Ravindra Nath Kharwar

Ph D (DDU, Gorakhpur University)
Contact Information:
Mob No: 91-9415290001
[email protected], [email protected]
Employee No. 12042

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.DDU, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur1987
2.M.Sc.DDU, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur1989
3.Ph. D.DDU, Gorakhpur University1997
Area of Research:Working on microbial endophytes; the microorganisms which reside inside healthy plant tissues without causing any detectable negative symptoms to their concerned hosts. Endophytes are known to promote the plant growth and provide protection to their hosts against various biotic and abiotic stresses. Our current research focus is on isolation, purification and characterization of bioactive natural products from fungal and actinobacterial endophytes along with their diversity and ecology. Epigenetic modulations for cryptic and enhanced metabolites isolation from endophytes are also in area of interest. Additionally, endophytes derived biosynthesis (Green Synthesis) of metals nanoparticles, their usage, and understanding the mechanisms of induced resistance in plants against stresses through endophytes/PGPMs are also our focused research area.

Junior Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, New Delhi
BOYSCAST Fellowship for 2006-07
Fellow, Mycological Society of India, Chennai
Fellow, Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi
Dr. S. K. Shome Memorial Lecture Award, Mycological Society of India
Dr. V. Agnihothrudu Memorial Lecture Award, Mycological Society of India


. Member, Wild life Board, U. P. Lucknow (2010-2012)
2. Vice President, Mycological Society of India (2014-15)
2. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Plant Science and Research (2016.....)
3. Editor (Mycology), Indian Phytopathology (2007-2010 and 2014-17)
4. Associate Editor, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (T&F 2017....)
5. Review Editor, Frontiers in Microbiology (2017....)
6. Council Member, Mycological Society of India (2012-2014)
7. Council Member, Mycological Society of India (2017-2020)
8. Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
9. Member, Executive Council, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (2013-2017)
10. Member, Executive Council, Dr. RML Avadh Uiniversity, Faizabad, Ayodhya (2015-2018)
11. Member Proctorial Board and Deputy Chief Proctor, BHU (2013-14)
12. Member, Vidyalay Management Committee, KV, BHU, Varanasi (20014......) 13. Delivered Lecture and Chaired Sessions at several national and international conferences
14. Convened the lecture of Prof James P Stack, (USA) in a plenary session at IARI, New Delhi during 5th International Conference on Plant Pathology in Globalized Era during November 10-13, 2009. 15. Member, Complaints Committee, BHU, Varanasi- (2016--)
16. Member, Board of Studies, Botany, Dr. RML Avadh University, Faizabad (2015-2018)
17. Member, Board of Studies, Botany, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (2015-2018)
18. Member, Board of Studies, Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (2016-18)
19. Member, Board of Studies, Environmental Microbiology, BBA University, Lucknow (2017-2020)
20. Member: Board of Studies, Botany, University of Madras, Chennai (2017---)
21. Organizing Secretary, National Seminar on Impact of Increasing Human Population on Natural Resources from 16-18 Oct, 2003 at BHU, Varanasi
22. Organizing Secretary, International Conference on Mycology and Plant Pathology: Biotechnological Approaches (www.icmpb2012bhu.com) from February 27-29, 2012, BHU, Varanasi
23. Convener, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Plant Science Research, Dept of Botany, from Feb19-20, 2015, BHU, Varanasi
24. Convener, Emerging Trends in Fungal Biology and Plant Protection ETFPP-2016, Dept of Botany, from Feb16-18, 2016, BHU, Varanasi
25. Convener, Refresher course in Botany (27 Dec 2008- 16 January 2009) Academic Staff College, BHU, Varanasi

Current Research Projects:
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source Amount (in Rs)
1. Diversity Assessment and Characterization of Antimicrobial Compounds and Enzymes from Endophytic Fungi and Actinomycetes Isolated from Selected Plants of Uttar Pradesh, India 2014-2018 DST, New Delhi Rs. 36.88 Lacs
Any additional information:
Life member:
1.Association of Microbiologists of India.
2. Indian Phytopathological Society.
3. Mycological Society of India.

