(Mrs.) Shashi Pandey

Ph.D. (Univ. of Lucknow)
Contact Information:
+91 542-2307147 Ext.341 ; +91 542 6701106; +91 9450828556 ; (Fax) +91 542-2368174
Email Id:: [email protected] ; [email protected];[email protected]
Employee No. 17471

Acaedemic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc. Hons (Botany)Lucknow University1993
2.M.Sc. (Botany)Lucknow University1995
3.Ph. D. Botany Lucknow Univerisity2002
Brief write up on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Plant Molecular Biology (Genetics/Genomics aspects)

The goal of our group�s research is to genetically characterize the molecular mechanisms driving secondary metabolite biosynthesis in medicinal plants under abiotic stresses. Identifying key elements involved in these processes will allow generating novel tools for metabolic engineering of plant cells. To this end, we have developed a functional genomics platform that allows (i) comprehensive investigations of plant metabolism and (ii) gene discovery on a genome-wide scale. Dr. Shashi Pandey Rai has made outstanding contribution in the area of genetics/ genomics of regulation of stress resistance /terpenoidindole alkaloid biosynthetic pathway expression in Artemissia annua, Catharanthus roseus, Withania coagulans. For the first time she has been able to demonstrate that drought and salt resistant loss-of-function mutants simultaneously harbour pleiotropic changes in seedling and adult plant morphology. Some of the mutants harbour gross changes in the shoot morphology and inflorescence architecture, implicating involvement of chromatin remodeling in the adaptation process against abiotic stresses. Implication of epigenetic repressors in the expression of alkaloid/terpenoid pathway and stress management gives an entirely new direction to the research on secondary metabolism in plants. She is involved in construction of a molecular map of C. roseus on which these markershave been placed. She has also worked in the area of development of molecular markers associated with alkaloid yield in C. roseus and with high artemisinin content in A. annua. This work has entailed diversity analysis among genetic resources, QTL analysis for alkaloid/isoprenoids richness among recombinant inbred lines and identification of some new genes involved in secondary metabolism of C. roseus and A. annua.Her pioneering efforts advanced the work aimed at construction of lines that hyper-express and accumulate pharmaceutical compounds in C. roseus and Aannua. She has used comparative genomics approaches to clone the developmental genes for leaf and inflorescence architectures in C. roseus, A. annua and Pisum sativum. The data generated by her efforts has opened new area of research work in India by providing novel genetic material in a plant in which secondary metabolism is of great commercial importance, developed protocols for enhancement of these secondary metabolites such as artemisinin, vinblastine and vincristine and also drug formulation for curing psoriasis using mice model.

Research Projects:
  • Molecular characterization of stress responsive hypothetical proteins Alr8073, Alr5059, All3014 and Alr3199 of diazotrophic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. PI: L.C. Rai and Co P.I.: Shashi Pandey, SERB-DST , 3 years (2018-2021) (18.9 lakhs)
  • Functional Genomic approach to prospect genes of sesquiterpene biosynthesis regulation in Artemissia annua metabolome Principal Investigator :Shashi Pandey, under Fast Track scheme, DST Project No. R/Dev./ M-48-84 started on 9-3-07 to 9-3-10. (12.5 lakhs).
  • Isolation, purification, identification and molecular assessment of microbial diversity from selected districts of Indo-Gangetic Planes. PI Prof LC Rai, Co. PI : Shashi Pandey, under NBAIM- ICAR collaborative project . Started 2006-2012. (40 lakhs).
  • Role of dps protein in abiotic stress management in Synacocystis sp. PI : Prof LC Rai, Co. PI : Shashi Pandey , under INDO- JSPS Scheme DST 2007-2009. (3.74 lakhs)
  • Identification and development of a potential drug formulation/ new biological products from natural resources for treatment of Psoriasis . Principal Investigator: Shashi Pandey from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology Govt. of India, New Delhi Under RGYI Scheme 1st May 2010-2013 (11.9 lakhs)
  • CSIR sponsored project entitled Mapping of arsenic induced proteome of Artemisia annua using 2D electrophoresis and Maldi-TOF -MS, sanctioned up to three years starting for 1st April 2012- December2016 (23 lakhs) Principal Investigator: Shashi Pandey (CSIR- Project)
Awards & Recognition:
  1. Awarded Prof. Y S Murty Medal 2012 from Botanical Society of India.

