Dr. Arvind Kumar Misra

Ph.D (IIT, Kanpur)
Contact Information:
Email Id:[email protected]
Employee No.

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.(PMC)Lucknow University1991
3.Ph. D.I.I.T.,Kanpur2004
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Mathematical Modeling of environmental & ecological systems. Mathematical Modeling of Epidemics. Mathematical Modeling of Social Dynamics. Delay Mathematical Modeling

Current Research Projects:
Completed one minor research project titled Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Eutrophication: Effects of Nutrients Supplied by Water Run �Off approved by University Grant Commission, New Delhi, March 2004.
Awards/ Achievements:
  1. Qualified CSIR JRF examination December 1993.
  2. Qualified GATE examination 1994 (with percentile 96.26).
  3. Availed CSIR JRF and SRF during Ph.D. program, 1994-1998, IIT Kanpur
  4. Received General Proficiency Medal, for Best Academic Performance during M.Sc. program, 1994, IIT Kanpur
  5. Availed MCM scholarship during M.Sc. program, IIT Kanpur .
Additional information/Achievements:

Professional Details:

  • Lecturer, May 05, 1998- May 04, 2007(Brahmanand P.G. College, Kanpur)
  • Reader w.e.f. May 05, 2007 � Nov. 16, 2007.(Brahmanand P.G. College, Kanpur)
  • Reader w.e.f. Nov. 17, 2007, BHU Varanasi
  • Member, Indian Society of Nonlinear Analysts, 2002-03
  • Life Member, Indian Society of Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation (ISMMACS)
  • Life Member, Banaras Mathematical Society, BHU, Varanasi, INDIA.
  • Life Member, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, INDIA.
  • Life Member, International Academy of Physical Sciences, Allahabad.
  • Adjunct Scientist in Bhabha International Institute of Fundamental Research and Development.

