Dr. N.V. Chalapathi Rao

Ph.D.(Osmania Univ); Ph.D (Cambridge Univ, UK)
Contact Information:
Tel. +91 542-6701817 (O) +91 9935647365 (M) Fax: +91-542-2368174; +91-542-6701825
Email Id: [email protected] [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Osmania University, Hyderabad, India1989
2.M.Sc.Osmania University, Hyderabad, India1991
3.Ph. D.Osmania University, Hyderabad, India1994
4.Ph. D.Cambridge University, U.K.1997
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy with special reference to kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres; Process Mineralogy; EPMA of minerals. My research interest primarily involves the petrogenetic aspects of small-volume potassic to highly potassic rocks such as kimberlites, lamproites, lamprophyres and their entrained xenoliths (including diamond).I particularly am interested in their role in unraveling the large-scale geodynamic processes of the Indian shield including the composition and evolution of its sub-continental lithospheric mantle, origin and original spatial extent of the Mesozoic Large Igneous Provinces ( Eg : Deccan Flood basalts, Rajmahal basalts) and the Proterozoic sedimentary basins ( Eg : Purana basins). My work involves field as well as laboratory components with integration of data from petrography, mineral chemistry, geochemistry, stable and unstable isotope systematics and geophysics (paleomagnetism and petrophysics). My current research interests also include the study of mafic dykes and dyke swarms, alkaline rocks, carbonatites and mass-extinctions associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary (65Ma) boundary.

Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:

Petrogenesis of lamprophyres from the Deccan Large Igneous Province, NW India (Rs. 20 Lakhs); (DST; (P.I) 2013-2015.

An integrated study of the Dyke swarms and Deccan Traps of Chhoytaudepur province, lower Narmada valley (24.30 Lakhs); (DST; Co-PI) 2007-2010.

Petrogenesis of the lamproites from the Ramagundu area, NW margin of the Cuddapah basin, Southern India (21.83 Lakhs ); (DST;PI) 2009-2012

Evolution of Indian Sub-continental Lithospheric Mantle: Insights from mineral chemistry of kimberlites, lamproites, lamprophyres, their entrained xenoliths/xenocrysts, mafic dykes and dyke swarms from Bastar and Eastern Dharwar Cratons Department of Science & Technology (DST), SERB, New Delhi.2014-2018. Rs.13.85 crores

Awards/ Recognitions :

  1. National Merit Certificate for securing high position amongst the successful candidates in S.S.C. from Andhra Pradesh Ministry of Education & Culture, Govt. Of India, 1984
  2. Secured the I Rank in B.Sc (Hons), Geology (Major) Osmania University, Hyderabad 1989
  3. Secured the I Rank in M.Sc (Geology)Osmania University, Hyderabad 1991
  4. Prof. Y.J. Rao Gold Medal & Y.G.K. Murthy Gold Medal (1991) for standing I in M.Sc (Geology)Osmania University, Hyderabad 1991
  5. Ramanna Gopanna Gold Medal (1991) for standing I amongst M.Sc students in Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Botany and Zoology Osmania University, Hyderabad 1991
  6. Cambridge-Nehru Scholarship (for pursuing Ph.D at Cambridge University, UK)Jawahar Lal Nehru Trust for Cambridge University, New Delhi. 1993-1997
  7. Overseas Research Award(for pursuing Ph.D at Cambridge University, UK)Association of the British Universities 1991-1997
  8. Studentship Award (in recognition of promising research at Cambridge University)Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge U.K.,1996
  9. Peravadhanulu Award (for the best paper presented on mineral characterization)Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers (IIME) 2006
  10. National Mineral Award (Independent category, Geochemistry; for outstanding research contributions on the geochemistry of kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres )Ministry of Mines, Government of India 2006
  11. Prof C. Naganna Gold Medal (for significant research contributions in the petrology of kimberlites and lamproites)Mineralogical Society of India, Mysore 2007
  12. Dr. M.S. Krishnan Gold Medal (for outstanding research contributions towards lithosphere evolution of Indian cratons from kimberlite and lamproite studies)Indian Geophysical Union, NGRI, Hyderabad 2007
  13. Prof K. Naha Award (for significant research contributions in Precambrian Geology)Geological Society of India, Bangalore 2008
  14. Senior Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (in recognition of scientific and academic excellence)Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany 2009
  15. ISAG Medal (for outstanding contributions in geochemical studies related to the Mineral Resources from 1999-2009)Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG), Hyderabad 2010
  16. Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Akademy of Science, Andhra Pradesh Akademy of Sciences, Hyderabad 2011.
  17. Dr. Coggin J Brown Memorial Gold medal (for outstanding contributions to the Geosciences) by the Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Society of India, Kolkata, 2012.
  18. Fellow of the Indian academy of Sciences (FASc), Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
  19. UGC career Award (UGC Research Award) 2012 by University Grants Commission, New Delhi
  20. Fellow of the Telangana State Academi of Sciences (2015)
  21. Prof. T.N.Muthuswamy Endowment lecture in Petrology by the Geological Society of India (2013)
  22. Prof. I.C.Pande Endowment lecture (Department of Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh) (2016)
  23. Prof C.N.R.Rao Award for Research Excellence (2014) by the Banaras Hindu University in recognition of outstanding research in Geology (award given in 2017)
Any additional information:

