Dr. P.K. Singh

Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel. : 0542-6701350 Lab. :0542-2369239- ext 45 Mob. :09935819700 Res. :0542-2368946 Fax number : 0542-2369239
Email Id:[email protected], [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.(H)Banaras Hindu University1986
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1988
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1992
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

  1. Coal characterization, petroleum source rock characterization and organic maturation including hydrocarbon generation, coal-forming depositional environments and coal utilization, coal upgradation using geo-biological tools
  2. Exploration of various minerals viz. Diamond, Gold, Tantalite, Hematite, Magnetite, Bauxite and Beach sands, coal etc.

      Received Saraswati Sahitya Samman in 2002 from Gorakhpur, U.P.
Any additional information:

A.Administrative Experience:

ESTABLISHED five Mineral Exploration Camps at: Antalaha Gold Belt-Madagascar; Uis Tantalite Belt-Namibia; Panna diamond Belt- M.P.; Anantapur diamond belt-Andhra Pradesh and Bellari Gold Belt- Karnataka while working with National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.(NMDC), Hyderabad.

B. Foreign Experience/Visits:
Visited Namibia (thrice), Madagascar and Indonesia for exploration of various minerals; Thailand for presenting paper in International Conference.

C.Industrial Experience:

Industrial Experience in National Mineral Development Corporation for Seven Years before joining BHU as Reader.

D. Reviewer:
Reviewed papers in various journals viz. Journal of Geological Society of India, Springer; Energy Sources- Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis; Energy, Exploration and Exploitation, U.K; Current Science; Journal of Asian Earth Sciences; Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

E. Chaired a session in International conference on Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development, Bangkok, Thailand, March 29-31st, 2011

List of 10 major Publications:(in order of importance)

  1. Singh, P. K., Singh, Asha Lata, Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2013. Control of different pyrite forms on desulfurization of` coal with bacteria Fuel 106, 876-879.
  2. Singh, Asha Lata, Singh, P. K., Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2012.Desulfurization of selected hard and brown coal samples from India and Indonesia with Ralstonia sp and Pseudoxanthomonas sp. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. vol, 30, No 6, pp 985-998.
  3. Singh, P. K., Singh, Asha Lata, Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2012. Mixed bacterial consortium as an emerging tool to remove hazardous trace metals from coal. Fuel , 102, pp 227-230.
  4. P. K. Singh, M.P. Singh, P. K. Prachiti, M. S. Kalpana, C. Manikyamba, G. Lakshminarayana, Alok K Singh and A.S. Naik, 2012. Petrographic characteristics and carbon isotopic composition of Permian coal: Implications on depositional environment of Sattupalli coalfield, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier. 90-91:34-42.
  5. P. K. Singh, M. P. Singh, A. K. Singh, A. S. Naik, Vikas K Singh, Vijay K Singh, and P. K. Rajak (2012). Petrological and geochemical investigations of Rajpardi lignite deposit, Gujarat, india. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation, U.K. v 30 (1) pp. 131-152.
  6. P. K. Singh, M.P. Singh, A. K. Singh and A.S. Naik. (2012). Petrographic and geochemical characterization of coals from Tiru valley, Nagaland, NE India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation, U.K. v.30 (2). Pp.171-192.
  7. Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., 2010. A study on the classification and utilization of coal from Rajmahal basin, Jharkhand, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, (Taylor & Francis), 34:134-142, 2012.
  8. P. K. Prachiti, C. Manikyamba, P. K. Singh*, V. Balaram, G. Lakshminarayana, K. Raju, M. P. Singh, M. S. Kalpana, M. Arora. 2011 Geochemical systematics and Precious metal content of the sedimentary horizons of Lower Gondwanas from the Sattupalli coal field, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier. 88:83-100
  9. Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P. and Singh, M. P. 2011. Characterization of coal of seams II, III and IIIA from Ramagundam Coalfield, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, (Taylor & Francis). 33(20):1863-1870.
  10. Singh, P. K. 2011. Geological and petrological considerations for CBM exploration: a review. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, (Taylor & Francis), 33: 1211-1220.

