, Taxonomy, and Ecology. Professor K.M.M. Dakshini Festschrift (Eds. R.K. Tandon and Prithipal Singh), pp. 33-54. Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur.

298. Singh, Smita, J.S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1999. Methane flux from irrigated rice fields in relation to crop growth and N-fertilization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 31: 1219-1228.

297. Singh, A.N. and J.S. Singh. 1999. Biomass, net primary production and impact of bamboo plantation on soil redevelopment in a dry tropical region. Forest Ecology and Management 119: 195-207.

296. Jha, A.K., Arvind Singh, A.N. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1999. Tree canopy development in young plantations raised on coalmine spoil affects the growth of herbaceous vegetation. Indian Forester 125(3): 305-307.

295. Singh, Smita, J.S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1999. Methane consumption by soils of dryland rice agriculture: Influence of varieties and N-fertilization. Chemosphere 38(1): 175-189.

294. Singh, J.S. 1998. Sustainable development: An ecological view point. Pages 5-16. In: R.C. Sundriyal, U. Shankar and T.C. Upreti (eds.) Perspectives for Planning and Development in North East India. G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora. 313 p.

293. Singh, Smita, J.S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1998. Contrasting pattern of methane flux in rice agriculture. Naturwissenschaften 85: 494-497.

292. Singh, Smita, A.K. Kashyap and J.S. Singh. 1998. Methane flux in relation to growth and phenology of a high yielding rice variety as affected by fertilization. Plant and Soil 201: 157-164.

291.Singh, J.S., A.S. Raghubanshi, V.S. Reddy, S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1998. Methane flux from irrigated paddy and dryland rice fields, and from seasonally dry tropical forest and savanna soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 30(2): 135-139.

290. Singh, J.S., D.G. Milchunas and W.K. Lauenroth. 1998. Soil water dynamics and vegetation patterns in a semi-arid grassland. Plant Ecology 134: 77-89.

289. Singh, J.S. 1997. Forests of Himalaya with particular reference to man and forest interactions in Central Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (Part B: Biological Sciences) 3(63): 151-173.

288. Singh, J.S., Smita Singh, A.S. Raghubanshi, Saranath Singh, A.K. Kashyap & V.S. Reddy. 1997. Effect of soil nitrogen, carbon and moisture on methane uptake by dry tropical forest soils. Plant and Soil 196: 115-121.

287. Singh, J.S. 1997. Environmental studies at Banaras Hindu University. 1997. In: Souviner, International Seminar: Environment, Energy and Technology: Regional and Global Perspectives, pp. 94-118. Department of Geography, B.H.U., Varanasi.

286. Dhar, U. and J.S. Singh. 1997. Need for developing action oriented network programme on Himalayan biodiversity. In: Himalayan Biodiversity: Action Plan 1997 (Ed. U. Dhar), pp. 125-136. GBPIHED Himavikas Publication no. 10. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal.

285. Singh, Arvind, A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh. 1997. Influence of a developing tree canopy on the yield of Pennisetum pedicellatum sown on a mine spoil. Journal of Vegetation Science 8(4): 537-540.

284. Singh, J.S. 1996. Biodiversity and ecosystem function. pp. 117-129. In: P.S. Ramakrishnan, A.K. Das and K.G. Saxena (eds.) Conserving Biodiversity for Sustainable Development. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.

283. Rathore, S.K.S., S.P. Singh, J.S. Singh and A.K. Tiwari. 1997. Changes in forest cover in a Central Himalayan catchment: Inadequacy of assessment based on forest area alone. Journal of Environmental Management 49: 265-276.

282. Jha, P.B., J.S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1996. Effect of fertilizer and organic matter inputs on nitrifier populations and N-mineralization rates in a dry tropical region, India. Applied Soil Ecology 4: 231-241.

281. Singh, J.S., Smita Singh, A.S. Raghubanshi, Saranath Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1996. Methane flux from rice/wheat agroecosystem as affected by crop phenology, fertilization and water level. Plant and Soil 183: 323-327.

280. Singh, A., A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh. 1996. Influence of NPK fertilization on biomass production of Pennisetum pedicellatum seeded on coal mine spoil. Tropical Ecology 37(2): 285-287.

279. Dubey, S.K., A.K. Kashyap and J.S. Singh. 1996. Methanotrophic bacteria, methanotrophy and methane oxidation in soil and rhizosphere. Tropical Ecology 37(2): 167-182.

278. Singh, J.S., P. Bourgeron and W.K. Lauenroth. 1996. Plant species richness and species-area relations in a shortgrass steppe in Colorado. Journal of Vegetation Science 7(5): 645-650.

277. Chaudhry, Smita, S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1996. Performance of seedlings of various life forms on landslide-damaged forest sites in Central Himalaya. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 109-117.

276. Jha, P.B., J.S. Singh and A.K. Kashyap. 1996. Dynamics of viable nitrifier community and nutrient availability in dry tropical forest habitat as affected by cultivation and soil texture. Plant and Soil 180(2): 277-285.

275. J.S. Singh. 1996. Ecology and environmental science in the universities. Tropical Ecology 37(1): 9-14.

274. Dougherty, R.L., W.K. Lauenroth and J.S. Singh. 1996. Response of a grassland cactus to frequency and size of rainfall events in a North American shortgrass steppe. Journal of Ecology 84: 177-183.

273. Singh, Saranath and J.S. Singh. 1996. Water-stable aggregates and associated organic matter in forest, savanna and cropland soils of a seasonally dry tropical region, India. Biology and Fertility of Soils 22(1+2): 76-82.

272. Rathore, S.K.S., S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1995. Evaluation of carrying capacity with particular reference to firewood and fodder resources in Central Himalaya: A case study of Baliya catchment. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 2: 285-293.

271. Singh, J.S. and Smita Singh. 1995. Methanogenic bacteria, methanogenesis and methane emission from rice paddies. Tropical Ecology 36(2): 145-165.

270. Singh, Smita and J.S. Singh. 1995. Plants as conduit for methane in wetlands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India 65(B), II: 147-157.

269. Singh, Ashok, V.S. Reddy and J.S. Singh. 1995. Analysis of woody vegetation of Corbett National Park, India. Vegetatio 120: 69-80.

268. Singh, J.S. and Smita Singh. 1995. Methane emission from rice paddies: Need for a downward revision of global estimate. Current Science 69(4): 293-295.

267. Singh Saranath and Singh, J.S. 1995. Microbial biomass associated with water-stable aggregates in forest, savanna and cropland soils of a dry tropical region, India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27(8): 1027-1033.

266. Roy, Sovan and J.S. Singh. 1995. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of plant-available N and P pool and N-mineralization in relation to fine roots in a dry tropical forest habitat. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27(1): 33-40.

265. Singh, J.S. and K.P. Singh. 1995. Ecology. In: Botany in India: History and Progress, Vol. II (Ed. B.M. Johri), pp. 407-443. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

264. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1994. Rehabilitation of mine spoils with particular reference to multipurpose trees. pp. 237-249. In: P. Singh, P.S. Pathak and M.M. Roy (eds.) Agroforestry Systems for Sustainable Land Use. Oxford & IBH PUblishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

263. Roy, Sovan and J.S. Singh. 1994. Consequences of habitat heterogeneity for availability of nutrients in a dry tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 82: 503-509.

262. Singh, H., A.S. Raghubanshi, K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1994. Reduced tillage for sustainable dryland farming. Tropical Ecology 35(1): 1-23.

261. Singh, J.S., A.S. Raghubanshi and C.K. Varshney. 1994. Integrated biodiversity research for India. Current Science 66(2): 109-112.

260. A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh. 1994. Restoration of mine spoils: Concepts and Strategies. In: Green Era in Indian Steel - A Technical Compendium. pp. 112-118. Environment Management Division, Steel Authority of India Limited.

259. Agrawal, M., J. Singh, A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh. 1993. Coal based environmental problems in a low-rainfall tropical region. In: Robert F. Keefer and Kenneth S. Sajwan (Eds.), Trace Elements in Coal and Coal Combustion Residues. pp. 27-57. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor, London, Tokyo.

258. Jha, C.S., A.K. Tiwari, and J.S. Singh. 1993. Spectral separability of vegetation classes in a dry tropical region of India using IRS-1A LISS-1 data. Asian Pacific Remote Sensing Journal 6(1): 17-25.

257. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1993. Growth performance of certain directly seeded plants on mine spoils in a dry tropical environment, India. Indian Forester 119: 920-927.

256. Singh, Lalji and J.S. Singh. 1993. Importance of short-lived components of a dry tropical forest for biomass production and nutrient cycling. Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 681-686.

255. Reddy, V.S. and J.S. Singh. 1993. Changes in vegetation and soil during succession following landslide disturbance in the Central Himalaya. Journal of Environmental Management 39: 235-250.