1) Established an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) facility (under Indo-BRGM project) at the Ore Dressing Division of the Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines, Government of India, at Nagpur, in 2004 and ran the machine successfully till 2007.

2) DST expert committee member for setting up of EPMA facility at IIT-Kharagpur (2006).

3) Reviewed papers submitted for various journals such as Journal of Geological Society of India, Journal of Earth System Science, Journal of Petrology, Lithos, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Mineralogy and Petrology etc.

4) Life Fellow of the Geological Society of India, Bangalore, Mineralogical Society of India, Mysore, Indian Geophysical Union, Hyderabad, Gondwana Geological Society, Nagpur, South Asian Association of Economic Geologists, Bhopal, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Cambridge, Geology, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India and Mining, Geology and Metallurgical Society of India.

5) Editorial Board member of the following journals: Journal of the Geological Society of India, Himalayan Geology, Indian Journal of Geology and Journal of Applied Geochemistry.

6) Expert committee member of the committee on Hydrothermal deposits in the Indian ocean, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOeS), Government of India, 2012.

7) Established an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) Laboratory at the Department of Geology, BHU (under DST-SERB project) in 2016 (Principal Investigator).

8) Journal of the Earth System Science (Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer) Editor-in-Chief

9) Editorial board member of Geological Journal (John Wiley, London) Current Science, Journal of the Geological Society of India, Journal of the Indian Geophysical Union, Indian Journal of Geology

List of 10 major Publications (of last five years):

  1. N. V. Chalapathi Rao* and B.Lehmann (2011) Kimberlites, Flood basalts and mantle plumes: New insights from the Deccan Large Igneous Province. Earth Science Reviews, Earth-Science Reviews,v.107, pp. 315-324 (Impact Factor:8.177
  2. N.V. Chalapathi Rao , G. Kamde, H.S.Kale and A.Dongre (2010) Petrogenesis of the Mesoproterozoic lamproites from the Krishna Valley, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. Precambrian Research, v.177, pp. 103-130. (Impact Factor:3.90)
  3. M.Venkateshwarlu and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2013) New palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic results on Mesoproterozoic kimberlites from the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Towards constraining India�s position in Rodinia. Precambrian Research 2013, v.224, pp. 588-596. (Impact Factor: Factor:3.90)
  4. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and R.K. Srivastava (2009) Petrology and geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous kimberlites from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Constraints on their genesis and mantle source regions. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology, v.157, pp. 245-265 (Impact Factor: 3.441).
  5. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, D.Mainkar and B.Belyatsky (2011) Petrogenesis of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Behradih kimberlite pipe, Bastar craton: Implication for mantle-plume lithosphere interaction in Central India.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology v.161, pp. 721-742 (Impact Factor: 3.441).
  6. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R. Burgess, B.Lehmann, D.Mainkar, S.K.Pande, K.R.Hari, N.Bodhankar (2011) 40Ar/39Ar ages of mafic dykes from the Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh basin, Bastar craton, Central India: implication for the origin and spatial extent of the Deccan Large Igneous Province. Lithos v. 125, pp. 995-1004. (Impact Factor: 3.691)
  7. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, Wu, F.Y., Mitchell, R.H., Li, L.Q. and Lehmann (2013) Mesoproterozoic U�Pb ages, trace element and Sr�Nd isotopic composition of perovskite from kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Distinct mantle sources and a widespread 1.1 Ga tectonomagmatic event. Chemical Geology doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.04.023 (In Press) online (Impact Factor 4.063).
  8. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R.A. Creaser, B. Lehmann and B.K. Panwar (2013) Re-Os isotope study of Indian kimberlites and lamproites: Implications for their mantle source regions and cratonic evolution. Chemical Geology http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.12.013 (In Press) online (Impact Factor 4.063).
  9. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, C.V.Dharma Ro and Sanjay Das (2012) Petrogenesis of lamprophyres from the Chhotaudepur area, Narmada rift zone, and its relation to Deccan magmatism. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences v.45, pp. 24-39. (Impact factor: 2.301)
  10. A.Dongre, N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and G. A. Kamde (2008) Limestone xenolith from the Siddanpalli kimberlite, Gadwal Granite-Greenstone terrane, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Remnant of Proterozoic platformal cover sequence of Bhima/Kurnool age? Journal of Geology, v.116, pp.184-191.(Impact factor: 2.95).

