Dr. Debanand Sa

Ph D (Utkal University)
Contact Information:
+91-542-2307308 , +91-542-2368390 , +91 8004232575
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Sambalpur University1983
2.M.Sc.Sambalpur University1986
3.Ph. D.Utkal University1994
Professional Employments:

S. No.Name of the Post Name of the DepartmentName of the Inst./UnivDuration
7.ProfessorPhysics DepartmentBanaras Hindu University (India)2011-Present
6.Associate ProfessorPhysics DepartmentBanaras Hindu University (India)2008-2011
5.ReaderPhysics DepartmentBanaras Hindu University (India) 2005-2008
4.Post Doctoral FellowUniversity of Dortmund, Germany1998-1999
3.Post Doctoral FellowPhysics DepartmentINFN (Italy)2002-2004
2.Research AssociateDepartment of PhysicsIndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur1996-1998
1.Post Doctoral FellowThe Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai(India)1994-96

Area of Specialization:

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics.

Contact Information:
Department of Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221 005, India
+91-542-2307308 , +91-542-2368390
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest :
  1. Correlated electron systems.

  2. Low and high temperature superconductivity.

  3. Fermi and non-Fermi liquids in low dimensional systems.

  4. Kondo and quantum impurity problems.

  5. Nested and spin-Peierl�s systems.

  6. Ferroic and multiferroic materials

  7. Emergent Gauge theories

  8. Topological insulators and superconductors

Positions Held :

  1. 2004- Reader Dept. of Physics, BHU, Varanasi.

  2. 2003-2004 Visiting Scientist, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  3. 2001-2003 Guest Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems (MPIPKS), Dresden, Germany.

  4. 1999-2000 Research Associate, Fachbereich Physik, Univ. of Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany. 1998-1999 Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Univ. of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.

  5. 1996-1998 Research Associate, Physics Department, I.I.T. Kanpur.

  6. 1994-1996 Post Doctoral Fellow, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

List of 10 best publications :

  • Novel topological phase due to coexistence of superconductivity and spin-density-wave: Application to High Tc superconductors, Amit Gupta and Debanand Sa, Solid state Commun. 203, 41 (2015).

  • Topological phase in a d(x2-y2)+(p+ip) superconductor in presence of spin-density-wave, Amit Gupta and Debanand Sa, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 24 (2016).

  • Spin-orbit coupling, spin currents and emergent gauge fields in solids, Debanand Sa, AIP Conf. Proceedings, 1461, 160 (2012).

  • Raman scattering in orthorhombic multiferroic RMnO3: The role of mixing of lowest harmonic among the components of magnetization, Shruti Shukla and Debanand Sa, Solid state Commun. 150, 2001 (2010).

  • Superconductivity in NaxCoO2.yH2O: Is spin-charge separation protecting d1+id2 state?, Debanand Sa, Manas Sardar and G. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. B 70, 104505 (2004).

  • Hidden Quantum Critical Point in a Ferromagnetic Superconductor, Debanand Sa, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm), 66, 140505 (2002).

  • Superconductivity from a non-Fermi liquid: A Ginzburg-Landau approach, V. N. Muthukumar, Debanand Sa and Manas Sardar, Phys. Rev. B 52, 9647 (1996).

  • A generalized Ginzburg-Landau approach to Second Harmonic Generation, Debanand Sa, Roser Valenti and Claudius Gros, European Phys. Journal B 14, 301 (2000).

  • Effective Charge and Spin Hamiltonian for the Quarter-Filled Ladder Compound a-NaV2O5, Debanand Sa, and Claudius Gros, European Phys. Journal B 18, 421 (2000).

  • Pair breaking and Bound States in Disordered Superconductors, Debanand Sa, A. K. Chattopadhyay and Richard A. Klemm, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 14, L577 (2002).

  • List of Full publications :

  • A mechanism for pairing of RVB excitations, S. N. Behera and D. Sa, Bull. Mat. Sc. 14, 1045 (1991).

  • Phonon-Raman scattering in a correlated superconductor, Debanand Sa and S. N. Behera, Physica C 203, 347 (1992).

  • Raman scattering in a correlated superconductor II: A finite temperature study, Debanand Sa and S. N. Behera, Physica C 226, 85 (1994).

  • Phonon-Raman scattering in a nested Fermi liquid, Debanand Sa, IP/BBSR/93-47.

  • Effect of single particle hopping and out of plane magnetic impurity on coupled planar superconductors, Manas Sardar and Debanand Sa, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 9, 737 (1995).

  • Superconductivity from a non-Fermi liquid: A Ginzburg-Landau approach, V. N. Muthukumar, Debanand Sa and Manas Sardar, Phys. Rev. B 52, 9647 (1996).

  • Formation of local moment near a static vacancy in one dimensional large U Hubbard model, Debanand Sa, Europhysics Lett. 42, 289 (1998).