Full List of Publications:

A. Research Articles:

  1. Singh, P. K., Singh, Asha Lata, Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2013. Control of different pyrite forms on desulfurization of` coal with bacteria Fuel, 106, 876-879
  2. Singh A. K., Singh, M. P. and Singh P. K. (2013). Petrological investigations of Oligocene coals from foreland basin of northeast India, Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. Accepted
  3. Singh, P. K. (2013). Emerging trends in Clean Coal Technology (CCT) and its role to obtain Clean Fuel from the Coal Resources of Himalayan Region. In: (R.A Singh (Ed) Geology, Biodiversity & Natural Resources of Himalaya and Their Intellectual Property Law (in press).
  4. Singh, Asha Lata, Singh, P. K., Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2012.Desulfurization of selected hard and brown coal samples from India and Indonesia with Ralstonia sp and Pseudoxanthomonas sp. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. vol, 30, No 6, pp 985-998.
  5. Singh, P. K., Singh, Asha Lata, Kumar, Aniruddha and Singh, M. P. 2012. Mixed bacterial consortium as an emerging tool to remove hazardous trace metals from coal. Fuel , 102, pp 227-230.
  6. Singh, Asha Lata, Singh, P.K. and Singh, M.P. (2012). Biomethanization of coal to obtain clean coal energy: A Review, Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. vol 30, No 5, pp 837-852.
  7. Singh, P. K. 2012.Petrological and Geochemical considerations to predict oil potential of Rajpardi and Vastan lignite deposits of Gujarat, Western India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 80 (6), pp 759-770.
  8. P. K. Singh, M. P. Singh, A. K. Singh, A. S. Naik, Vikas K Singh, Vijay K Singh, and P. K. Rajak (2012). Petrological and geochemical investigations of Rajpardi lignite deposit, Gujarat, india. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. v 30 (1) pp. 131-152.
  9. P. K. Singh, M.P. Singh, A. K. Singh and A.S. Naik. (2012). Petrographic and geochemical characterization of coals from Tiru valley, Nagaland, NE India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation. v.30 (2). Pp.171-192.
  10. P. K. Singh, M.P. Singh, P. K. Prachiti, M. S. Kalpana, C. Manikyamba, G. Lakshminarayana, Alok K Singh and A.S. Naik, 2012. Petrographic characteristics and carbon isotopic composition of Permian coal: Implications on depositional environment of Sattupalli coalfield, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology. 90-91:34-42.
  11. Singh, Asha Lata, Singh, P. K. and. Singh, M.P and Kumar, Aniruddha.2011. Environmentally sensitive major and trace elements in Indonesian coal and their geochemical significance Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted-2011).
  12. Asha Lata Singh, P.K. Singh and M.P. Singh. Sequestration of metals from coal using bacteria: Environmental implications on Clean Coal Energy. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted- 2011).
  13. A. K. Singh, M. P. Singh and P. K. Singh. Microstructural relation of macerals with mineral matter in Eocene coal. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted-2011).
  14. A.K. Singh, P. K. Singh, M. P. Singh and P. K. Banerjee,. Utilization of Permian coal deposits of west Bokaro, India: a petro-chemical evaluation Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted-2011).
  15. Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K., Arora Mukesh and Naik, A.S.: Prediction of liquefaction behavior of East Kalimantan coals of Indonesia: an appraisal through petrography of selected coal samples. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted-2010).
  16. P.K. Singh and M.P. Singh. 2011. Coal resources of India in context of recent developments in Clean Coal Technologies. Proceedings of National Seminar on "Recent Advances in the development of Geographical knowledge and its interdisciplinary association with science", Department of Geography, BHU, 3-4 Nov., 2011. Pp 97-105
  17. Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P., Singh, M. P. and Naik, A.S. Petrology of coals from Rampur Seam-IV and Lajkura seam, Ib River coalfield, Mahanadi Valley, Orissa, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis (accepted- 2010).
