Dr. Arun Deo Singh

Ph.D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel.+91-542-2366070,Fax: +91-542-2368390
Email Id: [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.(Hons.) Banaras Hindu University 1982
2.M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University1985
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1990
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Area of Research Specialization: Evolution of ocean and climate (Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology), Marine Micropaleontology, Oceanic biostratigraphy.
Major themes of our current research programmes:- (1) Major Themes of on-going research programs. (1) Understanding Global ocean-climate change and role of oceans in driving climate variability based on multiproxy approach. (2) Understanding South Asian Monsoon variability and rapid climate change; its atmospheric- oceanic tele-connections with high latitude climatic perturbations, and low-latitude climate components ( NAO, ENSO, IOD etc). (3) Spatio �temporal changes of carbonate production, accumulation and dissolution in Arabian Sea and their implications to deep ocean circulation and climate change. (4) Impact of climate change on marine biota particularly in the oxygen minimum zone (eg. Arabian Sea). (5) Evolution of Ocean gateways and its impact on ocean circulation and climate change. Teaching Interest Micropaleontology, Oceanography, Stratigraphy, Marine Geology, Paleoclimatology, Petroleum Geology. Ph. D Thesis Guided ( at BHU, in last 4 years ) : one

  • As a Graduate Student
    1. Recipient of Master Nandlal Sharma Dhanbad Memorial Medal, BHU,1982
    2. Recipient of Merit Certificate with cash prize, BHU, 1982
    3. Recipient of Merit Certificate with cash prize, BHU, 1981
    4. Recipient of Merit Certificate with cash prize, BHU, 1980
  • As a Professional (Research and Teaching)
    1. Member, International scientific team of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 355 on Arabian Sea Monsoon, 2015.
    2. Member, International scientific team of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 3339 on Mediterranean Outflow, 2011-12.
    3. Participating scientist in the IODP 339 Mediterranean Outflow Expedition (November 2011 to January, 2012).
    4. The Geological Society of India felicitated during its Golden Jubilee Function at Bangalore, 2008, in recognition of contributions made in the field of Earth Sciences
    5. Awarded Visiting Scientist Fellowship by the Royal Society London and DST, New Delhi (India-UK Science Netwok), 2006
    6. Awarded Commonwealth Fellowship, 2000-01
    7. Recipient of the JGSI-Radhakrishna Prize for the best paper publication in the Journal of Geological Society of India during 1998.
    8. Awarded Visiting Scientist Fellowship of INSA-DFG programme, 1996-97.
    9. Member, CLIP (Climates of the Past) IUGS-UNESCO joint programme �Earth Processes in Global change (EPGC), 1995-96
    10. Member, National Executive Committee of Society of Earth Scientists. Honorary Member, Research Board of Advisors, The American Biographical Institute, USA
    11. Member, National Working Group on Paleoclimate Change (The Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO).
    12. Shipboard Scientist in several Indian Ocean Sagar Kanya/Sagar Sampada National/ International Expeditions.
    13. Member, Board of Studies, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin, 2015-2019.
    14. Member Expert, Board of Studies, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, Faizabad, 2014-2017.
    15. Member, Board of Studies in Earth Science (PG), Pondicherry University, 2013-16.
    16. Member, Board of Studies in Geology, Vikram University, 2010 till date.
    17. Expert Member, Research Degree Committee, Awadesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa, 2011.
Current Research Projects:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. Monsoon variability in the southeastern Arabian Sea dyring the last glacial and Holocene periods based on high resolution foraminiferal and pteropod records (as Principal Investigator) 2009- 2012 ISRO-GBP15,43,000.00
2.Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) paleoceanography and its impact on global climate during the last 3 M.y (as Principal Investigator). 2013-2016IODP-India (NCAOR Goa) Ministry Earth of Sciences, New Delhi 8,17,000.00
3. Biogeochemical Process and Paleoceanographic Studies of the Eastern Indian Ocean. in Collaborations with NIO, Goa and Calcutta University (as Co- Principal Investigator) 2015-2020Ministry of Earth Sciences New Delhi3,05,00,000.00 (33,95,000.00 only as BHU Component)

List of 10 major Publications:
  1. A.D. Singh, K. Verma, S. Jaisawal, M. Alonso-Garcia, B. Li and F. Abrantes, 2015. Planktic foraminiferal responses to orbital scale oceanographic chages off the western Iberian margin since the MPR: Results from the IODP site U1391. Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 135, 47-56.
