• Ravi Pratap Gupta

    Assistant Professor
    Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur)
    Contact Information:
    Tel. +91-9168720360 Fax:(+91-542-2368174
    Email Id:[email protected]
    Employee No.

    Academic Qualifications:
    S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
    1.M.Sc.Allahabad University2007
    2.Ph. D.IIT, Kanpur2014
    Professional Employments:

    S. No.Name of the Post Name of the DepartmentName of the Inst./UnivDuration
    2.Assistant ProfessorMathematics DepartmentV.N. Institute of Technology, NagpurDec 31, 2014-Feb 5, 2015
    1.NBHM Post Doctoral FellowMathematics Department(India)May 01 (2014)-Dec 29 (2014)

    Area of specialization:

    Differential Equations, Population Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Mathematical Biology: (i) I am interested in studying nonlinear dynamics of some kinds of differential equations, such as ODEs, DDEs and PDEs. (ii) I am also interested in mathematical modelling and studying transmission dynamics of some infectious diseases (for instance, malaria, Hepatitis B virus, HIV etc).

    Honours and Awards
    • CSIR NET-JRF, DEC. 2008.
    • GATE Qualified in 2007 (AIR-391, 93 percentile).
    • NBHM Post-doctoral fellowship in 2014.
    • Dr. DS-Kothari Post-doctoral fellowship in 2014 (Not Availed).
    • Got AIMS-South Africa Post-doctoral fellowship at Stellenbosch University (Not availed).
    • Got 2nd position in B.Sc. II and 3rd position in B.Sc. III year and over all 9th position in B.Sc. at Ewing Christian College Allahabad.
    • Got a medal and certificate for oral presentation in National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematics & its Application held on February 12, 2011 at BND College, CSJM University, Kanpur.
    • Received Medals and Certificate for invited talk as a guest lectures and conducting lab sessions in a short term training program (STTP)on Mathematical & Optimization Modelling with Simulation by Scientific Tools for Researchers, Engineers and Scientists at Department of Mathematics & Humanities, SVNIT Surat during June 22-26, 2015.
    List of major Publications:
    1. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, The dynamics of two species allelopathic competition with optimal harvesting, Journal of Biological Dynamics, (Taylor & Fransis), 6 (2), (2012), 674-694.
    2. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, Bifurcation Analysis and Control of Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model with Michaelis-Menten Type Prey-Harvesting, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, (Springer), 20, (2012), 339-366.
    3. R. P. Gupta and Peeyush Chandra, Bifurcation analysis of modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten type prey harvesting, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (Elsevier), 398, (2013), 278-295.
    4. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, Period doubling cascades mof prey-predator model with nonlinear harvesting and control of over exploitation through taxation, Communication in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, (Elsevier), 19 (2014), 2382-2405, Impact Factor: 2.773.
    5. R. P. Gupta, Peeyush Chandra and Malay Banerjee, Dynamical complexity of a prey-predator model with nonlinear predator harvesting, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (AIMS), 20(2), (2015), 423-443, Impact Factor: 0.937.
    6. R.P. Gupta, Peeyush Chandra, Dynamical behavior of a modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with Michaelis-Menten type prey-harvesting, Applied Analysis with Applications in Biological and Physical Sciences, Springer, 2016.
    Full List of Publications:
    Referred Scientific Articles in International Journal of repute:
    1. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, The dynamics of two species allelopathic competition with optimal harvesting, Journal of Biological Dynamics, (Taylor & Fransis), 6 (2), (2012), 674-694.
    2. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, Bifurcation Analysis and Control of Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model with Michaelis-Menten Type Prey-Harvesting, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, (Springer), 20, (2012), 339-366.
    3. R. P. Gupta and Peeyush Chandra, Bifurcation analysis of modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten type prey harvesting, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (Elsevier), 398, (2013), 278-295.
    4. R. P. Gupta, Malay Banerjee and Peeyush Chandra, Period doubling cascades mof prey-predator model with nonlinear harvesting and control of over exploitation through taxation, Communication in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, (Elsevier), 19 (2014), 2382-2405, Impact Factor: 2.773.
    5. R. P. Gupta, Peeyush Chandra and Malay Banerjee, Dynamical complexity of a prey-predator model with nonlinear predator harvesting, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (AIMS), 20(2), (2015), 423-443, Impact Factor: 0.937.
    6. R.P. Gupta, Peeyush Chandra, Dynamical behavior of a modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with Michaelis-Menten type prey-harvesting, Applied Analysis with Applications in Biological and Physical Sciences, Springer, 2016.

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