254. Singh, S.P., R. Karmakar and J.S. Singh. 1993. India�s threatened forests with particular reference to tropical rain-forests. pp. 31-57. In: M. Balkrishnan (ed.) Environmental Problems and Prospects in India, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

253. Singh, J.S. and S.R. Gupta. 1993. Grasslands of Southern Asia. pp. 83-123. In: R.T. Coupland (Ed.) Natural Grasslands: Eastern Hemisphere and Resume, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

252. Singh, J.S. and S.C. Srivastava. 1993. Impact of human activities on the dynamics of dry tropical forest: A study of Vindhyan hill tract. pp. 269-306. In: A.S. Rawat (ed.), Indian Forestry: A Perspective. Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi.

251. Reddy, V.S. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Changes in soil properties and vegetation during post-landslide succession in pine forests of Central Himalaya. Oecologia Montana 2:33-42.

250. Singh, S.P., G.C.S. Negi, M.C. Pant and J.S. Singh. 1992. Economic considerations in the Central Himalayan agroecosystems. pp. 291-296. In: A. Agrawal (Ed.) The Price of Forests. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

249. Singh, J.S. 1992. Ecosystem and its degradation: Case studies from Central Himalaya and Vindhyan hills. pp. 323-347. In: T.N. Khoshoo and B.L. Deekshatulu (Eds.) Land and Soils, Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi, 408 p.

248. Pandey, C.B. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Rainfall and grazing effects on net primary productivity in a tropical savanna, India. Ecology 73(6): 2007-2021.

247. Pandey, C.B. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Influence of rainfall and grazing on belowground biomass dynamics in a dry tropical savanna. Canadian Journal of Botany 70(9): 1885-1890.

246. Pandey, C.B. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Influence of rainfall and grazing on herbage dynamics in a seasonally dry tropical savanna. Vegetatio 102(2): 107-124.

245. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Influence of microsites on redevelopment of vegetation on coalmine spoils in a dry tropical environment. Journal of Environmental Management 36: 95-116.

244. Singh, J.S. and V.K. Singh. 1992. Phenology of seasonally dry tropical forest. Current Science 63(11): 684-689.

243. Singh, Hema and J.S. Singh. 1992. A continued thrust in soil ecology: Seed bank. pp. 115-131. In: K.G. Mukerji et al. (eds.), Current Concepts in Seed Biology, Naya Prokash, Calcutta, India.

242. Singh, J.S. and A.K. Jha. 1992. Restoration of degraded land: An overview. pp. 1-9. In: J.S. Singh (ed.). Restoration of Degraded Land: Concepts and Strategies. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.

241. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1992. Rehabilitation of mine spoils. pp. 210-254. In: J.S. Singh (ed.). Restoration of Degraded Land: Concepts and Strategies. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.

240. Singh, V.P. and Singh J.S. 1992. Energetics and environmental costs of agriculture in a dry tropical region of India. Environmental Management 16(4): 495-503.

239. Agrawal, M., A.S. Raghubanshi, J.S. Singh and B.K. Roy. 1992. Coevolution and species interactions. In: B.S. Venkatchala, D.L. Dilcher and H.K. Maheshwari (eds). Essays in Evolutionary Plant Biology. Palaeobotanist 41: 132-143.

238. Singh, J.S. 1992. Man and forest interactions in Central Himalaya. pp. 57-79. In: Himvikas Occasional Publication No. 1. Himalayan Environment and Development: Problems and Perspectives. G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal. 161 p.

237. Singh, Lalji, K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1992. Biomass, productivity and nutrient cycling in four contrasting forest ecosystems of India. pp. 415-430. In: K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh (Eds.). Tropical Ecosystems: Ecology and Management. Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.

236. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Spoil characteristics and vegetation development of an age series of mine spoils in a dry tropical environment. Vegetatio 91(1): 63-76.

235. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and M. Agrawal. 1991. Environmental degradation of the Obra-Renukoot-Singrauli area, India, and its impact on natural and derived ecosystems. The Environmentalist 11(3): 171-180.

234. Singh, R.S., S.C. Srivastava, A.S. Raghubanshi, J.S. Singh and S.P. Singh. 1991. Microbial C, N and P in dry tropical savanna: Effect of burning and grazing. Journal of Applied Ecology 28: 869-878.

233. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Causes and consequences of changing global climate. Interaction 9: 3-24.

232. Ram, J., S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1991. Effects of fertilizer on plant biomass distribution and net accumulation rate in an alpine meadow in Central Himalaya, India. Journal of Range Management 44(2): 140-143.

231. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Global change: Research needs and therapeutic approaches. pp. 259-272. In: T.N. Khoshoo and Manju Sharma (Eds.) Indian Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: Some Aspects. Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi.

230. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Population growth and environment: Future climatic change. pp. 23-52. In: T.N. Singh and D.N. Singh (Eds.). Population Growth, Environment and Development: Issues, Impacts and Responses. Environment and Development Study Centre, Varanasi.

229. Singh, J.S. 1991. Perspectives for India. Nature 353: 104.

228. Singh, J.S. 1991. Ecology and environmental sciences in universities. Current Science 60: 626-629.

227. Raghubanshi, A.S., J.S. Singh and B.S. Venkatachala. 1991. Environmental change and biological diversity: Present, past and future. Palaeobotanist 39(1): 86-109.

226. Singh, J.S., Lalji Singh and C.B. Pandey. 1991. Savannization of dry tropical forest increases carbon flux relative to storage. Current Science 61: 477-480.

225. Singh, R.S., A.S. Raghubanshi and J.S. Singh. 1991. Nitrogen mineralization in dry tropical savanna: Effects of burning and grazing. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23(3): 269-273.

224. Srivastava, S.C. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Microbial C, N and P in dry tropical forest soils: Effect of alternate land-uses and nutrient flux. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 117-124.

223. Pandey, C.B. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Influence of grazing and soil conditions on secondary savanna vegetation in India. Journal of Vegetation Science 2: 95-102.

222. Singh, Lalji and J.S. Singh. 1991. Species structure, dry matter dynamics and carbon flux of a dry tropical forest in India. Annals of Botany 68: 263-273.

221. Singh, Lalji and J.S. Singh. 1991. Storage and flux of nutrients in a dry tropical forest in India. Annals of Botany 68: 275-284.

220. Raghubanshi, A.S., C.S. Jha, C.B. Pandey, Lalji Singh and J.S. Singh. 1991. Effect of forest conversion on vegetation and soil carbon and functional trait of resulting vegetation. pp. 723-749. In: Y.P. Abrol, P.N. Wattal, A. Gnanam, Govindjee, D.R. Ort and A.H. Teramura (eds.). Impact of Global Climatic Changes on Photosynthesis and Plant Productivity. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

219. Raghubanshi, A.S. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Increasing atmospheric abundance of radiatively active trace gases: Causes and consequences. Tropical Ecology 32: 1-23.

218. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1991. Analytical conceptual plan to reforest Central Himalaya for sustainable development. Environmental Management 15: 369-379.

217. Chaturvedi, O. P. and Singh, J. S. 1991. Accumulation, transfers and dissipation of energy in chir pine forests. Biomass and Bioenergy 1: 363-367.

217. Raghubanshi, A.S., S.C. Srivastava, R.S. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1990. Nutrient release in leaf litter. Nature 346(6281): 227.

216. Loshali, D.C., V.P. Upadhyay, R.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1990. Overland flow and soil movement from forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20: 606-608.

215. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1990. Vascular flora of naturally revegetated coalmine spoils in a dry tropical environment. Journal of Tropical Forestry 6(2): 131-142.

214. Jha, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1990. Revegetation of mine spoils: Review and a case study. pp. 300-326. In: B.B. Dhar (ed.) Environmental Management of Mining Operations, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi.

213. Jha, C.S. and J.S. Singh. 1990. Composition and dynamics of dry tropical forest in relation to soil texture. Journal of Vegetation Science 1: 609-614.

212. Singh, Hema and J.S. Singh. 1990. A current thrust in soil ecology: Microbial biomass. pp. 251-258. In: C.P. Malik and Y.P. Abrol (eds.) Recent Advances in Plant Biology, Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.

211. Singh, S.P., K. Pande, V.P. Upadhyay and J.S. Singh. 1990. Fungal communities associated with the decomposition of a common leaf litter (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) along an elevational transect in the Central Himalaya. Biology and Fertility of Soils 9: 245-251.

210. Melkania, N.P. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Ecology of Indian grasslands. P. 67-104. In: J.S. Singh and B. Gopal (eds.) Perspectives in Ecology. Jagmander Book Agency, New Delhi.

