Dr.(Mrs) Ranjana Shahni Khanna

Associate Professor
Ph.D (Pune Univ.)
+91-542-6702484(O), +91-542-2369268 (R), +91-9450710446
Email Id: [email protected]
Employee No.

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
3.Ph. D.Pune1976
Area of specialization/awards/achievements: (Broad) : Organic Chemistry, (Specific) : Bio-organic
Current Research Projects:
S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1Passivity and pitting of alloys in organic solutions3 yearsC.S.I.R.10,00,000.00
Any additional information:

Administrative position held :

  1. Administrative Warden Joyti Kunj Hostel BHU from 14.03.1991-30.08.1993.
  2. Worked as Warden Joyti Kunj Hostel, from May, 1988-1991

No. of Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/Workshops attended :

  1. Symposium on Chemistry of natural Products, New Delhi, 1972.
  2. Recent developments in Coordination Chemistry and catalysis, BHU, 1984.
  3. Recent trends in heterocyclic Chemistry, BHU, 1986.
  4. Indian Chemical Society, varanasi Chapter, BHU, 1993.
  5. Structural property and relationship in Chemistry, BHU, 1998.
  6. High Resolution Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry, BHU, 1999.
  7. National Symposium on Chemical Synthesis and reactivity, BHU, 2000.
  8. National Symposium on organic synthesis: Retrospects and prospects, BHU, 2001.

Full List of Publications:

  1. P.D. Gokhale, A.P. Joshi, Ranjana Sahni, V.G. Naik, N.P. Damodran, U.R. Nayak and Sukh Dev: Photochemical Transformation ? I Reaction of some terpene iodides. Tetrahedron 32, 1391-1393, 1976.
  2. K.M. Saplay, Ranjana Sahni, N.P. Damodran, and Sukh Dev: Photochemical Transformation ? II: Organic Iodides II: Cintronellyl Iodide, 2-3 dihydro 6(z) Famesyl and 2,3 ? dihydro-6 (E) Famesyl Iodes.Tetrahedron 36, 1445-1461, 1980.
  3. P.D. Gokhale, A.P. Joshi, Ranjana Sahni, V.G. Naik, N.P. Damodran: Photochemistry of Citronellyl Iodide Proc. International Symposium on chemistry of Natural products C-88, 1972.
  4. H.D. Khanna, S. Singh, G. Agarwal, R. Khanna, L.P. Singh, Ranjana Khanna, and S. Khanna: Intranuclear estrogen receptor status and its clinicopathological correlation in breast cancer patients. Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics. USA, 15. 141-149, 1996.
  5. H.D. Khanna, S. Gupta and Ranjana Khanna: Cellular DNA content in breast carcinoma tissues and its clinical correlation Quart J. Surgical Sciences, 30-32, 125-130, 1996.
  6. H.D. Khanna, and Ranjana Khanna: Cellular DNA content of human breast tumours by a simple, rapid and sensitive DNA assay procedure. Biomedicine, 17 (2 &3), 111-114, 1997.
  7. H.D. Khanna, I.S. Gambhir and Ranjana Khanna: Heamorheological parameters in cerebrovasular Ischemia patients and healthy individuals. Biomedicine. 18 (3). 177-182. 1998.
  8. S. Chaturvedi, S. Singh, H.D. Khanna, S. Khanna and Ranjana Khanna: Cellular DNA content and its correlation with histopathological prognostic prarameters in carcinoma of the breast. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 41 (3), 337 ? 342. 1998.
  9. H.D. Khanna, I.S. Gambhir and Ranjana Khanna: Heamorheological alterations in patients with stroke and diabetes. Quart. Journal of Surgical Sciences. 34 (3/4). 97-101, 1998.
  10. R. Tandon, D. Behl, R. Khanna, H.D. Khanna; Evaluation of oxidative stress in Leukaemia, Indian Journal of medical and Paediatric Oncology 22, No. 3, 4, 28-30, Sep. ? Dec. 2001.
  11. H.D. Khanna, S.S. Dubey, Ranjana Khanna and J.K. Mishra: Serum Malondiadehyde and lipid profile in bronchial asthma. Biomedicine 22, (No. 3 & 4), 43-48, 2002.
  12. R. Tandon, D. Behl, R. Khanna and H.D. Khanna: A study of oxidative stress in leukemia. Journal of Internal Medicine of India 5 (4), 173-195, 2002.
  13. Tandon R, Khanna HD, Dorababu M, and Goel RK: Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma, Indian Journal of Physiol Pharmacol 48 (1), 115-118, 2004
  14. Tandon R, Sinha MK, Garg H, Khanna R and Khanna HD. Oxidative stress in essential Hypertension. The National Medical Journal of India 2005; 18 (6), 001-003
  15. R. Tandon, N. Mukherjee, V.K. Dixit, R. Khanna and H.D. Khanna: Lipid peroxidation in peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma. Indian Journal Physiol Pharmacology. 2006; 50 (1), 83-86
  16. R. Tandon, Avinash Singh, D. Agarwal, R. Khanna and H.D. Khanna; Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in Lung cancer: Cancer Detection and Prevention, USA (Revised manuscript submitted in October 2003).
  17. R. Tandon, M. Aslam, U.P. Sahi, R. Khanna, H.D. Khanna: Lipid peroxide levels in Leukaemia, lymphoma and in patients of Head and neck cancer. Annals National Academy of Medical Sciences (In communication).
  18. Pankaj Srivastava, M. Sahu, R. Khanna and H.D. Khanna: Evaluation of oxidative stress status following polyherbal formulation therapy in patients of cholelithiasis with choledocholithiasis. Ancient Science of Life (in communication).