  • Static vacancies in a one-dimensional Heisenberg model, Debanand Sa, Solid State Comm. 108, 727 (1998).

  • Potential scattering in Luttinger liquid: Weak versus strong correlations, Debanand Sa, Solid State Comm. 113, 263 (1999).

  • Local moments in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets doped with static impurities, Debanand Sa, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 26, 2725 (1998).

  • Incoherence versus coherence in c-axis conductivity in high Tc superconductors, Debanand Sa, T. P. Pareek and A. M. Jayannavar, (preprint).

  • A generalized Ginzburg-Landau approach to Second Harmonic Generation, Debanand Sa, Roser Valenti and Claudius Gros, European Phys. Journal B 14, 301 (2000).

  • Effective Charge and Spin Hamiltonian for the Quarter-Filled Ladder Compound a-NaV2O5, Debanand Sa, and Claudius Gros, European Phys. Journal B 18, 421 (2000).

  • Pair breaking and Bound States in Disordered Superconductors, Debanand Sa, A. K. Chattopadhyay and Richard A. Klemm, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 14, L577 (2002).

  • Hidden Quantum Critical Point in a Ferromagnetic Superconductor, Debanand Sa, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm), 66, 140505 (2002).

  • Fermi surface topology and Ferromagnetic Superconductivity in UGe2, Debanand Sa, cond-mat/0301333, (2003).

  • Superconductivity in NaxCoO2.yH2O: Is spin-charge separation protecting d1+id2 state?, Debanand Sa, Manas Sardar and G. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. B 70, 104505 (2004).

  • Is Li2Pd3B a self doped hole superconductor?, Manas Sardar and Debanand Sa, Physica C 411, 120 (2004).

  • Possibility of stripe ordering in unhydrated NaxCoO2 at x=1/2, Debanand Sa, Manas Sardar, R.Shankar and G. Baskaran, preprint (2006).

  • Influence of pressure on the electric-field induced phase transitions in liquid crystals, Amit Srivastava, Debanand Sa and Shri Singh, European Phys. Journal E 20, 63 (2006).

  • Pressure variation of re-entrant transition temperature in liquid crystals, Amit Srivastava, Debanand Sa and Shri Singh, European Phys. Journal E 22, 111(2007).

  • Landau theory of ferroelectric transition in long cylindrical nanoparticles, Preeti Khare and Debanand Sa, European Phys. Journal B 63, 205 (2008).

  • Anomalous X-ray diffraction peak broadening and lattice strains in Zn{1-x}CoxO dilute magnetic semiconductors, Chandana Rath, P. Mallick, D. Pandey, Debanand Sa, A. Banerjee and N. C. Mishra, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 21, 075801 (2009).

  • New collective modes in multiferroic TbMnO3: The electromagnons, Shruti Shukla and Debanand Sa, Solid State Commun. 149, 1557 (2009).

  • Pressure driven re-entrant transition in liquid crystals: The role of inverse layer spacing, A. Srivastava, Debanand Sa and Shri Singh, liquid crystals, 37, 227 (2010).

  • Soft mode analysis and ferroelectric transition in spherical nanoparticles, Preeti Khare and Debanand Sa, Solid State Commun. 150, 172 (2010).

  • A phenomenological Landau theory for electromagnons in cubic spinnel multiferroic CoCr2O4, Shruti Shukla and Debanand Sa, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 22, 225903 (2010).

  • Raman scattering in orthorhombic multiferroic RMnO3: The role of mixing of lowest harmonic among the components of magnetization, Shruti Shukla and Debanand Sa, Solid state Commun. 150, 2001 (2010).

  • A self-consistent approach to soft mode analysis in size driven ferroelectricity, Preeti Khare and Debanand Sa, Physica B 406, 2948 (2010).

  • Surface effects and diffusive phase transition in ferroelectric thin films: A self consistent approach, Preeti Khare and Debanand Sa, Solid State Commun. 152, 1572 (2012).

  • Spin-orbit coupling, spin currents and emergent gauge fields in solids, Debanand Sa, AIP Conf. Proceedings, 1461, 160 (2012).

  • A phenomenological theory for polarization flop in spiral multiferroic TbMnO3, Shruti Tiwari and Debanand Sa, Pramana-J. Phys, (DOI: 10.1007/s12043-015-1090-9).

  • Novel topological phase due to coexistence of superconductivity and spin-density-wave: Application to High Tc superconductors, Amit Gupta and Debanand Sa, Solid state Commun. 203, 41 (2015).

  • Topological phase in a d(x2-y2)+(p+ip) superconductor in presence of spin-density-wave, Amit Gupta and Debanand Sa, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 24 (2016).

  • Thermoelectric transport in the topological phase due to the coexistence of superconductivity and spin-density-wave, Amit Gupta and Debanand Sa, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 1(2016).

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