Full List of Publications (in peer reviewed SCI journals): (*= Corresponding author):

  1. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, B. Belyatsky and J.M.Warnsloh (2017) The Late Cretaceous diamondiferous pyroclastic kimberlites from the Fort a la Corne(FALC) field, Saskatchewan craton, Canada: Petrology, geochemistry and genesis. Gondwana Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2016.12.013) (Impact factor: 8.743)
  2. Ashutosh Pandey, Dinesh Pandit, Praveer Pankaj and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2017) A note on the origin of Clinopyroxene megacrysts from the Udiripikonda lamprophyre, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union v. 21, pp. 124-131.
  3. L.G.Gwalani, A.L. Jaques, P.J. Downes and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2016) Kimberlites, lamproites, carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks: a tribute to the work of Rex T. Prider. Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 110, pp.149-153. (Impact Factor: 1.4).
  4. A.N. Dongre, K.S.Viljoen, N.V.Chalapathi Rao and B.Lehmann (2016) Petrology, genesis and geodynamic implication of the Mesoproterozoic-Late Cretaceous Timmasamudram kimberlite cluster, Wajrakarur field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. Geoscience Frontiers (In Press).
  5. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, A.N.Dongre, F.Y. Wu and B. Lehmann (2016) A Late Cretaceous (ca. 90 Ma) kimberlite event in southern India: Implication for sub-continental lithospheric mantle evolution and diamond exploration. Gondwana Research , v.35, pp. 378-389 (Impact Factor: 8.235).
  6. N.V.Chalapathi Rao,* Atiullah, Alok Kumar, S.Sahoo, P. Nanda, N.Chahong, B.Lehmann and K.V.S. Rao (2016) Petrogenesis of Mesoproterozoic lamproite dykes from the Garledinne (Banganapalle) cluster, south-western Cuddapah Basin, southern India. Mineralogy and Petrology, v.110, pp.247-268. (Impact Factor: 1.4).
  7. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, Atiullah, R.Burgess, P. Nanda, A.K.Choudhary, S.Sahoo, B.Lehmann, and N.Chahong (2016) Petrology, 40Ar/39Ar age, Sr-Nd isotope systematics,and geodynamic significance of an ultrapotassic (lamproitic) dyke with affinities to kamafugite from the eastern-most margin of the Bastar Craton, India Mineralogy and Petrology v.110, pp. 269-293 (Impact Factor: 1.4).
  8. A.N.Dongre, K.S.Viljoen, N.V.Chalapathi Rao and A.Gucsik (2016) Origin of Ti-rich garnets in the groundmass of Wajrakarur field kimberlites, southern India: insights from EPMA and Raman Spectroscopy. Mineralogy and Petrology, v.110, pp. 295-307 (Impact Factor: 1.4).
  9. C.Srinivasaiah, V.N.Vasudev and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2015) Tungsten, Barium and Basemetal Mineralization in a layer of Amphibolite in Mesoarchean Ghattihosarahalli Belt,Western Dharwar craton, Karnataka. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.86, pp.648-656. (Impact Factor: 0.59).
  10. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and A.N. Dongre (2015) An alternate perspective on the opening and closing of the intracratonic Purana basins in peninsular India.- Correspondence. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.86, pp. 118-119. (Impact Factor: 0.59).
  11. A.N. Dongre, N.V.Chalapathi Rao and M.Malandkar (2014) Petrogenesis of macrocrystic and aphanitic intrusions in Mesoproterozoicdiamondiferous pipe 2 kimberlite, Wajrakarur kimberlite field, eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. Geochemical Journal, v. 48 (No. 5), pp.491-507. (Impact Factor: 1.942).
  12. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R.K.Srivastava, A.K. Sinha and V.Ravikant (2014) Petrogenesis of Kerguelen-plume linked ultrapotassic intrusives from the Gondwana Sedimentary basins, Damodar valley, eastern India. Earth-Science Reviews, 136, 96-120..(Impact Factor: 8.759).
  13. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, Alok Kumar, Samarendra Sahoo, A.Dongre and D.Talukdar (2014) Petrology and petrogenesis of Mesoproterozoic lamproites from the Ramadugu field, NW margin of the Cuddapah basin, eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. Lithos 196-197, 150�168 (Impact Factor: 4.246).