  2. Awarded BirbalSahni Memorial Gold Medal for obtaining IstDiv. and securing the highest percentage in M. Sc. (Botany), 1995.

  3. Awarded Shri Rajeshwar Lal Sinha and Smt. Prema Sinha Gold Medal for obtaining highest percentage among the successful women candidates in M. Sc. Final Examination in Botany.

  4. Awarded Kamayani Memorial Gold Medal, candidates in M. Sc. (Botany), 1995.

  5. Best student award in Botany from Akhil Bharti Vidyarthi Parishad, Lucknow University, Lucknow, 1995.

  6. Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), 1996 cunducted by IIT.

  7. Awarded, C. S. I. R. Scientist Fellowship (CIMAP), 1996, Lucknow, UP, India.

  8. Awarded C. S. I. R. Senior Research Fellowship (CIMAP), 1998-2001, Lucknow, UP, India.

  9. Awarded C. S. I. R. extended Senior Research Fellowship (CIMAP), 2001-2002, Lucknow, UP, India.

  10. Awarded C.S. I.R. Research Associate Fellowship 2002-2005, NCPGR, New Delhi.

  11. Life Member of Society of Conservation Biodiversity, India.

  12. Life Member of the Biotech Research Society, India .

  13. Life Member of the Indian Vegetable Science Society, India.

  14. Life Member, Indian Society of Plant Physiologist, India

  15. Life Member, The Indian Botanical Society, India

  16. Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), India

  17. Fellow Award 2011 of the Society of Applied Biotechnology, India

  18. Member, Institutional Bio-safety Committee of BHU. (2009- till date)

  19. Associate Editor Journal of Plant Genomics (Bioinfo publication)ISSN: 0976-8823 & E-ISSN: 0976-8831 (2010-till date)

  20. Member in Editorial team of Indian Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN - 0976-2876). (2010-till date)

  21. Member in Editorial team of Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering (Academic Journal- open access journals). (2010-till date)

  22. Hostel excellence award (BHU) 2011-12 for invaluable and sincere service as warden.

  23. Hostel excellence award (BHU) 2014-15 for invaluable and sincere service as Administrative warden


List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Pandey, N., Goswami, N., Tripathi, D., Rai, K.K.,Rai, S.K., Singh, S., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2018) Epigenetic control of UV-B-induced flavonoid accumulation in Artemisia annua L. Planta, 1-18

  2. Pandey, N., Meena, R. P., Rai, S. K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). In vitro generation of high artemisinin yielding salt tolerant somaclonal variant and development of SCAR marker in Artemisia annua L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 127(2), 301-314.

  3. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2015). Deciphering UV-B-induced variation in DNA methylation pattern and its influence on regulation of DBR2 expression in Artemisia annua L. Planta, 242(4), 869-879.

  4. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2014). Modulations of physiological responses and possible involvement of defense-related secondary metabolites in acclimation of Artemisia annua L. against short-term UV-B radiation. Planta, 240(3), 611-627.

  5. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2014). Short term UV-B radiation-mediated transcriptional responses and altered secondary metabolism of in vitro propagated plantlets of Artemisia annua L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 116(3), 371-385.

  6. Rai, R., Meena, R. P., Smita, S. S., Shukla, A., Rai, S. K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2011). UV-B and UV-C pre-treatments induce physiological changes and artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L.�an antimalarial plant. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 105(3), 216-225.

  7. Rai, R., Pandey, S., &Rai, S. P. (2011). Arsenic-induced changes in morphological, physiological, and biochemical attributes and artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua, an antimalarial plant. Ecotoxicology, 20(8), 1900-1913.