  18. Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., 2012. A study on the classification and utilization of coal from Rajmahal basin, Jharkhand, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34:134-142.
  19. P. K. Prachiti, C. Manikyamba, P. K. Singh*, V. Balaram, G. Lakshminarayana, K. Raju, M. P. Singh, M. S. Kalpana, M. Arora. 2011 Geochemical systematics and Precious metal content of the sedimentary horizons of Lower Gondwanas from the Sattupalli coal field, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology, 88:83-100
  20. Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P. and Singh, M. P. 2011. Characterization of coal of seams II, III and IIIA from Ramagundam Coalfield, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis. 33(20):1863-1870.
  21. Singh, P. K. 2011. Geological and petrological considerations for CBM exploration: a review. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, 33: 1211-1220.
  22. Singh, P. K., Asha Lata Singh, Aniruddha Kumar and M. P. Singh, 2011. A study on removal of selected major elements from Indonesian coal through bacteria:Environmental implications. Proceedings, International conference on Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development, Bangkok, Thailand, March 29-31st, 2011, WASET, No. 75, pp 925-935 (ISSN 2010-376X).
  23. Asha Lata Singh, P.K. Singh. (2011). Metal recovery from lean grade ores through bacteria. In: P. Sharma, V. Vajpai and P.K. Jain (Eds)- Microbial Ecology, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, pp. 117-148.
  24. Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P. and Singh, A. K. 2010. Petro-chemical characterization and evolution of Vastan Lignite, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Coal Geology. 82 (1-2):1-16.
  25. Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K. and Mukesh Arora, 2010. Petrographic characteristics of coal from the Lati Formation, Tarakan basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Journal of Coal Geology.81:109-116.
  26. Singh, P. K., Singh, Asha Lata, 2010. Desulfurization and demineralization of coal with bacteria: An ecofriendly concept for clean coal energy. In V. Vajpai, P. Sharma & V.K. Gupta (Eds). Recent Trends in Microbial Biotechnology, p 215-231; Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany ISBN No-987-3-8433-9002-6.
  27. Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P. and Naik, A.S. 2010. Petrological considerations for beneficiation of Indian coal. Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 54. 51-60.
  28. Singh, P. K. 2009. Rehoboth: A hunting ground for polymetallic deposit in Namibia, Arabian J of geoscience, Springer, 2, pp 133-137.
  29. Singh, P. K. 2009. Occurrence of low grade concentration of niobium and tantalum in the granites of Eastern Uis region of Namibia: An exploration based study. Jour. Geol. & Mining Research (Academic Press), Vol 1 (3) pp 067-075.
  30. Singh, P. K. 2009. Results of tantalite exploration in Uis, Namibia. Jour Ind. Geol. Cong., vol. 1 (1), pp 3-12.
  31. Singh, P. K. 2008. Revelation of tin and niobium occurrences in Southern Uis Region of Namibia. Trabajos de Geolog�a, Univ. de Oviedo, 28 pp. 33-39, Spain
  32. P.K. Singh, (2008): Mine fire in India: a national catastrophe, Disaster Advances, editorial, V1 (2), pp 3-4
  33. Singh, P.K. & M.P. Singh (2008): Microlithotype Analysis of Brown Coal/lignite - A Proposal, ICCP News, No 44, 22-23.
  34. Singh, P. K., 2007. Tantalite exploration in 'Block-A'of Uis region, Namibia in Trabajos de Geolog�a, Univ. de Oviedo, 27 : 41-69 (2007) Spain.
  35. Singh, P. K. 2007. Evaluation of tantalite mineralization through surface and sub-surface exploration: a case study in Block-D, Uis, Namibia, Indian Journal of Geochemistry, 22 (2), pp 385-412.
  36. Singh, P.K. 2005: Thermal efficiency of Indian Gondwana coals for steel and Power Industries: An evaluation through coal Petrography. Mining Engineers journal. Vol.6, no.9, pp 25-30.
  37. Singh, P.K. 2004: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Lalmatia coal seams, Hura coalfield, Rajmahal basin, Jharkhand, India. J. of Appl. Geochemistry,vol. 6, no. 1, pp 45-60.