Member Editorial Board:
1. Indian Phytopathology.
2. Bioscience Discovery.

National symposium on Impact of human population on.
Natural Resources October 17-19, 2003. BHU

Convener: II Refresher course in Botany (27 Dec 2008- 16 January 2009) ACS, BHU Warden (1998-2004), Member of different committees in BHU National and International Symposia: 24 Ph. D. Produced & working: 03; 06

Rewiewer: Microbial Ecology, Crop Protection, Current Microbiology, Bioresource Technology, Natural Product Communication, Natural Product Research, Chinese Journal Clinical Medicine, Current Science, Process Biochemistry, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Plant Diseases

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Singh DK, Sharma VK, Kumar J, Mishra A, Arti Singh, Puja Kumari, Verma SK, Kharwar RN (2018). Mycosynthesis of bactericidal silver and polymorphic gold nanoparticles: physicochemical variation effects and mechanism. Nanomedicine 13(2): 191-207 (IF-5.05)
  2. Singh BN, Singh BR, Gupta VK, Kharwar RN, Pecoraro L (2018). Coating with microbial hydrophobins: A novel approach to develop smart drug nanoparticles. Trends in Biotechnology 36(11):1103-1106 (IF-13.57)
  3. Singh DK, Sharma VK, Kumar J, Mishra A, Verma SK, Sieber TN, Kharwar RN (2017). Diversity of endophytic mycobiota of tropical tree Tectona grandis Linn.f.: Spatiotemporal and tissue type effects. Scientific Reports 7: 3745 (IF-4.12)
  4. Sharma VK, Kumar J, Singh DK, Mishra A, Verma SK, Gond SK, Kumar A, Singh N, Kharwar RN (2017) Induction of cryptic and bioactive metabolites through natural dietary components in an endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 1126 (IF-4.01)
  5. Kumar J, SharmaVK, Singh DK, Mishra A, Gond SK, Verma SK, Kumar A, Kharwar RN (2016). Epigenetic activation of antibacterial property of an endophytic Streptomyces coelicolor strain AZRA 37 and identification of the induced protein using MALDI TOF MS/MS. Plos One 11(2): e0147876 (10.1371/journal.pone.0147876) (IF-2.76)
  6. Mishra A, Gond SK, Kumar A, Sharma VK, Verma SK, and Kharwar RN and Sieber TN (2012). Season and tissue type affect fungal endophyte communities of the Indian medicinal plant Tinospora cordifolia more strongly than geographic location and their antimicrobial potential. Microbial Ecology 64: 388-398 (IF-3.61)
  7. Kharwar RN, Mishra A, Gond SK, Stierle A and Stierle D (2011). Anticancer compounds derived from fungal endophytes: their importance and future challenges. Natural Product Reports 28: 1208-1228 (IF-11.46)
  8. Verma VC, Kharwar RN and Gange AC (2010). Biosynthesis of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles by the endophytic fungus Aspergillus clavatus. Nanomedicine 5 (1): 33-40 (IF-5.05)
  9. Kharwar RN, Verma VC, Gond SK, Kumar A and Strobel G. (2009). Javanicin, an antibacterial naphthaquinone from an endophytic fungus of Neem- Chloridium sp. Current Microbiology 58, 233-238 (IF-1.37)
  10. Verma VC, Gond SK, Mishra A, Kumar A, Kharwar RN and Gange AC (2009). Endophytic actinomycetes from Azadirachta indica A. Juss.: Isolation, diversity and anti-microbial activity. Microbial Ecology 57, 749-756 (IF-3.61)

Full List of Publications:

