Dr.Harish Chandra

Ph.D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel.0542-6703090 (Off.).
Email Id:(1) [email protected] (2) [email protected]
Employee No. 12091

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.A. (Hons. Maths)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1985
2.M.A.(Mathematics)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1987
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi1992
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Functional Analysis and Operator Theory.

Current Research Projects:
Co-PI, Wavelets their applications in computational Mechanics Department of Science and Technology has been approved via letter no.SR/S4/MS-367/06 of dated 18th June 2007.
Awards/ Achievements:
  1. Awarded UGC-JRF (NET) in 1986.
  2. Post doctoral visiting fellow in TIFR, Mumbai, 1993.
Additional information/Achievements:

Professional Details:

  • Associate Professor- Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University from 25-05-2007 onwards.
  • Reader-Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University from 25-5-2004 to 24-05-2007.
  • Assistant Professor-Mathematics Group at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani from 1-4-2004 to 24-5-2004.
  • Lecturer-Mathematics Group at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani from 05-07-1995 to 31-3-2004.
  • Lecturer-Banasthali Vidyapeeth from 1-8-1993 to 4-7-1995.

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Singular inner functions and associated measures: Indian journal of pure and applied maths, 26(2) pg.149-156, Feb.1995. (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, BHU).
  2. Singular inner functions and associated measures -II: Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.28 (1994), pg.102-113. (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, BHU)
  3. Compact operators of the form on: Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, Vol.65 No.1-4(1998) pg.219-229. . (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, B.H.U.).
  4. Isolation Amongst Composition Operators on the Disc Algebra: Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, Vol.67 No.1-4, 2000, pg.43-52.
  5. Polynomially Compact Composition Operators on the Disc Algebra: Published in Progress of Mathematics, Vol.no.39, pg9-17, 2005. (Jointly with Sanjay Pant, Deen Dayal college, DU, New Delhi).
  6. Fixed point theorems for pairs of multivalued mappings: Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Japan 4(2009), pg 101-108.
  7. Extremal non-compactness of operators of the form uCF on Disc algebra, Math Vasnik, (Vol.62 no 1(2010) pg.19-22 (Jointly with Bina Singh).
  8. Ascent and Descent of composition operator on lp spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol.XLIII No.1 (2010) pg.161-165(Jointly with Pradeep Kumar).
  9. Ascent and Descent of product and sum of composition operator on lp spaces, Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN: 0447-9483), Volume 54 (1&2), pg. 223-231, Banaras Hindu University, 2010.
  10. Common fixed point theorems for occasionally Weakly Compatible mappings under relaxed condition, (Jointly with Arvind Bhatt), Non-linear analysis Series A: Theory, methods and applications.
Full List of Publications:
  1. Singular inner functions and associated measures: Indian journal of pure and applied maths, 26(2) pg.149-156, Feb.1995. (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, BHU).
  2. Singular inner functions and associated measures -II: Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.28 (1994), pg.102-113. (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, BHU)
  3. Compact operators of the form on: Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, Vol.65 No.1-4(1998) pg.219-229. . (Jointly with Professor Nand Lal, Department of Mathematics, B.H.U.).
  4. Isolation Amongst Composition Operators on the Disc Algebra: Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, Vol.67 No.1-4, 2000, pg.43-52.
  5. Role of Abstraction in Mathematics: Locus -2002(A mathematics Education Magazine), pg.3-6.
  6. Polynomially Compact Composition Operators on the Disc Algebra: Published in Progress of Mathematics, Vol.no.39, pg9-17, 2005. (Jointly with Sanjay Pant, Deen Dayal college, DU, New Delhi).
  7. Polynomial Derivations: The Progress of Mathematics Vol.40 (nos.1&2) pg.109-118, 2006 (Jointly with Sanjay Pant, Deen Dayal College, DU, New Delhi).
  8. Fixed point theorems for pairs of multivalued mappings: Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Japan 4(2009), pg 101-108.
  9. Fixed point theorems for occasionally weakly compatible maps in probabilistic semi-metric space: International Journal of Mathematical analysis, 3(2009) 12, pg 563-570.
  10. �Some fixed point theorems for set-valued maps in symmetric spaces�, International journal of Mathematical Analysis, 3(2009), pg839-846(Jointly with Arvind Bhatt).
  11. Extremal non-compactness of operators of the form uCF on Disc algebra, Math Vasnik, (Vol.62 no 1(2010) pg.19-22 (Jointly with Bina Singh).
  12. Ascent and Descent of composition operator on lp spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol.XLIII No.1 (2010) pg.161-165(Jointly with Pradeep Kumar).
  13. Ascent and Descent of product and sum of composition operator on lp spaces, Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN: 0447-9483), Volume 54 (1&2), pg. 223-231, Banaras Hindu University, 2010.
  14. Common fixed point theorems for occasionally Weakly Compatible mappings under relaxed condition, (Jointly with Arvind Bhatt), Non-linear analysis Series A: Theory, methods and applications Vol.73 (2010)176-182.
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