Shibsankar Das

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (IIT, Guwahati)
Contact Information:
Tel. +91-9451331165 Fax:+91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]; [email protected] web:

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.M.Sc.IIT, Madras2008
2.M.Tech.Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad2010
3.Ph.D.IIT, Guwahati2016
Professional Employments:

S. No.Name of the Post Name of the DepartmentName of the Inst./UnivDuration
3.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of MathematicsInstitute of Science, Banaras Hindu University March 2016 - Present
2.FacultyDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringIndian Maritime University, Kolkata (India)2015-2016
1.Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Fellow Department of Theoretical Computer ScienceCzech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic2013-2014

Area of specialization:

Graph Theory, Stringology, Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, Automata Theory, Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms..


  • Recipient of (i) University Fund (ii) Seminar & Symposia Fund - Institute of Science, BHU, (iii) DST-PURSE (Seminar, Symposia & Travel Grant) Fund for conducting 34th Annual Conference of The Mathematical Society, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on "Emerging Trends in Combinatorics and Its Application", during February 22-23, 2019.

  • Recipient of University Startup Grant (to New Faculties) under XII Plan grant, 2016-2017.

  • Prestigious HERITAGE Erasmus Mundus Fellowship funded by the European Commission for Ph.D. Exchange mobility, 2013 - 2014 in Department of T.C.S., F.I.T., Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2013 - 2014.

  • Member, The Prague Stringology Club, Department of T.C.S., F.I.T., Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2013 - 2014.

  • Institute Fellowship for Ph.D. Programme, as per prevailing (M.H.R.D., Govt. of India) norms at I.I.T. Guwahati, 2010 - 2015

  • Eligibility for LECTURESHIP (LS)-NET in Mathematical Sciences in Joint CSIR UGC (All India) Examination - June 2011.

  • M.H.R.D. Scholarship during M.Tech. Programme, 2008-2010.

  • All India Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (G.A.T.E.) Examination - 2007 in Mathematics.

Current Research Projects:NA
List of 10 major Publications:
  1. Shibsankar Das and Utkarsh Mishra. Calculation of Various Irregularity Indices for Stepwise Irregular Complete Bipartite Graph. 34th Annual Conference of The Mathematical Society - Banaras Hindu University on "Emerging Trends in Combinatorics and Its Application" at Department of Mathematics, BHU, Varanasi during Feb. 22-23, 2019.
  2. Shibsankar Das. A Filtering Technique for All Pairs Approximate Parameterized String Matching. 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC 2018) at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh,India, January 09-11, 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) conference proceedings series. Volume 834: 97-109, Chapter 10. Springer International Publishing, April 2018. [ Print ISBN: 978-981-13-0022-6, Online ISBN: 978-981-13-0023-3 ]
  3. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Weighted Approximate Parameterized String Matching. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 14, Issue no. 1, Pages 1 � 12, April 2017. Elsevier. (DOI: [ ISSN: 0972-8600 ]
  4. Shibsankar Das: An Efficient Reduction of Weighted Approximate Parameterized String Matching Problem to Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching Problem, in International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with American Mathematical Society (AMS) at DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, December, 14-17, 2016.
  5. Shibsankar Das, Rahul Kadyan. Experimental Evaluation of Modified Decomposition Algorithm for Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching. CoRR abs/1605.06989 (2016).
  6. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. A Tight Lower Bound for the Weights of Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs. CoRR abs/1605.00406 (2016).
  7. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Approximate Parameterized String Matching under Weighted Hamming Distance. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics. Elsevier. (to appear) 2016.
  8. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Fine Tuning Decomposition Theorem for Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching. Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC). Springer. 8402:312-322. April, 2014.
  9. Shibsankar Das, Jan Holub, and Kalpesh Kapoor. All pairs approximate parameterized string matching. Technical Report FIT-2014-01, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. March, 2014.
  10. Sujit Das, Vijay Das, Shibsankar Das and Prof. S. Sundar: A Computational Dynamic Channel Allocation Technique in Telephone Network, in CMASM 2007�FIM XIV (Fourteenth International Conference of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics) at I.I.T. Madras and Stella Maris College Chennai, January 6-8, 2007.
Full List of Publications:
A. Referred Scientific Articles in International Journal of repute:
  1. Shibsankar Das and Utkarsh Mishra. Calculation of Various Irregularity Indices for Stepwise Irregular Complete Bipartite Graph. 34th Annual Conference of The Mathematical Society - Banaras Hindu University on "Emerging Trends in Combinatorics and Its Application" at Department of Mathematics, BHU, Varanasi during Feb. 22-23, 2019.
  2. Shibsankar Das. A Filtering Technique for All Pairs Approximate Parameterized String Matching. 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC 2018) at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh,India, January 09-11, 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) conference proceedings series. Volume 834: 97-109, Chapter 10. Springer International Publishing, April 2018. [ Print ISBN: 978-981-13-0022-6, Online ISBN: 978-981-13-0023-3 ]
  3. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Weighted Approximate Parameterized String Matching. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 14, Issue no. 1, Pages 1 � 12, April 2017. Elsevier. (DOI: [ ISSN: 0972-8600 ]
  4. Shibsankar Das: An Efficient Reduction of Weighted Approximate Parameterized String Matching Problem to Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching Problem, in International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with American Mathematical Society (AMS) at DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, December, 14-17, 2016.
  5. Shibsankar Das, Rahul Kadyan. Experimental Evaluation of Modified Decomposition Algorithm for Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching. CoRR abs/1605.06989 (2016).
  6. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. A Tight Lower Bound for the Weights of Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs. CoRR abs/1605.00406 (2016).
  7. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Approximate Parameterized String Matching under Weighted Hamming Distance. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics. Elsevier. (to appear) 2016.
  8. Shibsankar Das, Kalpesh Kapoor. Fine Tuning Decomposition Theorem for Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching. Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC). Springer. 8402:312-322. April, 2014.
  9. Shibsankar Das, Jan Holub, and Kalpesh Kapoor. All pairs approximate parameterized string matching. Technical Report FIT-2014-01, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. March, 2014.
  10. Sujit Das, Vijay Das, Shibsankar Das and Prof. S. Sundar: A Computational Dynamic Channel Allocation Technique in Telephone Network, in CMASM 2007�FIM XIV (Fourteenth International Conference of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics) at I.I.T. Madras and Stella Maris College Chennai, January 6-8, 2007.

B. Teaching/Research experiences :
  1. Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India; July 2016 - Present.
  2. Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Kolkata - 700088; May 2015 - March 2016.
  3. Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati; July 2011 - December 2014.
  4. Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; June 2009 - May 2010.
  5. HERITAGE (Erasmus Mundus) Doctoral (Exchange) Fellow in Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic; September 2013 - March 2014.
  6. Research Member, The Prague Stringology Club, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic; September 2013 - March 2014.

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