  14. Shalivahan, B.B.Bhattacharya, N.V.Chalapathi Rao and V.P.Maurya (2014) Thin lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the eastern Indian craton. Tectonophyiscs v.612-613, pp.128-133. (Impact Factor: 2.947)..
  15. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, B.K.Panwar, A.Kumar and D.Mainkar (2014) Tokapal tuff-facies kimberlite, Bastar craton, central India: A nickel prospect? Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2013, India v.82, pp. 595-600 (Impact Factor:0.567).
  16. K.R.Hari, N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, V.Swarnakar and G.Hou (2014) Alkali feldspar syenites with shoshonitic affinities from Chhotaudepur area: Implication for mantle metasomatism in the Deccan large igneous province. Geoscience Frontiers v.5, pp.261-276. (SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.271)
  17. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, B.K. Panwar, A.Kumar and D.Mainkar (2014) Petrogenesis of the crater-facies Tokapal kimberlite pipe, Bastar craton, Central India Geoscience Frontiers, 2014, v.5, 781-790. (SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.271)
  18. S.Sensarma, D.Paul and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2013) Large Igneous Provinces- Global Perspectives and Prospects in India. Current Science (Revision submitted) (Current Impact Factor : 0.897).
  19. M.Venkateshwarlu and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2013) New palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic results on Mesoproterozoic kimberlites from the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Towards constraining India�s position in Rodinia. Precambrian Research 2013, v.224, pp. 588-596. (Impact Factor: Factor: 3.90).
  20. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, Wu, F.Y., Mitchell, R.H., Li, L.Q. and Lehmann (2013) Mesoproterozoic U�Pb ages, trace element and Sr�Nd isotopic composition of perovskite from kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Distinct mantle sources and a widespread 1.1 Ga tectonomagmatic event. Chemical Geology doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.04.023 (In Press) online (Impact Factor 4.063).
  21. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R.A. Creaser, B. Lehmann and B.K. Panwar (2013) Re-Os isotope study of Indian kimberlites and lamproites: Implications for their mantle source regions and cratonic evolution. Chemical Geology http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.12.013 (In Press) online (Impact Factor 4.063).
  22. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, E.Belousova, D.Frei and D.Mainkar (2013) Petrology, bulk-rock geochemistry, indicator mineral composition, and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Mainpur orangeites, Bastar craton, Central India. Journal of the Geological Society of India (In Press) (Current Impact Factor: 0.596).
  23. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, B.Lehmann, D.Mainkar and B.K.Panwar Diamond-facies chrome spinel from the Tokapal kimberlite pipe, Indravati basin, central India and its petrological significance Mineralogy and Petrology (accepted) (Impact factor: 1.278)
  24. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, C.V.Dharma Ro and Sanjay Das Petrogenesis of lamprophyres from the Chhotaudepur area, Narmada rift zone, and its relation to Deccan magmatism Journal of Asian Earth Sciences v.45, pp. 24-39. (Impact factor: 2.301)
  25. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* Sr-rich apatite and Nb-rutile from the Chelima lamproite dykes, Cuddapah basin, southern India and their petrological significance Current Science, (2011) v. 100, 1207-1210 (Current Impact Factor : 0.897).
  26. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and B. Lehmann (2011) Kimberlites, flood basalts and mantle plumes: New insights from the Deccan large Igneous Province Earth science reviews, v.107, pp. 315-324 (Impact Factor:8.177)