  2. A.D. Singh, A.K. Rai, M. Tiwari, P.D. Naidu, K. Verma, M. Chaturvedi, A. Niyogi and D. Pandey, 2015. Fluctuations of the Mediterranean Outflow Water circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz during the MIS 5 to 7: Evidences from benthic foraminiferal assemblage and stable isotope records. Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 133, 125-140. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.08.005.
  3. F.J. Hernandez-Molina, D.A.V. Stow, C.A. Zarikian, G. Acton, A. Bahr, B., Balestra, E. Ducassou, R. Flood, J.-A. Flores, S. Furota, P. Grunert, D. Hodell, F. Jimenez-Espejo, J.K. Kim, L. Krissek, J. Kuroda, B. Li, E. Llave, J. Lofi, L. Lourens, M. Miller, F. Nanayama, N. Nishida, C. Richter, C. Roque, H. Pereira, M.F.S. Goni, F.J. Sierro, A.D. Singh, C. Sloss, Y. Takashimizu, A. Tzanova, A. Voelker, T. Williams and C. Xuan, 2014. Onset of Mediterranean Outflow into the North Atlantic. Science, USA, 344, 1244-1250.
  4. P.D. Naidu, A.D. Singh, R. Ganeshram and S.K. Bharti, 2014. Abrupt climate-induced changes in carbonate burial in the Arabian Sea: Causes and consequences. Geochemistry, Geophysices, Geosystems, AGU, USA, DOI: 10.1002/2013GC005065.
  5. Singh, A. D., Jung, S. J. A., Darling, K., Ganeshram, R., Ivanochko, T. and Kroon, D., 2011. Productivity collapses in the Arabian Sea during glacial cold phases. Paleoceanography, AGU, USA, 26, PA3210, doi:1029/2009PA001923.
  6. Singh, A. D. and Conan, S. M., 2008. Aragonite pteropod flux to the Somali Basin, N WArabian Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I, Elsevier, 55, 661-669.
  7. Anand, P., Kroon, D., Singh, A. D., Ganeshram, R., Ganssen, G., and Elderfield, H., 2008. Coupled seasurface-seawater d18O reconstructions in the Arabian Sea at the millennial scale for the last 35 ka. Paleoceanography, AGU, USA, 23, PA4207, doi:10.1029/2007PA001564.
  8. Singh, A. D., Kroon, D. and Ganeshram, R., 2006. Productivity and OMZ intensity variation in the eastern Arabian Sea at the millennial scale. Special issue on Holocene Indian Monsoon, J.Geological Society of India, Springer, 68, 369-377.
  9. Singh, A. D., Nisha, N.R. and Joydas, T. V., 2005. Distribution patterns of Recent pteropods in surface sediments of the western continental shelf of India. Journal of Micropaleontology, UK, 23,1-16.
  10. Ivanova, I., Schiebel, R., Singh, A. D., Schmiedl, G., Niebler, H. S., and Hemleben, Ch., 2003. Primery productivity in the Arabian Sea during the Last 135,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier, 197, 61-82.

Additional Information and Achievements::

  1. Established a state of art Micropaleontology Laboratory in the Department of Marine Geology, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin.
  2. Initiated high-resolution studies (on millennial to centennial scale) on the Quaternary oceanography and climate at the Banaras Hindu University.
  3. Took a lead in formulating a international multi-institutional drilling proposal on Arabian Sea OMZ submitted to the IODP. Co proponents of other international IODP proposals from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
  4. Co-convener of the technical sessions in International Conferences: PAGES � 4th Open Science Meeting Goa, Goa, Feb. 2013 and XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan, 27 July � 2 August, 2015.