  8. Gupta, S., Pandey-Rai, S., Srivastava, S., Naithani, S. C., Prasad, M., & Kumar, S. (2007). Construction of genetic linkage map of the medicinal and ornamental plant Catharanthusroseus. Journal of Genetics, 86(3), 259-268.

  9. Kumar, S., Rai, S. K., Pandey-Rai, S., Srivastava, S., & Singh, D. (2004). Regulation of unipinnate character in the distal tendrilled domain of compound leaf-blade by the gene MULTIFOLIATE PINNA (MFP) in pea Pisumsativum. Plant science, 166(4), 929-940.

  10. Rai, S., Luthra, R., & Kumar, S. (2003). Salt-tolerant mutants in glycophytic salinity response (GSR) genes in Catharanthusroseus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106(2), 221-230.

Additional Information/ Achievements:


  1. Catharanthus roseus mutant plant named lli By Sushil kumar, Shashi Pandey-Rai, S.K.Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Digvijay Singh and Raghvendra Kumar Mishra. (US patent) FPO 1826 , NF28/04 granted and published online in 2006.


Technology Transfer:

  1. Jeevanraksha cultivars and/or processing technologies have been transferred to following companies: ALMET Corporation Limited/ Mahasrastra Hybrid Seed Company Limited, Resham Bhawan, 4th floor, 78, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai 400020.


Full List of Publications:

  1. Rai, K.K., Rai N.and Pandey Rai.S. (2018) Response of Lablab purpureus L. to high temperature stress and role of exogenous protectants in mitigating high temperature induced oxidative damages. Molecular biology reports 45 (5), 1375-1395.

  2. Pandey, N., Goswami, N., Tripathi, D., Rai, K.K.,Rai, S.K., Singh, S., and Pandey-Rai, S., (2018) Epigenetic control of UV-B-induced flavonoid accumulation in Artemisia annua L. Planta, 1-18

  3. Kumari A., and Pandey-Rai S. (2018) Enhanced arsenic tolerance and secondary metabolism by modulation of gene expression and proteome profile in Artemisia annua L. after application of exogenous salicylic acid. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132, 590-602.

  4. Rai, K.K., Rai N. and Pandey Rai.S. (2018) Recent advancement in modern genomic tools for adaptation of Lablab purpureus L to biotic and abiotic stresses: present mechanisms and future adaptations.ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum 40 (9), 164

  5. Rai, K.K., Rai N. and Pandey Rai.S. (2018) Investigating the impact of high temperature on growth and yield of Lablab purpureus L. inbred lines using integrated phenotypical, physiological, biochemical and molecular approaches.Ind J Plant Physiol DOI .org/10.1007/s40502-018-0364-x

  6. Rai, K. K., Rai, N. Pandey-Rai, S. (2018) Salicylic acid and nitric oxide alleviate high temperature induced oxidative damage in Lablab purpureus L plants by regulating bio-physical processes and DNA methylation. Plant physiology and Biochemistry (doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2018.04.023).

  7. Tripathi, D., Rai, K.K.,Rai S.K., Pandey-Rai, S. (2018) An improved thin cell layer culture system for efficient in vitro clonal propagation and withanolide production in a medicinal plant WithaniacoagulansDunal. Industrial Crops and Products 119(c), 172-182.

  8. Rai, K.K., Pandey Rai.S. and RaiN. (2017) Down regulation of ?ECS gene affects antioxidant activity and free radical scavenging system during pod development and maturation in Lablab perpureus L.Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2017; 11: 192-200 DOI: 10.1016/j.bcab.2017.07.005.

  9. Arora, N., Tripathi, D., Pandey, N., Rai, K.K.,Rai, S. K., and Pandey-Rai, S. (2017) Study of Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and DNA-Damage Protection Properties of Some Indian Medicinal Plants Reveal their Possible Role inCombating Psoriasis. Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. 2017; 5(2): 141-149. DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v5i2.17618.

