Dr. U.K. Shukla

Contact Information:
+91-9453131620 (Mob.) Fax:+91-542-2368390
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Academic Qualifications:
S. No. Degree Institution Year
1. B.Sc. Lucknow Univ. 1985
2. M.Sc. Lucknow Univ. 1987
3. Ph. D. Lucknow Univ. 1992

Area of Specailization: Sedimentology. For the last 20 years of doctoral and postdoctoral research interest hinges on facies analysis of ancient and modern deposits of fluvial, marine and lake origin. For the last one decade, using modern tools such as, architectural element analysis, palaeocurrent, trace fossil etc, Himalayan Foreland Basin deposits including ancient Siwalik sequences and modern Gangetic Foreland Basin sediments have been studied to generate facies models for various depositional domains, and to evaluate the role of synsedimentary tectonism and palaeoclimate influencing the mode of sedimentation through Neogene-Quaternary times. Study of modern fluvial processes has been helpful to understand the river dynamics in the past. Incised valley system of Gangetic Plain rivers has also been compared to Stuttgart Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic) of Germany believed have formed under similar climatic settings. Recently, an attempt has also been made to understand the sequence stratigraphic context of Proterozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary basins of India.


Awards/ Recognitions: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Germany

List of 10 Major Publications
  1. Shukla. U. K., Bachmann, G.H. and. Singh I. B. (2010): Facies architecture and sedimentation pattern of the Mid-Carnian Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein), central Germany, and its comparison with modern Ganges system, India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197, 110-128.
  2. Srivastava, P. and Shukla, U. K. (2010): Climate control on erosion distribution over the Himalaya during past ~100 ka. Geology, August, e216.
  3. Shukla, U. K. (2009): Sedimentation model of gravel-dominated alluvial piedmont fan, Ganga plain, India. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 443-459.
  4. Shukla, U. K. and Srivastava, R. (2008): Lizard eggs from the late Cretaceous Lameta Formation of Jabalpur, central India with interpretation of depositional environments of nest-bearing horizon. Cretaceous Research, 29, 674-686.
  5. Shukla, U. K. and Bachmann, G. H. (2007): Estuarine sedimentation in the Stuttgart Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic) South Germany. N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont. Abh., 243, 305-323.
  6. Shukla, U. K., Bachmann, G.H., Beutler, G., Barnasch, J. and Franz, M. (2006): Extremely distal fluvial sandstone within the Playa system of Arnstadt Formation (Norian, Late Triassic), central Germany. Facies, 52, 541-554.
  7. Shukla, U. K. and Bora, D. S. (2005): Sedimentation Model for the Quaternary intramontane Bhimtal-Naukuchiatal Lake deposits, Nainital, India. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 837-848.
  8. Shukla, U. K., Kotlia, B. S. and Mathur, P. D. (2002): Sedimentation pattern of intermountain Lamayuru Lake, North Western Ladakh. Sedimentary Geolology, 148, 405 - 425.
  9. Shukla, U. K., Singh, I. B., Sharma, S. and Sharma, M. (2001): A model of mega fan sedimentation, Ganga Plain, India. Sedimentary Geolology, 144, 243 -263.
  10. Shukla, U. K., Singh, I. B., Srivastava, P. and Singh, D. (1999): Palaeocurrent patterns in braid bar and point bar deposits: example from Ganga River, India. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69, 992 -1002.
Additional Information/ Achievements: �
  1. Reviewer of International and National journals and projects funded by National and International agencies.
  2. Lectured delivered at different International and National forums.
  3. Conducted field training programmes to PG students of Indian and German Universities.
Full List of Publications
  1. Shukla, U. K. and Singh, I. B. (1990): Facies analysis of Bhuj Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) Kachchh, India. Journal Palaeontological Society of India , 35, 189 -196.
