Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI: Two DST projects and One CSIR project including one time DST grant as major research project (Details given below)
- Chelating polyelectrolytes: Application to chemical speciation, UGC (minor), Completed.
Task force on sewage gas and treatment plant, Ministry of Energy, Govt. of India, Completed.
- Development of water-compatible molecularly imprinted polymer based sensors for clinical analysis, DST, completed.
- Molecularly imprinted solid phase microextraction coupled with molecularly imprinted polymer based biomimetic sensor for dia of disease biomarkers, CSIR, completed.
- Novel solid sensors based on surface imprinted carbon nanotubes immobilized polymers for protein analysis, DST completed.
Awards/ Recognitions :
- R. D. Desai Memorial Medal (1989)
- Sanke-Gowda Research award (1990)
- International association of advanced materials (IAAM) medal (2011)
- Vice-chancellor award for excellent research (2014)
- Top-Ten recognition globally in area of sensor technology as per MIP-database
List of 10 major Publications: (in order of importance)
1. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Imprinting molecular recognition sites on multiwalled carbon nanotubes surface for electrochemical detection of insulin in real samples
2. Highly sensitive and selective hyphenated technique (molecularly imprinted polymer solid-phase microextraction-molecularly imprinted polymer sensor) for ultra trace analysis of aspartic acid enantiomers
3. Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Journal of Chromatography A, 1283 (2013) 9- 19
4. Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari, Doubly imprinted polymer nanofilm-modified electrochemical sensor for ultra trace simultaneous analysis of glyphosate and glufosinate. Bioensors and Bioelectronics 59 (2014) 81-88
5. Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Bhim Bali Prasad, An insulin monitoring device based on hyphenation between molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction and complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor, Journal of Chromatography A 1337 (2014) 22-31.
6. Bhim Bali Prasad∗, Darshika Jauhari, A dual-template biomimetic molecularly imprinted dendrimer-based piezoelectric sensor for ultratrace analysis of organochlorine pesticides, Sensors and Actuators B 207 (2015) 542-551
7. Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari, Mahavir P Tiwari, A dual-template imprinted polymer-modified carbon ceramic electrode for ultra trace simultaneous analysis of ascorbic acid and dopamine, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 50 (2013) 19-27
8. Bhim Bali Prasad, Indu Pandey, Molecularly imprinted polymer-based piezoelectric sensor for enantio-selective analysis of malic acid isomers, Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 596- 604
9. Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Quantum dots-multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanoconjugate-modified pencil graphite electrode for ultratrace analysis of haemoglobin in dilute human blood samples, Talanta 109 (2013) 52-60.
10. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Layer-by-layer assembled molecularly imprinted polymer modified silver electrode for enantioselective detection of D- and L-thyroxine Analytica Chimica Acta, 681 (2010) 16-26.
Additional Information/ Achievements:
Currently serving as coordinator of M.Sc. Forensic science
Full List of Publications:
1. L.M. Mukherjee and B.B. Prasad: Polarographic Study of the Redox Polymer Poly-p-Xylylviologen Dibromide in Water, J. Macromol. Sci. Chem., A16(7), 1263 (1981).
2. L.M. Mukhejee and B.B. Prasad: Quaternary Ammonium Polyelectrolyes: Solution Studies of Certain Systems, J. Macromol. Sci. Chem., A19(3), 357 (1983).
3.* B.B. Prasad: Polarographic Studies on Aqueous Solutions of poly-o-Xylylviologen Dibromide, J. Macromol. Sci. Chem., A22(1), 1 (1985). (Cited in WSSP).
4.* B.B. Prasad: Studies on the Polarographic Reduction Aqueous Solutions of poly-m-Xylyviologen Dibromide in Water, J. Macromol. Sci. Chem., A21, 1493 (1994). (Cited in WSSP).
5.* B.B. Prasad: Polarographic Behaviour of the Redox Dimer Diethylene Viologen Dibromide in water, Electrochim. Acta, 30, 597 (1985). (Cited in WSSP).