  10. Kumari A., Pandey, N. and Pandey-Rai S. (2017) Exogenous salicylic acid-mediated modulation of arsenic stress tolerance with enhanced accumulation of secondary metabolites and improved size of glandular trichomes in Artemisia annua L. Protoplasma255(1), 139-152.DOI 10.1007/s00709-017-1136-6.

  11. Kumari A., Pandey, N. and Pandey-Rai S. (2017). Arsenic-mediated differential responses to oxidative stress and protection by selective accumulation of metabolites in roots and leaves of Artemisia annuaL. BiologiaPlantarum61 (2): 367-377, 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s10535-016-0686-3.

  12. Pandey, N., Meena, R. P., Rai, S. K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). In vitro generation of high artemisinin yielding salt tolerant somaclonal variant and development of SCAR marker in Artemisia annua L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 127(2), 301-314. DOI 10.1007/s11240-016-1050-1.

  13. Rai, S. K., Rai, K.K., Pandey, N., Kumari, A., Tripathi, D., Rai, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). Varietal performance of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) with special reference to curcumin and essential oil content under climatic conditions of Indogangatic plains. Indian Journal of Vegetable Science, 43 (1):36-43 .

  14. Kumari, A., Pandey, N., Meena, R. P., Tripathi, D., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). In-vitro characterization of somaclonal variant against salt tolerance by analyzing antioxidative defense system and secondary metabolites in Artemisia annua L. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 7(2): (B) 700 � 714.

  15. Arora, N., Shah, K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). Inhibition of imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like dermatitis in mice by herbal extracts from some Indian medicinal plants. Protoplasma, 253(2), 503-515.

  16. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). Updates on artemisinin: an insight to mode of actions and strategies for enhanced global production. Protoplasma, 253(1), 15-30.

  17. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2015). Deciphering UV-B-induced variation in DNA methylation pattern and its influence on regulation of DBR2 expression in Artemisia annua L. Planta, 242(4), 869-879.

  18. Sarkar, A., Singh, A. A., Agrawal, S. B., Ahmad, A., &Rai, S. P. (2015). Cultivar specific variations in antioxidative defense system, genome and proteome of two tropical rice cultivars against ambient and elevated ozone. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 115, 101-111.

  19. Arora, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2014). GC�MS analysis of the essential oil of CelastruspaniculatusWilld. seeds and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory study of its various solvent extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 61, 345-351.

  20. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2014). Modulations of physiological responses and possible involvement of defense-related secondary metabolites in acclimation of Artemisia annua L. against short-term UV-B radiation. Planta, 240(3), 611-627.

  21. Rai, R., Pandey, S., Shrivastava, A. K., & Pandey Rai, S. (2014). Enhanced photosynthesis and carbon metabolism favor arsenic tolerance in Artemisia annua, a medicinal plant as revealed by homology-based proteomics. International journal of proteomics, 2014.

  22. Rai, K. K., Pandey, N., & Pandey Rai, S. (2014). Effect of 2,4-D on phenolicsproduction and detection of in-vitro culture-induced variation through inter-simple sequence repeat and RAPD analysis in Artemisia annua L.International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.

  23. Pandey, N., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2014). Short term UV-B radiation-mediated transcriptional responses and altered secondary metabolism of in vitro propagated plantlets of Artemisia annua L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 116(3), 371-385.

  24. Dixit, V., Pandey-Rai, S., & Chaudhary, B. R. (2013). Allium sativum: four-step approach to efficient micropropagation. International Journal of Innovative Biological Research, 2, 6-14.

  25. Arora, N., Singh, V. K., Shah, K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2012). Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of 3D predicted arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase-B (15-LOX-2) from Homo sapiens. Bioinformation, 8(12), 555.

  26. Arora, N., &Rai, S. P. (2012). Celastruspaniculatus, an endangered Indian medicinal plant with miraculous cognitive and other therapeutic properties: an overview. Int J Pharm Bio Sci, 3(3), 290-303.

