Dr.Ram Lakhan Prasad

Associate Professor
Ph D (BHU)
Tel. +91-542-6702487(O) Mo.+91-9450542283; Fax:+91-542-2368127
Email Id: [email protected]
Employee No.

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
3.Ph. D.BHU1984
3.Post-Doctoral WorkBHU1984-1990
Area of specialization/awards/achievements: Inorganic Chemistry
Broad - Coordination Polymers
Specific- Conjugated Conducting polymers
Any additional information:

Administrative position held :

  1. At NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunanchal PradeshChairman, NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE-99).
  2. Chairman, NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE-99).
  3. Head, Department of Chemistry fro 13th Nov. 98 to 12th Feb. 2001.
  4. Chairman, NERIST Helath Unit (NHU) from 2nd Jan. 2002 to 9th July 2004
  5. Warden, Brocha Hostel, BHU from July 2004 to July 2006

Other Relevent IOnformation :

  1. Life member of "Chemical Research Society"
  2. Collaboration with Prof. Lahcene Quahab, Laboratory de Chimie du solid et Inorganique Molecularie UMR 6511, CNRS-Universite de Rennes 1, FRANCE
  3. Collaboration with Prof. Arnold L. Rheingold, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, USA.