Significant contribution has been made in the field of air and soil pollution and global climatic change effects, with particular emphasis on the cause effect relationship of plant stress interaction. Her extensive field studies around pollution sources in the central part of India and around Varanasi helped to quantify the trend of vegetation injury including crop responses, biodiversity changes, build up of trace elements in gradient of distance and direction from emission sources. Her researches on bioindication of air pollution led to identification of plant susceptibility and screening of tolerant and bioindicator plants.
She is the first to start the work on tropospheric O3 on plants after recognizing the fact that O3 concentrations are higher in peri-urban and rural compared to urban. Mechanisms of action of O3 on plants were also ascertained at ambient and future elevated levels. Use of ethylenediurea as a research tool to assess O3 phytotoxicity under natural ambient condition was elucidated for the first time in India and standard dose was established for different crop plants. Interactive effects of CO2 and SO2 were also worked out. Inter and intra species variations were demonstrated for important crop plants of India with respect to above stresses. Her major contributions in the area of UV-B are identifying the key traits for assessment of impact, correlating the response of photosynthetic machinery with crop susceptibility and unfolding the role of nutrient use efficiencies in modifying crop response. Her recent study on ambient UV-B exclusion approach has identified marker genes of antioxidative enzymes in kidney beans.
Prof. Agrawal s group is credited to work on different dimensions of greenhouse gas emissions and agriculture feedbacks ranging from carbon footprinting, carbon sequestration, soil function-climate feedback to modeling yield and emissions under different tillage practices in rice-wheat systems. She is also credited for her pioneer work on heavy metal transfer through food chain in and around urban areas and likely interventions to reduce the contamination.
Working on waste management problem, she has standardized the dose of sewage sludge for agricultural application, avoiding a risk to human health.
Awards: |
National Scholarship for getting position in B.Sc. Examination.
B.H.U. Gold Medal for securing First Position in M.Sc.
UNESCO/ROSTASCA Young Scientist Award, 1988.
U.S. Fulbright Fellowship, 1988.
Bilateral Exchange fellowship of INSA and Royal Society, London, 1994.
Professor Hira Lal Chakraborty Award of Indian Science Congress Association, 1996.
Fellow of National Institute of Ecology, India, 1993.
UGC Swami Pranavananda Saraswati National Award in Environmental Science and Ecology, 1999.
Fellow of Indian Botanical Society, 2000.
Dr. P Sheel (Young Women Scientist) Memorial Lecture Award of National Academy of Science, 2003.
Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, 2010.
Fellow of National Agricultural Academy of Sciences, 2010.
10th R.C. Dalela Oration award of The Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2014.
Professor Shri Ranjan Memorial Lecture Award of National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, 2016.
Achievements: |
- Member of Executive Committee of International Society of Environmental Botanists, NBRI, Lucknow.
- Member Management Advisory Committee for the Young Scientist Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi, 1995 -1998.
Convener, Department of Science and Technology sponsored Contact Programme in Ecology with Special reference to Environmental Impact Analysis for M.Sc Students of different States in India, held during August 26 to 6 September, 1996.
Member, Editorial Board, Environmental Pollution. Elsevier Science Ltd. 2002 onwards.
Member, Editorial Board, The Scientific World Global System(2000-2002).
- Member, Working group for development of curriculum addendum on Integration of Environmental Components with Vocational Curriculum in the Area of Agriculture, Engineering and Technology for NCERT courses.
- Member, Advisory Board, Progress in Environmental Science, Arnold Publishers, London (1998-2000).
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Environmental Biology (1990- onwards).
- Delivered invited lectures at national and international seminars and symposium.
- Environmental consultant of World Bank funded project of four laning of National Highway 2 package IV.
- Invited to give visiting lecture on Air Pollution Effects on vegetation in India at CAPER meeting of the Natural Environment Research Council, U.K. in April 1999.
- Joint Secretary, International Society of Tropical Ecology (2001-onwards).
- Secretary, International Society of Tropical Ecology (2015- onwards).
- Convener, National Workshop on Vehicular Pollution in Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi and Lucknow: Problems and Prospects held on 14-15th December, 2002 at Law School, BHU.
- Member, Themetic group Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
- Steering committee member, RAPIDC programme, Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (2002-2005).
- Executive Councilor, Indian Botanical Society (2005-2007)
- Convener, Save Ganga workshop, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 22-23 November 2003.
- Coordinator, Environmental Sciences Course, Banaras Hindu University (2005-2008).
- Member, Subject Expert Committee for Women Scientists Scheme of Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi (2007- onward)
- Member, Atmospheric Brown Cloud, Scientific Assessment Committee, United Nations Environment Programme (2008 onwards).
- Coordinator, Anveshan, Student Research Convention(East Zone) AIU and BHU, (2009).
- Member, advisory committee under Male declaration on control and prevention of air pollution of Central Pollution Control Board, India (2009 onwards).
- Chairperson, School Board, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (2010-2014).
- Head, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University (2015-onwards).
- Deputy Coordinator, CAS in Botany, BHU (2011-2016).
- Member, Expert Committee for Societal Research under Disha Programme, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi (2014- 2016)
- Coordinator, DST-FIST Programme, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University (2015-onwards).
- Coordinator, NASI-BHU Teachers Training Programme at BHU, Varanasi, 10th and 11th February, 2017.
- Co-opted member, SERB for Plant Sciences (2016-onwards)
Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:
Research Projects Completed:
- Ministry of Environment, Govt. of India sponsored project entitled All India Co-ordinated Programme on Air Pollution and Plants. 1986-1990.
- Ministry of Environment, Govt. of India sponsored project entitled Integrated Project on Environmental Degradation of Obra - Renukoot and Singrauli Area and Its Impact on Natural and Derived Ecosystems Project I: Industrial Air Pollutants and Their Effects on Ecosystem Structure and Function. 1986-1988.
- UGC minor project entitled To evaluate the role of certain chemicals in reducing pollutant induced injury. 1986-1988.
- UGC sponsored minor project entitled Study of mechanism of adaptation to air pollutant stress in plants. 1992-1994.
- Department of Science and Technology sponsored project entitled Influence of ultraviolet - B irradiation and troposhperic ozone on plants. 1992-1995.
- Ministry of Energy, Govt. of India, Coal S & T project entitled An Integrated ecological study on revegetation of mine spoil. 1992-1995.
- CSIR sponsored project entitled Interactive effects of elevated levels of CO2 and SO2 on physiological and growth characteristics of selected plants. 1993-1997
- Department of International Development U.K. sponsored project entitled Effects of air pollution on urban agriculture in India in collaboration with Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London .1998
- Ministry of Environment and Forests sponsored project entitled Atmospheric depositions and budgeting of the nutrients and trace elements around industrial sites at Singrauli region. 1998-2002.
- Department of International Development U.K. sponsored project entitled Enhancing food chain integrity: quality assurance mechanisms for air pollution impacts on fruit and vegetable systems in collaboration with Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London . 2000-2003.
- University Grants Commission, New Delhi sponsored project entitled Crop loss assessment under ambient air pollution around Varanasi 2005-2007.
- Department of International Development U.K. sponsored project entitled Contaminated irrigation water and food safety for the urban and peri-urban poor: appropriate measures for monitoring and control from field research in India and Zambia in collaboration with University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K. 2005-2010.
- Ministry of Science and Technology New Delhi sponsored project entitled Evaluation of crop loss due to air pollution: A risk assessment 2006-2009.
- Ministry of Coal, Science and Technology sponsored project entitled Development of Methodology for Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Mine Fire Areas and their Mitigation through Terrestrial Sequestration. 2009-2012.
- CSIR sponsored project entitled Response of selected medicinal plants to resource availability: elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization. 2010-2013
Project Undergoing
- Research Council of Norway funded project entitled Interaction of Climate Extremes, Air Pollution and Agro-ecosystems (CiXPAG) in collaboration with CICERO (Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research), Oslo, Norway, Rs. 45 lakhs (2015-2019)
- Asian Pacific Network funded project entitled Identification of the best agricultural management practices with better greenhouse gas benefits in salinity affected areas of South Asia in collaboration with University of Colombo (Sri Lanka), National Agricultural Research Center (Pakistan), B.S.M.R. Agricultural University (Bangladesh), Rs. 40 Lakhs ( 2017-2019)
| Any additional information:
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10 best publications:
- Tiwari, S., Agrawal, M. and Manning, W.J. (2005) Assessing the impact of ambient ozone on growth and productivity of two cultivars of wheat in India using three rates of application of ethylenediurea (EDU). Environmental Pollution 138, 153-160.
- Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2007) Heavy metal contamination of soil and vegetables in suburban areas of Varanasi, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66, 258-266.
- Rai, R. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Evaluation of physiological and biochemical responses of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to ambient air pollution using open top chambers at a rural site in India. Science of the Total Environment 407, 679-691.
- Singh, P., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S. B. (2009) Evaluation of physiological, growth and yield responses of a tropical oil crop (Brassica campestris L. var. Kranti) under ambient ozone pollution at varying NPK levels. Environmental Pollution 157, 871-880.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M., and Bohra. J. S. (2012). Greenhouse gas emissions from rice crop with different tillage permutations in rice wheat system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 159, 133-144.
- Singh Suruchi, Agrawal SB, and Agrawal M (2015) Responses of pea plants to elevated UV-B radiation at varying nutrient levels: N-metabolism, carbohydrate pool, total phenolics and yield. Functional Plant Biology 42 (11), 1045-1056.
- Pandey, B., Agrawal, M., and Singh S. 2014. Coal mining activities change plant community structure due to air pollution and soil degradation. Ecotoxicology 23, 1474-1483
- Sharma, S., Roy, A., Agrawal, M. (2016). Spatial variations in water quality of river Ganga with respect to land uses in Varanasi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (21), 21872-21882.
- Gautam, M., and Agrawal, M. (2017). Influence of metals on essential oil content and composition of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates (D.C.) Stapf.) grown under different levels of red mud in sewage sludge amended soil. Chemosphere 175, 315-322.
- Mukherjee, A., and Agrawal, M. (2017). A global perspective of fine particulate matter pollution and its health effects. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1-47.
Full list of publications
A. Books-
Agrawal, S.B and Agrawal, M. (Eds.) 1999. Environmental Pollution and Plant Responses. CRC/ Lewis Publishers, U.S.A.
Tripathi, R.D., Kulshreshtha Kamla, Agrawal Madhoolika, Ahmad, K. J., Varshney, C. K., Krupa Sagar, V. and P. Pushpangadan. (Eds.) 2006. Plant Response to Environmental Stress. International Book Distributing Co. Lucknow.
Ramanathan, V., Agrawal, M. and Akimoto, H. et al. 2008. Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya
B. Papers in International Journals of Repute-
Nandi, P.K., Singh, M. and Rao, D.N. (1980) Effect of ozone, sulphur dioxide and their mixture on germination of Phaseolus aureus seeds. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control 3(2), 50-55.
Nandi, P.K., Singh, M. and Rao, D.N. (1981) Potassium ascorbate as an antidote to SO2 phytotoxicity. Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 55, 401-407.
Singh, M. and Rao, D.N. (1981) The influence of ozone and sulphur dioxide pollutants on Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Indian Botanical Society 61, 51-58.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1982) Effect of ozone and sulphur dioxide pollutants separately and in mixture on chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments of Oryza sativa. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 18, 449-454.
Agrawal, M., P.K. Nandi and Rao, D.N. (1983) Ecophysiological responses of egg plants to ozone, sulphur dioxide and a mixture of these two pollutants. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control 4(1&2), 27-32.
Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1983) Effect of ozone and sulphur dioxide pollutants on seed characters of rice plants. Science and Culture 49(6), 177-178.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1983) Ozone and sulphur dioxide effects on Panicum miliaceum plants. Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club 110(1), 435-441.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1984) SO2 induced effects and their amelioration by Ca(OH)2 solution in Vigna sinensis plants. Scientia Horticulturae 22, 47-53.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1984) SO2 induced enzymatic changes and ascorbic acid oxidation in Oryza sativa. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 21, 25-32.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1984) Ozone induced metabolic changes in leaves of gram plants. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control 5(1), 1-4.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1985) Effects of sulphur dioxide fumigation on soil system and growth behavior of Vicia faba plants. Plant and Soil 86, 69-78.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1985) Responses of Vicia faba plants to ozone pollution. Indian Journal of Environment Health 27(4), 318-329.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N.(1985) Photosynthetic potential and growth of SO2 exposed Oryza sativa. Journal of Biological Research V (I), 13-17.
14. Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1985) Effects of Sulphur dioxide on nutrient status and growth of rice plants. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control 6(1), 5-14.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1986) Effects of fumigating rice plants with sulphur dioxide on photosynthetic pigments and non-structural carbohydrates. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 18, 53-62.
16. Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, S.B. and Rao, D.N. (1986) Superoxide dismutase: An indicator of SO2 tolerance in plants. Current Science 56(1), 35-36.
Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1987) Effects of SO2 and Ekalux (EC 25) singly and in combination on photosynthetic pigments of Oryza sativa. Journal of Environmental Biology 8(4), 315-321.
Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1987) Effects of sulphur-dioxide and a pesticide (Ekalux EC25), singly and in combination on the metabolic functions and growth of Oryza sativa. Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy Part B 53(2), 169-172.
Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1988) Relative susceptibility of certain tree plants to gaseous ammonia. Pollution Research 7 (1-2), 1-7.
Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1988) Impact of cement kiln emissions on vegetation: An ecological assessment. Indian Journal Environment Health 30, 340-344.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (1989) Phytomonitoring of air pollution around a thermal power plant. Atmospheric Environment 23(4), 763-769.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B. and Rao, D.N. (1989) Physiological responses of Vicia faba plants to sulphur dioxide. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 19, 64-71.
Agrawal, S.B., Chaudhary, B.R. and Agrawal, M. (1989) Chromosomal aberrations as indicators of SO2 pollution in Capsicum annuum L. Pollution Research 8(3), 137-140.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (1990) Effects of ozone exposure on enzymes and metabolites of nitrogen metabolism. Scientia Horticulturae 43, 169-177.
Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1990) Effect of sulphur dioxide and insecticide interaction on growth and seed characters of Oryza sativa. Journal of Indian Botanical Society 69(1-2), 51-54.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M. and Khanam, N. (1990) Ozone formation trends and consequences. Encology 5 (3), 29-34.
Singh, S.K., Rao, D.N., Agrawal, M., Pandey, J., and Narayan, D. (1991) Air Pollution tolerance index of plants. Environmental Management 31, 45-56.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M., and Narayan, D. (1991). An analysis of differential response of woody and herbaceous plants to ozone. Environmental Contamination and Hygine V, 1-110.
Agrawal, M., Singh, S.K., Singh, J., and Rao, D.N. (1991) Biomonitoring of air pollution around urban and industrial sites. Journal of Environmental Biology 209- 220.
Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1991) Effect of sulfur dioxide exposure on chlorophyll content and nitrogenase activity of Vicia faba L. plants. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47 (5), 770-774.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1991) Relevance of 'stress avoidance' in determining plant susceptibility to ozone stress. Encology 6 (3), 8-18.
Singh, J.S., Singh, K.P. and Agrawal, M. (1991) Environmental degradation of the Obra-Renukoot- Singrauli area, India and its impact on natural and derived ecosystems. The Environmentalist 11 (3), 171-180.
Lee, E. H., Kramer, G.F., Rowland, R. A. and Agrawal, M. (1992) Mechanisms involved countering the effect of O3 and SO2 by antioxidants and growth regulators in crop plants. Agriculture Ecosystem Environment 38, 99-106.
Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M., Lee, E.H., Kramer, G.F., and Pillai, P. (1992) Changes in polyamine and glutathione contents of a green alga Chlorogonium elongatum (Dang.) France exposed to mercury. Environmental and Experimental Botany 32 (2), 99- 106.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M., Khanam, N., Narayan, D. and Rao, D. N., (1992) Air pollutant concentrations in Varanasi, India. Atmospheric Environment 24 B, 255-270.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1992) Ozone concentration variabilities in a seasonally dry tropical climate. Environment International 18, 515- 520.
Agrawal, M. (1992). Ozone: Sources and interaction with other pollutants. Encology 6 (11), 22-24.
Agrawal, M., Raghubanshi, A. S., Singh, J. S. and Roy, B.K. (1992) Coevolution and species interactions. Palaeobotanist 41, 132- 143.