  27. RAI, S. K., ARORA, N., PANDEY, N., MEENA, R. P., SHAH, K., & PANDEY-RAI, S. H. A. S. H. I. (2012). Nutraceutical enriched vegetables: Molecular approaches for crop improvement. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3, 363-379.

  28. Pandey, N., Meena, R. P., Rai, S.K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2011). Medicinal plants derived nutraceuticals: a re-emerging health aid International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences,2, 419-441.

  29. Rai, R., Meena, R. P., Smita, S. S., Shukla, A., Rai, S. K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2011). UV-B and UV-C pre-treatments induce physiological changes and artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L.�an antimalarial plant. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 105(3), 216-225.

  30. Rai, R., Pandey, S., &Rai, S. P. (2011). Arsenic-induced changes in morphological, physiological, and biochemical attributes and artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua, an antimalarial plant. Ecotoxicology, 20(8), 1900-1913.

  31. Tripathi, Y. B., Nagwani, S., Mishra, P., Jha, A., &Rai, S. P. (2012). Protective effect of Puerariatuberosa DC. embedded biscuit on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice. Journal of natural medicines, 66(1), 109-118.

  32. Meena, R. P., Arora, N., Pandey, N., Rai, S.K., Sharan, R.A., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2011). In vitro callus induction, organogenesis and evaluation of arsenic tolerance capacity in Artemisia annua L. Advances in Biology 29: 51-63.

  33. Pandey-Rai, S., Luthra, R., Kumar, S., &Rai, S.K. (2010). Pleiotropic salt tolerant monogenic recessive mutants in Catharanthusroseus. Advances in Biology, 28, 1-7.

  34. Pandey-Rai, S., Saran, R. A., &Rai, S.K. (2010). Sustainable food production and Food security in India. Advances in Biology, 28, 87-90.

  35. Smita,S.S., Pandey-Rai, S., Meena, R.P., Saran, R. A., & Rai, S.K. (2010). Hepatoprotective activity of hydro-methanolic extract of two species of Artemisia and Lycopersiconesculentum against carbon tetrachloride: an environmental contaminant.Advances in Biology, 28, 145-152.

  36. Kumari, R., Chaudhary, S., Kumar Mishra, R., Pandey Rai, S., Kumar Rai, S., Sharma, V., & Kumar, S. (2010). Regulation of lifespan by the LLI and EGD genes in the perennial plant species Catharanthusroseus. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy-Part A: Physical Sciences, 76(1), 27.

  37. Tripathi, R., Sarkar, A., Pandey Rai, S., & Agrawal, S. B. (2011). Supplemental ultraviolet-B and ozone: impact on antioxidants, proteome and genome of linseed (Linumusitatissimum L. cv. Padmini). Plant Biology, 13(1), 93-104.

  38. Kanwar, M. S., Korla, B. N., Kumar, S., Rai, S. P., Smita, S. S., Meena, R. P., &Rai, S. K. (2009). Assessing Changes in Character Associations AmongBiparental and F3 Progenies in Late Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis L.). Vegetable Science, 36(3s), 304-308.

  39. Digvijay Singh, Sanjay Kumar Rai, Shashi Pandey Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Raghvendra Kumar Mishra, Swati Chaudhary, Srikant Sharma and Sushil Kumar (2008) predominance of serpentine route in monoterpenoid Indole alkaloid pathway of Catharanthus roseus. PINSA 74 (3) 97-109.

  40. Srivastava A K , Bhargava P, Mishra Y, Rai S.P., Rai LC. (2007) .A rapid and cost effective method of genomic DNA isolation from cyanobacterial culture, mat and soil suitable for genomic fingerprinting and community analysis. Journal of Applied Phycology 19, ( 4), 2007, 373-382.

  41. Sarika Gupta, Shashi Pandey-Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Subhas Chandra Naithani, Manoj Prasad and Sushil Kumar (2007) Construction of primary genetic linkage map of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus J. Genet, 86:259-68 .