  27. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R. Burgess, B.Lehmann, D.Mainkar, S.K.Pande, K.R.Hari and N.Bodhankar (2011) 40Ar/39Ar ages of mafic dykes from the Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh basin, Bastar craton, Central India: implication for the origin and spatial extent of the Deccan Large Igneous Province Lithos v. 125, pp. 995-1004 (Impact Factor: 3.691).
  28. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, C.Paton and B. Lehmann (2012) Origin and diamond prospectivity of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites from the Narayanpet field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: insights from groundmass mineralogy, bulk-chemistry and perovskite oxybarometry Geological Journal , v. 47, pp. 186-212 (Impact Factor:1.342)
  29. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* , G. Kamde, H.S.Kale and A.Dongre (2011) Diamond prospectivity of Mesoproterozoic lamproites from the Krishna valley,eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Insights from whole-rock geochemistry Geochemical Journal, v. 45, pp.79-85. (Impact Factor: 0.793)
  30. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, F.Y.Wu and M.Srinivas (2012) Mesoproterozoic emplacement and enriched mantle derivation of the Racherla alkali syenite, Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah basin, southern India: Insights from in situ Sr-Nd isotopic analysis on apatite Geological Society of London Special Publication, v.365, pp. 183-193.{No impact factor is available but the Journal of Geological Society of London has an impact factor of 3.3}
  31. N. V. Chalapathi Rao* and B.Lehmann (2011) Kimberlites, Flood basalts and mantle plumes: New insights from the Deccan Large Igneous Province. Earth Science Reviews, Earth-Science Reviews,v.107, pp. 315-324 (Impact Factor:8.177).
  32. K.R.Hari, N.V.Chalapathi Rao, V.Sawrnakar (2011) Petrogenesis of gabbro and orthopyroxene gabbro from the Phenai Mata Igneous Complex, Deccan volcanic province: a product of concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2011 v.78, pp.501-509. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  33. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, B. Lehmann, D. Mainkar and B. Belyatsky (2011) Petrogenesis of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Behradih kimberlite pipe, Bastar craton: Implication for mantle-plume lithosphere interaction in Central India Contributions to the Mineralogy and Petrology, v.161, pp. 721-742. (Impact Factor: 3.441).
  34. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, R. Burgess, B.Lehmann, D.Mainkar, S.K.Pande, K.R.Hari and N.Bodhankar (2011) 40Ar/39Ar ages of mafic dykes from the Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh basin, Bastar craton, Central India: implication for the origin and spatial extent of the Deccan Large Igneous Province Lithos v. 125, pp. 995-1004 (Impact Factor: 3.691).
  35. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* , G. Kamde, H.S.Kale and A.Dongre Petrogenesis of the Mesoproterozoic lamproites from the Krishna Valley, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India. Precambrian Research, 2010, v.177, pp. 103-130. (Impact Factor:3.90).
  36. B. Lehmann, R. Burgess, D. Frei. B. Belyatsky, D. Mainkar, N.V. Chalapathi Rao* and L.M. Heaman Diamondiferous kimberlites in Central India synchronous with the Deccan flood basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2010, v.290, pp. 142-149 (Impact Factor: 4.491).
  37. N. V. Chalapathi Rao * (2010) Glimmeritic enclave in a lamprophyre from the Settupalle alkaline pluton, Eastern Ghats Mobile belt, India, Journal of the Geological Society of India v. 75, pp. 783-790. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596).
  38. 21. T. Yellappa, N. V. Chalapathi Rao* and T.R.K. Chetty (2010) Occurrence of lamproitic dykes at the northern margin of the Indravati basin, Bastar craton, Central India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.75 , pp. 632-642. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  39. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* and A. Dongre (2009) Mineralogy and geochemistry of the kimberlites NK-2 and KK-6, Narayanpet kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: evidence for a transitional kimberlite signature. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 47, pp. 1117-1135. (Current Impact Factor: 1.136)