Agrawal, S. B., Singh, K.B. and Agrawal, M. (1993) Effect of an organophosphorus insectiside fethion on pigment concentration and metabolic activities of rice plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 63 (B), 189- 193.
Singh, K. B., Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1993) Effect of an organophosphate soil systematic insecticide thimet - 10 G on morphological characteristics and biomass of Vigna radiata (L) Wilczeck. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 63 (b): II, 249-255.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1993) Protection of plants against air pollutants: Role of chemical protectants. Environmental Management 37, 163-174.
Agrawal, M., Krizek, D.T., Agrawal, S. B., Kramer, G.F., Lee, E.H., Mirecki R.H. and Rowland, R.A. (1993) Influence of inverse day / night temperature on ozone sensitivity and selected morphological and physiological responses of cucumber. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sciences 118 (5), 649- 654.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1993) Air pollution acclimation potential of Carissa carandus L. Biotronics (Japan) 22, 25 -33.
44. Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity through transplants in a seasonally dry tropical environment. New Phytologist 126, 53-61.
Singh, J., Agrawal, M. and Narayan, D. (1994) Effect of thermal power plant emission on plant community structure. Ecotoxicology 3, 110-122.
Singh, J., Agrawal, M. and Narayan, D. (1994) Relative susceptibility of two species of tropical fruit trees to thermal power plant emission. Tropical Ecology 35 (1), 83- 96.
Narayan, D., Agrawal, M., Pandey, J. and Singh, J. (1994) Changes in vegetation characteristics downwind of an aluminium factory in India. Annals of Botany 73, 557-565.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Diurnal and seasonal variations in air pollutant concentrations in a seasonally dry tropical urban environment. Current Science 66 (4), 299-303.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Growth responses of tomato plants to low concentration of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. Scientia Horticulturae, 58, 67-76.
50. Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation and its impact on agricultural crops-A review. Energy Environment & Monitor 10 (2), 141-146.
Rajput, M. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Responses of soybean plants to sulphur dioxide at varying soil fertility regimes. Biotronics (Japan) 23, 81- 92.
Yadav, R.S. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Heavy metal load in the open cast mine. Proc. Acad. Environ. Biology 4(1), 19-24.
Singh, J., Agrawal, M., and Narayan, D. (1995) Changes in soil characteristics around coal fired power plants. Environment International 21 (1), 93-102.
Rajput, M, Agrawal, M. and Singh, J. (1995) Interaction of soil fertility levels and sulphur dioxide on growth, assimilate partitioning and yield of wheat. Journal of Environmental Biology 16 (4), 265-275.
Verma, M. and Agrawal,M. (1995) Effect of sulphur dioxide on biomass and yield of wheat cultivars grown at different fertility regimes. New Agriculturist 6 (1), 37-40.
Rajput, M., Agrawal, M., Singh, J. and Yadav, R.S. (1995) Influence of sulphur dioxide and different fertility levels on growth and yield of wheat. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 21, 131-140.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1995) Physiological responses of field grown Zea mays L. plants to enhanced UV-B radiation. Biotronics (Japan) 24, 15-23.
Verma, M. and Agrawal, M. (1996) Allevation of injurious effects of sulphur dioxide on soybean by modifying NPK nutrients. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 57, 49-55.
Agrawal, M. (1996) Biomonitoring of air pollution. Vasundhara, 1, 55-63.
Singh, A. and Agrawal, M. (1996) Response of two cultivars of Triticum aestivum L. to simulated acid rain. Environmental Pollution 91 (2), 161-167.
Singh, A. and Agrawal, M. (1996) Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on biomass, net photosynthesis and pigments in four tropical legumes. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 22: 23-31.
Verma, M. and Agrawal, M. (1996) Sulphur dioxide pollution and plants : A review. Encology 11 (1), 1-5.
Verma, M and Agrawal, M. (1996) Interactive effects of SO2, herbicide and fertility regime on selected cultivars of wheat. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 23 (1), 53-57.
Agrawal, M. and Verma, M. (1997) Amelioration of sulphur dioxide phytotoxicity in wheat cultivars by modifying NPK nutrients. Journal of Environmental Management 49 (2), 231-244.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1997) Influence of supplemental UV-B radiation on photosynthetic characteristics of rice plants. Photosynthetica, 34, 401-408.
Agrawal, M. and Khanam, N. (1997) Spatial and temporal variations in concentrations of particulate matter around a cement factory. Indian Journal of Environmental Health 39(2), 97-102.
Lee, E.H., Upadhyaya, A., Agrawal, M. and Rowland, R.A. (1997) Mechanisms of EDU induced ozone protection: Reexamination of free radical scavenger systems in snap bean exposed to O3. Journal of Environmental and Experimental Botany 38, 199-209.
Agrawal, M. and Deepak, S.S (1997) Carbon dioxide enrichment and crop response. The Botanica 47, 86-91.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1998) Physiological and biochemical responses of Sorghum vulgare plants to supplemental ultraviolet-B radiation. Canadian Journal of Botany 76, 1290-1294.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1998) Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on the composition of the natural weeds coming up with different crop species. Ecoprint 5(1), 9-16.
Deepak, S.S. and Agrawal, M. (1999) Growth and yield responses of wheat plants to elevated levels of CO2 and SO2, singly and in combination. Environmental Pollution 104, 411-419.
Agrawal, M. and Singh, J. (2000) Impact of thermal power plant emission on foliar elemental concentration in plants in a low rainfall tropical region. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 60, 261-282.
Agrawal, S.B., and Agrawal, M. (1999) Low temperature scanning electron microscopic studies of stomatal response of Snapbean plants treated with ozone and ethylenediurea. Biotronics (Japan) 28, 45-53.
Verma, M., Agrawal, M. and Deepak, S.S. (2000) Interactive effects of sulphur dioxide and mineral nutrient supply on photosynthetic characteristics and yield in four wheat cultivars. Photosynthetica 38(1), 91-96.
Dutta, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2000) Litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient release in five exotic plant species planted on coal mine spoils. Pedobiologia, 45(4): 298-312.
Agrawal, M. (2000) Researches on air pollution effects on vegetation in India: A Review. The Botanica 50, 75-83.
Agrawal, M. and Singh, R.K. (2001) Effect of industrial emission on atmospheric wet deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130, 481-486.
Agrawal, M., Singh, B. and Rajput, M. (2001) Evaluation of air pollution impact on periurban agriculture around Varanasi City. National Geographical Journal of India 47, 73-83.
Verma, M. and Agrawal, M. (2001) Response of wheat plants to sulphur dioxide and herbicide interaction at different fertility regimes. Journal of Indian Botanical Society 80, 67-72.
Deepak, S.S. and Agrawal, M. (2001) Influence of elevated CO2 on the sensitivity of two soybean cultivars to sulphur dioxide. Environmental and Experimental Botany 46, 81-91.
Emberson, L.D. Ashmore, M.R., Murray, F., Kuylentierna, J.C.I., Percy, K.E., Zheng, Y., Shimizu, H., Sheu, B.H., Liu, C.P, Agrawal M., Wahid, A., Abdel Latif, N.M., Van Tienhoven, M, de Baner L.I, Domingos, M. (2000) Impacts of air pollutants on vegetation in developing countries. Water Air and Soil Pollution 130, 107-118.
Dutta, R. K. and Agrawal, M. (2001) Impact of plantations of exotic species on heavy metal concentrations of mine spoils. Indian J. of Forestry, 24(3): 292-296.
Dutta, R. K. and Agrawal, M. (2002) Phenology of selected exotic plant species on coalmine spoil land. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 10 (1/2), 66-70
Dutta, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2002) Effect of tree plantations on the soil characteristics and microbial activity of coal mine spoil land. Tropical Ecology 43(2), 315-324.
Agrawal, M. and Deepak, S.S. (2003) Physiological and biochemical responses of two cultivars of wheat to elevated levels of CO2 and SO2 singly and in combination. Environmental Pollution 121, 189-198.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Interactive effects of ozone and ultraviolet-B singly and in combination on physiological and biochemical characteristics of soybean plants. Journal of Plant Biology 30(1), 37-45.
Agarwal, M., Singh, B., Rajput, M., Marshall, F. and Bell, J.N.B. (2003) Effect of Air pollution on periurban agriculture: A case study. Environmental Pollution 126 (3), 323-339.