  5. Reviewer of research articles published in International and National journals including Quaternary Science Reviews Elsevier; Journal of Geophysical Research AGU, Wiley; The Holocene Elsevier; Quaternary Research Elsevier; Geoscience Frontiers, Elsevier; Paleo-3 Elsevier; Journal of the Geological Society, London; Quaternary International and several open Access journals, Jour. Geol. Soc. India, Springer; Current Science; Journal of Earth System Science, Springer; Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, CSIR; E-Journal Earth Science India .
  6. Reviewer of research projects funded by various government organizations like Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, Department of Ocean Development, Ministry of Earth Science (MoES) etc.
  7. Fellow of Geological Society of India; Member, Geological Mining & Metallurgical Society, India, Member, Indian Geophysical Union; Life Member, Paleontological Society of India.
  8. Reviewer of research articles published in International and National journals including Jour. Geological Society London, Quaternary International, Gondwana Geological Magazine, Current Science, Jour. Geological Society India, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, E-Journal Earth science Indian and conferences/seminar volumes.
  9. Reviewer of research projects funded by various government organizations like Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, Department of Ocean Development etc.
  10. Expert member, Board of Research studies for Geology/Applied Geology of several Indian Universities.
  11. Fellow of Geological Society of India, Geological Mining & Metallurgical Society, India, Indian Geophysical Union, India.
  12. Fellow of Geological Society of India, Geological Mining & Metallurgical Society, India, Indian Geophysical Union, India
  13. Delivered several invited lectures at seminar/ conferences/ brain storming sessions/ workshops/ refresher corses etc focusing on past climate/ monsoon changes on regional and global scales, organized by University/ Institutions like Cochin university, Mangalore University, Bangalore University, Hyderabad University, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivendrum, National Institute of Oceanography, University of Madras, Pondicherry University, Andhra University, Vikram University, Nainital University, Lucknow University, Jammu University, Banaras Hindu University etc.
  14. Chaired Technical Sessions in several Conferences/seminars on micropaleontology, paleoceanography and paleoclimate organized by various institutions/universities including International conferences.
  15. Chaired Technical Sessions in several Conferences/seminars on micropaleontology, paleoceanography and paleoclimate organized by various institutions/universities including International conferences.

Full List of Publications:

  1. A.D. Singh, K. Verma, S. Jaisawal, M. Alonso-Garcia, B. Li and F. Abrantes, 2015. Planktic foraminiferal responses to orbital scale oceanographic chages off the western Iberian margin since the MPR: Results from the IODP site U1391. Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 135, 47-56.
  2. A.D. Singh, A.K. Rai, M. Tiwari, P.D. Naidu, K. Verma, M. Chaturvedi, A. Niyogi and D. Pandey, 2015. Fluctuations of the Mediterranean Outflow Water circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz during the MIS 5 to 7: Evidences from benthic foraminiferal assemblage and stable isotope records. Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 133, 125-140. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.08.005.
  3. D. Hodell, L. Lourens, S. Crowhrust, T. Konijnendijk, R. Tjallingii, F. Jimenez-Espejo, L. Skinner, P.C. Tzedakis and the Shackleton Site Project members (including A.D. Singh), 2015. A reference time scale for Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian margin. Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 133, 49-64.
  4. R. Kar, R. Bajpai and A.D. Singh, 2015. Modern pollen assemblages for Hamtah and Chhatru glacier, Lahaul-Spiti, India: Implications for pollen-vegetation relationship in a alpine arid region of western Himalyaya. Quaternary International, Elsevier. 371, 102-110.
  5. A.D. Singh, A.K. Rai, K. Verma and S. Das, 2015. Benthic foraminiferal diversity response to the climate induced changes in the eastern Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone during the last 30 ka BP. Quaternary International, Elsevier, 374, 118-125.
  6. E. Cabarcos, J.A. Flores, A.D. Singh and F. J. Sierro, 2014. Monsoonal dynamics and evolution of the primary productivity in the eastern Arabian Sea over the past 30 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier, 411, 249-256. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.07.006.
