Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:

(M) : +91 94189 16445
Fax Number : +91-542-2368174
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Employee No.

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2000
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2002
3.Ph.D.Banaras Hindu University2007
Professional Employments:

S. No.Name of the Post Name of the DepartmentName of the Inst./UnivDuration
3.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of BotanyBanaras Hindu University2015-Present
2.Scientist DEnvironmental Assessment and ManagementG B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora2012-2015
1.Scientist C Socioeconomic DevelopmentG B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora2008-2012

Current Research Projects:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of Indo-Gangetic biodiversity elements (PI) 2017-2019UGC, New Delhi10.00 lacs

Area of specialization:Ecotoxicology and Environmental Physiology :

1. Understanding the behaviour of toxic chemicals in different agro-ecosystems: My group is involve in understanding the behaviour of toxic chemicals such as heavy metal, pesticides, etc., in different agro-ecosystems with an ultimate goal to develop an appropriate strategy for effective remediation of these compounds. Experiments are based on survey of these chemicals in soil, water and edible crops with special emphasis on their risk to environment and human health. Experiments are conducted to understand the effects of local agricultural management practices, biological tools and environmental factors etc. on the behaviour of these compounds under controlled and natural conditions. Our lined work has created tremendous awareness among the consumers on the health risks associated with vegetables contaminated by heavy metals and pesticide residues.

2. Phytochemical profiling and antioxidant activities of biodiversity elements: In view of the great significance of economically important biodiversity elements as a potential source of natural antioxidants, efforts are being made to study how the chemical compositions of plant and their antioxidant activities are influenced by environmental factors. Our recent work on antioxidant potential of Olea ferrugenia Royle (Indian Olive) plants has opened up the possibility for their conservation and use in pharmaceutical industries and consumption by local population for their health benefits.


  • UGC-BSR Start-up Research Award from UGC, India (2017)
  • Recipient of Foreign Travel Grant from DST, New Delhi for academic visit of Rome, Italy (Feb 24-25, 2013)
  • Young Scientist Award by DST, Govt. of India (2012)
  • Recipient of Foreign Travel Grant from DST, CSIR and CCTDS for academic visit of Philadelphia, USA (March 29-April 2, 2008)
  • Awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowship by French Embassy, New Delhi (2008)
  • Extended Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, Govt. of India, New Delhi 2008
  • Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR, Govt. of India, New Delhi 2006-2008
  • Qualified National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (CSIR-UGC) 2002
  • Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2002
Any additional information:

  1. Member, Technical Committee, International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture, organized by CBEES, Hong Kong (2013, 2014, 2018)
  2. Delivered a lecture as a keynote speaker in the National Seminar on Water and Soil Management for Agriculture and Livelihood Security under Climate Change organised by Sunbeam Women College and IIVR, Varanasi 2017
  3. Member, Technical Committee, International conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB) organised by CBEES at Bangkok, Thailand 2017
  4. Mentor of DST-NPDF (2016-2018) and Women Scientist Schemes (2013-2015)
  5. Served as a Drawing and Disbursing Officer (2011-2015), In-charge, Unit Maintenance Committee (2008-2014); Unit Security Committee (2009-2014); Unit Store and Purchase Committee (2014-2015) GBPIHED, KULLU, HP
  6. Professional membership: Life member of Pesticide Society of India (IARI, New Delhi), International Society for Environmental Botanist (NBRI, Lucknow), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA, Kolkata),Society of Applied Biotechnology (SABT, Tamil Nadu)
  7. Member of the Technical Committee, International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture, organized by CBEES, Hong Kong (2013 and 2014)
  8. Organized a National Symposium on Issues and Challenges in Ecological Sciences as Joint Organizing Secretary at Department of Botany, BHU, India (February 23-25, 2017)
  9. Organised the celebration of World Environment Day at GBPNIHESD, Kullu, 2015
  10. Organised a consultation meeting on Farming Systems and Changing Climate Regimes: Present status and future prospects at GBPNIHESD, Mohal-Kullu 2014
  11. Invited for talk in International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Industrial Biotechnology at MLNIIT, Allahabad, India, November 21-23, 2013
  12. Invited for paper presentation in 3rd International Conference on Bioscience, Bioinformatics and Biochemistry, Rome, Italy, February 24-25, 2013
  13. Visited University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany and delivered a lecture during the Discussion-Cum-Interaction Meeting February 21-22, 2013
  14. Member, Editorial Board, Hima-Paryavaran News Letters (2010-2015)
  15. Invited for paper presentation in 23rd International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, March 29-April 2, 2008