A. Full List of Publications:

  1. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra and Peeyush Chandra: Modeling the depletion of dissolved oxygen in a water body due to organic pollutants and their effect survival of species, Edited Volume on Mathematical Biology (eds. P.Chandra & B.V.Rathish Kumar) Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 266-273, 2005.
  2. A.K. Misra, Peeyush Chandra and J.B.Shukla: Mathematical modeling and analysis of the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water bodies, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 7 (2006), 980-996.
  3. A.K. Misra: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Eutrophication of Water Bodies Caused by Nutrients, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 12 (4), (2007), 511-524.
  4. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra and Peeyush Chandra: Mathematical modeling of the survival of biological species in polluted water bodies, J.of Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 15(3 & 4), (2007), pp. 209-230.
  5. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra and Peeyush Chandra: Modeling and analysis of the algal bloom in a lake caused by discharge of nutrients, J. of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 196(2) (2008), 782- 790.
  6. A.K. Misra: Mathematical modeling of the survival of biological species in eutrophied water bodies, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect A, 78(IV), 2008, 331-340.
  7. J.B. Shukla, Shyam Sundar, A.K. Misra and Ram Naresh: Modelling the removal of gaseous pollutants and particulate matters from the atmosphere of a city by rain:effect of cloud density, Environ. Model. Assess., 13, (2008), 255-263.
  8. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra and Peeyush Chandra: Mathematical modeling and analysis of the depletion of dissolved oxygen in eutrophied water bodies affected by organic pollutants, , Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 9, (2008), 1851- 1865.
  9. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra, Shyam Sundar and Ram Naresh: Effect of rain on removal of a gaseous pollutant and two different particulate matters from the atmosphere of a city, J. of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48, 2008, 832-844.
  10. Ram Naresh, Surabhi Pandey and A.K. Misra: Effect of vaccination on the spread of infectious diseases in a socially structured population, J. of Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control, 13 (3), 2008, 331-350.
  11. Shyam Sundar, Ram Naresh, A.K. Misra and Shukla J.B.: A nonlinear mathematical model to study the interactions of hot gases with cloud droplets and raindrops, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(7), 2009, 3015-3024.
  12. A.K. Misra and B. Dubey: A ratio-dependent predator prey model with delay and harvesting, Journal of Biological Systems, 18(2), 2010, 437-453.
  13. J.B. Shukla, A.K. Misra, Ram Naresh and Peeyush Chandra: How artificial rain can be produced? A mathematical model, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(4), 2010, 2659- 2668.
  14. A.K. Misra: Modeling the depletion of dissolved oxygen in a lake due to submerged macrophytes, Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control, 15(2), 2010, 185-198.
  15. A.K. Misra and Arvind K. Singh: A mathematical model for unemployment, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12(1) (2011) 128-136.
  16. A.K. Misra, Anupama Sharma and J.B. Shukla: Modeling and analysis of effects of awareness programs by media on the spread of infectious diseases, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 53 (2011) 1221-1228.
  17. J.B. Shukla, Kusum Lata and A.K. Misra: Modeling the depletion of renewable resource by population and industrialization: Effect of technology on its conservation, Natural Resource Modeling 24 (2), 2011
  18. J.B. Shukla, Vishal Singh and A.K. Misra: Modelling the spread of carrier dependent infectious diseases due to movement of susceptible in the bacteria filled environment, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12(5), 2011, 2541 - 2551.
  19. A.K. Misra: Modeling the depletion of dissolved oxygen due to algal bloom in a lake by taking Holling type - III interaction, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2011) 8367-8376.
  20. J.B. Shukla, Rashmi Sanghi, Ashish Goyal, A.K. Misra: Modeling the desalination of saline water by using bacteria and marsh plants, Desalination 277, 2011, 113-120.
  21. A.K. Misra, Anupama Sharma and Vishal Singh: Effect of awareness programs in controlling the prevalence of an epidemic with time delay, Journal of Biological Systems, 19(2), 2011, 389-402.
  22. A.K. Misra, Peeyush Chandra and V. Raghavendra: Modeling the depletion of dissolved oxygen in a lake due to algal bloom: effect of time delay, Advances in Water Resources (Article in Press).
  23. A.K. Misra, Peeyush Chandra and V. Raghavendra: Modeling the depletion of dissolved oxygen in a lake due to algal bloom: effect of time delay, Advances in Water Resources, 34 (2011) 1232-1238. (Elsevier)
  24. A.K. Misra and Vishal Singh: A delay mathematical model for the spread and control of water borne disease, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 301 (2012) 49-56. (Elsevier)
  25. A.K. Misra, S.N. Mishra, A.L. Pathak Peeyush Misra and Ram Naresh: Modeling the effect of time delay in controlling the carrier dependent infectious disease - Cholera, Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 11547�11557. (Elsevier)
  26. A.K. Misra: A simple mathematical model for the spread of two political parties, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 17(3) (2012) 343-354. (Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics)
  27. A.K. Misra and Kusum Lata, Modeling the effect of time delay on the conservation of forestry biomass, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 46 (2013) 1-11.(Elsevier)
  28. A.K. Misra and Arvind K. Singh, A delay mathematical model for the control of unemployment, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 21(3) (2013) 291-307.
  29. S. Samanta, S. Rana, A. Sharma, A. K. Misra and J. Chattopadhyay, Effect of awareness programs by media on the epidemic outbreaks: a mathematical model, Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (2013) 6965-6977. (Elsevier)
  30. A.K. Misra and Maitri Verma, A mathematical model to study the dynamics of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(16) (2013) 8595-8609. (Elsevier)
