Nandita Ghoshal

Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:
Mob: 91-9415987328 (M), 91-542-2392678 (H)
Email :
[email protected], [email protected]
Employee No  12045

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1987
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1989
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1993
Area of specialization:

Plant Ecology and Environmental Science
Current Research Interest: Ecological analysis of organic matter dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems with special reference to:
(a) Agroecosystems
(b) Carbon and Nitrogen balance in soil.
(c) Global climate change.
(d) Sustainable biological productivity.
(e) Land use change
(f) Biodiversity .


1. Bilateral Exchange fellowship of INSA and Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011
2. GSA Travel Grant Award 2008, for attending 2008, Joint Annual Meeting: Celebrating the International Year of Planet Earth, held in Houston, Texas, USA, 5�9 October 2008.
3. Conferred Honorary Fellowship of International Society for Ecological Communication in June 2009


Research Supervision : Ph.D. awarded 09, Ph.D. Scholars working 4; M.Sc. Dissertation supervised: 40
Conferences Attended : 36
Visits Abroad : United Kingdom (1994), United States of America (2005, 2009), Denmark (2009)

Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI: 03

Any additional information:

List of 10 major Publications:

  • Kumar CM and Nandita Ghoshal. 2017. Impact of land-use change on soil microbial community composition and organic carbon content in the dry tropics of India. Pedosphere 27(5): 974-977 (ISSN: 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.430).
  • Singh MK, Sunil Singh and Nandita Ghoshal. 2017. Impact of land use change on soil aggregate dynamics in the dry tropics. Restoration Ecology 25(6) 962-971 (ISSN: 1526-100X, Society for Ecological Restoration, Wiley Publication, Impact Factor (IF), 2017, 2.544).
  • Singh Alka, MK Singh and N Ghoshal. 2016. Microbial biomass dynamics in tropical agroecosystem: Influence of herbicide and soil amendments. Pedosphere 26: 257-264 (ISSN: 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.430).
  • Singh MK, Astley H, Smith P and Ghoshal N. 2015. Soil CO2-C flux and carbon storage in the dry tropics: Impact of landuse change involving bioenergy crop plantation. Biomass and Bioenergy 83: 123-130 (ISSN: 0961-9534, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 3.358).
  • Singh Alka and Ghoshal N. 2013. Impact of herbicide and various soil amendments on soil enzymes activities in a tropical rainfed agroecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology 54: 56-62 (ISSN: 1164-5563, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.068).
  • Singh P, RP Singh and Ghoshal N. 2012. Influence of Herbicide and Soil Amendments on soil N dynamics, microbial biomass and crop yield in rice - barley sequence under Tropical Dryland Agroecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 2208-2220 (Print ISSN: 0361-5995, Soil Science Society of America, IF, 2017, 2.26).
  • Singh P and Ghoshal N. 2010. Variation in total biological productivity and soil microbial biomass in rainfed agroecosystems: Impact of application of herbicide and soil amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 137: 241-250. (ISSN: 0167-8809, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 3.541)
  • Singh K.P., Ghoshal N., Singh. S. 2009. Soil carbon dioxide flux, carbon sequestration and crop productivity in a tropical dryland agroecosystem: Influence of organic inputs of varying resource quality. Applied Soil Ecology 42: 243-253 (ISSN: 0929-1393, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.961).
  • Singh S., Ghoshal N., Singh K.P. 2007. Variations in soil microbial biomass and crop roots due to differing resource quality inputs in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39: 76-86 (ISSN: 0038-0717, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 4.926).
  • Nandita Ghoshal and KP Singh. 1995. Effects of farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizer on the dynamics of soil microbial biomass in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soil 19: 231-238. (ISSN: 0178-2762 (Print), Springer,IF, 2017, 3.808).