209. Ram, J., J.S. Singh and S.P. Singh. 1989. Plant biomass, species diversity and net primary production in a Central Himalayan high altitude grassland. Journal of Ecology 77: 456-468.

208. Ram, J., J.S. Singh and S.P. Singh. 1989. Structure and function of the Central Himalayan alpine grassland, India. In: Proceedings XVI International Grassland Congress. Vol. 2: 1985-1986.

207. Rawat, Y.S. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Forest floor biomass, litterfall and nutrient return in Central Himalayan Oak forests. Vegetatio 82: 113-125.

206. Singh, Lalji and J.S. Singh. 1989. Aquatic Biology: Ecological Perspectives. P. 19-42. In: R.D. Khulbe (ed.) Perspectives in Aquatic Biology. Papyrus Publishing House, New Delhi.

205. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Ecology of Central Himalayan forests with special reference to sal forest ecosystem. P. 193-232. In: J.S. Singh and B. Gopal (eds.) Perspectives in Ecology. Jagmander Book Agency, New Delhi.

204. Singh, V.P. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Man and forests: A case study from the dry tropics of India. Environmental Conservation 16: 129-136.

203. Singh, J.S., A.S. Raghubanshi, R.S. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 1989. Microbial biomass acts as a source of plant nutrient in dry tropical forest and savanna. Nature 338: 499-500.

202. Srivastava, S.C. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Effect of cultivation on microbial carbon and nitrogen in dry tropical forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 8: 343-348.

201. Srivastava, S.C., A.K. Jha and J.S. Singh. 1989. Changes with time in soil biomass C, N and P of mine spoils in a dry tropical environment. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 69: 849-855.

200. Upadhyay, V.P. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Nitrogen release pattern in decomposing oak and pine litter in Nainital hills, India. Indian Forester 115: 320-326.

199. Upadhyay, V.P. and J.S. Singh. 1989. Patterns of nutrient immobilization and release in decomposing forest litter in Central Himalaya, India. Journal of Ecology 77: 127-146.

198. Upadhyay, V.P., J.S. Singh and V. Meentemeyer. 1989. Dynamics and weight loss of leaf litter in Central Himalayan forests: Abiotic versus litter quality influences. Journal of Ecology 77: 147-161.

197. Pande, Neerja and J.S. Singh. 1988. Bryophyte biomass of dominant species and net production of different communities in various habitats of the Nainital hills, N.W. Himalaya. Lindbergia 14: 155-161.

196. Rawat, Y.S. and J.S. Singh. 1988. Structure and function of Oak forests in Central Himalaya. I. Dry matter dynamics. Annals of Botany 62 (4): 397-412.

195. Rawat, Y.S. and J.S. Singh. 1988. Structure and function of Oak forests in Central Himalaya. II. Nutrient dynamics. Annals of Botany 62(4): 413-428.

194. Srivastava, S.C. and J.S. Singh. 1988. Carbon and phosphorus in the soil biomass of some tropical soils of India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 20: 743-747.

193. Ram, J., S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1988. Community level phenology of grassland above tree line in Central Himalaya, India. Arctic and Alpine Research 20(3): 325-332.

192. Chaturvedi, O.P., A.K. Saxena and J.S. Singh. 1988. Structural and functional analysis of grazingland vegetation under pine forest in Central Himalaya. Oecologia Generalis 9(2): 167-178.

191. Singh, K.P. and J.S. Singh. 1988. Certain structural and functional aspects of a dry deciduous forest and savanna. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 14: 31-45.

190. Singh, J.S. 1988. Environmental problems: Issues and challenges. P. 347-351. In: K.S. Valdia (ed.) Kumaun: Land and People. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal. 351 p.

189. Woodmansee, R.G., J.S. Singh and F. Perez-Trejo. 1987. Cooperative ecosystem research between developed and developing countries. Wallaceana 48 & 49: 3-6 (Reprinted from INTECOL Bulletin. 1984).

188. Tiwari, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1987. Analysis of forest land-use and vegetation in a part of Central Himalaya using aerial photographs. Environmental Conservation 14:(3): 233-244.

187. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1987. Structure and functioning of Central Himalayan chirpine forest ecosystem. Current Science 56(9): 383-391.

186. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1987. Forest vegetation of the Himalaya. Botanical Review 53(1): 80-192.

185. Chaturvedi, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1987. A quantitative study of forest floor biomass, litter fall and nutrient return in a Pinus roxburghii forest of Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetatio 71(2): 97-106.

184. Chaturvedi, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1987. The structure and function of Pine forest in Central Himalaya. I. Dry matter dynamics. Annals of Botany 60(3): 237-252.

183. Chaturvedi, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1987. The structure and function of Pine forest in Central Himalaya. II. Nutrient dynamics. Annals of Botany 60(3): 253-267.

182. Singh, J.S. and A.K. Jha. 1987. Ecological aspects of reclamation and revegetation of coal mine spoils. P. 73-86. In: B.B. Dhar (ed.). National Workshop on Environmental Management of Mining Operation in India: A Status Paper. Department of Mining, B.H.U. 117+47 p.

181. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1987. Certain aspects of ecology of Central Himalayan forests. P. 1-21. In: S.K. Agrawal and R.K. Garg (eds.) Environmental Issues and Researches in India. Himanshu Publications.

180. Pande, N. and J.S. Singh. 1987. Pigment concentration of ten bryophytes from Naini Tal, Kumaun Himalayas. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Plant Sciences) 97(1): 75-79.

179. Lauenroth, W.K., H.W. Hunt, D.M. Swift and J.S. Singh. 1986. Estimating aboveground net primary production in grasslands: a simulation approach. Ecological Modelling 33 (2-4): 297-314.

178. Tiwari, A.K., J.S. Mehta, O.P. Goel and J.S. Singh. 1986. Geo-forestry of landslide affected areas in a part of Central Himalaya. Environmental Conservation 13(4): 299-309.

177. Lauenroth, W.K., H.W. Hunt, D.M. Swift and J.S. Singh. 1986. Reply to Vogt et al. Ecology 67(2): 580-582.

176. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1986. Ecodevelopment guidelines and model of development for the Central Himalaya. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 48 p.

175. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1986. Ecology and Development. P. 17-30. In: H.H. Singh, P. Nag, V.K. Kumra, J. Singh, H. Prasad and S.K. Singh (eds.) Geography and Environment, Issues and Challenges, Prof. S.L. Kayastha Felicitation Volume. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 384 p.

174. Singh, J.S. 1986. Analysis of structural and functional attributes of certain terrestrial ecosystems. P. 7-13. In: R.S. Ambasht (ed.) Recent Advances in Environmental Biology, Prof. D.N. Rao Commemoration Volume. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, 103 p.

173. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1986. Structure and function of the Central Himalayan Oak forests. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Plant Sciences) 96(3): 159-189.

172. Singh, J.S. and O.P. Goel. 1986. Integrated Study of Natural Resources and Environment of Parts of Kumaun Himalaya through Remote Sensing. P. 116-128. In: Indian Space Research Organisation Sponsored Space Technology and Space Application Projects (Respond). Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, 184 p.

171. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1986. Kheti aur van Ekotantron ka antersambandh (in Hindi). Pahar 2: 73-79.

170. Singh, J.S. 1986. Environmental degradation in Obra Renukoot-Singrauli area and its impact on natural and derived ecosystems. P. 1-14. In: K. Kumar (ed.) Proceedings of the Seminar on Environmental Pollution Related to Technological Development, Obra.

169. Pathak, P.C., A.N. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1985. Apportionment of rainfall in Central Himalayan forests (India). Journal of Hydrology 76: 319-332.

168. Singh, J.S., S.P. Singh, A.K. Saxena and Y.S. Rawat. 1985. The forest vegetation of Silent Valley, in India. P. 25-52. In: A.C. Chadwick and S.L. Sutton (eds.). Tropical Rain Forest: The Leeds Symposium. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Leeds, U.K., 335 p.

167. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Survey of patterns and processes in ecosystems of the Himalayan ranges. P. 473-485. In: C.M. Govil and V. Kumar (eds.). Trends in Plant Research, Prof. Y.S. Murty Commemoration volume. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India. 485 p.

166. Mehra, M.S. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Pattern of wood litter fall in five forests located along an altitudinal gradient in Central Himalaya. Vegetatio 63: 3-11.

165. Mehra, M.S., P.C. Pathak and J.S. Singh. 1985. Nutrient movement in litter fall and precipitation components for Central Himalayan forests. Annals of Botany 55: 153-170.

164. Ralhan, P.K., R.K. Khanna, S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1985. Phenological characteristics of the tree layer of Kumaun Himalayan forests. Vegetatio 60: 91-101.