Ambasht, N.K and Agrawal, M. (2003) Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and tropospheric ozone on physiological and biochemical characteristics of field grown wheat plant. Biologia Plantarum 47(4), 625-628.
Singh, B. and Agarwal, M. (2003) Impact of simulated acid rain on growth and yield of two cultivars of wheat. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 152, 71-80.
Tiwari, S. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Effects of tropospheric ozone on vegetation. The Botanica 53, 1-12.
Trivedi, S., Agrawal, M. and Rajput, M. (2003) Trends in Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide Concentrations in and around Varanasi over the Period 1989-2001. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control III(2), 44-53.
Dutta, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Restoration of opencast coal mine spoil by planting exotic tree species: a case study in dry tropical region. Ecological Engineering 21 (2-3), 143-151.
Yadav, R.S and Agrawal, M. (2003) Dust Capturing Capacity of Certain Exotic Plant Species Growing in an Opencast Coal Mine Area. Plant Archives 3(2), 325-327.
Yadav, R.S and Agrawal, M. (2003) Seasonal Variation in Ascorbic Acid Content of Some Exotic and indigenous Plants Species Growing in An Opencast Coal Mine. Biochemical and Cellular Archives 3, 109-112.
Trivedi, S. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Air quality status in Varanasi City. Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy 6 (2), 75 � 84.
Agrawal, M., Rajput, M. and Singh, R.K. (2003) Use of Ethylenediurea to assess the effects of ambient ozone of Vigna radiata. International Journal of Biotronics 32, 35-48.
Rajput, M. and Agrawal, M. (2004) Physiological and Yield responses of Pea Plants to Ambient Air Pollution. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 9 (1), 9-14.
Singh, R.K., Dutta, R.K., Agrawal, M. (2004) Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Relation to Atmospheric Deposition of S and N in a Dry Tropical Region. Pedobiologia 48, 305-311.
Rajput, M. and Agrawal, M. (2005) Biomonitoring of Air Pollution in A Seasonally Dry Tropical Suburban Area Using Wheat Transplants. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 101, 39-53.
- Sharma, R.K., and Agrawal, M. (2005) Biological Effects of Heavy Metals: An overview. Journal of Environmental Biology 26 (3/4), 1-13.
Sharma, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2005) Biological Effects of Heavy Metals:An overview. Journal of Environmental Biology 26 (3/4), 1-13.
Agrawal, M. (2005) Effects of air pollution on agriculture: An issue of national concern. National Academy Science Letter 3&4, 93-106.
Singh, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2005) Atmospheric Depositions around a Heavily Industrialized Area in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Environment of India. Environmental Pollution 138, 142-152.
Dutta R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2005) Development of ground vegetation under exotic tree plantations on restored coal mine spoil land in a dry tropical region. Journal of Environmental Biology 26 (4), 142-152.
Tiwari, S., Agrawal, M. and Manning, W.J. (2005) Assessing the impact of ambient ozone on growth and productivity of two cultivars of wheat in India using three rates of application of ethylenediurea (EDU). Environmental Pollution 138, 153-160.
Singh, A. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Acid rain and its ecological consequences. Journal of Environmental Biology 29(1), 15 � 24.
Tiwari, S., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, M. (2006) Evaluation of ambient air pollution impact on carrot plants at a suburban site using open top chambers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 119, 15-30.
Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Fiona, F.M. (2006) Heavy metal contamination in vegetables grown in wastewater irrigated areas of Varanasi, India. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 77, 311-318.
Sharma, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2006) Single and combined effects of cadmium and zinc on carrot plants: uptake and bioaccumulation. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29(10), 1791-1804.
Agrawal, M., Singh, B., Agrawal, S.B., Bell, J.N.B. and Marshall, F.M. (2006) The effect of air pollution on yield and quality of mung bean grown in peri-urban areas of Varanasi. Water Air and Soil Pollution 169, 239-254.
Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2007) Heavy metal contamination of soil and vegetables in suburban areas of Varanasi, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66, 258-266.
Singh, R. P. and Agrawal, M. (2007) Effects of sewage sludge amendment on heavy metal accumulation and consequent responses of Beta vulagris plants. Chemosphere 67, 2229-2240.
Agrawal, S. B., Singh, A., Sharma, R. K. and Agrawal, M. (2007) Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Vegetables: A Threat to Human Health. Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology 1(2), 13- 23.
Rai R., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2007) Assessments of yield losses in tropical wheat using open top chambers. Atmospheric Environment 41, 9543-9354.
Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2008) Heavy metals (Cu,Zn,Cd and Pb) contamination of vegetables in urban India: A case study in Varanasi. Environmental Pollution 154, 254- 263.
Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2008) Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in Varanasi city, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 142, 269- 278.
Tiwari, S., Rai, R. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Annual and seasonal variations in tropospheric ozone concentrations around Varanasi. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29, 4499- 4514.
Singh, A. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Acid rain and its ecological consequences. Journal of Environmental Biology 29(1), 15 � 24.
Singh, R. P. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Potential benefits and risks of land application of sewage sludge. Waste Management 28, 347-358.
Rai, R. and Agrawal, M. (2008) Evaluation of physiological and biochemical responses of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to ambient air pollution using open top chambers at a rural site in India. Science of the Total Environment 407, 679-691.
Singh, P., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S. B. (2009) Evaluation of physiological, growth and yield responses of a tropical oil crop (Brassica campestris L. var. Kranti) under ambient ozone pollution at varying NPK levels. Environmental Pollution 157, 871-880.
Singh, S., Kumari, R., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S. B. (2009) Modification of growth and yield responses of Amaranthus tricolor L. to sUV- B under varying mineral nutrient supply. Scientia Horticulturae 120, 173-180.
Singh, S., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S. B., Emberson, L. and Bucker, P. (2010) Use of ethylenediurea for assessing the impact of ozone on mung bean plants at a rural site in a dry tropical region of India. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 5, 125-139
Singh, R. P. and Agrawal, M. (2009) Use of sewage sludge as fertilizer supplement for Abelmoschus esculentus plants: physiological, biochemical and growth responses. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 3(1/2), 91-106.
Singh, A., Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M and Marshall, F.M. ( 2009) Effects of waste water irrigation on physico-chemical properties of soil and availability of heavy metals in soil and vegetables. Communication in Soil and Plant Analysis Vol. 40 (21 & 22), 3469-3490.
Emberson, L.D., Buker, P., Ashmore, M.R., Mills, G., Jackson, L.S., Agrawal, M., Atikuzzaman, M.D., Cinderby, S., Engardt, M., Jamir, C., Kobayashi, K., Oanh, N.T.K., Quadir, Q.F. and Wahid, A. (2009) A comparison of North America and Asian exposure- response data for ozone effects on crop yield. Atmospheric Environment 43, 1945-1953.
Tiwari, S. and Agrawal, M. (2009) Protection of palak plants from ozone injury by ethylene diurea (EDU): Roles of biochemical and physiological variations in alleiviating the adverse impacts. Chemospere 75, 1492-1498.
128. Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S. B. (2009) Physiological and biochemical responses resulting from Cd and Zn accumulation in carrot (Daucus carota L.) plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 33(7), 1066-1079.
Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (2009) Differential protection of Ethylenediurea (EDU) against ambient ozone for five cultivars of tropical wheat. Environmental Pollution 157, 2359-2367.
Puspa Lata, Ram, S., Agrawal, M. and Shankar, R. (2009) Real time PCR for rapid detection of vanA gene in surface waters and aquatic microphyte by molecular Beacon Probe. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 3343-3348.
Puspa Lata, Ram, S., Agrawal, M. and Shankar, R. (2009) Entercocci in river Ganga surface waters: Propensity of species distribution, dissemination of antimicrobial-resistance and virulence-markers among species along landscape. BMC Microbiology doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-9-140.
Agrawal, S.B., Singh, S. and Agrawal, M. (2009) Ultraviolet-B induced changes in gene expression and antioxidants in plants. Advances in Botanical Research 52, 47-86.
Singh, E., Tiwari, S. and Agrawal, M. (2010) Variability in antioxidant and metabolite levels, growth and yield of two soybean varieties: An assessment of anticipated yield losses under projected elevation of ozone. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 135, 168-177.
Singh, E., Tiwari, S. and Agrawal, M. (2009) Effects of elevated ozone on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of two soybean varieties: a case study to assess impacts of one component of predicted global climate change. Plant Biology 11, 101-108.