  1. Kharwar, R. N., Singh P.N. and Singh, R. K.(1996). New species of Mycovellosiella species associated with foliar spots in Nepal. Mycological Research 100, 689-692
  2. Singh, P.N., Kharwar,R.N. and Rao, H.S.G. (1997). Additions to hyphomycete genus Pseudocercospora. Indian Phytopathology 50, 7-15.
  3. Kharwar, R.N. and Narayan, S. (1999). Some novel species of genus Mycovellosiella from forest flora of Nepal and India. Journal of Living World 7, 10-20.
  4. Kharwar RN, Singh PN and Singh RK (1996). New species of Mycovellosiella species associated with foliar spots in Nepal. Mycological Research 100, 689-692
  5. Singh PN, Kharwar RN and Rao HSG (1997). Additions to hyphomycete genus Pseudocercospora. Indian Phytopathology 50, 7-15.
  6. Meenu, Kharwar RN and Bhartiya HD (1998). Some new forms of genus Corynespora from kathmandu valley, Nepal. Indian Phytopathology 51, 146-151.
  7. Kharwar RN and Narayan S (1999). Some novel species of genus Mycovellosiella from forest flora of Nepal and India. Journal of Living World 7, 10-20.
  8. Narayan S, Kharwar RN, Singh RK and Bhartiya HD (1997). Some New Cercospora sensu stricto causing leaf spots on vegetable plants from Indian sub Continent. Kavaka 25, 87-92. (Late addition)
  9. Narayan S, Kharwar RN and Singh RK (2001). Some novel taxa of hyphomycete genus Cercospora causing foliar spots in India. Indian Phytopathology. 54, 351-357.
  10. Narayan S, Kharwar RN, Singh RK and Rao HSG (2001). Four New taxa of genus Cercospora causing foliar spots on Horticultural and Medicinal Plants from India. J.I.B.S. 80, 213-217.
  11. Narayan S, Kharwar RN and Singh RK (2001). Some additions to Cercospora from Indian Subcontinent. Kavaka 28&29, 59-72.
  12. Kharwar, R.N., Singh R. K. (2003). Two new species of Mycovellosiella. Indian Phytopathology 56, 50-53.
  13. Kharwar RN and Singh RK (2004). Additions to the hyphomycete genus Veronaea as phytoparasitic species. Microbiological Research 159, 103-111.
  14. Kumar A, Kumar Anuj and Kharwar RN (2006). Two new phytoparasitic hyphomycetes from Varanasi, India. Indian Phytopathology 59, 85-90.
  15. Verma VC, and Kharwar RN (2006). Efficacy of neem leaf extract against it�s own fungal endophytes Curvularia lunata. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2, 329-335.
  16. Kumar V, Kumar A and Kharwar RN (2007). Antagonistic potential of fluorescent Pseudomonads and control of charcoal rot of chickpea caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. Journal of Environmental Biology 28, 15-20.
  17. Verma VC, Gond SK, Kumar A, Kharwar RN and Strobel G (2007). The Endophytic Mycoflora of bark, leaf and stem Tissues of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Neem) from Varanasi (India). Microbial Ecology 54, 119-125.
  18. Kumar V, Kumar A, Verma VC, Gond SK and Kharwar RN (2007). Induction of Defense enzymes in Pseudomonas fluorescens treated chickpea roots against Macrophomina phaseolina. Indian Phytopathology 60, 289-295.
  19. Gond SK, Verma VC, Kumar A and Kharwar RN (2007). Study of endophytic fungal community from different parts of Aegle marmelos Correa (Rutaceae) form Varanasi (India). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23, 1371-1375.
  20. Verma VC, Gond SK, Misra A, Kumar A and Kharwar RN (2008). Selection of Natuaral Strains of Fungal Endophytes from Azadirachta indica A. Juss, with Anti-Microbial Activity Against Dermatophytes. Current Bioactive Compounds 4, 36-40.
  21. Kharwar RN, Verma VC, Strobel G and Ezra D (2008). Endophytic Fungal Complexes of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Current Science 95, 228-233.
  22. Kumar A, Verma VC, Gond SK, Kumar V and Kharwar RN (2009). Biocontrol potential of Cladosporium sp. (MCPL-461), against obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. Journal of Environmental Biology 30, 307-312.
  23. Verma VC, Gond SK, Mishra A, Kumar A, Kharwar RN and Gange AC (2009). Endophytic Actinomycetes from Azadirachta indica A. Juss.: Isolation, Diversity and Anti-microbial Activity. Microbial Ecology 57, 749-756.
  24. Kharwar RN, Verma VC, Gond SK, Kumar A and Strobel G. (2009). Javanicin, an Antibacterial Naphthaquinone from an Endophytic fungus of Neem- Chloridium sp. Current Microbiology 58, 233-238.
  25. Verma VC, Kharwar RN and Gange AC (2010). Biosynthesis of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles by the endophytic fungus Aspergillus clavatus. Nanomedicine 5 (1): 33-40.