163. Ralhan, P.K., R.K. Khanna, S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1985. Certain phenological characters of the shrub layer of Kumaun Himalayan forests. Vegetatio 63: 113-119.

162. Pandey, A.N. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Mechanism of ecosystem recovery: A case study from Kumaun Himalaya. Reclamation and Revegetation Research 3: 271-292.

161. Upadhyay, V.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Decomposition of woody branch litter on an altitudinal transect in the Himalaya. Vegetatio 64: 49-53.

160. Upadhyay, V.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Nitrogen dynamics of decomposing hardwood leaf litter in a Central Himalayan forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17(6): 827-830.

159. Upadhyay, V.P., U. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1985. Effect of habitat on decomposition of standard leaf-litter species. Biology and Fertility of Soils 1: 201-207.

158. Singh, J.S., A.K. Tiwari and A.K. Saxena. 1985. Himalayan forests: A net source of carbon for the atmosphere. Environmental Conservation 12(1): 67-69.

157. Singh, S.P., R.K. Khanna and J.S. Singh. 1985. Accumulation in wood: A nutrient conserving strategy of tropical forests. Environmental Conservation 12: 170-173.

156. Singh, J.S., Yang Hanxi and P.E. Sajise. 1985. Structural and functional aspects of Indian and Southeast Asian savanna ecosystems. P. 34-51. In: J.C. Tothill and J.J. Mott (eds.) Ecology and Management of the World�s Savannas. The Australian Academy of Sciences, Canberra in conjunction with C.A.B., Farnham Royal, Bucks. 384 p.

155. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Man and Environment: The Central Himalayan case. Biological Memoirs 11(1): 47-59.

154. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Research on Central Himalayan forests. In: Proceedings, Regional Meetings of the National MAB Committees of Central and South Asian Countries, Department of Environment, New Delhi, India. 20p.

153. Saxena, A.K., V.K. Tewari, H.B. Tripathi and J.S. Singh. 1985. Spectro-reflectance characteristics of certain plants of the Kumaun Himalaya and relationship of pigment concentration with leaf reflectance. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy B 51: 223-234.

152. Pande, H. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Influence of clipping and water stress on growth performance and nutrient value of four range grasses. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Plant Sciences) 95(6): 389-403.

151. Negi, K.S., A.K. Agrawal and J.S. Singh. 1985. Seasonal fluctuation in the floor component biomass under moist temperate Himalayan forest. Research Journal of Plant and Environment 2(2): 63-70.

150. Saxena, A.K., Tanuja Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1985. Altitudinal variation in the vegetation of Kumaun Himalaya. Perspectives in Environmental Botany 1: 43-66.

149. Tiwari, A.K., A.K. Saxena and J.S. Singh. 1985. Inventory of forest biomass for Indian Central Himalaya. P. 236-247. In: J.S. Singh (ed.) Environmental Regeneration in Himalaya: Concepts and Strategies. Central Himalayan Environment Association and Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal, India. 468 p.

148. Singh, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Structure and function of the forest ecosystems of Central Himalaya: Implications for management. P. 85-113. In: J.S. Singh (ed.) Environmental Regeneration in Himalaya: Concepts and Strategies. Central Himalayan Environment Association and Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal, India 468 p.

147. Milchunas, D.G., W.K. Lauenroth, J.S. Singh, C.V. Cole and H.W. Hunt. 1985. Root turnover and production by 14C dilution: Implications of carbon partitioning in plants. Plant and Soil 88: 353-365.

146. Singh, K.P. and J.S. Singh. 1985. Tropical forests and savannas. In: Proceedings, Regional Meeting of the National MAB Committees of Central and South Asian Countries, Department of Environment, New Delhi, India. 28 p.

145. Parton, W.J. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Adapting a biomass simulation model to a tropical grassland. Ecological Modelling 23: 151-163.

144. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Energetics of hill agroecosystems: A case study from Central Himalaya. Agricultural Systems 13: 83-95.

143. Woodmansee, R.G., J.S. Singh and F. Perez-Trejo. 1984. Cooperative ecosystem research between developed and developing countries. International Association for Ecology, Bulletin 10: 40-46.

142. Pathak, P.C., A.N. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1984. Overland flow, sediment output and nutrient loss from certain forested sites in the Central Himalaya, India. Journal of Hydrology 71: 239-251.

141. Tiwari, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Mapping forest biomass in India through aerial photographs and nondestructive field sampling. Applied Geography 4: 151-165. Reprinted in R.B. Singh (ed.) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, 1990, pp. 98-111.

140. Pandey, A.N., P.C. Pathak and J.S. Singh. 1984. Water, sediment and nutrient movement in forested and non-forested catchments in Kumaun Himalaya. Forest Ecology and Management 7: 19-29.

139. Chaturvedi, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Potential biomass energy from all aged chir pine forest of Kumaun Himalaya. Biomass 5: 161-165.

138. Sharma, A.P., J.S. Bisht and J.S. Singh. 1984. Microarthropods associated with certain litter species in Kumaun Himalaya. Pedobiologia 27: 229-236.

137. Saxena, A.K., S.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1984. Population structure of forests of Kumaun Himalaya: Implications for management. Journal of Environmental Management 19: 307-324.

136. Pathak, P.C. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Nutrients in precipitation components for pine and oak forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Tellus 36B: 44-49.

135. Pande, H. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Influence of water stress, temperature and light on germination of two species of range grasses. Indian Journal of Ecology 11(1): 43-49.

134. Negi, K.S. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Annual budget of nutrients return through litter fall in moist temperate Himalaya (Thalkedar) forest. Himalayan Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1(1): 25-27.

133. Jain, S.P. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Biological spectrum of the vegetation of Northeast Haryana in India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 26(3-4): 145-148.

132. Saxena, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Tree population structure of certain Himalayan forest associations and implications concerning their future composition. Vegetatio 58: 61-69.

131. Singh, J.S., W.K. Lauenroth, H.W. Hunt and D.M. Swift. 1984. Bias and random errors in estimators of net root production: a simulation approach. Ecology 65(6): 1760-1764.

130. Singh, J.S., S.P. Singh, A.K. Saxena and Y.S. Rawat. 1984. India�s Silent Valley and its threatened rain-forest ecosystems. Environmental Conservation 11(3): 223-233.

129. Singh, J.S., Y.S. Rawat and O.P. Chaturvedi. 1984. Replacement of Oak forest with pine in the Himalaya affects the nitrogen cycle. Nature (London) 311(5981): 54-56.

128. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Energy-flow relationships between agro- and forest ecosystems in Central Himalaya. Environmental Conservation 11(1): 45-53.

127. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1984. Nutrient changes and release during decomposition of leaf litter in Himalayan oak-conifer forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 62: 1824-1831.

126. Singh, J.S., U. Pandey and A.K. Tiwari. 1984. Man and Forests: A Central Himalayan case study. Ambio 13(2): 80-87.

125. Singh, J.S., W.K. Lauenroth, R.K. Heitschmidt and J.L. Dodd. 1983. Structural and functional attributes of the vegetation of Northern Mixed Prairie of North America. Botanical Review 49(1): 117-149.

124. Singh, J.S., W.K. Lauenroth and D.G. Milchunas. 1983. Geography of grassland ecosystems. Progress in Physical Geography 7(1): 46-80.

123. Pathak, P.C., A.N. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1983. Partitioning of rainfall by certain forest stands in Kumaun Himalaya. Tropical Plant Science Research 1(2): 123-126.

122. Mehra, M.S., U. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1983. Restitution of reproductive biomass of overstorey tree species in certain forests of Kumaun Himalaya. Tropical Plant Science Research 1(2): 175-180.

121. Tewari, J.C. and J.S. Singh. 1983. Application of aerial photo-analysis for assessment of vegetation in Kumaun Himalaya. I. Ranibag to Naina Peak-Kilbari. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy B 49: 336-347.

120. Tiwari, A.K., J.C. Tewari and J.S. Singh. 1983. Application of aerial photo-analysis for assessment of vegetation in Kumaun Himalaya. II. Kathgodam to Okhalkanda. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy B 49(5): 421-435.

119.Melkania, N.P. and J.S. Singh. 1983. Wall flora of Almora. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 4(3): 941-949.

118. Melkania, N.P. and J.S. Singh. 1983. Weeds of Himalaya in winter crops. Indian Journal of Weed Science 15(1): 38-42.

117. Rawat, Y.S., U. Pandey, J.S. Singh and S.P. Singh. 1983. The U.P. Himalaya: Ecological perspectives. P. 47-64. In: O.P. Singh (ed). The Himalaya: Nature, Man and Culture. Rajesh Publication, New Delhi, 379 p.

116. Negi, K.S., Y.S. Rawat and J.S. Singh. 1983. Estimation of biomass and nutrient storage in a Himalayan moist temperate forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13(6): 1184-1196.

