Dr. Horesh Kumar

Associate Professor
Contact Information:
+91-9451313683, +91-8726502181
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Kumaun University, Nainital1997
2.M.Sc.Kumaun University, Nainital2000
1.Ph.D.Banaras Hindu University2013
Area of Specialization:

Research Interest: Thermal properties of glassy materials, specially chalcogenide glasses Themo -mechanical properties glassy materials. Electronic properties glassy materials.

Contact Information:
Department of Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221 005, India
+91-542-2307308 (Ext. 239);+91-9451313683, +91 8726502181
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]
Positions Held :
  1. 2007-date Lecturer, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

  2. 2002-2007 Lecturer, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India.

Awards and Fellowships :
  1. 2001 Certificate awarded for qualifying National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC-CSIR, New Delhi.

  2. 2006 Certificate awarded for qualifying Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by I.I.T.

Full List of Publications:
A. Referred Scientific Articles in International Journal of repute:
  1. H. Kumar, N. Mehta and K. Singh Calorimetric studies of glass transition phenomenon in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx alloy; Physica Scipta 80 (2009) 065602
  2. H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh ,A. Kumar Composition dependence of thermal stability, micro hardness and compactness in glassy Se90In10-xGex Alloysʺ Physica B 404 (2009) 3761-3765
  3. H. Kumar, N. Mehta, N. S. Saxena, Effect of Li irradiation on the crystallization kinetics of glassy.Se98In2 Alloy; Effect of Li irradiation on the crystallization kinetics of glassy.Se98In2 Alloy� Philosophical magazine letters 89(2009) 126-135
  4. H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh, N.S. Saxen;Effect of lithium ion irradiation on the glass transition kinetics of Se98In2 Chalcogenide glass;, Phase transition 83(2010)1-9
  5. H. Kumar, N. Mehta, A. Kumar Effect of some chemical modifiers on the glass/ crystal transformation in binary Se98In10 alloy; Journal of thermal analysis & Calorimetry 103(2011)903-909
  6. H. Kumar, N. Mehta and K. Singh Calorimetric studies of thermal crystallization in glassySe98-xTe20Snx;10)alloys;, Physica Scripta 83(2011)065602
  7. H.Kumar,N.Mehta, Kinetic parameters of glass transition and crystallization for glassy Se and glassy Se98M2 (M=In, Sb and Sn) alloys; ,Materials chemistry and Physics 134(2012)834-838
  8. A. Sharma, H. Kumar, N. Mehta, Determination of specific heat in multi-component chalcogenide glasses of Se-Te-Sn-Pb system using modulated differential scanning calorimetryʺ, Material letters 86(2012)54-57
  9. H.Kumar,A.Sharma,N.Mehta, Effect of Bismuth incorporation on some thermomechanical properties of glassySe78Te20Sn2, Journal of Optoelectronics and advanced materials 14(2012)899-904
  10. H.Kumar,A.Sharma,N.Mehta, Effect of Bismuth incorporation on some thermomechanical properties of glassySe 78 Te 20 Sn 2 , Journal of Optoelectronics and advanced materials 14(2012)899- 904
  11. A.Sharma ,H. Kumar, N. Mehta, Study of composition dependence of Specific Heat inSe 80- x Te 20 Sn x Chalcogenide glasses, Russian journal of glass physics and chemistry,39(2013) issue3- 4,to be published
B. Scientific Articles in International/National Conferences/symposia/workshops etc.:
  1. A study of glass transition kinetics ---------and after Li radiation; DISCOMB09, 5-8,January Deptt. Of Physics, BHU
  2. Comparative analysis-----D.S.C Technique;International Conference on Multi functional materials(ICMM-2010),7-9 Dec.,2010, Deptt. Of Physics, BHU
  3. Study of glass transition----Se-Te-Sn-Pb system, Aicon-2012,20-21 January Deptt. Of Engg. Physics CSIT Durg (India).
Current Research Project:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. "Synthesis and Characterization of some Se-Te-Sn based multicomponent chalcogenide glasses for optical memory applications" (P.I)-UGC, New Delhi1.7 lacs

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