  7. F.J. Hernandez-Molina, D.A.V. Stow, C.A. Zarikian, G. Acton, A. Bahr, B., Balestra, E. Ducassou, R. Flood, J.-A. Flores, S. Furota, P. Grunert, D. Hodell, F. Jimenez-Espejo, J.K. Kim, L. Krissek, J. Kuroda, B. Li, E. Llave, J. Lofi, L. Lourens, M. Miller, F. Nanayama, N. Nishida, C. Richter, C. Roque, H. Pereira, M.F.S. Goni, F.J. Sierro, A.D. Singh, C. Sloss, Y. Takashimizu, A. Tzanova, A. Voelker, T. Williams and C. Xuan, 2014. Onset of Mediterranean Outflow into the North Atlantic. Science, USA, 344, 1244-1250.
  8. P.D. Naidu, A.D. Singh, R. Ganeshram and S.K. Bharti, 2014. Abrupt climate-induced changes in carbonate burial in the Arabian Sea: Causes and consequences. Geochemistry, Geophysices, Geosystems, AGU, USA, DOI: 10.1002/2013GC005065
  9. A.D. Singh and K. Verma, 2014. Miocene planktic foraminifera from the northern Indian Ocean. J. Paleontological Society of India, 5, 111-119.
  10. J. Dorador, F. J. Rodrigue-Tovar, and IODP Expedition 339 Scientists (including A. D. Singh), 2014. Quantitative estimation of bioturbation based on digital image analysis. Marine Geology, doi: 10.1026/j.margeo.2014.01.003.
  11. F.J. Hernandez-Molina, D.A.V. Stow, C. Alvarez-Zarikian and Expedition 339 Scientists (including A. D. Singh), 2013. IODP Expedition 339 in the Gulf of Cadiz and off West Iberia: Decoding the environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global implication. Scientific Drilling, 16, 1-11, doi:10.5194/sd-16-1-2013.
  12. D. Hodell, L. Lourens, D.A.V. Stow, F.J. Hernandez-Molina, C. Alvarez-Zarikian and the Shackleton Site Project Members (including A.D. Singh), 2013. The �Shackleton Site� (IODP Site U1385) on the Iberian margin. Scientific Drilling, 16, 13-19, doi:10.5194/sd-16-13-2013.
  13. J. Dorador, F.J. Rodrigue-Tovar, and IODP Expedition 339 Scientists (including A. D. Singh), 2013. Digital image treatment applied to ichnological analysis of marine core sediments. Facies, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, DOI 10.1007/s10347-013-0383-z.
  14. S.K. Bharti and A.D. Singh, 2013. Bulimina arabiensis, a new species of benthic foraminifera from the Arabian Sea. J. Foraminiferal Research, The Cushman Foundation for foraminiferal Research USA, v. 43, 3, 255 � 261, doi:10.2113/gsjfr.43.3.255.
  15. N. Khonde, D.M. Maurya, A.D. Singh, A. Das and L.S. Chamyal, 2013. Sediment characteristics and foraminiferal distribution in the Bet zone of the Great Rann of Kachchh, western India. Special Publication J. Geological Society of India Spl. Publ., Springer, no.1, 224-239.
  16. N.R. Nisha and A.D. Singh, 2012. Benthic foraminiferal biofacies on the shelf-Upper continental slope off North Kerala (Southwest India). J. Geological Society of India, Springer, 80, 783-801.
  17. V. Sharma and A.D. Singh, 2012. The Genus Uvigerina from the Neogene of Andaman-Nicobar: Paleoenvironmental implications. Bulletin of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, 47, 1, 88-104.
  18. Expedition 339 Scientists, 2012. Mediterranean outflow: environmental significance of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and its global implications. IODP Prel. Rept., 339.doi:10.2204/iodp.pr.339.2012, Texas (in press) .
  19. Nisha, N. R. and Singh, A. D., 2012. Benthic foraminiferal biofacies on the shelf-Upper continental slope off North Kerala (Southwest India). J. Geological Society of India (in press).