A. Full list of publications:

  1. Soni P, Kumar CM and Ghoshal Nandita. 2018. Impact of Conversion of Grassland to Agroecosystem on Soil Organic Carbon Content in Dry Tropics. Plant Archives 18 (1): 1155-1158(ISSN: 0972-5210, NAAS Score, 2017, 4.41).
  2. Singh MK, Mukherjee B, Kumar, CM, Singh A and Ghoshal N. 2018. Sustainability in Agroecosystems: Management strategies involving herbicides and organic input. In: Trends in Life Science Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc. R. P. Sinha and U. P. Shrivastava (eds.) pp 219-242.
  3. Mukherjee B, Tripathi S and Ghoshal N. 2018. Changes in soil physico-chemical properties in humid tropics: Impact of crop rotation. Indian Biologist 49 (2): 1-6. (ISSN: 0302-7554, Indian Association of Biological Sciences)
  4. Kumar CM and Nandita Ghoshal. 2017. Impact of land-use change on soil microbial community composition and organic carbon content in the dry tropics of India. Pedosphere 27(5): 974-977 (ISSN: 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.430)
  5. Singh MK, Sunil Singh and Nandita Ghoshal. 2017. Impact of land use change on soil aggregate dynamics in the dry tropics. Restoration Ecology 25(6) 962-971 (ISSN: 1526-100X, Society for Ecological Restoration, Wiley Publication, Impact Factor (IF), 2017, 2.544).
  6. Singh MK, Singh S, Ghoshal N. 2017. Soil Aggregates: Formation, distribution and management. In: New Approaches in Biological Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc. RP Sinha & Richa (eds.) pp 165-189.
  7. Kumar CM and Nandita Ghoshal. 2017. Variation in soil physico-chemical properties in dry Tropics: effect of land-use change. Plant Archives 17(2): 140 4-1410 (ISSN: 0972-5210, NAAS Score, 2017, 4.41)
  8. Rai Apurva, AK Singh, VC Pandey, N Ghoshal, N Singh. 2016. The importance of Butea monosperma for the restoration of degraded lands. Ecological Engineering 97: 619-623. (ISSN: 0925-8574, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 3.023).
  9. Rai Apurva, AK Singh, N Ghoshal and N Singh. 2016. Understanding the effectiveness of litter from tropical dry forests for the restoration of degraded lands. Ecological Engineering 93: 76-81 (ISSN: 0925-8574, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 3.023).
  10. Agarwal A and Ghoshal N. 2016. Soil microbial biomass dynamics in grassland and agroecosystem receiving varying resource quality soil inputs in dry tropics. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 9(5): 787-800 (ISSN: 0974-1712, New Delhi Publishers, NAAS Score, 2017, 4.69).
  11. Singh Alka, MK Singh and N Ghoshal. 2016. Microbial biomass dynamics in tropical agroecosystem: Influence of herbicide and soil amendments. Pedosphere 26: 257�264 (ISSN: 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.430).
  12. Agarwal A and Ghoshal N. 2015. Variation in crop yield in rice-wheat dryland agroecosystem: Impact of varying resource quality inputs. Plant Archives 15: 847-851(ISSN: 0972-5210, NAAS Score, 2017, 4.41).
  13. Singh MK, Astley H, Smith P and Ghoshal N. 2015. Soil CO2-C flux and carbon storage in the dry tropics: Impact of landuse change involving bioenergy crop plantation. Biomass and Bioenergy 83: 123-130 (ISSN: 0961-9534, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 3.358).
  14. Singh MK and Ghoshal N. 2014. Variation in soil microbial biomass in dry tropics: Impact of land use change. Soil Research 52: 299-306 (ISSN: 1838-675X, CSIRO Publication, IF, 2017, 1.591).
  15. Singh MK and Ghoshal N. 2013. Jaiv Urja aur Jalvayu Parivartan. Vigyan Ganga. 6: 103-104 (ISSN 2231-2455).
  16. Singh Alka and Ghoshal N. 2013. Impact of herbicide and various soil amendments on soil enzymes activities in a tropical rainfed agroecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology 54: 56-62 (ISSN: 1164-5563, Elsevier, IF, 2017, 2.068).
  17. Singh P, RP Singh and Ghoshal N. 2012. Influence of Herbicide and Soil Amendments on soil N dynamics, microbial biomass and crop yield in rice - barley sequence under Tropical Dryland Agroecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 2208-2220 (Print ISSN: 0361-5995, Soil Science Society of America, IF, 2017, 2.26).
  18. Singh MK and Ghoshal N. 2011. Impact of land use change on soil organic carbon content in dry tropics. Plant Archives 11: 903-906 (ISSN: 0972-5210, NAAS Score, 2017, 4.41).