  31. J.B. Shukla, Shyam Sundar, A.K. Misra and Ram Naresh, Modeling the effects of aerosols to increase rainfall in regions with shortage. J. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 120(3-4) (2013) 151-163. (Springer)
  32. A.K.Misra, Anupama Sharma and Jia Li, A mathematical model for prevention of vector borne diseases through media campaigns, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series- B. 18(2013) 1909- 1927. (AIMS)
  33. Ashish Goyal, Rashmi Sanghi, A.K.Misra, J.B. Shukla, A modeling study on the role of fungi in removing inorganic pollutants, Mathematical Biosciences, 244 (2013) 116-124. (Elsevier)
  34. A.K. Misra, S.N. Mishra, A.L. Pathak, P.K. Srivastava and Peeyush Chandra, A mathematical model for the control of carrier-dependent infectious diseases with direct transmission and time delay, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 57 (2013) 41-53. (Elsevier)
  35. A.K. Misra and Maitri Verma, Modeling the impact of mitigation options on methane abatement from rice fields, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 19 (2014) 927-945. (Springer)
  36. A.K.Misra, Kusum Lata and J.B.Shukla A mathematical model for the depletion of forestry resources due to population and population pressure augmented industrialization, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 05(1) (2014) 1350022 (16 pages) (World Scientific)
  37. A.K. Misra, Kusum Lata and J.B. Shukla, Effects of population and population pressure on forest resources and their conservation: A modeling study, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 16 (2014) 361-374. (Springer)
  38. J.B. Shukla, Ashish Goyal, P.K. Tiwari, A.K. Misra, Modeling the role of dissolved oxygen dependent bacteria on biodegradation of organic pollutants, International Journal of Biomathematics, 07(1) (2014) 1450008 (16 pages). (World Scientific)
  39. A.K. Misra, Maitri Verma and Anupama Sharma, Capturing the interplay between malware and anti-malware in a computer network, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 229 (2014) 340-349. (Elsevier)
  40. A.K. Misra, P.K. Tiwari, A. Goyal and J.B. Shukla, Modelling and analysis of the depletion of organic pollutants by bacteria with explicit dependence on dissolved oxygen, Natural Resource Modelling, 27(2) (2014), 258-273. (Wiley)
  41. P. K. Tiwari, S. Rana, A. K. Misra and J. Chattopadhyay, Effect of cross-diffusion on the patterns of algal bloom in a lake: A nonlinear analysis, Nonlinear Studies 21 (3) (2014) 1-20.
  42. Ashish Goyal, Rashmi Sanghi, A.K. Misra and J.B. Shukla, Modeling and analysis of the removal of an organic pollutant from a water body using fungi, Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (2014) 4863-4871. (Elsevier)
  43. A.K. Misra, Modeling the effect of police deterrence on the prevalence of crime in the society, Applied Mathematics and Computation 237 (2014) 531-545. (Elsevier)
  44. Anupama Sharma and A. K. Misra, Modeling the impact of media campaigns on vaccination coverage in a variable population, Journal of Biological Systems, 22 ( 02) (2014), 249-270. (World Scientific)
  45. A.K. Misra and Maitri Verma, Impact of environmental education on mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions: A modeling study, International Journal of Global Warming, 7(4) (2015), 466-486. (Inderscience)
  46. A. K. Misra and Kusum Lata, Depletion and conservation of forestry resources: A mathematical model, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 23(1) (2015) 25-41. (Springer)
  47. A.K. Misra and P.K. Tiwari, A model for the effect of density of human population on the depletion of dissolved oxygen in a water body, Environment Development and Sustainability, 17 (2015) 623-640. (Springer)
  48. Anupama Sharma and A.K. Misra, Backward bifurcation in smoking cessation model with media campaigns, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 39 (2015) 1087-1098. (Elsevier)
  49. Ashish Goyal, A.K. Misra J. B. Shukla and Ajay Shukla, Modeling the role of government efforts in controlling extremism in a society, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2015, 38 4300�4316. (Wiley)
  50. S. Chakraborty, P. K. Tiwari, A. K. Misra and J. Chattopadhyay, Spatial dynamics of a nutrient-phytoplankton system with toxic effect on phytoplankton, Mathematical Biosciences 264 (2015) 94-100. (Elsevier)
  51. A. K. Misra, M. Tiwari and Anupama Sharma, Spatio-temporal patterns in a cholera transmission model, Journal of Biological Systems, 23(03) (2015), 471-484. (World Scientific)
  52. A. K. Misra, Maitri Verma and E. Venturino, Modeling the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide through reforestation: effect of time delay, Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2015) 1:24.(Springer)
  53. A.K. Misra, Kusum Lata, A mathematical model to achieve sustainable forest management, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 06(4) (2015) 1550040 (18 pages).(World Scientific)
  54. A.K. Misra, Anupama Sharma and J.B. Shukla, Stability analysis and optimal control of an epidemic model with awareness programs by media BioSystems 138 (2015) 53-62. (Elsevier)
  55. A. K. Misra, Pankaj Tiwari and E. Venturino, Modeling the impact of awareness on the mitigation of algal bloom in a lake, J Biol Phys (2016) 42:147-165. (Springer)
  56. A Kumar, A.K. Agrawal, A Hasan and A.K. Misra, Modeling the effect of toxicant on the deformity in a subclass of a biological species, Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2016) 2:40. (Springer).
  57. A.K. Misra, Alok Gupta and Ezio Venturino, Cholera dynamics with Bacteriophage infection: A mathematical study, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 91 (2016) 610-621. (Elsevier).
  1. Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Nov. 14-15, 2002, NAL, Bangalore.
  2. International Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Jan.02-04, 2003, Organized by Indian Society of Nonlinear Analysts, Science City, Kolkata and chaired a session.
  3. International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Feb.19-21, 2004, IIT Kanpur
  4. Recent Developments in Biomathematics, Feb.14, 2005, IIT Roorkee.
  5. International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Dec. 12-15, 2006, LNMIIT Jaipur, INDIA.
  6. Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Feb. 16-18, 2007, IIT Kanpur, U.P..
  7. National conference on scientific and legal challenges of global warming, Feb. 25-26, 2008, BND College, Kanpur, U.P.
  8. National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation. January 9th-11th, 2009, at Gwalior, jointly organized by ABV, IIITM and Jiwaji University, Gwalior.
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