6. B.B. Prasad: Polarographic Behaviour of the Bolaform Electrolyte a,a�-Bis (4,4�-Bipyridinium)-p-Xylene Dibromide in Water, J. Electrochem. Soc. India, 35(3), 215-20 (1986).
7. B.B. Prasad: The Effect of Cadmium Ions on Polarographic Reduction of Poly[p-methylbenzyl viologen] Dibromide in Water, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 62, 1269 (1989).
8. S.K. Srivastava, D. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Studies on the Conductance of Potassium Alkyl Xanthates in Propylene Carbonate and Sulfolane, J. Electroanal. Chem., 252, 71-79 (1988).
9. B.B. Prasad, Anil Kumar, S. Easo and S. Sundd : Voltammetric Behaviour of the Bolaform Electrolyte a,a�-Bis (oxypyridinium)-p-xylene dibromide in 5% DMSO-Water Mixture, Ann. Chim (Rome), 83, 159 (1993).
10. B.B. Prasad, S. Easo and A. Kumar: Quaternary Ammonium Polyelectrolytes: Thermal Behaviour of Certain Systems. Polymer J. 26, 251 (1994) (The Society of Polymer Science, Japan).
11. B.B. Prasad, S. Easo and A. Kumar: Nitrogen-based Polyelectrolytes: Synthesis and Solvation Behaviour, Polymer 35, 2874 (1994) (Butterworth-Heinemann, U.K.).
12. B.B. Prasad, Anil Kumar, M.Singh and S. Singh: Electrolytic Conductivity of Crystal Violet-Based Quaternary Ammonium Polyelectrolytes in Propylene Carbonate and Sulfolane, J. Chem. Engg. Data, 40, 79 (1995) (American Chemical Society, USA).
13. Sonu Sundd, S.K. Prasad, A. Kumar and B.B. Prasad: Chelating Resin-Impregnated Paper Chromatography. Application to Trace Element Collection of Ferrous and Ferric Ions and Determination by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Talanta, 41, 1943 (1994) (Pergamon, U.K.)
14. B.B. Prasad, A Kumar and S. Sundd: Preparation, Characterisation and Performance of Silica gel-immobilised Poly[N-chloranil N,N,N�,N�-tetramethylethylenediammonium di-sulfosakucylate] for chromatographic separation of Heavy Metals, Reactive Polymer, 23, 229 (1994) (Elsevier Science B.V. The Netherlands).
15. B.B. Prasad and S. Sundd: A New Chelating Polyelectrolyte for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Metals Employing Resin-Impregnated Paper Chromatography and Determination by Differential Pulse Anodic Stipping Voltammetry, Chromatographia, 40, 571 (1995) (Vieweg Publishing, Germany).
16. B.B. Prasad and S. Sundd: Silica Gel-Bonded Cationic Polyelectrolyte with Ferron as Counterion. Application of Preconcentration or Elimination of Trace Metals, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 68(2), 1-7 (1995) (The Chem. Soc. Japan).
17. B.B. Prasad and S. Sundd: Evaluation of Metal Fractions in River Sediments and Waters: Application of Chelation Chromatography- Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Talanta, 42, 1395-1409 (1995) (Elsevier).
18. B.B. Prasad, M. Singh and S. Singh: N-chloranil and N-xylene Containing Polycations. Preparation and Solvation Characteristics. Polymer J., 27, 49 (1995) (The Society of Polymer Science, Japan).
19. B.B. Prasad and S. Singh: Voltammetric Behaviour of A Chloranil-tagged Oligomer in DMSO, Ann. Chim., 85, 289 (1995) (Societa� Chimica, Italiana).
20. B.B. Prasad and S. Singh: Voltammetric Studies of the Redox Polymer. Poly[4,4�-bipyridinium-1,1�-diylcarbonyl-2,5-thiophenediyl Dichloride] in DMSO, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67(11), 1-9 (1994).
21. A. Kumar, S. Easo, M. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Non-aqueous Solvation Behaviour of Some Nitrogen-Containing Polycationic Electrolytes I. Partial Molar Volumes in Propylene Carbonate and Sulfolane. Polymer (Elsevier Science, UK), 37 (2), 281 (1996) (American Chemical Society).