  2. Shukla, U. K and Singh, I. B. (1990): Markov chain analysis and recognition of transgressive events in Bhuj Sandstone (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous), Kachchh, India. In: Cretaceous Event Stratigraphy and Correlation of Nonmarine Strata, Eds. Sahni, A. and Jolly, A. (Contributions from Seminar/Workshop, IGCP, 216 and 245, Chandigarh, India) 52 -54.
  3. Singh, I. B. and Shukla, U. K. (1991): Significance of trace fossils in the Bhuj Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) of eastern Kachchh, India. Journal Palaeontological Society of India 36, 121-126.
  4. Shukla, U. K. and Singh, I. B. (1993): First record of marine macro-invertibrate from Bhuj Sandtone (Lower Cretaceous) of eastern Kachchh. Current Science, 62, 171-174.
  5. Shukla, U. K. (1995): Palaeoenvironment of Bist College Member in Krol Formation, Nainital, Lesser Himalaya. Journal Geological Society of India, 45, 577-583.
  6. Shukla, U. K. and Pant, C. C. (1996): Facies Analysis of Late Proterozoic Nagthat Formation, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. Journal Geological Society of India, 47, 431-445.
  7. Shukla, U. K., Khan, Z. A. and Singh, I. B. (1996): Markov Chain Analysis of the shallow marine Bhuj Sandstone of Early Cretaceous age, Kachchh basin, India. Journal Geological Society of India, 48, 567-578.
  8. Kotlia, B. S., Shukla, U. K., Bhalla, M. S., Mathur, P. D. and Pant, C. C. (1997): Quaternary palaeoclimatic changes in the Lamayuru basin, Ladakh Himalaya: Preliminary multidisciplinary investigations. Geological Magazine, 134, 807 -812.
  9. Singh, I. B., Shukla, U. K. and Srivastava, P. (1998): Point bar complex of an exhumed channel in upland interfluve of the Ganga Plain, India. Journal Geological Society of India, 51, 315-322.
  10. Singh, I. B., Srivastava, P., Sharma, S., Sharma, M., Singh, D., Rajagopalan, G. and Shukla, U. K. (1999): Upland Interfluve (Doab) deposition: Alternative model to muddy overbank deposition. Facies, 40, 197-210.
  11. Pant, C. C. and Shukla, U. K. (1999): Nagthat Formation: an example of a progradational, tide dominated succession in Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 17, 353-368.
  12. Shukla, U. K., Singh, I. B., Srivastava, P. and Singh, D. (1999): Palaeocurrent patterns in braid bar and point bar deposits: example from Ganga River, India. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 69, 992-1002.
  13. Srivastava, P., Shukla, U. K., Mishra, P., Sharma, M., Sharma, S., Singh, I. B. and Singhvi, A. K. (2000). Luminescence chronology and facies development of Bhur sands in the interfluve region of Central Ganga Plain, India. Current Science, 78, 498- 503.
  14. Shukla, U. K., Singh, I. B., Sharma, S. and Sharma, M. (2001): � A model of mega fan sedimentation, Ganga Plain, India. Sedimentary Geolology , 144, 243-263.
  15. Shukla, U. K., Kotlia, B. S. and Mathur, P. D. (2002): Sedimentation pattern of intermountain Lamayuru Lake, North Western Ladakh. Sedimentary Geolology, 148, 405- 425.
  16. Sharma, M., Sharma, S., Shukla, U. K. and Singh, I. B. (2002): Sandstone body architecture and stratigraphic trends in the Middle Siwalik succession of Jammu area, India. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20, 817-828.
  17. Shukla U. K. (2002): Facies Architecture of Quaternary Bhimtal-Naukuchiatal Lake, Nainital, India: A Palaeoclimatic Connotation. In: Aspects of Geology and Environment of the Himalaya, Eds. Pant C. C. and Sharma A. K. (Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, India), 141-158.
  18. Shukla, U. K. and Bora, D. S. (2003): Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Piedmont zone, Ganga Plain, India. Current Science, 84, 1034-1040.
  19. Srivastava, P., Singh, I. B., Sharma, S., Shukla, U. K. and Singhvi, A. K. (2003): Late Pleistocene-Holocene hydraulic changes in the interfluve areas of the central Ganga plain, India. Geomorphology, 54, 279-292.
  20. Shukla, U.K. and Singh, I. B. (2004): Signature of Palaeofloods in sandbar-levee deposits, Ganga Plain, India. Journal Geological Society of India, 64, 455-460.
  21. Bora, D. S. and Shukla, U. K. (2005): Petrofacies implication on the Lower Siwalik foreland basin evolution, Kumaun Himalaya, India. Journal Palaeontological Society of India, Spec. Publ., 2,163-179.
  22. Shukla, U. K. and Bora, D. S. (2005): Sedimentation Model for the Quaternary intramontane Bhimtal-Naukuchiatal Lake deposits, Nainital, India. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 837-848.