Singh,A. Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2010) Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of foodstuffs from wastewater irrigated site of a dry tropical area of India. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48, 611-619.
Singh, R.P. and Agrawal, M. (2010) Effect of different sewage sludge application on growth and yield of Vigna radiata L. field crop: Metal uptake by plant. Ecological Engineering (Accepted).
Singh, R.P. and Agrawal, M. (2010) Heavy metal accumulation, growth characteristics, biomass and yield responses of rice plants grown at different sewage sludge amendment rates. Ecotoxicology and Environment safety 73: 632-641.
Singh, A., Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2010) Risk assessment of heavy metal toxicity through contaminated vegetables from wastewater irrigated area. Tropical Ecology 51(2S) 375-387.
Tiwari, S., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2010) Seasonal variations in adaptational strategies of Beta vulgaris L. plants in response to ambient air pollution: Biomass allocation, yield and nutritional quality. Tropical Ecology 51 2S:353-363.
Singh, A. and Agrawal, M. (2010) Effects of heavy metal accumulation on physiological, biochemical and growth responses of Beta vulgaris L. plant grown at wastewater irrigated area. Journal of Environmental Biology (Accepted).
Tiwari Supriya and Agrawal, Madhoolika (2010) Effectiveness of different EDU concentrations in ameliorating ozone stress in carrot plants. Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety. DOI:101.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.03.008.
Singh, P. Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B. (2010) Differences in Ozone Sensitivity at Different NPK Levels of Three Tropical Varieties of Mustard (Brassica campestris L.): Photosynthetic Pigments, Metabolites, and Antioxidants. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. DOI 10.1007/s11270-010-0434-9.
Singh, R.P. and Agrawal, M. (2010). Biochemical and physiological responses of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84(5), 606-612.
- Rai R., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2010) Threat to food security under current levels of ground level ozone: a case study of Indian cultivars of rice. Atmospheric Environment 44, 4272-4282.
- Tiwari, S., and Agrawal M. (2010) Assessment of the variability in response of radish and brinjal at biochemical and physiological levels under similar ozone exposure conditions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 175 (1-4), 443-454.
- Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2010) Physiological, biochemical and growth responses of ladies finger (Abelmoshcus esculantus L.) plants as affected by Cd contaminated soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84, 765-770.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B., Singh, P., and Agrawal, M. (2010) Screening three cultivars of Vigna mungo L. against ozone by application of ethylenediurea (EDU). Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety 73, 1765-1775.
- Sarkar, A., Rakwal, R., Agrawal, S.B., Shibato, J., Ogawa, Y., Yoshida, Y., Agrawal, G.K., Agrawal, M (2010) Investigating the Impact of Elevated Levels of Ozone on Tropical Wheat Using Integrated Phenotypical, Physiological, Biochemical, and Proteomics Approaches. Journal of Proteome Research 9, 4565-4584.
- Singh, A., Agrawal, M., and Marshall, F.M. (2010) The role of organic vs. inorganic fertilizers in reducing phytoavailability of heavy metals in a wastewater-irrigated area. Ecological Engineering 36, 1733-1740.
- Pandey, D., and Agrawal, M. (2010) Carbon taxes as fiscal instruments to control greenhouse gas emissions. University News 48(24), 127-130.
- Singh, S., Kaur, D., Agrawal, S.B., and Agrawal, M. (2010) Responses of two cultivars of Trifolium repens L. to ethylene diurea in relation to ambient ozone. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 22(7), 1096-1103
- Singh S., Kumari, R., Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B. (2011) Growth, yield, and tuber quality of Solanum tuberosum L. under supplemental ultraviolet-B radiation at different NPK levels. Plant Biology 13, 508-516.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M. and Pandey, J.S. (2011) Carbon footprint: current methods of estimation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 178, 135-160.
- Cho, K., Tiwari, S., Agrawal, S.B., Torres, N.L., Agrawal, M., Sarkar, A., Shibato, J., Agrawal, G.K., Kubo, A., Rakwal, R. (2011) Tropospheric ozone and plants: Absorption, responses and consequences. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 212, 61-111
- Singh, A., and Agrawal, M. (2011) Management of heavy metal contaminated Soil by using organic and inorganic fertilizers: effect on Plant Performance. IIOAB Journal 9 (1), 22-30.
- Singh, S., Kumari, R., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2011) Modification in growth, biomass and yield of radish under supplemental UV-B at different NPK levels. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74, 897-903.
- Rai, R., Rajput, M., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2011) Gaseous Air Pollutants: A review on Current and Future Trends of Emissions and Impact on Agriculture. Journal of Scientific Research. 55, 77-102.
- Rai, R., Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2011) Effects of ambient O3 on wheat during reproductive development: Gas exchange, photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and carbohydrates. Photosynthetica 49 (2), 285-294.
- Bell, J.N.B. Power, S.A., Jarraud, N., Agrawal, M., Davies, C. (2011) The effects of air pollution on urban ecosystems and agriculture. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 18 (3), 226-235.
- Singh, P., Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2012) Assessment of the interactive effects of ambient O3 and NPK levels on two tropical mustard varieties (Brassica campestris L.) using open-top chambers. Environment Monitoring and Assessment 184, 5863-5874.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M., Bohra. J.S. (2012) Greenhouse gas emissions from rice crop with different tillage permutations in rice wheat system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 159, 133-144.
- Rai, R., Agrawal, M. (2012) Impact of Tropospheric Ozone on Crop Plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 82 (2), 241-257.
- Singh, S., Kumari, R., Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B. (2012) Differential response of radish plants to supplemental ultraviolet-B radiation under varying NPK levels: chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange and antioxidants. Physiologia Plantarum 145 (3), 474-484.
- Singh A., Agrawal, M. (2012) Effects of waste water irrigation on physical and biochemical characteristics of soil and metal portioning in Beta vulgaris L. Agricultural Research 1 (4), 379-391.
- Kumari, S., Agrawal, M., Tiwari, S. (2013) Impact of elevated CO2 and elevated O3 on Beta vulgaris L.: Pigments, metabolites, antioxidants, growth and yield. Environmental Pollution 174, 279-288.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B. (2013) Differential sensitivity of spinach and amaranthus to enhanced UV-B at varying soil nutrient levels:association with gas exchange, UV-B absorbing compounds and membrane damage. Photosynthesis Research 115, 123-138.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M., Bohra, J.S. (2013) Impact of four tillage permutations in rice-wheat system on GHG performance of wheat cultivation through carbon footprinting. Ecological Engineering 60, 261-270.
- Chaudhary, N., Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2013) Assessment of six Indian cultivars of mung bean against ozone by using foliar injury index and changes in carbon assimilation, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic pigments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185, 7793-7807.
- Singh, A.A., Agrawal, S.B., Shahi, J.P., Agrawal, M. (2013) Assessment of growth and yield losses in two Zea mays L. cultivars (quality protein maize and non quality protein maize) under projected levels of ozone. Environment Science and Pollution Research 21, 2628-2641.
- Rai, R., and Agrawal, M. (2014) Assessment of competitive ability of two Indian wheat cultivars under ambient O3 at different developmental stages. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 1039-1053.
- Singh, A., and Agrawal, M. (2013) Reduction in metal toxicity by applying different soil amendments in agricultural field and its consequent effects on characteristics of radish plants (Raphanus sativus L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 15, 1553-1564
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M., Bohra, J.S. (2014) Effects of conventional tillage and no tillage permutations on extracellular soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass under rice cultivation. Soil and Tillage Research 136, 51-60.
- Pandey, B., Agrawal, M., Singh, S. (2014) Assessment of air pollution around coal mining area: Emphasizing on spatial distributions, seasonal variations and heavy metals, using cluster and principal component analysis. Atmospheric Pollution Research 5, 79-86.
- Kumari, S., Agrawal, M. (2014) Growth, yield and quality attributes of a tropical potato variety (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Kufri Chandramuknhi) under ambient and elevated carbon dioxide and ozone and their interactions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 101, 146-156.