  26. Kharwar RN, Gond SK, Verma VC, Kumar A and Mishra A (2010). A comparative study of endophytic and epiphytic fungal association with leaf of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, and their antimicrobial activity World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 1941-1948.
  27. Prakash B, Shukla R, Singh P, Mishra PK, Dubey NK and Kharwar RN (2011). Efficacy of chemically characterized Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil as an antioxidant and a safe plant based antimicrobial against fungal and aflatoxin B1contamination of spices. Food Research International 44, 385-390.
  28. Verma VC, Kharwar RN, Singh SK, R Solanki and Prakash S (2011). Biofabrication of anisotropic gold nanotriangles using extract of as dual functional reductant and stabilizer. Nanoscale Research Letters 6:16 (6:261).
  29. Chand R, Shroff S, Kushwaha C, Kharwar RN and Singh AK (2011). Infection biology and aeciospores of Uromyces viciae-fabae under humid conditions. Indian Phytopathology 64, 235-239.
  30. Verma VC, Gond SK, Kumar A, Kharwar RN et al. (2011). Endophytic fungal flora of roots and fruits of an Indian neem plant Azadirachta indica A. Juss., and impact of culture media on their isolation. Indian Journal of Microbiology 51(4):469-476.
  31. Kharwar RN, Verma SK, Mishra A, Gond SK, Sharma VK, Kumar J, Singh DK and Afreen T (2011). Assessment of diversity, distribution and antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from a medicinal plant Adenocalymma alliaceum Miers. Symbiosis 55: 39-46
  32. Gond SK, Verma VC, Mishra A, Kumar A, and Kharwar RN (2012). Antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Nyctanthes arbortritis L. Mycoscience 53: 113-121.
  33. Verma VC, Singh SK and Kharwar RN (2012). Histological Investigation of Fungal Endophytes in Healthy Tissues of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Kassetsart Journal of Natural Science 46:229-237.
  34. Mishra A, Gond SK, Kumar A, Sharma VK, Verma SK, and Kharwar RN and Sieber TN (2012). Season and tissue type affect fungal endophyte communities of the Indian medicinal plant Tinospora cordifolia more strongly than geographic location and their antimicrobial potential. Microbial Ecology 64: 388-398.
  35. Kharwar RN, Kumar A, Bhat DJ and Nakashima C (2012). Asperisporium pongamae- pinnatae a new filiicolous fungus from India. Vegetos 25:334-337.
  36. Kharwar RN, Maurya AL, Verma VC, Kumar A, Gond SK and Mishra A (2012). Diversity and antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungal community isolated from medicinal plant Cinnamomum camphora. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India (Section-B) 82:557-565.
  37. Singh A and Kharwar RN (2012). Additions to hyphomycete genus Jusmidium species from Indian sub-continent. Indian J Mycology and Plant Pathology 42: 417-422.
  38. Srivastava A, Singh P, Kumar R, Verma SK and Kharwar RN (2013). Indole-based polymer and its silver nanocomposite as advanced antibacterial agents: synthetic path, kinetics of polymerization and applications. Polymer International 62: 210-218.
  39. Kumar A, Gond SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK and Kharwar RN (2013). Role of different variables on site-specific isolation and distribution patterns of soil mycoflora from Varanasi. Vegetos 26:88-95.
  40. Gond SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK, Verma SK and Kharwar RN (2013). Production of Naphthlene derivative by Phoma herbarum an endophytic fungus isolated of Aegle marmelos from Sonebhadra, India. Current Science 105: 167-169.
  41. Verma SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK, Gond SK, Kumar A and Kharwar RN (2014). Impact of environmental variables on the isolation, diversity and antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungal communities from Madhuka indica Gmel. At different location of India. Annals of Microbiology 64:721-734.
  42. Gangwar M, Dogra S, Gupta UP and Kharwar RN (2014). Diversity and biopotential of Actinomycetes from three medicinal plants in India. African Journal of Microbiology Research 8(2): 184-191.
  43. Kushwaha SK, Dani RK, Bharty MK, Chaudhary UK, Sharma VK, Kharwar RN and Singh NK (2014). Studies on N-picolinoyl-N�-benzothioylhydrazide and its Zn(II) complex: Synthesis, structure, antibacterial activity, thermal analysis and DFT calculation. Journal of Molecular Structure 1063:60-69.