  20. A. D. Singh, S.J.A. Jung, K. Darling, R. Geneshram, T. Ivanochko and D. Kroon, 2011. Productivity collapses in the Arabian Sea during glacial cold phases. Paleoceanography, v.26, PA3210, doi:10.1029/2009PA001923.
  21. A. D. Singh, K. Verma and O. P. Singh, 2011. Carbonate preservation and monsoon wind induced hydrographic changes in the eastern Arabian Sea during the last 30 kyr as recorded by pteropods. In: �Geological Processes and Climate Change�, MacMillan Publishers India, Ltd, 1-8.
  22. A. D. Singh, S. Das and K. Verma, 2011. Impact of Climate induced Hypoxia on early calicifying biota in the Arabian Sea: An evaluation from the micropaleontological records of the Indian margin. In: Special issue of Journal Mausam, 62, 4, 647-652.
  23. N. Khonde, D. M. Maurya, A. D. Singh, V. Chowksy and L. S. Chamyal, 2011. Environmental significance of raised rann sediments along the margins of Khadir, Bhanjada and Kaur wet islands in Great Rann of Kachchh, W. India. Current Science 101, 11, 1429-1434.
  24. A. D. Singh, O. P. Singh, 2010. Potentiality of Pteropods in reconstruction of the Quaternary Climate and oceanographic history of the Arabian Sea. Gondawana Geological Magazine, Special Issue, v. 25 (1), pp. 81-88.
  25. Bharti, S. R. and Singh, A. D., 2009. Late Quaternary record of Buliminids from the eastern Arabian Sea (off Goa) and its significance in paleoceanographic reconstruction, J. Paleontological Society of India, 54 (1), 27-40.
  26. Singh, A. D. and Conan, S. M., 2008. Aragonite pteropod flux to the Somali Basin, N W Arabian Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I, 55, 661-669.
  27. Anand, P., Kroon, D., Singh, A. D., Ganeshram, R., Ganssen, G., and Elderfield, H., 2008. Coupled seasurface-seawater d18O reconstructions in the Arabian Sea at the millennial scale for the last 35 ka. Paleoceanography, 23, PA4207, doi:10.1029/2007PA001564.
  28. Singh, A. D., 2007. Episodic preservation of pteropods in the eastern Arabian Sea: Monsoonal change and OMZ intensity and Aragonite Compensation Depth. Ind. J. Marine Science, 36, 378-383.
  29. Singh, A. D., Nisha, N. R. and Ramachandran, K. K., 2007. Late Quaternary evolution of the shelf environments off north Kerala, SW India: faunal and sedimentological evidence. J. Geological Society of India. 70, 109-120.
  30. Singh, A. D., Kroon, D. and Ganeshram, R., 2006. Productivity and OMZ intensity variation in the eastern Arabian Sea at the millennial scale. Special issue on Holocene Indian Monsoon, J. Geological Society of India, 68, 369-377.
  31. Singh, A. D., Nisha, N.R. and Joydas, T. V., 2005. Distribution patterns of recent pteropods in surface sediments of the western continental shelf of India. Journal of Micropaleontology, 23,1-16.
  32. Ivanova, I., Schiebel, R., Singh, A. D., Schmiedl, G., Niebler, H. S., and Hemleben, Ch., 2003. Primery productivity in the Arabian Sea during the Last 135,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197, 61-82.
  33. Singh, A. D. 2002. Millennial-scale rapid fluctuations in the Arabian Sea monsoon and oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) during the late Quaternary. J. Geological Society of India, 60(2), 228-229.
  34. Singh, A. D., Ramachandran, K. K., Samsuddin, M., Nisha N. R., Haneeshkumar, V., 2001. Significance of pteropods in deciphering the late Quaternary sea-level history along the southwestern Indian shelf. Geo-Marine Letters, 20, 243-252.
  35. Singh, A. D., Schiebel. R., Nisha, N. R., 2000. Occurrence of pteropods in a deep eastern Arabian Sea core: Neotectonic implications. Current Science; 78, 1142-1144.
  36. Singh, A. D., 1998. A 22,000year record of monsoon fluctuation in marine cores off southwest India: Evidence from planktic foraminifera. Rev.de la-Soc. Mex. de; Spl. Publ., p. 7-9.