22. M. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Electrolytic Conductivity of N-Chloranil and N-Xylene Containing Polycations in DMF and DMSO. J. Chem. & Engg. Data, 41, 409 (1996). (American Chem. Soc. USA).
23. M. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Solvation of N-Chloranil and N-xylylene-Tagged Cationic Polyelectrolyte: Viscosity Measurements in Dimethylformamide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Indian J. Chemistry, 36, 565 (1997).
24. M. Singh, A. Kumar, S. Easo and B.B. Prasad: Electrolytic conductivity of crystal violet-based quaternary Ammonium Polyelectrolytes in DMF and DMSO, Candian J. Chem., 75, 414 (1997)
25. M. Singh, A. Kumar, S. Easo and B.B. Prasad: Solution of Certain N-based Polycationic Electrolytes: Viscosity Measurements in DMF and DMSO, J. Mol. Liq., 81, 147 (1999) (Elsevier).
26. M. Singh, A. Kumar and B.B. Prasad: Solvation of N-based Cationic Polyelectrolytes: Viscosity Studies in Propylene Carbonate and Sulfolane, Ind. J. Chem., 39A, 489 (2000).
27. D. Singh, K. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Determination of Some Sulpha Drugs with Potassium Ditellurato cuprate(III) in alkaline medium, Ind. J. Pharm Sci., 178 (1999).
28. R. Singh and B.B. Prasad: Trace Metal Analysis: Selective Sample (Cu II) Enrichment on AlgaSORB column, Process Biochemistry, 35, 897 (2000). (Elsevier Science, UK).
29. B.B. Prasad and S. Gupta: Extraction-Spectrophotometric determination of certain b-lactam Antibiotics with Methylene Blue, Ind. J. Pharm. Sci., 62, 261 (2000).
30. S. Gupta and B.B. Prasad: Determination of cefaclor by selective sample Enrichment/Clean-up on Silica gel Bonded Polyelectrolyte in Ion-Exchange Column Chromatography, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 23, 307 (2000).
31. S. Gupta and B.B. Prasad: Indirect Measurement of Cephalosporins and Penicillin at Hg electrode, Acta Pharm., 50, 83 (2000) (Croatian Pharm. Soc. Zagreb).
32. B.B. Prasad and U.C. Pandey: Separation and Preconcentration of Copper and Cadmium ion from multielemental solutions using Nostoc muscorum-based biosorbents, World J. Microbiology and Biotechnology, 16, 819 (2000) (Kluwer Acad., Netherlands).
33. B.B. Prasad and U.C. Pandey: Separation and preconcentration of lead from aquatic environment using microcystis-based adsorbent, Environmental Technology, 22, 771 (2001) (Selper Ltd., U.K.).
34. B.B. Prasad and S. Banerjee: Determination of diquat herbicide by selective enrichment by column chromatography on imprinted polymer immobilized on silica gel, Chromatographia, 55, 171 (2002) (Vieweg).
35. B.B. Prasad, S. Gupta and S. Banerjee: Voltammetric studies of an oxazolone derivative of cefaclor in aqueous buffers, Ind. J. Chem., 41A, 2025 (2002).
36. B.B. Prasad and B. Arora: Trace analysis of 1,10-phenanthroline-based herbicide in water and soil samples, Ann. Chim., 92, 1135 (2002) (Italy).
37. B.B. Prasad and B. Arora: Imprinted polymer modified HMDE for DPAdSV analysis of a diquat herbicide, Electroanalysis, 15, 108 (2003)(Wiley-VCH, Germany).
38. B.B. Prasad and B. Arora: Application of polymer-modified HMDE in the indirect determination of certain b-lactam antibiotics by differential pulse, Ion Exchange Voltammetry, Electroanalysis, 15, 1212 (2003) (Wiley-VCH, Germany).
39. B.B. Prasad and S. Banerjee: Preparation, Characterization and performance of a Silica gel bonded molecularly imprinted polymer for selective recognition and enrichment of b-lactam antibiotics, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 55, 159 (2003) (Elsevier Sciences).