  44. Goutam J, Sharma VK, Verma SK, Singh DK, Kumar J, Mishra A, Kumar A, Kharwar RN (2014).Optimization of culture conditions for enhanced production of bioactive metabolites from Emericella quadrilineata an endophyte of Pteris pellucida with its antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. J App & Pure Microbiol 8: 2059-2073.
  45. Dani RK, Bhartya MK, Kushawaha SK, Prakash O, Sharma VK, Kharwar RN, Singh RK and Singh NK (2014). Syntheses, spectral and structural characterization of trinuclear and mononuclear Zn(II) complexes of N�-benzoyl hydrazine carboperthioate and 5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thione: An approach to DFT calculation, antibacterial and thermal studies. Polyhedron 81:261-272.
  46. Singh A, Kharwar RN, Singh, R and Kumar S (2014). A new species of Zasmidium (Mycosphaerellaceae) from India. Sydowia 66: 0309-0312.
  47. Bharty MK, Dani RK, Kushwaha SK, Singh NK, Kharwar RN and Butcher RJ (2015). Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Co(II) complexes of 1-phenyl-1H-tetrazole-5-thiol: Synthesis, spectral, structural characterization and thermal studies. Polyhedron 88:208-221.
  48. Bharty MK, Dani RK, Kushawaha SK, OmPrakash, Singh RK, Sharma VK, Kharwar RN, Singh NK (2015). Synthesis, spectral characterization, thermal behavior, antibacterial activity and DFT calculation on N�-[bis(methylsulfanyl) methylene]-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N�-(4-methoxy benzoyl)-hydrazinecarbodithioic acid ethyl ester Spectrochemica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 145: 98-109
  49. Srivastava PK, Singh M, Gupta M, Singh N, Kharwar RN, Tripathi RD, Nautiyal CS (2015) Mapping of arsenic pollution with reference to paddy cultivation in the middle Indo-Gangetic Plains. Environ Monit Assess 187(4): 187-198. doi: 10.1007/s10661-015-4418-5
  50. Kharwar RN, Dubey SK, Pandey J and Rai LC (2015) Plant Science Research. Current Science 109: 14-15.
  51. Kharwar RN, Singh A, Singh, R and Kumar S (2015). Two new species of Zasmidium (Mycosphaerellaceae) from Nepal. Mycotaxon 130: 241-246.
  52. Singh M, Srivastava PK, Verma PC, Kharwar RN, Singh N, Tripathi RD (2015) Soil fungi for mycoremediation of arsenic pollution in agriculture soils. Journal of Applied Microbiology 119: 1278-1290, doi: 10.1111/jam.12948
  53. Gond SK, Bergen MS, Torres MS, White JF Jr, Kharwar RN (2015). Effect of bacterial endophyte on expression of defence genes in Indian popcorn against Fusarium moniliforme. Symbiosis 66: 133-140, DOI 10.1007/s13199-015-0348-9
  54. Kumar A, Gond SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK, Verma SK, Singh DK, Kumar J and Kharwar RN (2015). Salicylic acid and its role in systemic resistance induced by Pseudomonas fluorescence to early blight disease of tomato. Vegetos 28(3): 12-19.
  55. Patel JS, Sarma BK, Singh HB, Upadhyay RS, Kharwar RN and Ahmad M (2016). Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma asperellum enhance expression of Ga subunits of the pea heterotrimeric G-protein during Erysiphe pisi infection. Frontiers in Plant Science 6 online doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01206
  56. Kumar J, SharmaVK, Singh DK, Mishra A, Gond SK, Verma SK, Kumar A, Kharwar RN (2016). Epigenetic activation of antibacterial property of an endophytic Streptomyces coelicolor strain AZRA 37 and identification of the induced protein using MALDI TOF MS/MS. PlosOne 11(2): e0147876 (10.1371/journal.pone.0147876)
  57. Patel JS, Upadhyay RS, Singh HB, Kharwar RN, Ahmad M and Sarma BK (2016). A simple and efficient protocol for isolation of RNA from different tissues of chickpea and pea. Int. J Agri. Environ and Biotechnol 9(1): 39-43 (10.5958/2230-732X.2016.00006.1)
  58. Goutam J, Kharwar RN, Tiwari VK, Mishra A, Singh S (2016). Isolation and Identification of Antibacterial Compounds Isolated from Endophytic Fungus Emericella qaudrilineata. Nat Prod Chem Res 4: 205. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000205
  59. Goutam J, Singh S, Kharwar RN, Ramarai VK (2016). In vitro potential of endophytic fungus Aspergillus terrus (Jas-2) associated with Achyranthus aspera and study on its culture conditions. Biology and Medicine 8:7