  19. Singh P., Ghoshal N. 2010. Variation in total biological productivity and soil microbial biomass in rainfed agroecosystems: Impact of application of herbicide and soil amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 137 (2010) 241�250 (Impact factor, 2008 = 2.884).
  20. Singh K.P., Ghoshal N., Singh. S. 2009. Soil carbon dioxide flux, carbon sequestration and crop productivity in a tropical dryland agroecosystem: Influence of organic inputs of varying resource quality. Applied Soil Ecology 42: 243�253. (Impact factor, 2008 = 2.247).
  21. Singh S., Mishra R., Singh A., Ghoshal N., Singh K.P. 2009. Soil Physicochemical Properties in a Grassland and Agroecosystem Receiving Varying Organic Inputs. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:1530-1538. (Impact factor, 2008 = 2.207)
  22. Singh S., Ghoshal N., Singh K.P. 2007. Variations in soil microbial biomass and crop roots due to differing resource quality inputs in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39: 76-86. (Impact factor, 2008 = 2.926)
  23. Singh S., Ghoshal N., Singh K.P. 2007. Synchronizing nitrogen availability through application of organic inputs of varying resource quality in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology 36:164-175. (Impact factor, 2008 = 2.247)
  24. Singh S., Ghoshal N., Singh K.P. 2007. Influence of resource quality of organic inputs on rice-barley dryland agro-ecosystem: Variations in biological productivity, grain yield and efficiency of nitrogen use. Experimental Agriculture 43: 149�161.
    (Impact factor, 2008 = 0.787) Singh KP and N Ghoshal. 2007. Soil Carbon in Agroecosystems: Issues and Challenges. Environews 13 : 4-5
  25. KP Singh, N Ghoshal and S Singh. 2006. Sustainable dryland agroecosystem: Microbial management of soil fertility for improved crop productivity. pp 129-140. In: Pandey H.N. and S. K. Barik SK (eds.) Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India. Regency Publications, New Delhi, India.
  26. S Singh and N Ghoshal. 2006. Effect of cultivation on major physical and chemical properties of soil. Plant Archives 6: 611-613.
  27. Nandita Ghoshal. 2003. Sustainable Agriculture: An Ecological Approach. Plant Archives 3: 1-7.
  28. Nandita Ghoshal. 2002. Available pool and mineralization rate of soil N in a dryland agroecosystem: Effect of organic soil amendment and chemical fertilizer. Tropical Ecology 43: 363-366.
  29. Nandita Ghoshal and KP Singh. 1995. Effects of farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizer on the dynamics of soil microbial biomass in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soil 19: 231-238. (Impact factor, 2008= 1.446)
  30. Nandita Ghoshal and KP Singh. 1995. Effect of farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers on total net production, yield and root necromass in dryland rice lentil agroecosystem. Tropical Agriculture 72: 225 230. (Impact factor, 2002 = 0.083)
  31. Nandita Ghoshal and KP Singh. 1994. The influence of soil amendments on the proportion of organic carbon and nitrogen in the microbial biomass in a dryland agroecosystem. Tropical Ecology 35: 309 319.
  32. Nandita Ghoshal. 1993. Analysis of effects of organic and inorganic soil amendments on biomass and yield of dryland rice lentil agroecosystem. Journal of Scientific Research 43: 9 16.
B. Book Review:
  1. Ghoshal N. 2004. Review of Noordwijk M. van, G. Cadisch and C.K. Ong (eds.). Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components. (CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire). Tropical Ecology 45(2):342-343.
C. Reports:
  1. Singh KP and N Ghoshal. 2004. Ecological Manipulation of Soil Fertility for Sustained Crop Productivity in Tropical Agroecosystem. Final Technical Report of Research Project, University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.
  2. Ghoshal N. and KP Singh. 2012. Soil organic matter dynamics, agrobiodiversity and crop productivity in tropical dryland agroecosystem: Effect of interaction of herbicide and soil organic inputs with varying resource quality. Final Technical Report of Research Project, University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.


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