  38. Singh, M.P., Singh, P.K & Singh, A.K. 2003: Petrography and Depositional environments of the Permian Coal Deposits of Deoghar Basins, Bihar. J.Geol. Soc. India, vol. 61, no.4, pp 419-438.
  39. Singh, P.K. 2001: A study on the inherent moisture and its controls in the Permian coals of the Rajmahal and Deoghar basins, Bihar, India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Challenges in Geoexploration in the Millenium-2000", pp 35-41.
  40. Mukherjee, A., Tripathi, A. and Singh, P.K. 2000. Heavy indicator mineral chemistry and its application to Indian Kimberlites/Lamproites: Prioritizing the target areas. Mining Engineers Journal. 10-16.
  41. Mukherjee, A., Kimothi, G.P., Babu, E.V.S.S.K., Tripathi, A and Singh. P. K. 2000. Geochemical correlation of garnets from Majhagawan and Payalikhand diatremes, M. P. In: S. K. Verma (Ed). Geology and geophysics of Indian kimberlites and lamproites. AEG Publication Hyderabad, pp 318-326.
  42. Singh, P.K. and others 1999: Rajgamar Koyale ka shail rasayanik vyavahar.(In Hindi) In Vigyan Garima Sindhu, New Delhi, no 30, pp 82-86.
  43. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P.K 1998: Organic maturation study of the Permian coal seams, Rajmahal basin, Bihar. J.Geol. Soc. India, vol. 51, pp 279-294.
  44. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P.K 1998: Environment of deposition of Karhabari coal deposits of Saharjuri coalfield, Deoghar basin: Application of coal petrography based models. Ed. M. P. Singh, Coal & Organic Petrology, Recent Researches in Economic Geology I, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 48-67..
  45. Singh, M.P., Chandra,D. & Singh, P.K 1998: Koyale me upasthit sukshma matrik tatwon dwara paryavaran pradooshan aur manava swasthya par dushprabhava: ek adhyayan (In Hindi). Vigyan Garima Sindhu, No. 26, pp 80-90.
  46. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P. K 1996: Petrographic characterization and evolution of the Permian coal deposits of the Rajmahal basin, Bihar, India. International Journ. coal Geol., Elsevier, The Netherlands. 29: 93-118.
  47. Singh, P.K and others 1996: Bharat ke jeewashma indhan sansadhan evam unaka sanrakshan (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.XI,Pts1&2, pp 27-37.
  48. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P. K. 1995: Mineral matter in the Rajmahal coals: Study through incident light microscopy and scanning electron micrography. J.Geol. Soc. India, vol. 46, pp. 557-564.
  49. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P. K 1994: Indications of Hydrocarbon generation in the coal deposits of the Rajmahal basin, Bihar: Revelation of Fluorescence microscopy. J. Geol. Soc. India, vol. 43, no.6, pp.647-658.
  50. Singh, M.P. & Singh, P.K 1994: Comment and Reply on the paper "Indications of Hydrocarbon generation in the coal deposits of the Rajmahal basin, Bihar: Revelation of Fluorescence microscopy". J.Geol. Soc. India, vol. 44, pp. 588-590.
  51. Singh, P.K. and others, 1992: Petrography of coal seams I and II of the Chirimiri coalfield, Sarguja, M.P., MINETECH, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 29-33.
  52. Singh, P.K. and Singh, G P. 1991: Petrographic studies of coal seams from Banki and Ghordewa areas, Korba coalfields, Bilaspur, M.P. , INDIAN MINERALS, Calcutta, vol. 45, no 3, pp. 189-196.
  53. Singh, G.P. and Singh, P. K. 1991: Petrological and Geochemical studies of Talcher coals (Orissa) with special reference to coal seam No I, MINETECH, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 55-59.
  54. Singh, P.K and others 1991: Koyala utkhanan, upayog evam hamara paryavaran: Samasyayein aur samadhaan. (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.VI,pt. 1& 2 pp. 81-88.
  55. J. Singh and P. K. Singh, 1991: Studies of the dielectric constant of Indian rocks and minerals and some other materials. PAGEOPH, Springer, vol.135, No.4. pp. 601-610.
  56. Singh, J., Singh, P. K. & Singh, R. M. 1989: Some studies in the Electrical Properties of Indian Coal. MINETECH, vol. 10 no. 2 pp. 59-62.
  57. II Popular articles