  40. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, A. Dongre, G. Kamde, Srivastava, R.K., Sridhar, M. and Kaminsky, F. E. (2010) Petrology, geochemistry and genesis of newly discovered Mesoproterozoic highly magnesian, calcite-rich kimberlites from Siddanpalli, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: products of subduction-related magmatic sources? Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 98, pp.313-328. (Current Impact factor 1.278)
  41. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, M.Anand, A. Dongre and I. Osborne (2009) Carbonate xenoliths hosted by the Mesoproterozoic Siddanpalli kimberlite cluster (Eastern Dharwar craton): implications for the geodynamic evolution of southern India and its diamond and uranium metallogenesis. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundshau), v. 99, pp. 1791-1804 (Current Impact Factor: 2.242).
  42. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* and R.K. Srivastava (2009) A new find of boninite dyke from the Palaeoproterozoic Dongargarh Super group: inference for a fossil subduction zone in the Archaean of the Bastar craton, Central India Neus Jahrubuch fur Mineralogie Abhandalungen, v.186/3, pp. 271-282. (Current Impact Factor: 0.57)
  43. Rajesh K Srivastava, N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and A.K. Sinha (2009) Cretaceous potassic intrusives with affinities from Jharia area: magmatic expression of metasomatically veined and thinned lithospheric mantle beneath Singhbhum craton, Eastern India. Lithos, 2009, v.112,pp. 407-418. (Impact Factor: 3.691)
  44. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and R.K. Srivastava (2009) Petrology and geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous kimberlites from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Constraints on their genesis and mantle source regions. Contributions to Mineralogy & Petrology , v.157, pp. 245-265. (Current Impact Factor: 3.441)
  45. N.R.Karmalkar, R. Doraiswami, N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and D.K. Paul (2009) Mantle-derived xenoliths and the nature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Journal of the Geological Society of India , v. 73, pp. 657-679. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  46. N. V. Chalapathi Rao (2008) Precambrian alkaline potassic-ultrapotassic, mafic-ultramafic magmatism in Peninisular India Journal of the Geological Society of India, v. 72, pp. 57-82. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  47. A.Dongre, N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and G. A. Kamde (2008) Limestone xenolith from the Siddanpalli kimberlite, Gadwal Granite-Greenstone terrane, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Remnant of Proterozoic platformal cover sequence of Bhima/Kurnool age? Journal of Geology, v.116, pp.184-191. (Current Impact Factor: 2.95)
  48. R.K.Srivastava and N.V.Chalapathi Rao (2007) Petrology, geochemistry and tectonic significance of Paleoproterozoic alkaline lamprophyres from the Jungel Valley, Mahakoshal supracrustal belt, Central India. Mineralogy and Petrology, 2007, v.89, pp.189-215. (Current Impact Factor: 1.278)
  49. N.V.Chalapathi Rao, R. Burgess, M. Anand and D. Mainkar (2007) 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Kodomali pipe, Bastar craton, Central India: A diamondiferous kimberlite emplacement of Pan-African age. Journal of the. Geological Society of India, v.69, pp. 539-545. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  50. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2007) Chelima dykes, Cuddapah Basin, Southern India: A review of the age, petrology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the worlds' oldest lamproites. Journal of the Geological Society of India v.69, pp. 523-538. (Current Impact Factor: 0.596)
  51. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, Mohan Ram, A.T. Sutaone and C.S. Gundewar (2006) Gold in chromite ore of South Kaliapani mines, Sukinda Ultramafic belt, Jajpur district, Orissa. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.68, pp. 171-175.