115. Singh, J.S., A.N. Pandey and P.C. Pathak. 1983. A hypothesis to account for the major pathway of soil loss from Himalaya. Environmental Conservation 10(4): 343-345.

114. Singh, J.S. and S.R. Gupta. 1982. Karasal ekosystemlerde bitki ayrismasi ve toprak solunumu. Istanbul Universitesi, Orman Fakultesi Dergisi B 32(1): 321-357. (Translated by Ayri Baski from Bot. Rev. 43: 449-528).

113. Pandey, U., A.K. Saxena, H.K. Pande and J.S. Singh. 1982. Problems of forests and forestry in Kumaun Himalaya. P. 68-90. In: G.S. Paliwal (ed.) The Vegetational Wealth of Himalayas. Puja Publishers, Delhi.

112. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1982. Carbon balance of a tropical successional grassland. Oecologia Generalis 3(4)459-467.

111. Singh J.S. and O.P. Chaturvedi. 1982. Photosynthetic pigments on plant bearing surfaces in the Himalayas. Photosynthetica 16(1): 101-114.

110. Tewary, C.K., U. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1982. Soil and litter respiration rates in different microhabitats of a mixed oak-conifer forest and their control by edaphic conditions and substrate quality. Plant and Soil 65: 233-238.

109. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1982. Leaf litter decomposition in an oak-conifer forest in Himalaya: The effects of climate and chemical composition. Forestry 55(1): 47-59.

108. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1982. Influence of floristic composition on the net primary production and dry matter turnover in a tropical grassland. Australian Journal of Ecology 7: 363-374.

107. Melkania, N.P., J.S. Singh and K.K.S. Bisht. 1982. Allelopathic potential of Artemisia vulgaris L. and Pinus roxburghii Sargent : A bioassay study. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy B 48(5): 685-688.

106. Rao, P.B., A.P. Sharma and J.S. Singh. 1982. Limnology and phytoplankton production of a high altitude lake. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 8: 39-51.

105. Ralhan, P.K., A.K. Saxena and J.S. Singh. 1982. Analysis of forest vegetation at and around Naini Tal in Kumaun Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy B 48(1): 121-137.

104. Jain, S.P., J.S. Singh and D.M. Verma. 1982. Flora ofNorth-East Haryana (India). Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 3: 151-176.

103. Saxena, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1982. Quantitative profile structure of certain forests in the Kumaun Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Plant Sciences) 91(6): 529-549.

102. Chaturvedi, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1982. Total biomass and biomass production of Pinus roxburghii trees growing in all-aged natural forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 12(3): 632-640.

101. Saxena, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1982. A phytosociological analysis of woody species in forest communities of a part of Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetatio 50: 3-22.

100. Saxena, A.K., P. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1982. Biological spectrum and other structural functional attributes of the vegetation of Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetatio 49: 111-119.

99. Singh, J.S. and S.R. Gupta. 1981. Karasal ekosistemlerde bitki ayrismasi ve toparak solunumu. Istanbul Universitesi, Orman Fakultesi Dergisi. 31(1): 275-303. (Translated by Ayri Baski from Bot. Rev. 43: 449-528.

98. Tiwari, A.K., J.C. Tewari, M.D. Shedha and J.S. Singh. 1981. Vegetation and landuse of a part of Kumaun Himalaya. I. Kathgodam to Okhalkanda. P. 124-126. In: Proceedings of the Indian �Space Research Organization Respond Working Group Meeting on Remote Sensing. Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad.

97. Tewari, J.C. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Vegetation and landuse of a part of Kumaun Himalaya. I. Ranibagh to Kilbury transect. P. 127-129. In: Proceedings of the Indian Space Research Organization Respond Working Group Meeting on Remote Sensing. Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad.

96. Goel, O.P. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Lithological control of the forest distribution in a part of Kumaun Himalaya. P. 18-19. Proceedings of the Indian Space Research Organization Respond Working Group Meeting on Remote Sensing. Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad.

95. Singh, J.S. and O.P. Chaturvedi. 1981. Ecology, Environment, and Development. P. 47-73. In: J.S. Singh, S.P. Singh and C. Shastri (eds.). Science and Rural Development in Mountains. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal. 464 p.

94. Singh, U.R. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Population structure and mound architecture of the termites of a tropical deciduous forest of Varanasi, India. Pedobiologia 22: 213-223.

93. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1981. A quantitative study of the forest floor, litter fall and nutrient return in an oak-conifer forest in Himalaya. I. Composition and dynamics of forest floor. Oecologia Generalis 2(1): 49-61.

92. Pandey, U. and J.S. Singh. 1981. A quantitative study of the forest floor, litter fall and nutrient return in an oak-conifer forest in Himalaya. II. Pattern of litter fall and nutrient return. Oecologia Generalis 2(2): 83-99.

91. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1981. The effect of plant species, weather variables and chemical composition of plant material on decomposition in a tropical grassland. Plant and Soil 59: 99-117.

90. Gupta, S.R., R. Rajvanshi and J.S. Singh. 1981. The role of the termite Odontotermes gurdaspurensis (Isoptera: Termitidae) in plant decomposition in a tropical grassland. Pedobiologia 22: 254-261.

89. Singh, J.S. and L. Krishnamurthy. 1981. Analysis of structure and function of tropical grassland vegetation of India. Indian Review of Life Sciences 1: 225-270.

88. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Soil respiration in a tropical grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 13: 261-268.

87. Tewary, C.K. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Progress of ecology in India. P. 4-28. In: A. Singh and P. Wahi (eds.). Souvenir, Silver Jubilee Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Ecology, International Society for Tropical Ecology, Varanasi, 73 p.

86. Pande, H. and J.S. Singh. 1981. Comparative biomass and water status of four range grasses grown under two soil water conditions. Journal of Range Management 34(6): 480-484.

85. Singh, U.R. and J.S.Singh. 1981. Temperature and humidity relations of termites. Pedobiologia 21: 211-216.

84. Singh, J.S. and A.K. Saxena. 1980. The grass cover in the Himalayan region. P. 164-203. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Resouces, Development and Environment in the Himalayan Region, New Delhi. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. 537 p.

83. Saxena, A.K. and J.S. Singh. 1980. Analysis of forest-grazing land vegetation in parts of Kumaun Himalaya. Indian Journal of Range Management 1(1): 13-32.

82. Trlica, M.J. and J.S. Singh. 1979. Translocation of assimilates and creation, distribution and utilization of reserves. P. 537-571. In: R.A. Perry and D.W. Goodall (eds.). Aridland Ecosystems: Structure, Functioning and Management. Volume 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 881 p.

81. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and P.S. Yadava. 1979. Ecosystem Synthesis. P. 231-239. In:R.T. Coupland (ed.). Grassland Ecosystems of the World. Analysis of grasslands and their uses.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 401 p.

80. Singh, J.S. and M.C. Joshi. 1979. Primary production. P. 197-218. In: R.T. Coupland (ed.). Grassland Ecosystems of the World. Analysis of Grasslands and Their Uses. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 401 p.

79. Singh, J.S. and M.C. Joshi. 1979. Ecology of the semi-arid regions of India with emphasis on land-use. P. 243-275. In: B.H. Walker (ed.). Management of Semi-arid Ecosystems. Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam. 398 p. Reprinted in R.B. Singh (ed.) Environmental Geography, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, 1990, pp. 175-204.

78. Singh, J.S. 1978. Photosynthesis and productivity in grasslands. P. 35-38. In: Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Photosynthesis and Productivity. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.

77. Singh, J.S., M.J. Trlica, P.G. Risser, R.E. Redmann and J.K. Marshall. 1978. Autotrophic Subsystem. P. 59-200. In: A.J. Breymeyer and G.M. Van Dyne (eds.). Grasslands: Systems Analysis and Man. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 950 p.

76. Sims, P.L., J.S. Singh and W.K. Lauenroth. 1978. The structure and function of ten Western North American Grasslands. I. Abiotic and vegetational characteristics. Journal of Ecology 66: 251-285.

75. Sims, P.L. and J.S. Singh. 1978. The structure and function of ten Western North American Grasslands. II. Intra-seasonal dynamics in primary producer compartments. Journal of Ecology 66: 547-572.

74. Sims, P.L. and J.S. Singh. 1978. The structure and function of ten Western North American Grasslands. III. Net primary production, turnover and efficiencies of energy capture and water use. Journal of Ecology 66: 573-597.

73. Sims, P.L. and J.S. Singh. 1978. The structure and function of ten Western North American Grasslands. IV. Compartmental transfers and energy flow within the ecosystem. Journal of Ecology 66: 983-1009.