40. B.B. Prasad, S. Banerjee and Dhana Lakshmi, Chelating resin immobilised sawdust packed chromatographic column application to separation and preconcentration of lead ion, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 87, 31 (2005) (Taylor and Francis J. Ltd. Germany).
41. B.B. Prasad, Dhana Lakshmi and R. Singh, Biosorptive separation of labile fractions of copper and lead from river sediments and evaluation by differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry, International J. Environmental and Pollution, 27, 179 (2004)(Inderscience).
42. B.B. Prasad and Dhana Lakshmi, Barbituric acid sensor on MIP-modified HMDE, Electroanalysis, 17, 1260 (2005) (Wiley-VCH, Germany).
43. D. Lakshmi, P.S. Sharma and B.B. Prasad, Development of uric acid sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer-modified HMDE, Electroanalysis, 18, 918 (2006).
44. B.B. Prasad, S. Banerjee and D. Lakshmi, An AlgaSORB column for quantitative sorption of arsenic from water sample, Water Qual. Res. J. Canada, 41, 190 (2006).
45. D. Lakshmi, B.B. Prasad and P.S. Sharma, Creatinine Sensor based on a MIP-modified HMDE, Talanta 70 (2006) 272-280.
49. B.B. Prasad: Solution studies of bolaform electrolyte, -bis (4,4-bipyridinium) p-xylene dibromide in water, Vij. Parisad Anu Patrika, 32, 9 (1989).
50. B.B. Prasad and S. Gupta, Indirect measurement of cefaclor by differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry, ANACON (Mumbai)-042 (1998).
51. Imprinted polymer-modified hanging mercury drop electrode for differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetric analysis of creatine, Dhana Lakshmi, Piyush Sindhu Sharma and Bhim Bali Prasad, Biosens. Bioelectron, 22, 3302 (2007).
52. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based solid-phase extraction combined with molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor for detection of uric acid, Bhim Bali Prasad, Piyush Sindhu Sharma and Dhana Lakshmi, J. Chromatogr. A, 1173, 18 (2007).
53. Highly sensitive and selective detection of creatinine by combined use of MISPE and a complementary MIP-sensor, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Dhana Lakshmi and Bhim Bali Prasad, Chromatographia, 65, 419 (2007).
54. Molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction combined with molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor: a diagnostic tool applicable to creatine deficiency syndrome, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Dhana Lakshmi and Bhim Bali Prasad, Biomed. Chromatogr., 21, 976 (2007).
55. Voltammetric sensor for barbituric acid based on a sol-gel derivated molecularly imprinted polymer brush grafted to graphite electrode, Amit Kumar Patel, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Bhim Bali Prasad, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 371 (2009) 47-55.
56. Development of a Creatinine Sensor Based on a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Modified Sol-Gel Film on Graphite Electrode, Amit Kumar Patel, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Bhim Bali Prasad, Electroanalysis 20 (2008) 2102 - 2112.
57. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based solid-phase microextraction fiber coupled with molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor for ultratrace analysis of ascorbic acid Bhim Bali Prasad, Khushaboo Tiwari, Meenakshi Singh, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Amit Kumar Patel, Shrinkhala Srivastava, Journal of Chromatography A, 1198-1199 (2008) 59-66.
58. Zwitterionic molecularly imprinted polymer-based solid-phase micro-extraction coupled with molecularly imprinted polymer sensor for ultratrace sensing of L-histidine, Bhim Bali Prasad, Khushaboo Tiwari, Meenakshi Singh, Piyush S. Sharma, Amit K. Patel, Shrinkhala Srivastava, J. Sep. Sci. 2009, 32, 1096 - 1105.
59. Ultratrace analysis of uracil and 5-fluorouracil by molecularly imprinted polymer brushes grafted to silylated solid-phase microextraction fiber in combination with complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor, Bhim Bali Prasad, Khushaboo Tiwari, Meenakshi Singh, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Amit Kumar Patel and Shrinkhala Srivastava, Biomed. Chromatogr. 2009; 23: 499-509.