  52. N. V. Chalapathi Rao* (2005) A petrological and geochemical reappraisal of the mesoproterozoic diamondiferous Majhgawan pipe of Central India: evidence for transitional kimberlite-lamproite-orangiete (Group II kimberlite) rock type. Mineralogy and Petrology, v.84, 69-106.
  53. N.V. Chalapathi Rao * (2005) Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous ultramafic pipes at Majhgawan and Hinota, Panna area, Central India: Key to the nature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath the Vindhyan basin. Journal of Earth System Sciences (Special Volume on Vindhyans), v.115, pp.161 -183.
  54. N. V. Chalapathi Rao*, S.A. Gibson, D.M.Pyle and A.P. Dickin (2004) Petrogenesis of Proterozoic kimberlites and lamproites from the Cuddapah basin and the Dharwar craton, southern India.Journal of Petrology, v.45, pp. 907-948.
  55. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, Miller, J.A., Gibson, S.A., Pyle, D.M. and V. Madhavan (1999) Precise 40Ar/ 39Ar age determination of the Kotakonda kimberlite and Chelima lamproite, India: Implication for the timing of mafic dyke swarm emplacement in the Eastern Dharwar craton. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.53, pp. 425-432.
  56. V. Madhavan., K.David, J. Mallikharjuna Rao, J., N.V. Chalapathi Rao, and M. Srinivas Comparative study of lamprophyres from the Cuddapah intrusive province (CIP) of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.52, (1998), pp. 621-642.
  57. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, S.A., Gibson, D.M.Pyle, and A.P. Dickin (1998) Contrasting isotopic mantle sources for Proterozoic lamproites and kimberlites from the Cuddapah basin and eastern Dharwar craton: implication for Proterozoic mantle heterogeneity beneath southern India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.52, pp. 683-694.
  58. N.V.Chalapathi Rao * (1998) A lithospheric mantle source for the Proterozoic kimberlites and lamproites from the Eastern Dharwar craton, India: evidence from rare earth element inversion modelling. Current Science., v.51, pp. 777-781
  59. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* (1998) Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) from perovskite from kimberlites of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India v.51, pp. 741-746.
  60. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*., S.J.B.Reed, D.M.Pyle, and P.D. Beattie (1996) Larnitic kirschsteinite from the Kotakonda kimberlite, Andhra Pradesh, India. Mineralogical Magazine, v.60, pp. 513-516
  61. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, J.A.Miller, D.M. Pyle, and V. Madhavan (1996) New Proterozoic K-Ar ages for some kimberlites and lamproites from the Cuddapah basin and Dharwar craton, South India: evidence for non-contemporaneous emplacement. Precambrian. Research, v. 79, pp. 363-369.
  62. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* and V. Madhavan (1996) A new look at the olivine-lamproitic rocks of the Maddur-Narayanpet area, Mahbubnagar district, A.P. India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.47, pp. 649-664.
  63. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and V. Madhavan (1996) Some observations on the geochemistry of the Ramannapeta lamproitic body, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v. 47, pp.409-418.
  64. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* and V. Madhavan (1996) Titanium-rich phlogopites from the Zangamarajupalle kimberlitic rock, Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Geological Society of India, v.47, pp.355-363.
  65. V. Madhavan, M. Srinivas, J.M Rao, and N.V. Chalapathi Rao (1995) Mineral chemistry and geochemistry of the mesocratic quartz syenite intrusions from Vikurthi and Kotappakonda, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v. 45, pp. 519-529.
  66. T.P Srinivasan and N.V Chalapathi Rao (1995) Mineralogy and textural features of Settupalle syenites, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.45, pp.137-144.