72. Saxena, S. and J.S. Singh. 1978. Influence of leaf leachate from Eucalyptus globulus Labill and Aesculus indica Colebr on the growth of Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek and Lolium perenne L. Indian Journal of Ecology 5(2): 148-158.

71. Parton, W.J., J.S. Singh and D.C. Coleman. 1978. A model of production and turnover of roots in shortgrass prairie. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 515-542.

70. Singh, J.S. 1978. Effect of short term protection against herbage removal on the grassland vegetation at Varanasi. P. 97-109. In: J.S. Singh and B. Gopal (eds.). Glimpses of Ecology: Professor R. Misra Commemoration volume, International Scientific Publications, Jaipur. 592 p.

69. Saxena, A.K., U. Pandey and J.S. Singh. 1978. On the ecology of oak forests in Nainital Hills, Kumaun Himalaya. P. 167-180. In: J.S. Singh and B. Gopal (eds.). Glimpses of Ecology: Professor R. Misra Commemoration volume. International Scientific Publications, Jaipur. 592 p.

68. Pande, H.K. and J.S. Singh. 1978. Preliminary observations on phytoplankton productivity in Naini Tal and Bhimtal lakes. P. 335-340. In: J.S. Singh and B. Gopal (eds.). Glimpses of Ecology: Professor R. Misra Commemoration volume, International Scientific Publications, Jaipur. 592 p.

67. Vats, L.K. and J.S. Singh. 1978. Population, biomass and secondary net production of aboveground insects in a tropical grassland. Tropical Ecology 19(1): 51-64.

66. Singhal, P.K. and J.S. Singh. 1978. Ecology of Naini Tal lakes: Morphometry and macrophytic vegetation. Tropical Ecology 19(2): 178-188.

65. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1977. Decomposition of litter in a tropical grassland. Pedobiologia 17: 330-333.

64. Gupta, S.R. and J.S. Singh. 1977. Effect of alkali concentration, volume and absorption area on the measurement of soil respiration in a tropical sward. Pedobiologia 17: 233-239.

63. Vats, L.K., J.S. Singh and P.S. Yadava. 1977. Food energy budget of Pieris brassicae larvae- a pest of cruciferous agro-ecosystems. Agro-Ecosystems 3: 303-312.

62. Singh, J.S. and D.C. Coleman. 1977. Evaluation of functional root biomass and translocation of photoassimilated 14 C in a shortgrass priarie ecosystem. P. 123-131. In: J.K. Marshall (ed.). The Belowground Ecosystem: A Synthesis of Plant Associated Processes. Range Science Department Science Series No. 26, Colorado State University, Colorado. 351 p.

61. Singh, J.S. and S.R. Gupta. 1977. Plant decomposition and soil respiration in terrestrial ecosystems. Botanical Review 43(4): 449-528.

60. Parton, W.J. and J.S. Singh. 1976. Simulation of plant biomass on a shortgrass prairie with emphasis on belowground processes. United States International Biological Program Grassland Biome. Technical Report No. 300, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 76 p.

59. Singh, J.S. 1976. Stucture and function of a tropical grassland vegetation of India. Polish Ecological Studies 2(2): 17-34.

58. Coleman,D.C., R. Andrews, J.E. Ellis and J.S. Singh. 1976. Energy flow and partitioning in selected man-managed and natural ecosystems. Agro-Ecosystems 3: 45-54.

57. Singhal, R.N., L.K. Vats, and J.S. Singh. 1976. Food-energy budget for the AK Grasshopper, Poecilocerus pictus Fabr. (Acrididae: Orthoptera). Indian Journal of Ecology 3(2): 119-124.

56. Singh, J.S., W.K. Lauenroth, and R.K. Steinhorst. 1975. Review and assessment of various techniques for estimating net aerial primary production in grasslands from harvest data. Botanical Review 42(2): 181-232.

55. Bokhari, U.G. and J.S. Singh. 1975. Standing state and cycling of nitrogen in soil-vegetation components of prairie ecosystems. Annals of Botany 39: 273-285.

54. Bokhari, U.G., J.S. Singh and F.M. Smith. 1975. Influence of temperature regimes and water stress on the germination of three range grasses and its possible ecological significance to a shortgrass priarie. Journal of Applied Ecology 12: 153-163.

53. Singh, J.S., R.N. Singhal and L.K. Vats. 1975. Food consumption, partitioning and ecological efficiencies in adult Poecilocerus pictus Fabr. (Orthoptera:Acrididae). Tropical Ecology 16: 171-181.

52. Singh, J.S. 1975. Block diagrams of systems and sub-systems to be studied under MAB project I. UNESCO-MAB Meeting, Department of Botany, Varanasi. 8 p.

51. Andrews, R., D.C. Coleman, J.E. Ellis and J.S. Singh. 1974. Energy flow relationship in a short-grass prairie ecosystem. P. 22-28. In: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Ecology: Structure, Functioning and Management of Ecosystems. The Hague. 414 p.

50. Smith, F.M., J.S. Singh, D.C. Coleman, J.E. Ellis and R.M. Andrews. 1974. Total system studies of seven grassland types of North America. P. 383-387. In: V.G. Iglovikev, A.P. Movisissyants, F.F. Sarganov, A.A. Stepanenko (eds.). Improvement of Natural and Production of Seeded Meadows and Pastures. XII International Grassland Congress, Moscow, USSR.

49. Ares, J. and J.S. Singh. 1974. A systems analysis approach to the study of the root dynamics of a Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) dominated shortgrass prairie. P. 14-17. In: V.G. Iglovikev, A.P. Movsissyants, F.F. Sarganov, and A.A. Stepanenko (eds.). Biological and Physiological Aspects of the Intensification of Grassland Utilization. XII International Grassland Congress Moscow, USSR.

48. Singh, J.S. 1974. Update of US International Biological Program Grassland Biome Literature: A Kwic Index and Abstracts. US International Biological Program Grassland Biome Technical Report No. 245, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 211 p.

47. Ares, J. and J.S. Singh. 1974. A model of the root biomass dynamics of a shortgrass prairie dominated by Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis). Journal of Applied Ecology 11: 727-744.

46. Swartzman, G.L. and J.S. Singh. 1974. A dynamic programming approach to optimal grazing strategies using a succession model for a tropical grassland. Journal of Applied Ecology 1: 537-548.

45. Singh, J.S. and D.C. Coleman. 1974. Distribution of photo-assimilated 14 Carbon in the root system of a shortgrass priarie. Journal of Ecology 62: 359-365.

44. Bokhari, U.G., M.I. Dyer, and J.S. Singh. 1974. Labile and nonlabile energy in Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) as influenced by temperature, water stress, and fertilizer treatments. Canadian Journal of Botany 52(11): 2289-2298.

43. Singh, J.S. and P.S. Yadava. 1974. Seasonal variation in composition, plant biomass, and net primary productivity of a tropical grassland at Kurukshetra, India. Ecological Monographs 44(3): 351-376.

42. Bokhari, U.G. and J.S. Singh. 1974. Effects of temperature and clipping on growth, carbohydrate reserves and root exudation of Western wheatgrass in hydroponic culture. Crop Science 14: 790-794.

41. Singh, J.S. and D.C. Coleman. 1973. Carbon-14 transfers and evaluation of functional root biomass in a shortgrass prairie ecosystem. Bulletin, Ecological Society of America 54(1): 17.

40. Singh, J.S. and D.C. Coleman. 1973. A technique for evaluating functional root biomass in grassland ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Botany 51(10): 1867-1870.

39. Singh, J.S. 1973. A compartmental model of herbage dynamics for Indian tropical grasslands. Oikos 24: 367-372.

38. Singh, J.S. and P.S. Yadava. 1973. Caloric values of plant and insect species of a tropical grassland. Oikos 24: 186-194.

37. Singh, J.S. 1973. Root respiration and decomposition. P. 189-244. In: D.A. Jameson and M.I. Dyer (eds.) Producer subsystem: Basic plant model, Chapter 4 of Process studies Workshop. Colorado, 444 p.

36. Pandeya, S.C. and J.S. Singh. 1972. A brief resume of environmental education in India. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Studies in Higher Education and Teacher Training, September 5-7, London, Ontario, Canada. 12p.

35. Coupland, R.T., J. Dodd, N.R. French, S.A. Fullerton, P. Hildyard, D. Johnson, R. Misra, M. Numata, G. Ricou and J.S. Singh. 1972. Intercomparability of biomass data. P. 18-178. In: Report on the Modelling and Synthesis Workshop, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 506 p.

34. Singh, J.S. and P.S. Yadava. 1972. Biomass structure and net primary productivity in the grassland ecosystem at Kurukshetra. P. 59-74. In: P.M. Golley and F.B. Golley (eds.) Papers from a Symposium on Tropical Ecology with Emphasis on Organic Production. University of Georgia, Athens, 418 p.