  42. Shashi Pandey�Rai, Gopal Rao Mallavarapu, A A Naqvi, Anju Yadav, Sanjay Kumar Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Digvijay Singh, Raghvendra Mishra and Sushil Kumar*Volatile components of the leaves and flowers of periwinkle Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don grown at New Delhi. . Flavour and Fragrence (2006 )21, 427-430 .

  43. Sanjay Kumar Rai, Gopal Rao Mallavarapu, Shashi Pandey-Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Digvijay Singh, Raghvendra Mishra and Sushil Kumar Constitution of the flower oil of Carissa opaca growing in Aravalli mountain range at New Delhi. Flavour and Fragrance (2006) 21 , 304-305.

  44. Suchi Srivastava, Gopal Rao Mallavarapu, Sanjay Kumar Rai, Digvijay Singh, Raghvendra Mishra, Shashi Pandey-Rai and Sushil Kumar Composition of the essential oils of the leaves and flowers of Rhus musurensis Heyne ex Weight &Arn growing in Aravalli mountain range at New Delhi. Flavour and Fregrance (2006) 21, 228-229.

  45. Ajaswrata Dutta, Jyoti Batra, Shashi Pandey-Rai, Digvijay Singh, Sushil Kumar, Jayanti Sen. (2005). Expression of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic pathway genes corresponds to accumulation of related alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Planta 220: 376-383.

  46. Digvijay Singh, Shashi Pandey-Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Sanjay Kumar Rai, Raghavendra Misra and Sushil Kumar (2004) Simultaneous quantification of some pharmaceutical Catharanthus roseus eaf and root terpenoid indole alkaloid and their precursor molecules insingle runs of a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic system. Journal of AOAC International 87: (6) 1287-1296.

  47. 11. Sushil Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Rai, Shashi Pandey-Rai, Suchi Srivastava, Digvijay Singh (2004) Regulation of unipinnate character in the distal tendrilled domain of compound leafblade by the gene MULTIFOLIATE PINNA (MFP) in pea Pisum sativum Plant sciences 166: 929-940.

  48. Shashi Pandey Rai, R. Luthra and Sushil Kumar (2003) Salt tolerant mutants in GLYCOPHYTIC SALINITY RESPONSE (GSR) genes in Catharanthus roseus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106:221-230.

  49. Kumar S. Pandey Rai S and Rai SK (2003) Research and development approaches for advancing the contribution of medicinal and aromatic plant commodities to increase profit of farmers, generate new jobs and improve availability of fragrance , flavour and therapeutic materials J of Med. and Arom. Plant Sci (proc.) pp 20-23.

  50. Sushil Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Rai and Shashi Pandey Rai (2003) Trends in plant medicinal research and development and scope of medicines �a review .Vijnana Parishad Anushandhan Patrika, Vol. 46, 100-118.

  51. Shashi Pandey Rai, Rajesh Luthra, M.M. Gupta and Sushil Kumar (2001) Pleiotropic morphological abiotic stress resistance of the hyper abscisic acid producing Abo- mutant in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. Jour. Of Biosciences 26 (1): 57-70.

  52. Shashi Pandey Rai and Sushil Kumar (2001) Hetrocarpous flowers resulting from a recessive mutation in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. Current Science (India) 80: 1581-1584.

  53. Shashi Pandey Rai and Sushil Kumar (2000) Induced mutation to monocotyledony in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus, and suppression of mutant phenotype by kinetin. Jour. Of Genetics 79 (3) : 1-8.

  54. Shashi Pandey Rai and Sushil Kumar (2000) Loss of negative control on rooting in hyper rooting Rrg- mutant of periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. J of Med. and Arom. Plant Sci. 22 (4A) and 23 (1A): 300-302.

  55. Shashi Pandey Rai and Sushil Kumar (2000) A tricotyledonous seedling mutant with Mendelian inheritance in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. J of Med. and Arom. Plant Sci. 22 (4A) and 23 (1A): 267-268 .