(B) Full Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals (Non-SCI), Electronic Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books (*=Corresponding author)

  1. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, B. Lehmann, R. Burgess, S.K. Pande and K.R. Hari (2010) Mafic dykes of Deccan age in the Chhattisgarh (Mesoproterozoic) Basin, Central India:implications for the origin and original spatial extent of the Deccan Large Igneous Province. LIP of the month (Online publication at http://www.largeigneousprovinces.org/LOM.html).
  2. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2012) Kimberlite-flood basalt-mantle plume connection and the spatial extent of the Deccan Large igneous Province: new insights from the Bastar craton, Central India. DCS News Letters, v.22, pp. 17-24.
  3. A.N. Dongre and N.V. Chalapathi Rao (2012) Narayanpet kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, southern india: a review of the petrology & geochemistry. Gondwana Geol Magazine spec vol. 13, pp. 25-36.
  4. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2012) Some recent advances in Indian geology from Kimberlite and related rock studies & need for a Centre for Deep Lithospheric studies in India. Journal of Applied Geochemistry (2012), v.14, pp. 393-401.
  5. N.V. Chalapathi Rao* (2008) Petrophysical Properties of Indian kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres. In: Indian Dykes:, Geochemistry, Geochronology & Geophysics In: Indian Dykes:, Geochemistry, Geochronology & Geophysics. Eds. R.K.Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V.Chalapathi Rao. Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, (2008), 309-318.
  6. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, G. Kamde, H.S.Kale. and A. Dongre (2008) Geological setting & petrographic diversity of the lamproite dykes at the northern & north eastern margin of the Cuddapah basin, southern India. In: Indian Dykes:, Geochemistry, Geochronology & Geophysics. Eds. R.K.Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V.Chalapathi Rao. Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, 281-290.
  7. R.K.Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji, and N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2008) Indian dykes through space and time: retrospect and prospect. In: Indian Dykes:, Geochemistry, Geochronology & Geophysics. Eds. R.K.Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V.Chalapathi Rao. Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, 1-15
  8. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2007) Contribution of kimberlites and lamproites in understanding sub-continental lithospheric mantle: an Indian perspective. In: C. Leelanandam, I.B.Ramaprasada Rao, Ch.Sivaji and M. Santosh (Eds) The evolution of the Indian continental crust and Upper mantle. International Association of Gondwana Research (IAGR) Special l volume (T.M.Mahadevan volume), v.10, pp.123-134.
  9. N.V.Chalapathi Rao *(2005) Mineral chemistry of groundmass phlogopites from the lamproites and kimberlites occurring in and around the Cuddapah basin, southern India.In: L.G.Gwalani (Ed) Alkaline rocks and flood basalts (R.N.Sukheswala volume) Indian Journal of Geochemistry, v.19, pp.79-94.
  10. N.V.Chalapathi Rao* (2005) Kimberlites, lamproites & Orangeites: Keys for understanding the nature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath the Archaean cratons Deep Continental Studies (DCS) News Letter (Published by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India), v.15, pp. 2-13.
  11. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, P.R.Bawane, Mohan Ram, A.T. Sutaone, and C.S. Gundewar (2005) The role and importance of Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) in mineral characterization & beneficiation: Some case studies. In: Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in Mining Engineering & Technology (AIMM), IIT- Kharagpur, December, Proceedings volume pp. 627-634.
  12. N.V. Chalapathi Rao*, Amanullah and S.K. Ghosh (2004) The role of mineral characterization in mineral processing induced health hazards. In: Proceedings of the International seminar on Mineral Business Development, organized by the Indian Bureau of Mines (Ministry of Mines) Nagpur, Proceedings volume, pp. 65-75.
  13. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, A.K. Sengupta, P.R. Bawane, C.S.Gundewar, Amanullah and S.K. Ghosh (2004) Characterization and beneficiation studies on Beku pegmatites for recovery of rare metal concentrates. In: .Rao, G.V. and Misra, V.N. (Eds) Proceedings of International seminar on Mineral Processing Technology held at RRL, Bhubaneshwar. Proceedings volume pp. 337-344.
  14. N.V.Chalapathi Rao*, P.R. Bawane, A. Nagaraja, and Amanullah (2002) Mineralogical Investigations for the recovery of Rare earth Elements (REE) from the tailing dumps of graphite beneficiation plants from Orissa and A.P., India In: Subramanian, S., Natarajan, K.A., Rao, B.S. and Rao, T.R. (Eds) Proceedings of the International seminar on Mineral Processing Technology held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, pp. 577-584.
  15. V. Madhavan, J.M. Rao, N. V. Chalapathi Rao and M. Srinivas (1995) The multifaceted manifestations of an intrusive province around the intracratonic Cuddapah basin, India In: Magmatism related to diverse tectonic settings (Eds) R.K. Srivastava and R. Chandra, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 92-105.

( C) Books Edited

1. "Indian dykes: Geochemistry, Geochronology & Geophysics. Eds. R.K.Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V.Chalapathi Rao". Narosa Publishers, (2008), New Delhi, pp. 638.

2."Dyke swarms: keys for geodynamic interpretation" Rajesh K Srivastava and N.V. Chalapathi Rao (Eds) Abstract Volume of the 6th International Dyke Conference, BHU, Varanasi, 168pp.

Co-eidtor (along with G.Pearson, R.S.J. Sparks, H. Grutter, J.W. Harris, B. Kjarsgaard and H. O� Brien) of the special issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, Springer, containing full-papers of the proceedings of the X international kimberlite conference (held at Bangalore in 2012) being published in March, 2013.

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