33. Yadava, P.S. and J.S. Singh. 1972. Sedges and grasses of Kurukshetra, Haryana. Annals of Arid Zone 11(1 & 2): 1-17.

32. Mandahar, C.L. and J.S. Singh. 1972. Effect of Bhindi Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus on its host. Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 7(1-3): 187-191.

31. Singh, J.S. 1972. U.S. International Biological Program, Grassland Biome Literature: A Kwic Index and Abstracts, US International Biological Program Grassland Biome Technical Report No. 155. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 176 p.

30. Sims, P.L. and J.S. Singh. 1971. Herbage dynamics and net primary production in certain ungrazed and grazed grasslands in North America. P. 59-124. In: N.R. French (ed.) Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands. Range Science Department Science Series No. 10, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 387 p.

29. Mandahar, C.L. and J.S. Singh. 1971. Destruction of chlorophylls a and b in virus infected leaves. Science and Culture 37: 485-487.

28. Singh, J.S. and C.L. Mandahar. 1971. Primary productivity of three vegetable crops as influenced by virus infection. Tropical Ecology 12(2): 223-227.

27. Singh, J.S. 1970. Influence of the period of exposure to alternating low and high temperatures on germination of Eleusine indica. Science and Culture 36: 472-473.

26. Singh, J.S. 1969. Growth performance and dry matter yield of Cassia tora L. as influenced by population density. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 48(1-2): 141-148.

25. Singh, J.S. and R. Misra. 1969. Interrelationships among certain leaf characteristics in Cassia tora L. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 48: 232-238.

24. Singh, J. S. 1969. Growth of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Under reduced light intensities. Proc. Natl. Inst. Sciences, India 35 B: 153-160.

23. Singh, J.S. and R. Misra. 1969. Influence of the direction of slope and reduced light intensities on the growth of Eleusine indica. Tropical Ecology 10(1): 27-33.

22. Singh, J.S. 1969. Influence of biotic disturbance on the preponderance and interspecific association of two common forbs in the grasslands at Varanasi, India. Tropical Ecology 10(1): 59-71.

21. Singh, J.S. and R. Misra. 1969. Diversity, dominance, stability and net production in the grasslands at Varanasi, India. Canadian Journal of Botany 47(3): 425-427.

20. Singh, J.S. 1969. Effect of exposures to subfreezing temperature on the survival and subsequent growth of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Science & Culture 5: 576-578.

19. Singh, J.S. 1968. Net aboveground community productivity in the grasslands at Varanasi. P. 631-654. In: R. Misra and B. Gopal (eds.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Recent Advances in Tropical Ecology. International Society for Tropical Ecology, Varanasi, 773 p.

18. Singh, J.S. 1968. Comparison of growth performance and germination behaviour of seeds of Cassia tora L. and C. obtusifolia L. Tropical Ecology 9(1): 64-71.

17. Singh, J.S. 1968. Growth of goosegrass in relation to certain environmental factors. Tropical Ecology 9(1): 78-87.

16. Misra, R., J.S. Singh and K.P. Singh. 1968. Dry matter production in sun and shade leaves and a simple method for the measurement of primary productivity. Current Science 37(11): 306-307.

15. Misra, R., J.S. Singh and K.P. Singh. 1968. A new hypothesis to account for the opposite trophic-biomass structure on land and in water. Current Science 37(13): 382-383.

14. Singh, J.S. 1968. In support of the separation of Cassia tora L. and C. obtusifolia L. as two distinct taxa. Current Science 37(13): 381-382.

13. Singh, J.S. and R. Misra. 1968. Efficiency of energy capture by the grassland vegetation at Varanasi. Current Science 37(22): 636-637.

12. Misra, R., K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh. 1968. Role of provenance trials in the study of population differentiation. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 10: 312-318.

11. Singh, J.S. and K.P. Singh. 1967. Contribution to the ecology of ten noxious weeds. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 46: 440-451.

10. Misra, R., J.S. Singh and K.P. Singh. 1967. Preliminary observations on the production of dry matter by sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn. F.). Tropical Ecology 8: 94-104.

9. Singh, J.S. and K.P. Singh. 1967. A decade of plant ecological research at the Banaras Hindu University. P. 5-17. In: Professor R. Misra Commemoration Volume, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

8. Singh, J.S. and K. Mitra. 1964. Ecological observations along the river banks at Allahabad, U.P. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 6(2-4): 137-140.

7. Singh, J.S. and D.M. Verma. 1964. A contribution to the forest botany of the Angul division in Orissa State. The Journal of Scientific Research 14(2): 223-232.

6. Singh, J.S. and M.K. Wali. 1963. Ecological problems in the Western Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India 33B: 55-57.

5. Patil, R.P. and J.S. Singh. 1963. On the ecology and anatomy of Phyla nodiflora Greene at Allahabad, U.P. Tropical Ecology 4: 83-88.

4. Singh, J.S. and M.K. Wali. 1962. The problem of soil erosion in some parts of Kashmir Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India 32B: 118-124.

3. Singh, J.S. 1962. Preliminary studies on the humus status of some forest communities of Bashahr Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India 32B: 403-407.

2. Gupta, R.K. and J.S. Singh. 1962. Succession of vegetation types in the Tons Valley of the Garhwal Himalayas. Indian Forester 88(4): 289-296.

1. Singh, J.S. 1962. The effect of planting teak of different seed origins on Gangetic alluvium. Tropical Ecology 3: 119-132.

B. Popular science articles:

7. Singh, J. S. 2008. Environmental challenges in the Anthropocene. Environews 14(1): 6-7

6. Singh, J.S. 2000. Conservation of endangered species and ecosystems. The Botanica 50: 17-22.

5. Ram Sagar and J.S. Singh 1999. Species diversity and its measurement. The Botanica 49: 9-16.

4. Singh, Arvind and J.S. Singh. 1997. Paristhitik Punaruddhar me jaiv prodyogiki ka upyog. (in Hindi). Paryavaran Patrika April 1997 1: 31-35.

3. J.S. Singh. 1996. Vishwa Taapman me vriddhi: Karan avam parinam. Paryavaran Patrika September 1996: 5-14.

2. Singh, Smita and J.S. Singh. 1995. Wetland plants and methane emission. The Botanica 45: 1-4.

1. Singh, S. and J.S. Singh. 1995. Forest ecosystems act as sink as well as source of carbon for the atmosphere. Environmental Information System Newsleter 1(2): 2-7.

C. Books:

18. Bhatt, J. R., J. S. Singh, S. P. Singh, R. S. Tripathi and R. K. Kohli. 2011. Invasive Alien Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent CABI, U K

17. Singh, J. S., Bhatnagar, A. K., Singh, V. P., and Roy, B. K. (ed.) 2007. Plant Diversity and Conservation. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, 451 p.

16. Singh, J. S., S. P. Singh and S. R. Gupta. 2015. Ecology, Environment and Resource Ecology. S. Chand Publishers, New Dehi.

15. Singh, J. S. And V. P. Sharma (eds).2005.Glimpses of the work on environment and development in India. XII General Assembly of SCOPE, Angkor Publ. (P) Lmd.,New Delhi, 340p.

14. Jain, S.P., D.M. Verma, S.C. Singh, J.S. Singh and Sushil Kumar. 2000. Flora of Haryana. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow.

13. Jaiswal, V.S., A.K. Rai, U. Jaiswal and J.S. Singh. (2000). The Changing Scenario in Plant Sciences. Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi.

12. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh (1992). Forests of Himalaya: Structure, Functioning and Impact of Man. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal, India. 272 p.

11. Singh, J.S. (1992). Restoration of Degraded Land: Concepts and Strategies. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.

10. Singh, K.P. and J.S. Singh (eds.). 1992. Tropical Ecosystems: Ecology and Management. Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.

9. Singh, J.S. and B. Gopal (eds.). 1989. Perspectives in Ecology. Professor S.C. Pandeya Commemoration Volume. Jagmander Book Agency, New Delhi,. 510 p.

8. Singh, J.S. and K.P. Singh (eds.). 1987. Perspectives on Environment and Ecology in India. International Society for Tropical Ecology. 128 p.

7. Singh, K.P. and J.S. Singh (eds.). 1987. International Society for Tropical Ecology. Directory and Handbook. 114 p.

6. Singh, J.S. (ed.). 1985. Environmental Regeneration in Himalaya: Concepts and Strategies. The Central Himalayan Environment Association and Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal, India. 468 p.

5. Singh, J.S., S.P. Singh and C. Shastri (eds.). 1981. Science and Rural Development in Mountains. Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal. 464 p.

4. Singh, J.S. and B. Gopal (eds.). 1978. Glimpses of Ecology. Professor R. Misra Commemoration Volume. International Scientific Publisher, Jaipur. 592 p.