  37. Singh, A. D., Rjarama, K. N., Ramachandran, K.K., Suchindin, G. K., Samsuddin, M. 1998. Pteropods as bathometers: A case study from the continental shelf of north Kerala. Current Science; 75, 621,624.
  38. Singh, A. D., 1998. Late Quaternary oceanographic changes in the eastern Arabian Sea. Evidences from planktic foraminifera and pteropods. J. Geological Society of India. 52, 203-212.
  39. Singh, A, D., 1998. Early-Middle Miocene planktic foraminifera from the Quilon Formation Kerala, India. J. Geological Society of India. 52, 313-316.
  40. Singh, A. D. and Rajarama, K. N., 1997. Distribution of pteropods in Surface sediments from the continental shelf off Kerala. J. Geological Society of India; 49, 81-84.
  41. Narayana, A. C. and Singh, A. D., 1997. Upwelling record in a sediment core from the inner shelf off Mangalore, West coast of India. Ind. J. Marine Science, 26, 88-90.
  42. Rao, K. K., Jayalakshmi, K. V., Singh, A. D., 1997. Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic features as deduced from calcium carbonate and faunal changes of planktic foraminifers in cores from north eastern Arabian Sea. J. Marine Biological Association of India, 39, 79-88.
  43. Singh, A. D., 1995. Neogloquadrina, Pulleniatina and Sphaeroidinella-Sphaeroidinellopsis lineages in the northern Indian Ocean: Their Paleoceanograhic relations and biostratigraphic significance. J. Geological Society of India, 46, 163-177.
  44. Singh, A. D., and Srinivasan, M. S., 1995. Neogene planktic foraminiferal biochronology of the Central Indian Ocean DSDP sites 237 & 238. J. Geological Society of India, 45, 445-462.
  45. Singh, A. D., and Srinivasan, M. S., 1993. Quaternary climatic changes indicated by planktic foraminifera of Northern Indian Ocean, Current Science; 64, 908-914.
  46. Srinivasan, M. S. and Singh, A. D., 1992. Neogene planktic foraminiferal biochronology of the DSDP site 219, Chagos-Laccadive Ridge (Arabian Sea). Proc. Indian National Science Academy, 58(4) 335-354.
  47. Srinivasan, M. S. and Singh, A. D., 1992. Neogene Globorotalia lineages in the tropical Indian Ocean: Their Paleoceanographic implications. Indian Journal of Geology, 64 (4) 323-328.
  48. Srinivasan, M. S. and Singh, A. D., 1991. Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary in the tropical Indian Ocean deep sea cores. J. Scientific Research; 41, 199-222.
  49. Srinivasan, M.S. and Singh, A. D., 1991. Planktic foraminiferal evidences for the Neogene paleoceanographic changes in the Indian Ocean. IGCP-246. (Chiang Mai) Special Publication 9, 179-205.

Publications in Edited Volumes/Chapters contributed to Books::

  1. DAV Stow, F.J. Hernandez-Molina, C.A. Zarikian and the Expedition 339 Scientists (including A. D. Singh), 2013. Mediterranean outflow: environmental significance of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and its global implications. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Programme, v.339, Tokyo (IODP Management International, Inc.) doi:10.2204/iodp/proc.339.101.2013.
  2. S. K. Patil and A. D. Singh, 2013. New record of Magnetic properties of late Quaternary sediments from the eastern Arabian Sea (off Goa): Inferences on Paleoclimate. In: �Earth system processes and disaster management� (Eds. R Sinha and R. Ravindra), Society of Earth Scientists Series 1, v. 1, 113-121, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28845-6_9, Springer � Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  3. A.D. Singh, K. Verma and O.P. Singh, 2011. Carbonate preservation and monsoon wind induced hydrographic changes in the eastern Arabian Sea during the last 30 kyr as recorded by pteropods. In: �Geological Processes and Climate Change� (Eds. D.S. Singh & N.L. Chabra), MacMillan Publishers India, Ltd, 1-8.
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