  56. Shashi Pandey Rai, R. Luthra and Sushil Kumar (2000) Differential expression of proteins in the monogenic salt resistant mutants with and without thermal stress in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. J of Med. and Arom. Plant Sci. 22 (4A) and 23 (1A): 287-290 .

  57. Shashi Pandey Rai, Srikant Sharma and Sushil Kumar (2000) Pleiotropic variation in the induced mutants possessing abnormal morphology in periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus. J of Med. and Arom. Plant Sci. 22 (4A) and 23 (1A): 252-258 .

  58. S.K.Rai, R.S. Katiyar, Shashi Pandey-Rai ,and S.P. Singh (2000) Nitrogen ,phasphorus and potash urverkon ka chayadar sthalon mein chaya pralobhi Adarak ki kheti per prabhav.(In Hindi) In Proc. Akhil Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan- 2000.


Books Reviews/Chapters:

  1. Pandey-Rai, S., Pandey, N., Kumari, A., Tripathi, D., &Rai, S. K (2017). Impact of integrated omics technologies for identification of key genes and enhanced artemisinin production in Artemisia annua L. proposed book Artemisia annua: Prospects, Applications and Therapeutic Uses Taylor & Francis Group.

  2. Pandey-Rai, S., Tripathi, D., Pandey, N., Rai, K. K., Kumari, A., Apoorva, &Rai, S. K. (2017)Psoriasis an autoimmune disorder: cure with herbal medicine. Approaches in Biological Research and medicine Nova Publishers, USA

  3. Rai, K. K., Pandey, N., Rai, S. K., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). Plant Protease inhibitors: Biotechnological insights with emphasis on its role in plant defense Chapter 5 New Approaches in Biological Research. ISBN: 978-1-53612-139-1 Nova Publishers, USA.

  4. Pandey, N., Kumari, A., & Pandey-Rai, S. (2016). DNA methylation dynamics in plants Chapter 3 New Approaches in Biological Research. ISBN: 978-1-53612-139-1 Nova Publishers, USA.

  5. Pandey, N., &Pandey-Rai, S. (2013). Antioxidants: Biochemical Activity and Therapeutic Role in Plants and Humans, In Plants as Source ofNatural Antioxidants, Publishers : CAB International, Oxfordshire, U K (Chapter 10 pp 191-224). ISBN No. 978-17-806-4266-6

  6. Rai, S. K., Kumar, S., Smita, S. S., Pandey, M. K., Meena, R. P. & Pandey-Rai, S. (2011). Molecular map based breeding and descriptor�s suitable for mapping in Catharanthusroseus for valuable pharmaceutical alkaloid yields. Plant Genome:Diversity, Conservation and Manipulation Narosa publication, India ISBN: 978-81-8487-113-5, May 2011.

  7. Pandey-Rai, S., Smita, S. S., &Rai, S. K. (2011). Ploidy : A prime facilitator of speciation and evolution in plants. Plant Genome:Diversity, Conservation and Manipulation Narosa publication, India ISBN: 978-81-8487-113-5, May 2011.

  8. Kumar, S., Pandey-Rai, S., &Rai, S. K. Mint cultivation in India (2006) in Mint: The Genus Mentha edited by Brian M. Lawrence Journal of Essential Oil Research, Winston Salem, NC, USA Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles Volume: 44 Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-0779-9 , eBook ISBN: 978-0-8493-0798-0.

Popular Articles:

  1. Pandey, N., Rai, S. K., & Pandey Rai, S. (2016) Paan ki aadhunik sanrakshit kheti evam uske aushadiya gun. Pragati (BHU), 5: 13-17.

  2. Tripathi, D., Kumari, A., Pandey, N., & Pandey Rai, S (2016) Malaria ke upchaar main Artemisia annua: ekchamatkariaushadiyapaudha. Pragati (BHU), 5: 18-21.

  3. Kumari, A., & Pandey Rai, S. (2014) Proteomic: Protein adhyaankepariprechaya me ekimporatent technique. Vigyan Ganga, 6, 56-57.

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