3. Yadava, P.S. and J.S. Singh. 1977. Grassland Vegetation: Its Structure, Function, Utilization and Management. Today and Tomorrow�s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. 182 p.

2. Misra, R., B. Gopal, K.P. Singh and J.S. Singh (eds.). 1973. Progress of Plant Ecology in India. Today and Tomorrow�s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. 153 p.

1. Pandeya, S.C., G.S. Puri and J.S. Singh. 1968. Research Methods in Plant Ecology. Asia Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bombay. 272 p.

D. Reports:

41. Singh, J. S. 2003. Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, Ministry of Environment and Forests.

40. Singh, J. S., K. P. Singh and A. S. Raghubanshi. 2003. Ecological analysis of plant diversity in Central Highlands. Final Technical Report, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi (14-23/95-MAB-RE)

39. J.S. Singh, S.P. Singh, A.K. Kashyap and L.C. Rai. 2001. Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Investigations for the Control of Environmental Pollution and Related Physiological Studies. Final Technical Report, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (BT/R&D/12/02/93).

38. Singh, J.S. and A.K. Kashyap. 1996. Production of Certain Biogenic Gases, Organic Matter Dynamics and Nitrogen Mineralization in Major Habitats of Dry Tropical Environment. Final Technical Report, Ministry of Environment and Forest sponsored project (14/26/89-MAB/RE).

37. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and A.K. Jha. 1996. An Integrated Ecological Study on Revegetation of Mine Spoils. Final Technical Report Report of S & T project sponsored by the Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India, through CMPDI, Ranchi (EE-8/92).

36. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and A.K. Jha. 1995. An Integrated Ecological Study on Revegetation of Mine Spoils: Concepts and Research Highlights. An Interim Report Report of S & T project sponsored by the Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India, through CMPDI, Ranchi (EE-8/92).

35. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and M. Agrawal. 1990. Environmental Degradation of Obra-Renukoot-Singrauli Area and its Impact on Natural and Derived Ecosystems. Final Technical Report submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (14/167/85-MAB/EN-2/RE). 498 p.

34. Singh, J.S. and K.P. Singh. 1990. Comparative Analysis of Productivity and Nutrient Cycling in Tropical Mixed Deciduous Forest and Bamboo Savanna. Final Technical Report submitted to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi (UGC Grant No. F. 3-7/86 (SR-II), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 114 p.

33. Singh, J.S., S.P. Singh and Jeet Ram. 1988. Fodder and Fuelwood Resources of Central Himalaya: Problems and Solutions. Report submitted for Study Group on Fuel and Fodder Working Committee, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi. 79 p.

32. Singh, J.S. and R.P. Singh. 1988. Recovery of Damaged Forest Ecosystems in Kumaun Himalaya. Final technical report submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 114 p.

31. Singh, J.S., K.P. Singh and R.S. Ambasht. 1988. IX International Symposium on Tropical Ecology. Major Conclusions and Future Outlook. Environmental Conservation 15: 83-85. INSA NEWS: 52-54; Current Science 57: 872-873; International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 1987. 13: 153-155. The Environmentalist 8: 308-310.

30. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1984. An Integrated Ecological Study of Eastern Kumaun Himalaya with Emphasis on Natural Resources. Pt. I. Studies with regional perspectives. Final report submitted to the Deptt. of Science and Technology, New Delhi HCS/DST/187/76. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 164 p.

29. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1984. An Integrated Ecological Study of Eastern Kumaun Himalaya with Emphasis on Natural Resources. Pt. II. Site specific studies. Final report submitted to the Dept. of Science and Technology, New Delhi. HCS/DST/187/96. Kumaun University, Nainital. 377 p.

28. Singh, J.S. and S.P. Singh. 1984. An Integrated Ecological Study of Eastern Kumaun Himalaya with Emphasis on Natural Resources. Pt. III. Synthesis and summary. Final report submitted to the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. HCS/DST/187/76. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 64 p.

27. Singh, J.S. and O.P. Goel. 1983. Integrated Study of Natural Resources and Environment of Parts of Kumaun Himalaya Through Remote Sensing Pt. I. Text. Final report submitted to the Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 243 p.

26. Singh, J.S. and O.P. Goel. 1983. Integrated Study of Natural Resources and Environment of Parts of Kumaun Himalaya Through Remote Sensing. Pt. II. Illustrations. Final report submitted to the Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 81 p.

25. Singh, J.S. 1983. Comparative Biomass Structure, Productivity and Nutrient Cycling in Mixed Oak and Conifer Forest Ecosystems. U.G.C. Grant no. F. 23-1020/79 (SR-II). Final report submitted to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 56 p.

24. Singh, J.S. 1982. The Integrated Ecological Study of Eastern Kumaun Himalaya with Emphasis on natural resources. D.S.T. Grant No. HCS/DST/187/96. Second annual report submitted to the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 193 p.

23. Singh, J.S., S.P. Singh, A.K. Saxena and Y.S. Rawat. 1981. The Silent Valley Forest Ecosystem and Possible Impact of Proposed Hydroelectric Project. Report submited to the Department of Environment, New Delhi. Kumaun University, Naini Tal. 70 p.

22. Singh, J.S. 1971. Primary Productivity in the Grassland Ecosystem at Kurukshetra. CSIR Progress Report No. 38(73)169-GAU II, Kurukshetra University, 36 p.

21. Singh, J.S. 1970. Primary Productivity in the Grassland Ecosystem at Kurukshetra. CSIR Progress Report No. 38(73) 169-GAU II, Kurukshetra University.

20. Singh, J.S. 1968. Growth of Eleusine indica in different months. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. p. 38-42.

19. Singh, J.S. 1968. Growth and dry matter yield of Eleusine indica as influenced by population density. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. p. 43-48.

18. Singh, J.S. 1968. Phosphate (32 P) uptake by seedlings and mature plants of Cassia tora L. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 34-37.

17. Singh, J.S. 1968. Effect of different photoperiods on the growth performance of Cassia tora L. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 26-33.

16. Singh, J.S. 1968. Influence of period and temperature of storage on the seed germination of Cassia tora L. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 22-25.

15. Singh, J.S. 1967. Effect of temperature on dry matter, area and optical density of chlorophyll extract of leaves of Cassia tora L. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University . P. 4-11.

14. Singh, J.S. 1967. Relationship between stem diameter and shoot dry weight in Cassia tora L. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 37-40.

13. Singh, J.S. 1967. Growth performance of Eleusine indica in relation to slope and its direction. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 41-49.

12. Singh, J.S. 1967. Establishment and growth of Cassia tora L. under reduced light intensities. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 31-36.

11. Singh, J.S. 1967. Growth performance of Cassia tora L. plants of different seed origins raised at different temperatures. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 12-23.

10. Singh, J.S. 1966. Further observations on the germination behaviour of seeds of Eleusine indica. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 41-82.

9. Singh, J.S. 1966. Distribution of uniform culture of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, P. 49-56.

8. Singh, J.S. 1966. Growth performance of Cassia tora L. plants raised from seeds of different localities. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 13-24.

7. Singh, J.S. 1966. Growth performance of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn grown at two different temperatures. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 63-66.

6. Singh, J.S. 1966. Effect of different photoperiods on the growth performance of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 57-62.

5. Singh, J.S. 1966. Germination behaviour of Cassia tora seeds in relation to seed maturity, storage, temperature, and place of origin. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 4-12.

4. Singh, J.S. 1965. Observations on growth behaviour and phenology of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn. as influenced by irrigation practices. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 27-31.

3. Singh, J.S. 1965. Effects of chilling on the survival and subsequent growth of seedlings of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 22-26.

2. Singh, J.S. 1965. Effect of daily exposures to low and high temperatures and scarification on seed germination of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Dept. of Botany, Banaras Hindu Unive. P. 13-21.

1. Singh, J.S. 1965. Influence of scarification on germination of Cassia tora L. seeds. In: R. Misra (ed.) Ecology of Noxious Weeds, P.L. 480 Project. Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University. P. 4-12.


4. Singh, J.S. 1987. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics Vol. 17 (eds.) R.F. Johnston, P.W. Frank and C.D. Michener. Tropical Ecology 28: 302-303.

3. Singh, J.S. 1987. Plant Ecology in West Africa - Systems and Processes. (ed.) G.W. Lawson. Tropical Ecology 28: 301-302.

2. Singh, J.S. 1987. Determinants of Tropical Savannas - IUBS Monograph Series No. 3 (ed.) B.H. Walker. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 25: 804.

1. Singh, J.S. 1985. Biology of Fodder Plants in the Permafrost Zone (ed.) L.G. Elovskaya. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 23: 120.

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