60. Ultratrace Analysis of Dopamine Using a Combination of Imprinted Polymer-Brush Coated SPME and Imprinted Polymer Sensor Techniques, Bhim Bali Prasad, Khushaboo Tiwari, Meenakshi Singh, Piyush S. Sharma, Amit K. Patel, Shrinkhala Srivastava, Chromatographia 2009, 69, 949-957.
61. Electrochemical sensor for uric acid based on a molecularly imprinted polymer brush grafted to tetraethoxysilane derived sol-gel thin film graphite electrode, A.K. Patel, P.S. Sharma, B.B. Prasad, Materials Science and Engineering C 29 (2009) 1545-1553.
62. Ascorbic acid sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer-modified hanging mercury drop electrode, B.B. Prasad, S. Srivastava, K. Tiwari, P.S. Sharma, Materials Science and Engineering C 29 (2009) 1082-1087.
63. Trace-level sensing of dopamine in real samples using molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor, Bhim Bali Prasad, Shrinkhala Srivastava, Khushaboo Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Biochemical Engineering Journal 44 (2009) 232-239.
64. A new zwitterionic imprinted polymer sensor using ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and chloranil precursors for the trace analysis of L-histidine, B.B. Prasad, S. Srivastava, K. Tiwari, P.S. Sharma, Materials Science and Engineering C 29 (2009) 1781-1789.
65. Development of uracil and 5-fluorouracil sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymer-modified hanging mercury drop electrode, Bhim Bali Prasad, Shrinkhala srivastava, Khushaboo tiwari, and Piyush sindhu sharma, Sensors and materials, 21 (2009) 291-306.
66. Amit Kumar Patel, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Bhim Bali Prasad, Trace-level sensing of creatine in real sample using a zwitterionic molecularly imprinted polymer brush grafted to sol-gel modified graphite electrode
Thin Solid Films 518 (2010) 2847-2855.
67. D Lakshmi, M J Whitcombe, F. Davis,P.S.Sharma, Bhim Bali Prasad, Electroanalytical Detection of uric acid in mixed and clinical samples: A Review, Electroanalysis, 22 (2) 1-16 2010.
68. Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Madhuri, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Development of a highly sensitive and selective hyphenated technique (molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction fiber-molecularly imprinted polymer fiber sensor) for ultra trace analysis of folic acid
Analytica Chimica Acta, 662 (2010) 14-22.
70. Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Madhuri, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Enatioselective quantitative separation of D- and L-thyroxine by molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction silver fiber coupled with complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor
Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010) 4255-4266.
71. Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Madhuri, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Enantioselective separation and electrochemical sensing of D- and L-tryptophan at ultratrace level using molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction fiber coupled with complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-fiber sensor
Journal of Chromatography B, 879 (2011) 364-370.
72. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Layer-by-layer assembled molecularly imprinted polymer modified silver electrode for enantioselective detection of D- and L-thyroxine
Analytica Chimica Acta, 681 (2010) 16-26.
73. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Imprinted polymer-carbon consolidated composite fiber sensor for substrate-selective electrochemical sensing of folic acid
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25 (2010) 2140-2148.
74. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Imprinting molecular recognition sites on multiwalled carbon nanotubes surface for electrochemical detection of insulin in real samples
Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 9146-9156.
75. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Electrochemical sensor for folic acid based on a hyperbranched molecularly imprinted polymer-immobilized sol-gel-modified pencil graphite electrode
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 146 (2010) 321-330.
76. Bhim Bali Prasad, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Enantioselective recognition of D- and L-tryptophan by imprinted polymer-carbon composite fiber sensor
Talanta, 81 (2010) 187-196.
77. Bhim Bali Prasad, Deepak Kumar, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Sol-gel derived multiwalled carbon nanotubes ceramic electrode modified with molecularly imprinted polymer for ultra trace sensing of dopamine in real samples
Electrochimica Acta, 56 (2011) 7202-7211.
78. Bhim Bali Prasad, Deepak Kumar, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Ascorbic acid imprinted polymer-modified graphite electrode: A diagnostic sensor for hypovitaminosis C at ultra trace ascorbic acid level
Sensors and Actuators B 160 (2011) 418- 427.