List of 10 major publications:

  • Uniyal S, Sharma RK (2018) Technological advancement in electrochemical biosensor based detection of organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos in the environment: a review of status and prospects, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 116; 37-50 [IF: 8.173]
  • Sharma RK, Kundra R, Samant SS, Nandi SK (2017). Antioxidant properties of methanol extract from Olea ferruginea Royle seeds, National Academy of Science Letters, 40 (5):379-382 [IF: 0. 0.369]
  • Raghuvanshi R, Sharma RK (2016) Response of two cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (French beans) plants exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation under mountain ecosystem, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (1): 831-842 [IF:2.741]
  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2010) Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of foodstuffs from the wastewater irrigated site of a dry tropical area of India, Food and Chemical Toxicology 48:611-619 [IF: 3.778]
  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal SB (2008) Effect of fly-ash incorporation on heavy metals accumulation, growth and yield responses of Beta vulgaris L. plants, Bioresource Technology 99: 7200-7207 [IF: 5.651]
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2009) Heavy Metals in vegetables collected from production and market sites of tropical urban area of India, Food and Chemical Toxicology 47: 583-591[IF:3.778]
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2008) Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) contamination of vegetables in urban India: a case study in Varanasi, Environmental Pollution 154: 254-263 [IF:5.099]
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2007) Heavy metal contaminations of soil and vegetables in suburban areas of Varanasi, India, Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety 66: 258-266[IF:3.749]
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2006) Heavy metal contamination of vegetables grown in wastewater irrigated areas of Varanasi, India, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 77: 312-318[IF:1.412]
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M (2005). Biological effects of heavy metals: an overview. Journal of Environmental Biology 26 (3/4): 301-313[IF:0.697]

Full List of Publications:

  • Kundra R, Samant SS, Sharma RK (2019) Assessment of antioxidant potential of Trillium govanianum Wall ex D. Don, a critically endangered medicinal plant of North-Western Indian Himalaya, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B:Biological Sciences (In Press)

  • Uniyal S, Sharma RK (2018) Technological advancement in electrochemical biosensor based detection of organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos in the environment: a review of status and prospects, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 116; 37-50

  • Sharma RK, Kundra R, Samant SS, Nandi SK (2017). Antioxidant properties of methanol extract from Olea ferruginea Royle seeds. National Academy of Science Letters, 40 (5): 379-382

  • Kundra R, Samant SS, Nandi SK, Sharma RK (2017) Investigation of antioxidant properties of Withania somnifera L. Dunal and physic-chemical properties of soil along the topgraphical gradients in subtropical region of Indian Himalaya. International Journal of Phytomedicine 9: 407-415

  • Uniyal S, Paliwal R, Sharma RK, Rai JPN (2016) Degradation of ?pronil by Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila isolated from rhizospheric soil of Zea mays. 3 Biotech 6:48-59

  • Uniyal S, Paliwal R, Verma M, Sharma RK, Rai JPN (2016) Isolation and characterization of fipronil degrading Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Acinetobacter oleivorans from rhizospheric zone of Zea mays. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 96 (6): 833-838

  • Raghuvanshi R, Sharma RK (2016). Response of two cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (French beans) plants exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation under mountain ecosystem. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (1): 831-842

  • Sharma RK, Sharma N, Khatri S, Kundra R (2015). Antioxidant properties of fruit pulp and peel of eight apple cultivars grown in Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science 4 (4): 102-108

  • Sharma RK, Kundra R, Raghuvanshi R (2015). Antioxidant activity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) crops grown in north western Indian Mountains. Journal of Environmental and Applied Bioresearch, 3 (3):155-158

  • Renuka, Thakur, DR, Sharma RK (2014) Bioefficacy of Bidens pilosa L. against Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman), stored pests of Kidney beans, worldwide. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 7 (15): 1470-1477

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Agrwal, SB (2014) Responses of Beta vulgaris L. exposed to cadmium and zinc through soil drenching, Journal of Environmental Biology 35 (4); 727-732

  • Sharma RK, Sharma N, Samant SS, Nandi SK, Palni LMS (2013) Antioxidant activities in methanolic extracts of Olea ferruginea Royle fruits, International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 3 (2): 154-156

  • Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2013) Cadmium mobility in soil-vegetable ecosystems and their possible risk to human health, ENVIS Bulletin on Himalayan Ecology Vol 21; 15-19