- Sharma, S., Pandey, D., Agrawal. M. (2014) Changing land uses and GHG emissions: A case study of an ancient city in India. Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management 4 (1), 49-58.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S. (2014) Differences in responses of summer and winter spinach to elevated UV-B at varying NPK levels. Environment Science and Pollution Research 21 (9), 6099-6107.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S. (2014) Impact of Ultraviolet-B radiation on photosynthetic capacity, antioxidative potential and metabolites in Solanum tuberosum L. under varying levels of soil NPK. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 36 (6), 1441-1453.
- Pandey, B., Agrawal, M., Singh S. (2014) Coal mining activities change plant community structure due to air pollution and soil degradation. Ecotoxicology 23, 1474-1483
- Singh, P., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B., Singh, S., Singh, A. (2014) Genotypic differences in utilization of nutrients in wheat under ambient ozone concentrations: growth, biomass and yield. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199, 26-33 (IF 3.203)
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M., Bohra J. S., Adhya, T.K., Bhattacharyya, P. (2014) Recalcitrant and labile carbon pools in a sub-humid tropical soil under different tillage combinations: A case study of rice-wheat system. Soil and Tillage Research 143, 116-122 (IF 2.575).
- Singh, S., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B. (2014) UVR8 mediated plant protective responses under low UV-B radiation leading to photosynthetic acclimation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 137, 67-76 (IF 2.803)
- Singh, S., Sarkar, A., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2014) Impact of ambient and supplemental Ultraviolet-B stress on kidney bean plants: an insight to oxidative stress management. Protoplasma 251, 1395-1405 (IF 3.171)
- Sharma, R.K. Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B. (2014) Responses of Beta vulgaris (Indian palak) exposed to cadmium and zinc through soil drenching. Journal of Environmental Biology 35(4), 727-732
- Singh, A., and Agrawal, M. (2014) Effects of ambient and elevated CO2 on growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic pigments, antioxidants, and secondary metabolites of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G Don. grown under three different soil N levels. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 3936-3946.
Sharma, S., Agrawal, M. (2014) Thwarting changing landuse-a step towards Ganga rejuvenation. Current Science 107 (2), 174-175
- Rai, R., Agrawal, M., Choudhary, K.K., Agrawal, S.B., Emberson, L., Buker, P. (2015) Application of Ethylene diurea (EDU) in assessing the response of a tropical soybean cultivar to ambient O3: Nitrogen metabolism, antioxidants, reproductive development and yield. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 112, 29-38
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M (2015) GHG fluxes from sugarcane and pigeon pea cultivation and their global warming potentials. Agricultural Research 4 (3), 245-253.
- Singh, A., and Agrawal, M. (2015) Responses of periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.) to CO2 enrichment: Chlorophyll florescence, pigments, metabolites, growth and biomass. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 3 (1), 51-57.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M, Bohra, J.S. (2015) Assessment of soil quality under different tillage practices during wheat cultivation: soil enzymes and microbial biomass. Chemistry and Ecology 31(6), 510-523.
- Verma, P., Agrawal, M., Sagar, R. (2015) Assessment of potential health risks due to heavy metals through vegetable consumption in a tropical area irrigated by treated wastewater. Environment Systems and Decisions 35, 375-388.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2015) Responses of pea plants to elevated UV-B radiation at varying nutrient levels: N-metabolism, carbohydrate pool, total phenolics and yield. Functional Plant Biology 42 (11), 1045-1056.
- Singh, A., Pandey, B., Kumari, S., Agrawal, M. (2015) Nitrogen availability modulates CO2- induced responses of Catharanthus roseus: Biomass allocation, carbohydrates and alkaloids profile. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2, 160-167
- Sharma, S., Pandey, D., Agrawal, M. (2016) Global warming potential and sustainable management of three land uses in Varanasi. Management of Environmental Quality 27 (4), 364-373.
- Rai, R., Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B. (2016) Impact of tropospheric O3 on reproductive growth and development of plants- A Review. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 8 (2), 186-196.
- Pandey, B., Agrawal, M., Singh, S. (2015) Ecological risk assessment of soil contamination by trace elements around coal mining area. Journal of Soil Sediments 16 (1), 159-168.
- Pandey, D., and Agrawal, M. (2015) Greenhouse gas fluxes from sugarcane and pigeon pea cultivated soils. Agricultural Research 4 (3), 245-253.
- Mukherjee, A., and Agrawal, M. (2016) Pollution response score of tree species in relation to ambient air quality in an Urban area. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 96 (2), 197-202.
- Sharma, S., Roy, A., Agrawal, M. (2016) Spatial variations in water quality of river Ganga with respect to land uses in Varanasi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (21), 21872-21882.
- Gautam, M., Pandey, D., Agrawal, M. (2017) Phytoremediation of metals using lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates (D.C.) Stapf.) grown under different levels of red mud in soil amended with biowastes. International Journal of Phytoremediation 19(6), 555-562.
- Pandey. D., Sarkar. A., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2017) Separation of humic acids isolated from tropical soils through modified denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Agricultural Research 1-6.
- Mukherjee, A., and Agrawal, M. (2017) World air particulate matter: Sources, distribution and health effects. Environmental Chemistry Letter 1-27.
- Singh, E., Rai, R., Pandey, B., and Agrawal, M (2017) Development of Resistance in Two Wheat Cultivars Against Constant Fumigation of Ozone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences pp. 1-14.
- Gautam, M., and Agrawal, M. (2017) Influence of metals on essential oil content and composition of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates (D.C.) Stapf.) grown under different levels of red mud in sewage sludge amended soil. Chemosphere 175, 315-322.
- Gautam, M., and Agrawal, M. (2017) Phytoremediation of metals using vetiver (Chrysopogon zizaniodes (L.) Roberty) grown under different levels of red mud in sludge amended soil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2017.03.003
- Singh, R., Sharma, C., Agrawal, M. (2017) Emission inventory of trace gases from road transport in India. Transportation Research Part D 52, 64-72.
- Mukherjee, A., and Agrawal, M. (2017) A global perspective of fine particulate matter pollution and its health effects. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1-47.
C. Papers in proceedings-
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1983) Synergistic action of O3 and SO2 pollution on Panicum miliaceum. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Air Pollution Control, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, Vol. I, pp.190-196.
Agrawal, M. (1985) Plant factors as indicators of SO2 and O3 pollutants. Proceedings of International Symposium on Biological Monitoring of the State of Environment (Bio-indicators), Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, pp. 225-231.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Rao, D.N. (1986) A study of plant responses to O3 and SO2 pollutants singly and in combination. Proceedings of 7th World Clean Air Congress, pp. 275-277.
Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1987) Monitoring of cement kiln emissions through plants: a case study. Proceedings EPA/ APCA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic & Related Air Pollutants, EPA, APCA Publication, pp. 671-676.
Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (1988) SO2 and insecticide interaction on Oryza sativa L. cv. Jaya plant. Proceedings of International Symposium on Plants and Pollutants in Developed and Developing Countries, Turkey, pp. 443-459.
Agrawal, M. and Narayan, D. (1989) Biomonitoring of air quality around an aluminium factory. Proceedings of 1989 EPA/AWMA Symposium on Measurements of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants, EPA/AWMA Publication, Releigh, NC, USA, pp. 744-750.
Agrawal, M., Agrawal, S.B., Krizek, D.T., Kramer, G.F., Lee, E.H., Mirecki, R. M. and Rowland, R.A. (1991) Physiological and morphological responses of snap bean plants to O3 stress as influenced by pretreatment with UV-B radiation. In: Abrol,Y.P. et al. (Eds.), Impact of Global Climatic Changes on Photosynthesis and Plant Productivity. Proceedings of Indo- US Workshop, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. India.
Pandey, J. and Agrawal, M. (1991) Phytomonitoring of air pollution in an urban environment. In: Emerging Issues in Asia Proceedings of the 2nd IUAPPA Regional Coference on Air Pollution, Korea, Vol.1 pp.317-320.
Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. and Lee, E.H. (1991) Changes in Snapbean leaf epidermal structures due to ozone. In: Emerging Issues in Asia, Proceedings of the 2nd IUAPPA Regional Conference on Air Pollution, Korea, Vol.1, pp. 277-281.
Singh, J. and Agrawal, M. (1992) Metabolic responses of plants to thermal power plant emissions. Proceedings of the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Montreal, Canada, Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, Vol. 5. IU- 22B. 05, pp. 1-10.