79. Bhim Bali Prasad, Deepak Kumar, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Metal ion mediated imprinting for electrochemical enantioselective sensing of l-histidine at trace level
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 28 (2011) 117- 126.
80. Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Maduri, Deepak Kumar, Darshika Jauhari, Bhim Bali Prasad, Double imprinting in a single molecularly imprinted polymer format for the determination of ascorbic acid and dopamine
Advanced Materials Letters, 2 (4), 2011, 276-280.
81. Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Deepak Kumar, Aparna Mukherji, Bhim Bali Prasad, Biomimetic piezoelectric quartz sensor for folic acid based on a molecular imprinting technology
Advanced Materials Letters, 2 (4), 2011, 264-267.
82. Deepak Kumar, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Pankhuri Sinha, Bhim Bali Prasad, Molecularly imprinted polymer-modified electrochemical sensor for simultaneous determination of copper and zinc
Advanced Materials Letters, 2 (4), 2011, 294-297.
83. Bhim Bali Prasad, Garima Rai,
Study on monomer suitability toward the template in molecularly imprinted polymer: An ab initio approach
Spectrochimica Acta Part A 88 (2012) 82- 89.
84. Bhim Bali Prasad, Deepak Kumar, Rashmi Madhuri, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Nonhydrolytic sol-gel derived imprinted polymer-multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite fiber sensors for electrochemical sensing of uracil and 5-fluorouracil
Electrochimica Acta 71 (2012) 106- 115.
85. Deepak Kumar, Bhim Bali Prasad,
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes embedded molecularly imprinted polymer modified screen printed carbon electrode for the quantitative analysis of C-reactive protein
Sensors and Actuators B, 171-172 (2012) 1141-1150.
86. Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Molecularly imprinted nanomaterial-based highly sensitive and selective medical devices (book chapter)
Biomedical Materials and Diagnostic Devices, pg. 337-390, 2012, Scrivener Publishing LLC.
87. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes-ceramic electrode modified with substrate-selective imprinted polymer for ultra-trace detection of bovine serum albumin
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 39 (2013) 236-243.
88. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes-based pencil graphite electrode modified with an electrosynthesized molecularly imprinted nanofilm for electrochemical sensing of methionine enantiomers
Bhim Bali Prasad, Indu Pandey, Amrita Srivastava, Deepak Kumar, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 176 (2013) 863-874.
89. Electrochemically grown imprinted polybenzidine nanofilm on multiwalled carbon nanotubes anchored pencil graphite fibers for enantioselective micro-solid phase extraction coupled with ultratrace sensing of D- and L-methionine
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Indu Pandey, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Journal of Chromatography B 912 (2013) 65-74.
90. Electrochemically imprinted molecular recognition sites on multiwalled carbon-nanotubes/pencil graphite electrode surface for enantioselective detection of D- and L-aspartic acid
Bhim Bali Prasad, Indu Pandey
Electrochimica Acta 88 (2013) 24- 34.
91. Highly selective and sensitive analysis of dopamine by molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction technique coupled with complementary molecularly imprinted polymer sensor
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Mahavir P Tiwari,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 396 (2013) 234-241
92. Molecular structure, vibrational spectra and quantum chemical MP2/DFT studies toward the rational design of hydroxyurea imprinted polymer
Bhim Bali Prasad, Garima Rai
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 105 (2013) 400-411.
93. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes bearing 'terminal monomeric unit' for the fabrication of epinephrine imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensor
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Madhuri
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 45 (2013) 114-122
94. Quantum dots-multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanoconjugate-modified pencil graphite electrode for ultratrace analysis of haemoglobin in dilute human blood samples
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari,
Talanta 109 (2013) 52-60.
95. Highly sensitive and selective hyphenated technique (molecularly imprinted polymer solid-phase microextraction-molecularly imprinted polymer sensor) for ultra trace analysis of aspartic acid enantiomers
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Journal of Chromatography A, 1283 (2013) 9- 19
96. Highly selective and sensitive analysis of γ-aminobutyric acid using a new molecularly imprinted polymer modified at the surface of abrasively immobilized multi-walled carbon nanotubes on pencil graphite electrode
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Electrochimica Acta 102 (2013) 400-408.
97. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based piezoelectric sensor for enantio-selective analysis of malic acid isomers
Bhim Bali Prasad, Indu Pandey
Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 596- 604
98. Molecularly imprinted polymer-matrix nanocomposite for enantioselective electrochemical sensing of D- and L-aspartic acid
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (2013) 4071-4080
99. A dual-template imprinted polymer-modified carbon ceramic electrode for ultra trace simultaneous analysis of ascorbic acid and dopamine
Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari, Mahavir P Tiwari,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 50 (2013) 19-27
100. Metal incorporated molecularly imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensor for enantio-selective analysis of pyroglutamic acid isomers
Bhim Bali Prasad, Indu Pandey
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 186 (2013) 407-416
101. Electrochemical Detection of Uric Acid in Mixed and Clinical Samples: A Review Dhana Lakshmi, Michael J. Whitcombe, Frank Davis, Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Bhim Bali Prasad
Electroanalysis 01/2011; 23(2):305 - 320. � 2.87
102. Substrate-selective imprinted polymer based ceramic electrode sensor for bovine serum albumine. Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Bhim Bali Prasad.
AIP conf.Proc.1536 (2013) 1167-1168; doi: 10.1063/1.4810653
103. Molecularly imprinted micro solid-phase extraction technique coupled with complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor for ultra trace analysis of epinephrine in real samples.
Bhim Bali Prasad, Amrita Srivastava, Amrita Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces 113 (2014) 69-76
104. A dual-ion imprinted polymer embedded in sol-gel matrix for the ultra trace simultaneous analysis of cadmium and copper.
Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari, Archana Verma
Talanta 120 (2014) 398-407
105. An insulin monitoring device based on hyphenation between molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction and complementary molecularly imprinted polymer-sensor
Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Bhim Bali Prasad.
Journal of Chromatography A 1337 (2014) 22-31
106. Doubly imprinted polymer nanofilm-modified electrochemical sensor for ultra trace simultaneous analysis of glyphosate and glufosinate.
Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari
Bioensors and Bioelectronics 59 (2014) 81-88
107. A dual-template biomimetic molecularly imprinted dendrimer-based piezoelectric sensor for ultratrace analysis of organochlorine pesticides
Bhim Bali Prasad, Darshika Jauhari
Sensors and Actuators B 207 (2015) 542-551
1. A novel molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) preparation and a process for determination of barbituric acid using the same MIP-based sorbent, Name of Inventors: Bhim Bali Prasad, Dhana Lakshmi and Piyush Sindhu Sharma, Indian Patent No. 215355.
2. Applied in Indian Patent
Novel insulin monitoring device based on hyphenation between molecularly imprinted micro-solid phase extraction-silica-fiber and complementary molecularly imprinted polymer sensor techniques
Name of Inventors: Deepak Kumar, Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari, Rashmi Madhuri, Application No. 592/KOL/2010.
3. Applied in Indian Patent
Novel doubly imprinted polymeric nanofilm-modified electrochemical sensing
probe for ultra trace simultaneous analysis of glyphosate and glufosinate
Name of Inventors: Darshika Jauhari, Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari. Application No. 2637/Del/2013.
Bhim Bali Prasad, Mahavir Prasad Tiwari
Molecularly imprinted nanomaterial-based highly sensitive and selective medical devices (book chapter)
Biomedical Materials and Diagnostic Devices, pg. 337-390, 2012, Scrivener Publishing LLC.
List of Projects implemented:
1. Chelating polyelectrolytes: Application to chemical speciation, UGC (minor), Completed.
2. Task force on sewage gas and treatment plant, Ministry of Energy, Govt. of India, Completed.
3. Development of water-compatible molecularly imprinted polymer based sensors for clinical analysis, DST, completed.
4. Molecularly imprinted solid phase microextraction coupled with molecularly imprinted polymer based biomimetic sensor for diagnosis of disease biomarkers, CSIR, ( completed)