  23. Agarwal, K. K. and Shukla, U. K. (2005): Deformational Pattern of Siwalik Sequence in Gaula River and Nihal Nadi sections, Kumaun Himalaya, Uttaranchal, India. Journal Palaeontological Society of India, Spec. Publ., 2, 65-70.
  24. Hauschke, N., Shukla, U.K. and Becker, A. (2005): The Middle Buntsandstein (Solling Formation, Chirotheriensandstein) in the Merkel quarry in Bernburg on the Saale (Sachen Anhalt) ? new investigations in a classical outcrop. Hallesches Jarb. Geowiss, 19, 119-126.
  25. Shukla, U. K. (2006): Evidence of Palaeofloods in Ramnagar, Varanasi, India. Jnana-Pravaha Bulletin, 9, 149-150.
  26. Shukla, U. K., Bachmann, G.H., Beutler, G., Barnasch, J. and Franz, M. (2006): Extremely distal fluvial sandstone within the Playa system of Arnstadt Formation (Norian, Late Triassic), central Germany. Facies, 52, 541-554.
  27. Shukla, U. K. and Bachmann, G. H. (2007): Estuarine sedimentation in the Stuttgart Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic) South Germany. N. Jb. Geol. Palaeont. Abh., 243, 305-323.
  28. Shukla, U. K. and Srivastava, R. (2008): Lizard eggs from the late Cretaceous Lameta Formation of Jabalpur, central India with interpretation of depositional environments of nest-bearing horizon. Cretaceous Research, 29, 674-686.
  29. Shukla, U. K. and Raju, N. J. (2008): Migration of Ganga River and its bearing on hydrological potential of Varanasi area, India. Jour. Ear. Syst. Sci., 17 (4), 1-10.
  30. Shukla, U. K. and Prakash, D. (2008): Activities of the North Indian Chapter of the Geological Society of India: Pop�larizing Geology. Journal Geological Society of India, 72,579-580.
  31. Shukla, U. K. (2009): Sedimentation model of gravel-dominated alluvial piedmont fan, Ganga plain, India. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 443-459.
  32. Shukla, U. K., Bora, D. S. and Singh, C. K. (2009): Geomorphic positioning and depositional dynamics of palaeochannels in the Lower Siwalik Basin, Kumaun Himalaya, India. Journal Geological Society of India, 73, 335-354.
  33. Srivastava, P. and Shukla, U. K. (2009): Quaternary Evolution of the Ganga River System: New Quartz Ages and a review of Luminescence Chronology. Himalayan Geology, 3 (1), 85-94.
  34. Shukla, U. K., Singh, C. K. and D. S. Bora (2009): Palaeoclimatic response to Quaternary gravels: A source to sink perspective, Kumaun Himalaya, India. Quaternary International, Vol. 213, 2010, pp. 33-43.
  35. Srivastava, P. and Shukla, U. K. (2009): Climate control on erosion distribution over the Himalaya during past ~100 ka. Geology, August, e216.
  36. Raju, N.J., Shukla, U. K. and Ram, P. (2010): Hydrochemistry for the assessment of groundwater quality in Varanasi: a fast-urbanizing centre in Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 173, 279-300.
  37. Omnath Saha, Shukla, U. K., Rekha Rani (2010): Palaeoenvironmental implication of trace fossils in the Upper Cretaceous Lameta Beds of Jabalpur area, M. P., India. Journal geological Society of India, 73, 607-620.
  38. Shukla, U. K. and Bora, D. S. (2010): Interfluve sedimentation and its distinction from active floodplain deposits of the Lower Siwalik sequence of Kumaun Himalaya, India, In: D.S. Singh and N. L. Chhabra (eds.) Geological Processes and Climate change, Mcmillan Pub., India, 117-134 pp.
  39. Shukla U. K. Srivastava P. and Singh I. B. (2012): Migration of Ganga River and development of cliffs in Varanasi region during late Quaternary: Role of active tectonics, Geomorphology (in press; doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.05.009).
  40. Shukla. U. K., Bachmann, G.H. and. Singh I. B. (2010): Facies architecture and sedimentation pattern of the Mid-Carnian Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein), central Germany, and its comparison with modern Ganges system, India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197, 110-127.
  41. U. K. Shukla (2012): Varanasi and the Ganga River: A Geological Perspective. In V. Jayasawal (eds.) Varanasi: Myths and Scientific Studies (Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Workshop). Aryan Books International, Delhi 100-113.

    Contribution to International/National conferences: 48

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