  60. Verma SK, Gond SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK, Kharwar RN (2016) Biofabrication of antibacterial and antioxidant silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by an endophytic fungus Pestalotia sp., isolated from Madhuca longifolia var. Latifolia. J Nanomat. Mol. Nanotechnol. 5:4 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2324-8777.1000189
  61. Bharty, M. K., Paswan, S., Dani, R. K., Singh, N. K., Sharma, V. K., Kharwar, R. N., Butcher, R. J. (2017) Polymeric Cd(II), trinuclear and mononuclear Ni(II) complexes of 5-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione: Synthesis, structural characterization, thermal behaviour, fluorescence properties and antibacterial activity. J Mol. Structure 1130: 181-193 (DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2016.10.030)
  62. Patel JS, Kharwar RN, Singh HB, Upadhyay RS and Sarma BK (2017) Trichoderma asperellum (T42) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (OKC)-enhances resistance of pea against Erysiphe pisi through enhanced ROS generation and lignifications. Front. Microbiol. 8:306. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00306
  63. Verma, S. K., Kingsley, K., Irizarry, I., Bergen, M., Kharwar, R. N., White, J. F. (2017) Seed vectored endophytic bacteria modulate development of rice seedlings. J Appl. Microbiol. 122: 1680-1691doi: 10.1111/jam.13463
  64. Sharma VK, Kumar J, Singh DK, Mishra A, Verma SK, Gond SK, Kumar A, Singh N, Kharwar RN (2017) Induction of cryptic and bioactive metabolites through natural dietary components in an endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 1126
  65. Singh DK, Sharma VK, Kumar J, Mishra A, Verma SK, Sieber TN, Kharwar RN (2017) Diversity of endophytic mycobiota of tropical tree Tectona grandis Linn.f.: Spatiotemporal and tissue type effects. Scientific Reports 7: 3745
  66. Goutam J, Sharma G, Tiwari VK, Mishra A, Kharwar RN, Ramaraj V, Koch B (2017) Isolation and Characterization of �Terrein� an Antimicrobial and Antitumor Compound from Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus terreus (JAS-2) Associated from Achyranthus aspera Varanasi,India. Front. Microbiol. 8:1334. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01334
  67. Kharwar RN and Raghuwanshi R (2017). Cacti Culture: Prickles of Pride. Current Science. 113 (11): 2203-2204.
  68. Gupta PN, Kulshrestha N, Singh A, Kharwar RN, Saroj AL (2018) Studies on PVA/AgI-based polymeric membranes for exploration of antibacterial activity. Int. J Polymeric Mat. and Polymeric Biomat. 67:258-265, DOI: (10.1080/00914037.2017.1320662)
  69. Verma, S. K., Kingsley, K., Irizarry, I., Bergen, M., Kharwar, R. N., White, J. F. (2018) Bacterial endophytes from rice cut grass (Leersia oryzoides L.) increase growth, promote root gravitropic response, stimulate root hair formation, and protect rice seedlings from disease. Plant and Soil. 422:223�238 (DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3339-1)
  70. Singh DK, Sharma VK, Kumar J, Mishra A, Arti Singh, Puja Kumari, Verma SK, Kharwar RN (2018). Mycosynthesis of bactericidal silver and polymorphic gold nanoparticles: physicochemical variation effects and mechanism. Nanomedicine. 13(2): 191-207 (https://doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2017-0235)
  71. Verma SK, Mishra A, Sharma VK, Gond SK, Kumar A and Kharwar RN (2018). Leaf segment size and culture media enfluence the recovery and diversity of fungal endophytes isolated from Madhuca Longifolia with their enzymes activity. Vegetos. 31: 10-19, DOI: (https://10.5958/2229-4473.2018.00002.2)
  72. Singh BN, Singh BR, Gupta VK, Kharwar RN and Pecoraro L (2018). Coating with microbial hydrophobins: A novel approach to develop smart drug nanoparticles. Trends in Biotechnology. 36(11):1103-1106
  73. Mishra A, Sharma VK, Singh DK, Kumar J, Pandey P and Kharwar RN (2018). Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum adansoniae, an Endophytic Fungus Residing in Photosynthetic Root of Tinospora cordifolia, a Medicinal Plant. Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences Sec-B (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-018-1046-1 online)
  74. Sharma S, Kumari P, Kharwar RN, Yadav A, Srikrishna S, Kumar R (2018). Mechanically magnified chitosan-based hydrogel as tissue adhesive and antimicrobial candidate. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.12.018)