  58. Singh, P. K. (2013). Bharat ke Tertiary yug ke koyala sansadhan evam unake shail-rasayanik gun: Ek vihangawalokan. (in Hindi) In: (R.A Singh (Ed) Geology, Biodiversity & Natural Resources of Himalaya and Their Intellectual Property Law (in press).
  59. Singh, P.K. (2012). Coal bed methane: Bharatiya Pariprekchya mein clean coal technology ki ek mahatwapurna kadi (in Hindi), Vigyan Ganga Patrika, Science Faculty, BHU,v2,No3, pp 54-55.
  60. Singh Asha Lata and Singh P. K. (2012). Moksha dayini nirmal Ganga: ek avalokan. In: Bhuskhalan evam Paryavaran Hraas. (Ed) R. A. Singh, pp 161-165 (ISBN: 81-85097-95)
  61. Singh, P.K and others (2007): Koyala kchetra me pradushan ki samasya: ek punarawalokan (in Hindi). In 'Bharatiya udyogon ke sandarbh me Koyale ka sansadhan'workshop by NML, Jamshedpur. pp 83-88.
  62. Singh, P.K. (2004): 'Ye bhramansheel mahadweep'(in Hindi), Spandan, IICT, Hyderabad, pp 50-52.
  63. Singh, P.K. (2001): Sookshama matrik tatwon ki vishaktata: Bharatiya khanij udyogon ke sandarbh me ek vihangavalokan (in Hindi). In KHANIJ BHARATI, NMDC Magazine, Hyderabad, pp 31 & 52.
  64. Singh, P.K. (2000): Khanij gaveshan ka moulik swaroop(in Hindi). In KHANIJ BHARATI, NMDC Magazine, Hyderabad, pp 25-26.
  65. Singh, P.K. and others (1999): Koyale ka dahan aur hamara paryavaran. (In Hindi). VIGYAN GARIMA SINDHU, No. 31, pp 65-69.
  66. Singh, P.K and others (1996): Bharat ke jeewashma indhan sansadhan evam unaka sanrakshan (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.XI,Pts1&2, pp 27-37.
  67. Singh, P.K and others (1994 & 95): Bhukamp purwanumaan ke adhunik ayaam. (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.IX & X, pp 27-37.
  68. Singh, P.K and others (1991): Koyala utkhanan, upayog evam hamara paryavaran: Samasyayein aur samadhaan. (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.VI,pt. 1& 2 pp. 81-88.
  69. Singh, P.K. (1989): Paryavaran Pradooshan (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.IV,pt. 2 pp. 116-121.
  70. Singh, P.K. (1989): Ozone mandal ki tootati partein. (in Hindi). GEOSCIENCE JOURNAL.vol.IV,pt. 1 pp. 61-63.
  71. Singh, P.K. (1989): Environmental pollution. MINETECH,vol 10,no.6, pp 41-44.

Other publications: Published a book on poems in Hindi on 'National patriotism'and 'Science'entitled "Wahi Mousam Phir Se".

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