Narayan, D. and Agrawal, M. (1992) Relative susceptibility of plants to aluminium factory emission. Proceedings of the 9th World Air Congress, Montreal, Canada, Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, Vol. 5. IU- 22C 07, pp. 1-9.
Ambasht, N.K. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Effect of enhanced UV-B on the physiology of field grown Sorghum vulgare plants. In: Proceedings of 7th IUAPPA Regional Conference on Air Pollution & Waste Issues, Taiwan, Vol III, pp. 111-119.
Singh, J. and Agrawal, M. (1994) Plant community structure in the downwind of a thermal power plant. In: Proceedings of 7th IUAPPA Regional Conference on Air Pollution & Waste Issues, Taiwan, Vol I, pp. 233- 241.
Agrawal, M. and Singh, J. (2000) Growth performance and metal uptake rate of plants grown on flyash amended soil. In: Varma, C.V.J., Rao, S.V.R., Kumar, V. and Krishnamurty, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of IInd International Conference Flyash Disposal and Utilization, CBIP, New Delhi, Vol. II pp. 9-13.
Bell, J.N.B., Marshall, F.M., Agrawal, M., Varshney, C.K., Batty, K. and Ashmore,M.R. (2000) Air Pollution An Unrecognised threat to the nutrition of the urban poor in the developing world? Proceedings of International Conference on Bangladesh Environment-2000, BAPA Publishers, Dhaka. pp. 59-64.
Agrawal, M. and Verma, M. (2002) Relative susceptibility of wheat cultivars to sulphur dioxide at different nutrient levels. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the 21st Century, New Delhi, pp. 286-294.
Dutta, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Reclamation of coal mine spoil by exotic plant species in a dry tropical region. In: Srivastava, B.K., Kumar, R. and Jamal, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of Environmental Management in Mines, Tara Book Agencies, Varanasi, pp. 397-406.
Agrawal M, Rajput, M. and Singh, R.K. (2003) Effects of air pollution on Agriculture In: Proceedings of Indo-US Workshop on Modeling of Transport of Air Pollutants, Nagpur, India, pp. 57-62.
Sharma, R.K., Agrawal, M. and Marshall, F.M. (2006) Impact of wastewater irrigation on heavy metal accumulation in soil and vegetable collected from suburban areas of Varanasi, India. In: Proceedings of National Convention on Environmental Engineering held at B.H.U, Varanasi, India. pp. 40-48.
Rai, R., Agrawal, M and Agrawal S.B. (2007) Evaluation of yield losses of crops grown in suburban and rural areas due to urban air pollutants. Proceeding of National Seminar on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Challenges of the 21st Century, Bihar Industries Associations, Patna, pp. 31-35.
Sharma, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2008). Response of Beta vulgaris L. (Indian spinach) plants to the elevated levels of cd and zn in soil. International Conference on Environment 2008 (ICENV 2008), Malaysia.
Singh, R.P. and Agrawal, M. (2013). Agricultural utilization of sewage sludge: Hm uptake, biochemical, physiological and growth responses of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) plant grown at different amendments rates. International Conference on Waste, wealth and Health Organized by IIWM, Vigyan Bharti & MPCST 2013, Bhopal
Agrawal, M. and Pandey, D. (2014). Climate Change: An Issue of Man Made Disaster. In: Rawat, U.S. and Semwal, V.P (eds). Proceeding of the national Seminar on Uttarakhand Disaster: Contemporary Issues of Climate Change and Development with Holistic Approach. Winsar Publishing Co., Dehradun, pp 35-40.
Pandey, B., Agrawal, M., Singh, S. (2017). Changes in vegetation community structure around Jharia coalfields, India. In: Singh, P.K., Singh, V.K., Singh, A.K., Kumbhkar, D., Roy, M.P. (eds.). NexGen Technologies for Mining and Fuel Industries (NxGnMiFu-2017): Volume II. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp 813-822.
D. Papers in Books-
Rao, D.N., Agrawal, M. and Nandi, P.K. (1985) Urban industrial air pollution and plant life. In: Perspectives in Environmental Botany, Print House (India), Vol. I., pp. 189-212.
Rao, D.N., Nandi, P.K. and Agrawal, M. (1985) Responses of plants to sulphur dioxide pollution. In: Trivedi, R.K. and Goel, P. K. (Eds.), Current Pollution Researches in India, Environmental Publication, pp. 14-37.
Agrawal, M. and Nandi, P.K. (1986) Glimpses of air pollution researches in relation to plants in India. In: Recent Advances in Environmental Biology. (Prof. D.N. Rao Commemoration Volume), pp. 46-65.
Rao, D.N., Nandi, P.K. and Agrawal, M. (1987) Impact of Air Pollution on Urban and Rural Areas. In: Ecology of Rural India, Pramila Publications (India), pp. 83-102.
Agrawal, M., Rao, D.N., Nandi, P.K. and Agrawal, S.B. (1987) Responses of plants to particulate pollutants: A Review. In: Mohan, I. (Ed.), Ecology of Urban India, Pramila Publications (India), pp. 93-114.
Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1987) Influence of fluoride pollution on plants and cattle: A case study. In: RuggGunn, A.J. and Rahmatulla, M. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Fluoride Studies for Health Eds., COSTED Publication, Singapore, pp. 229-236.
Rao, D.N., Agrawal, M and Nandi, P.K. (1988) Air pollutant mixture and their effects on plants: A review. In: Rao, D.N., Ahmad, K.J., Yunus, M. and Singh, S.N. (Eds.), Perspectives in Environmental Botany, Today and Tomorrow Publishers and Printers, New Delhi, Vol II, pp. 217-247.
Rao, D.N., Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K. and Agrawal, S.B. (1988) Effects of some air pollutants on the productivity of certain crop plants. In: Progress in Ecology. Today and Tomorrow Publishers and Printers, New Delhi (India), Vol 10, pp. 55-73.
Agrawal, M., Nandi, P.K., Agrawal, S.B. and Rao, D.N. (1988) Plant responses to ozone and sulphur dioxide pollutants. In: Environmental Pollution and Management, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 233-255.
Agrawal, M. and Rao, D.N. (1988) Air pollution and plant responses. In: Singh, J.S. and Gopal, B. (Eds.), Perspectives in Ecology, Jagmander Book Agency, New Delhi, pp. 307-326.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (1989) Use of plants in air pollution monitoring .In: Environmental Issues and Programmes, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 165-182.
Agrawal, M. and Khanam, N. (1989) Impact of cement factory emission on vegetation and soil. In: Brasser, G.J. and Mulder, W.C. (Eds.), Man and His Ecosystem. Elsevier Science Publications, B.U. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, pp. 53-60.
Singh, S.K., Rao, D.N. and Agrawal, M. (1989) Effects of sulphur dioxide on plants: A review. In: New World Environmental Series, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, Vol. IV, pp. 255-274.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M. and Narayan, D. (1991) Plant responses to ozone. In: Eds. Singh, J.S. and Singh, K.P. (Eds.), Tropical Ecosystem : Ecology and Management, Wiely Eastern Limited, New Delhi, pp. 481- 491.
Pandey , J. and Agrawal, M. (1991) Effect of nitrogen dioxide on growth and yield of tomato. In: Sinha, A.K., Pande, D.P., Kumar, R. and Boojh, R. (Eds.), Environment Management in Developing Countries, Air and its Management , The Upper India Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow, Vol. I., pp. 67-74.
Agrawal, M. and Singh, J. (1992) Managing coal combustion residues to prevent land contamination and for restoration of impoverished soil. In: Singh, J.S. (Ed.), Restoration of Degraded Lands: Concepts and Strategies, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India, pp. 255 -270.
Agrawal, M., Singh, J., Jha, A.K. and Singh, J.S. (1993) Coal and coal - based problems in a dry tropical environment, India. In: Keefer, R.F. and Sajwan, K.S. (Eds.), Advances in Trace Elements in Coal and Coal Combustion residues, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Georgia, USA, pp. 27-57.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M. and Singh, J. (1995) Chemical protectants and air pollution damage to crop plants. In: Srivastava, M.M. (Ed.), Environment: Some Focal Issues, Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh Publications, Dehradun, pp. 87-102.
Iqbal, M., Abin, M.Z., Yunus, M.M. and Agrawal, M. (1996) Resistance Mechanisms in Plants Against Air Pollution, In: Yunus, M. and Iqbal, M. (Eds.), Plant Response to Air Pollution, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., England, pp.195-240.