  1. Verma, V. C., Kharwar, R. N. and Gange, A.C. (2009). Biosynthesis of noble metal nanoparticles and its application. CAB Reviews: Perspective in Agriculture, Veterinery Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4: 1-17.

  2. Verma, V. C., Kharwar, R. N. and Strobel Gary (2009). Chemical and Functional Diversity of Natural Products from Plant Associated Endophytic Fungi. Natural Product Communications 4 (11):1511-1532.


Chapters contributed to books:

  1. Kumar, Anuj, Kumar, Vinod and Kharwar, R. N. (2006). Induced Resistance: A biotechnological approach for induction of defense-related molecules in plant disease management. In Microbial biodiversity: Modern Trends (eds Ram and Sinha). Daya publishing House, New Delhi pp. 128-151.
  2. Kharwar, R. N., Verma, V. C., Kumar, A. and Redman, R. S. (2009). Endophytic Fungi: Better Players of Biodiversity, Stress Tolerance, Host Protection and Antimicrobial Production. In: A Text book of Molecular Biotechnology Eds. A. K. Chauhan and Ajit Verma,. I K International Publishing House, New Delhi. Pp. 1033-1357.
  3. Gond, S.K., Verma V. C., Mishra A., Kumar A., and Kharwar, R.N. (2010). Role of fungal endophytes in plant protection. In: Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens Eds: Arun Arya and A. E. Perello. CABI pp. 183-197.
  4. Kharwar, R. N. and Strobel Gary (2010). Fungal Endophytes: An alternative source of bioactive compounds for plant protection In: Natural compounds in pest management. Ed. N K Dubey, CABI pp. 218-241.
  5. Kharwar RN, Mishra A, Gond SK, Stierle A and Stierle D (2011). Anticancer compounds derived from fungal endophytes: their importance and future challenges. Natural Product Reports 28: 1208-1228.
  6. Gond SK, Kharwar RN and JF White (2014). Will fungi be the new source of the blockbuster drug taxol? Fungal Biology Reviews 28: 77-84. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbr.2014.10.001)
  7. Mishra A, Gond SK, Kumar A, Sharma VK, Verma SK and Kharwar RN (2012). Sourcing the fungal endophyts: A beneficial transaction of biodiversity, bioactive natural products, plant protection and nanotechnology In T. Satyanarayana et al (eds), Microorganisms in sustainable Agriculture and Biotechnology (DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2214-9_26) pp 581-612. Springer.
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  1. Microbial Diversity and Biotechnology in Food Security (2014). Eds-RN Kharwar (Corresponding Editor), RS Upadhyay, NK Dubey and Richas Raghubanshi. Springer (ISBN: 978-81-322-1800-5) 610 Pages

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