  • Sharma RK, Sharma P, Devi S, Samant SS (2013) Enhancement of pea production using leaf extract of Withania somnifera L. under tropical field conditions of Kullu, North-Western Himalaya, India, Journal of Plant Nutrition 36 (11): 1754-1764

  • Negi GCS, Samal PK, Kuniyal JC. Kothyari BP, Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2012) Impacts of climate change on western Himalayan mountain ecosystems: An overview, Tropical Ecology 53 (3); 345-356

  • Sharma RK, Samant SS, Sharma P, Devi S (2012) Evaluation of antioxidant activities of Withania somnifera growing in natural habitats of north-west Himalaya, India, Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 6 (5); 657-661

  • Sharma RK (2011) Combined effects of copper and cypermethrin on growth and biomass accumulation in French beans, Pesticide Research Journal, 23 (2): 224-226

  • Sharma RK, Devi S, Dhyani PP (2010) Comparative assessment of the toxic effects of copper and cypermethrin using seeds of Spinacea oleracea L. plants, ENVIS Bulletin on Himalayan Ecology 18: 10-13.

  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2010) Risk assessment of heavy metal toxicity through contaminated vegetables from waste water irrigated areas of Varanasi, India, Tropical Ecology 51 (2S): 375-387

  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2010) Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of foodstuffs from the wastewater irrigated site of a dry tropical area of India, Food and Chemical Toxicology 48:611-619

  • Mishra S, Singh S, Sharma RK, Agrawal SB (2010) The interactive effect of heavy metals and UV-B radiation on two cucumber cultivars, Turkish Journal of Biology 34; 367-378

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal SB (2010) Responses of Abelmoschus esculentus L. (lady s finger) to elevated levels of Zn and Cd, Tropical Ecology 51 (2S): 389-396

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Agrawal SB (2010) Physiological, biochemical and growth responses of lady s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) plants as affected by Cd contaminated soil, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84: 765-770

  • Sharma RK, Dhyani PP, Samant SS (2010). Toxic chemicals in fruits and vegetables: an overview. Everyman s Science 45 (04); 215-218

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Agrawal SB (2010) Physiological and biochemical responses resulting from Cd and Zn accumulation in carrot plants, Journal of Plant Nutrition 33 (7): 1066-1079

  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2009) Effects of wastewater irrigation on physicochemical properties of soil and availability of heavy metals in soil and vegetables. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40:3469-3490

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2009) Heavy Metals in vegetables collected from production and market sites of tropical urban area of India, Food and Chemical Toxicology 47: 583-591

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2008) Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) contamination of vegetables in urban India: a case study in Varanasi, Environmental Pollution 154: 254-263

  • Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal SB (2008) Effect of fly-ash incorporation on heavy metals accumulation, growth and yield responses of Beta vulgaris L. plants, Bioresource Technology 99: 7200-7207

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2008) Atmospheric depositions of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu) in Varanasi city, India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 142 (1-3): 269-78

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Agrawal SB (2008) Interactive effects of cadmium and zinc on carrots: growth and biomass accumulation, Journal of Plant Nutrition 31(1): 19-34

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2007) Heavy metal contaminations of soil and vegetables in suburban areas of Varanasi, India, Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety 66: 258-266

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2006) Heavy metal contamination of vegetables grown in wastewater irrigated areas of Varanasi, India, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 77: 312-318

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M (2006) Single and combined effects of cadmium and zinc on carrots: uptake and bioaccumulation. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29 (10): 1791-1804

  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M (2005). Biological effects of heavy metals: an overview. Journal of Environmental Biology 26 (3/4): 301-313

Chapters in edited books/proceeding/reports:

  • Sharma RK, Pandey B, Uniyal S (2018). Phytotoxicity: an essential tool in ecological risk assessment In Advances in Phytoremediation of Environmental Pollutants(Eds. Chandra R, Dubey NK), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA pp 361-385
  • Uniyal S., Paliwal R., Kaphaliya B., Sharma R.K. (2017). Human Overpopulation: Impact on Environment. In: Environmental Issues Surrounding Human Overpopulation, Singh RP., Singh A., Srivastwa B. (Eds), IGI Global pp. 1-11
  • Raghuvanshi R, Sharma RK, Kundra R (2016). Screening of pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars for promoting their cultivation in Kullu Valley, north-western Indian Himalaya. In: Agro-biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development (Eds. Sharma P, Singh N, Bharti PK) Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi. Pp. 56-64
  • Sharma RK, Sharma P (2015). Spatial pattern of terrestrial biodiversity: an overview. In: Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Environmental Conservation (Eds. Bharti PK, Bhandari G) Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi. Pp. 5-30
  • Samant SS, Joshi R, Sharma RK (2013) Biodiversity of Indian North-West Himalaya In: Himalayan Biodiversity-Richness, Representativeness and life support values (Eds. R.S. Rawal, I. D. Bhatt, K. Chandrasekar & S.K. Nandi), Hylanders Communications (P) Ltd., Delhi. Pp. 20-23
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2008) Effects of wastewater Irrigation on heavy metal accumulation in soil and plants. In: Kumar A, Somashkar RK (Eds.) Environmental Science and Technology in India, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, Pp. 161-167.
  • Marshall FM, Holden J, Ghose C, Chisala B, Kapungwe E, Volk J, Agrawal M, Agrawal R, Sharma RK, Singh RP (2007). Contaminated irrigation water and food safety for theu and peri-urban poor: appropriate measures for monitoring and control from field research in India and Zambia. Inception Report DFID (R8160), SPRU, University of Sussex, UK.
  • Sharma RK, Agrawal M, Marshall FM (2006). Impact of wastewater irrigation on heavy metals accumulations in soil and vegetables collected from suburban areas of Varanasi, India. Proceeding of 22nd National Convention on Environmental Engineering, IIT, BHU, Varanasi pp. 40-48.
  • Agrawal SB, Singh A, Sharma RK, Agrawal M (2007). Bioaccumulation of heavy metal in vegetables: a threat to human health. Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology, Global Science Books, UK/Japan 1(2): 13-23 (Print ISSN 1749-0324).

Popular Articles:

  • Sharma N, Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2013) Pahadi palak: a rich source of natural antioxidants for local population, Himaparyavaran-Newsletter 25 (2); 15-16
  • Sharma N, Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2013) Effect of cadmium contaminated soil on antioxidant Potential of Spinacea oleracea L. leaves, ENVIS Newsletter on Himalayan Ecology 10; 3-4
  • Sinha S, Dhyani PP, Sharma RK, Samant SS (2013) Badhte Vayumandaliy Tapman se Chintit Manaw, ENVIS Bulletin on Himalayan Ecology Vol 21; 124-125
  • Sinha S, Dhyani PP, Sharma RK, Samant SS (2012) Status of industries in Himachal Pradesh, ENVIS Newsletter on Himalayan Ecology 9; 6-7
  • Sinha S, Dhyani PP, Sharma RK, Samant SS (2012) Badte Jal Pardushn se Manwa Jati ko Khatra, ENVIS Bulletin on Himalayan Ecology Vol 20; 100-103
  • Sharma RK, Sinha S, Agrawal M (2012) Rasayanik sandushak and manaw shwathya, Vighyan Ganga 2 (4); 27-28
  • Shama RK, Sinha S (2012) Himalaya khetra me apshist jal ka prbandhan, Hima-Prabha 5: 18-20
  • Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2012) Heavy metal contamination of ground water in Kullu: A case study from Mohal village, Himaparyavaran-Newsletters 24 (1); 33-34
  • Sharma RK, Sharma N, Dhyani PP (2012). Toxic chemicals: sources, status in food chain and their impacts on human health (In Hindi). GBPIHED, Mohal-Kullu pp. 1-25
  • Sharma RK, Devi S, Agrawal SB (2011) Samajik awang arthic utthan me krishi rasyan ki bhumika: ek paridrishya, Viyan Ganga 1;46-47.
  • Sharma RK, Devi S (2010) Himalayai kshetro par kitnasak rasayano ka prabhaw: ek sankshipt vivran, Him-Prabha 3: 25-29.
  • Sharma RK, Dhyani PP, Samant SS (2010) Pesticide residues in food chain: an issue of socioeconomic development for the marginal farmers of Kullu, ENVIS-Newsletters on Himalayan Ecology 7: pp 8.
  • Devi S, Sharma RK, Dhyani PP (2010) Single and combined effects of copper and zinc on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. var. Him Sohna) seeds, Hima-Paryavaran Newsletters 22 (1): 14-15.
  • Sharma RK, Samant SS (2009) Monitoring of pesticide residue in soil and crops: a priority issue for research in western Himalaya, Hima-Paryavaran Newsletter 21(1&2): pp 20.

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