Agrawal, M. (1998) Relative susceptibility of plants in a dry tropical urban environment. In: Breuste,J., Fielmann, H., Uhlmann, O. (Eds.),Urban Ecology, Springer Verlag, Germany, pp. 601-607.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (1998) Impact of atmospheric pollution on dynamics of litter decomposition. In: Rai, B. and Dakhar, M.S. (Eds.), New Trends in Microbial Ecology, ISCON Publication, India, pp. 118-126.
Agrawal, M. and Deeapk, S.S. (1999) Plant response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. In: Hemantranjan, A. (Ed.), Advances in Plant Physiology, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, Vol II, pp. 137-151.
Agrawal, M. (1999) Plants as bioindicators of air pollution: A case study In: Eds. Iqbal, M., Srivastava, P.S. and Siddiqui T.O. (Eds.), Environmental Hazards: Plants and People, CBS Publishers and Distributions, New Delhi, pp. 154-176.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (1999) Effects of air pollution on plant diversity. In: Agrawal, S.B. and Agrawal, M. (Eds.), Environmental Pollution and Plant Responses, CRC/Lewis Publishers, New York, U.S.A., pp. 154-176.
Agrawal, M. and Deepak, S. S. (2000) Elevated carbon dioxide and plant responses In: Yunus, M., Singh, N. and de Kok, L.J. (Eds.), Environmental Stress: Indication, Mitigation, and Ecoconservation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 89-102.
Dutta, R.K. and Agrawal, M. (2000) Reclamation of mine spoils: a need for coal industry. In: Kumar, A. and Goel, P.K. (Eds.), Industry, Environment and Pollution, ABD Publishers, Jaipur, pp. 239-250.
Agrawal, M. and Agrawal, S.B. (2000) Researches on Air Pollution Impact on Indian Forests. In: Innes, J.L. and Haron A.H. (Eds.), Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions, CAB International Publishers, Oxon pp. 165-187.
Singh, B. and Agrawal, M. (2001) Acid rain and plants. In: Tripathi, G. (Ed.), Modern Trends in Environmental Biology, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 53-70.
Agrawal, M. (2002) Influences of elevated levels of CO2 on plants. In: Ambasht, R.S. and Ambasht, N.K. (Eds.), Modern Trends in Terrestrial Ecology Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 225-245.
Agrawal, M. and Singh, B. (2002) Impact of acid rain on ecosystem. In: Eds. Tripathi, G. and Tripathi, Y.C. (Eds), Bioresource and Environment, Campus Books International, New Delhi, pp. 64-83.
Agrawal, M. (2003) Air pollution impacts on vegetation in India. In: Emberson, L., Ashmore, M. and Murray, F. (Eds.), Air Pollution Impact on Crops and Forests: A Global Assessment, Air Pollution Reviews, Vol. 4, Imperial College Press, England, pp. 165-188.
Agrawal, M. (2003) Plant responses to atmospheric sulphur In: Abrol, Y. P.and Altaf, A. (Eds.), Sulphur in Higher Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp.279-293.
Singh, B. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Response of wheat plants to simulated acid rain, In: Jasrai, Y. and Arya, A. (Eds.), Air Pollution Development at what Cost? Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 162-169.
Dutta, S. and Agrawal, M. (2003) Consequences of stratospheric ozone layer depletion: scenario in 21st century. In: Agrawal, S.K. (Ed.), Environmental Scenario for 21st Century, A.P.H. Publishing, New Delhi, pp. 85-104.
Agrawal, M. (2004) Increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration and plant responses. In: Srivastava, P.C. (Ed.),Vistas in Palaeobotany and Plant Morphology: Evolutionary and Environmental Perspectives, Professor D. D. Pant Memorial Volume, U.P. Offset, Lucknow, India, pp. 459-466.
Tiwari, S. and Agrawal, M. (2006) Physiological, biochemical and growth responses of plants to tropospheric ozone. In: Advances in Plant Physiology Vol. 9 pp. 67-86.
- Emberson, L.D., Bueker, P., Engardt, M., van Tienhoven, A.M., Agrawal, M., Zunckel, M., Hicks, K., Pleijel, H., Oanh, N.T.K., Amgain, L.P., Islam, T., Shamsi, S.R.A., Anoma, G., Perera,D., Krueger, G.H.J. and Smit, P.R. (2010) Assessing ground-level ozone (O3) impacts to crops in parts of Asia and Southern Africa the regional air pollution in developing countries (RAPIDC) crops project. In: Gurjar, B.R., Molina, L.T., Ojha, C.S.P. (Eds.), Air Pollution: Health and Environmental Impacts. CRC Press, pp. 421-445.
- Agrawal, S.B., Singh, S., Tripathi, R., Agrawal, M. (2012) Defence Strategies of Plants Against UV-B-Induced Oxidative Stress. In: Anjum, N. (Ed.) Oxidative Stress in Plants: Causes, Consequences and Tolerance, I.K. International, New Delhi.
- Rai, R., Sarkar, A., Agrawal, S.B., Agrawal, M. (2013) Evaluation of tropospheric O3 effect on global agriculture: A New Insight. In: Tuteja, N., Gill, S.S., Tuteja, R. (Eds.), Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture. Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co., Germany, pp. 69-105.
- Pandey, D., Agrawal, M. (2014) Carbon Footprint Estimation in the Agriculture Sector. In: Muthu, S.S. (Ed.), Assessment of Carbon Footprint in Different Industrial Sectors, Volume 1, Eco Production, Springer Science Business Media, Singapore, pp. 25-47.
- Agrawal, M., Pandey, D. (2014) Global Climate Change: An issue of man-made disaster. In: Rawat, U.S., Semwal, V.P., (Eds.), Proceedings of National Seminar on Uttarakhand Disaster: Contemporary issues of climate change and development with holistic approach, Winar Publication Co. Dehradun, India, pp. 35-40
- Pandey, D., and Agrawal, M. 2015. Issues in Making Food Production GHG Efficient: Challenges before Carbon Footprinting. In: Muthu, S.S. (Ed.), The Carbon Footprint Handbook. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, U.K, pp.125-142.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, S.B., and Agrawal, M. (2015). Plant Response to UV-B: From Tolerance to Toxicity. In: Tripathi, B.N. and Mueller, M. (Eds), Stress Responses in Plants. Springer International, Switzerland, Chapter 8, pp. 199-215.
- Rai, R., Singh, A.A., Agrawal, M,. Agrawal, S.B., (2016) Tropospheric O3: A cause of concern for terrestrial plants. In: Kulshrestha, U. and Saxena, P. (Ed.), Plant Responses to Air Pollution, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 165-195
- Mukherjee, A., Agrawal, M. (2016) Phenological responses of plants in relation to changing climate. In: Trivedi, P.C. (Ed), Plant Stress Physiology, Pioneer Publishers, Jaipur, India, ISBN: 978-81-7132-832-1, pp. 208-221.
- Rai, R., Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B. (2016) Impacts of heavy metals on physiological processes of plants: with special references to photosynthetic system. In: Singh, A., Prasad, S.M., Singh, R.P. (Ed), Plant Responses to xenobiotics, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 127-140.
- Gautam, M., Pandey, D., and Agrawal, M. (2016). Bioprocessing of Metals from Packaging Wastes. In: Muthu, S.S. (Ed.). Environmental Footprints of Packaging. Springer, Singapore, pp 139-164.
- Singh, S., Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B. (2016) Harmful effects of ecosystems Impairment on human health. In: Singh, A., Singh, R.P., Srivastava, V., (Ed.) Environmental Issues Surrounding Human Over Population, IGI, Global, chapter 13, ISBN: 13: 978-15-225-168-35, p. 224.
- Gautam, M., Pandey, D., Agrawal S.B., and Agrawal, M. (2016) Metals from Mining and Metallurgical Industries and their Toxicological Impacts on Plants. In: Singh, A., Prasad, S.M, Singh, RP. (Eds.), Plant Response to Xenobiotics, Springer, pp. 231-272.
- Mukherjee, A., Agrawal S.B., and Agrawal, M. (2016) Heavy Metal Accumulation Potential and Tolerance in Trees and Grass Species. In: Singh, A., Prasad, S.M, Singh, RP. (Eds.), Plant Response to Xenobiotics, Springer, pp. 177-210.